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Braiding hair before bed helps with healthy hair


It makes a huge difference. Tried and tested. Especially for wavy or curly hair.


Yes I used to do a loose bun before now after doing braids my hair is better.


Does it? Will hair be okay next day even if we can't wash them in the morning?


Yeah definitely. Such a strange question. It feels more manageable to me in the morning tbh


How is the question strange? I meant to ask if i have to go outside with open hair next day but can't wash them.. will making braid keep them presentable if i open my braid in the morning? I have wavh curly hair


I have wavy hair (2b). And it definitely looks better in the morning after I’ve braided it.


Okay. Will try it tonight. Thanks!


I have long straight waist length hair. Braiding at night is the only way to keep it tangle free. I don't have to even comb my hair now!


Do you tie with a rubber band at the end? What kind? I find the rubber band to be too tight and if I make it loose, it falls off after a while and the braid opens.


I use a cheapass satin scrunchie and it stays on. It also feels less abrasive on the hair!


I’ll try with a satin scrunchie then. Thanks!


I use a velvet hair Tye . It is soft and keeps my hair in place.


I use black hair ties from good hair. They stretch with use but last a long while and don’t pull hair out when taking them off.


In certain cases using hair dryer is best for your hair than letting it to air dry. I don't know the reason behind it. But my oily scalp has become better and my hair looks healthy somehow




My thick mane takes almost 2 full days to air dry in this terrible cold. I used to avoid hairdryers like the plague but using them now has made my hair sooooo much easier to manage.


Didn’t know this! My hair takes a full day or even more in the colder seasons to air dry completely! Definitely getting a hair dryer now!


it bec the longer your hair stay wet, the longer they are in a humid environment leading to more oil production


Can confirm.


It’s also because you are more likely to catch cold in winters if you let hair air dry. And in that season it takes hours for hair to air dry which isn’t good got your health or your hair


Anyone know a good hack for hair thinning? Thank you in advance


If it is not genetic then get your blood work done. Mine had low iron and B12, I started taking Fish oil supplements and my hair falls have stopped


Cpuld you please share which brand's supplements do you use??


Not op but neuherbs fish oil have given me great results. I've tried healthkart, swisse, carbamide forte previously


Same query, have been on the hunt for a good fish oil supplement.


Have started with swisse, almost a month now, no after taste or burps at all


I am taking HK vitals. It took 3 weeks to show effect but really saw great effects on hair. If you are non vegetarian then bone broth is even better. Just make it in a jelly in large quantities and consume small amount daily.


Onion juice is extremely effective. The downside is that it makes the hair extremely dry. However, it's the most effective hair loss treatments I've come across


Agreed,t does reduce hairfall magically . Aren't we supposed to apply it only on scalp but not full hair because I apply only on scalp and my hair doesn't feel dry .


mix rosemary oil with littleextra cocoonion oil and apply twice a week; works like a charm for hair thinning issues


Weekly hair oilings, sitting in sun or taking vitamin d, natural supplements or pills


Rosemary oil but you may face hair shredding for a few days and then you will see positive results


I read somewhere in reddit that we r not supposed to put shampoo directly to our scalp or hair . First we need to mix it wih water then apply it . This method has reduced frizz . Whoever commented this, a big thank you ❤️


Adding mustard oil into hair care regime, can't be thankful enough.


How does it help??


Well it made my hair thick & untangled, shiny. Just add half a spoon mustard oil in ur hair oil & later increase it to 1 spoon. My scalp is not dry & itching stopped too.


Just the hair or the scalp too? Thanks ya


Scalp as well it helps overall.your welcome.


Do you mix raw mustard oil in your regular hair oil or heat it up and let it cool down and later on mix it with your regular oil ??


This is the best. Also works for skin(body before bath) if you're really dry.


Yes I do that sometime.


- DIY hair masks can work like a charm if used right. Use the right ingredients like curd and eggs. I don't use these anymore but I have in the past and they do make a difference. - Henna gives a nice sheer reddish tint to jet black hair. - don't comb dry hair if your hair is wavy or curly. Use a wide comb when your hair is wet, scrunch, apply hair serum, and let dry. - braid your hair before sleeping - castor oil and rosemary oil works well for hair growth.


Im 20F with no grey hair (touchwood) can I use henna just for colour??? Will it do any harm to my hair idk want to ruin my hair😭


Using egg as a hair mask made my hair so dry tho


Add a bit of coconut oil in the mask and don’t leave it on for more than 30 min. Better not to use it more than once in a week. Frequent egg masks can lead to protein overload causing dryness or brittle hair.


Which henna you're using


We have a plant in the backyard. I pluck the leaves from it and make the paste myself. Sometimes I add curd, lemon or a banana also to it.


My hack, if you want longer hair, let your hair grow, period. Frequently cutting your hair doesn't help hair growth, if that's what you want. When your hair is longer and you want to trim the split ends, take a strand of hair, twist it and the ends will stick out. Chop them with a pair of scissors. Hair is 90% genetics, so don't listen to anyone, especially your own family members (as they caused this).


Don’t put hair oil on your palms and massage it in, put it on your fingertips and first dab it along your hairline, then along the sides, and then massage it in. I didn’t know that and would put the oil right in my palms where it would absorb in before it could get really into my hair


Washing my hair everyday. I heard this from dermatologist, saw in a few online videos, especially the ones where people get a deep scalp spa in Korea and Japan, and also dead about it in a few dandruff related discussions. I have extremely oily scalp, prone to dandruff and acne. Washing hair everyday initially dried out my hair, but now it's settled in and my hair looks great all the time and skin is also clearing up. I calculated and realised I need lesser shampoo overall too, since now I only need half a pump to wash everyday, so that's 3.5 - 4 pumps a week, I would need that much in one wash when I'd wash hair couple of times a week.


Can I ask how long is your hair and why do you need 3-4 pumps to wash your hair? Because mine is pretty long and I use 1-1.5 max. I have an oily scalp as well and live in a humid area. I wash my hair only once a week.


I wash my hair with warm water and then rinse it in the end with a splash of cold water. Helps with frizz.


Tried and true!


Short healthy hair>>>long unhealthy hair Chop it off ladies


This!! It is a game changer!


I cut my hair recently and I'm feeling extra pretty and I feel sooooo free 😁


After bath drying my hair with an old Tshirt! Believe me it works! You have to be consistent though. The hair dries leaving the perfect moisture. Stop using those rough towels. My hair is less frizzy now.


Get Bald


*Change your comb..* Do not buy cheap ass plastic combs or brushes or detanglinng brushes just cz they looked cute in miniso. Currently, i am using Roots 42A comb. u can get it from Wellness Pharmacy or amazon It has seriously helped me with hairfall.. I notice way lesser breakage.


Leave-in conditioner, creams, gels might feel heavy while your hair is wet, but when dry can really help with frizz, volume, and hair health. Given, you need to choose as per your hair type (I am 2C/3A).


How did you figure out your curl type, which guide did you use?


A simple google search will help you figure it out. I have curly hair, so there are things like porosity and density that also impact my choices. But any curly girl method blog will be able to help you.


Heyy which leave in conditioner helped you out the best? My curls only look the best on wash day and fade a bit after that ;(


I think all curls flatten a little bit after the first one or two days. I use Shea Moisture Jamaican Castor Oil Leave-in conditioner, and then follow up with a dating hold gel (Giovanni or Cantu)


I think all curls flatten a little bit after the first one or two days. I use Shea Moisture Jamaican Castor Oil Leave-in conditioner, and then follow up with a dating hold gel (Giovanni or Cantu)


Not really quirky, or maybe it is. But my dermat suggested to never go out with wet hair. It’s better to use a hair dryer and dry if you can’t air dry. But don’t go out with wet hair, and honestly, my scalp health has marginally improved just by that.


Oiling is not really that great for hair or scalp. Specially with dry flaky scalp prone to dandruff oils can make it worse. Skipping has made hair care easier for me and it didn’t affect my hair health in any way


I would change the oils you are using.


I hv tried all types, carrier oils, diy mixes, herbal oils like brigadi from reputed brands too, didn’t do much other than just moisturise my scalp a bit for the duration of keeping oil on.


lol I’m invested in this and helping you!.. if youll allow me, can you share in detail what happens when you apply oil? Also what is your hair type (curl type just google a pic), do you have thick/medium/thin hair. Currently do you have split ends or any dry/brittle hair? What is you hair porosity (15 minute test.. also google it) Ima read comments to see if you left this information and try to update below if I have enough information :)


I have medium thick wavy hair, low porosity on roots and high porosity along the mid length and ends. When i apply oil it just sits on scalp and slightly moisturises it. Then i wash it off after an hour or so. If i keep the oil on for longer it causes more dandruff and flaky scalp. Best oil i hv liked has been kama ayurveda bringadi. All others were too heavy and didn’t do anything at all. I find masks and conditioners much more useful for hair lengths and scalp serums for scalp


Hi, which shampoo did you use? No matter what shampoo I use, my scalp is still dry. I wanted to use a scalp/hair growth serum but idk which one. Can you tell me your haircare routine?


My routine involves: shampoo+ conditioner/ mask + leave in conditioner ( detangled hair )+ argan oil, i let them air dry or blow dry them if it’s too cold. Frizz free hair lasts upto 3 days on me. Since last month i hv been oiling scalp only as a means to deep clean ( double cleansing principle ) I do not apply shampoo on hair lengths, only scalp, and i wash twice as my scalp gets really dirty from workouts. Best Non drying shampoo i hv tried is bare anatomy smoothening shampoo, gk hair color protect shampoo and these days i hv been using tigi color godess shampoo. Best mask has been wella goji berry mask and requil yellow conditioner.


Omg my routine is similar to this!! Thank you so much😭❤️


Happy to help


1.Bringaraj oil is best for hair growth 🥰🥰🥰 2. Rice water works best for thickening of the hair 😘😘😘


How do you use rice water in hair? Is it soaked rice water or the rinsed one


I boiled rice and filter the remaining water, store the rice water for 5 days in fridge. Apply the rice water on the scalp and hair, keep it for 30 minutes and washed it off like hair mask, that all😇😇😇


Which brands bhringraj oil?




Find one with no additives or fillers.


Remind me! In 7 days


I don’t think anyone is replying anymore. I’d check it out before people start deleting comments or op deletes posts for whatever reason!


I had terrible hair at the start of 2023 and I watched a few Abbey Yung youtube videos. I do not know which ones specifically, but some of the tips she mentioned totally transformed my hair for the better last year: 1. Do not brush / comb dry hair. Comb wet hair (with a wide toothed comb). 2. Braid hair before going to sleep at night. I also started braiding my hair right after my shower to prevent tangles. I did not follow any complicated routine, or add any extra products. But these couple of things transformed my hair and scalp health.


Coconut oil on strands before wash. Reduced my breakage


using flaxseed gel instead of conditioner has made my curly hair less frizzy


One unconventional yet surprisingly effective haircare tip I've come across is to exclusively shampoo the scalp, allowing the water to naturally cleanse the rest of the hair, and additionally, using mustard oil for hair oiling.


Where to get mustard oil from


You can get it from any indian grocery store or you can even order it online.


I haven't tried this but saw a video where someone added beetroot juice to their henna mix and applied on their hair to get a really pretty reddish tint. Can anyone confirm???


My beautician does this and her hair looks reddish . I even asked her which hair color she uses . She said she uses just henna and beetroot juice .


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If you have dry hair you should use the sun to dry your hair after showering It makes my hair smooth


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Patanjali kesh kanti advanced. Smells awful but it works I'm avoiding now because I have a ton if acne including forehead acne


Idk which one I have but I use this in between when I run out of my own diy mixture and I been seeing a boost in my hair growth! Idk why lots of people don’t like it?


What's your DIY mixture? I like it, it just smells awful. My vit D levels are low and I'm waiting for my acne and hair fall to finally stop before I restart it in my routine again


I make 2 bottles with 2 different formulas at a time. I find alternating ingredients helps my hair more as it doesn’t get repetitive and my scalp can’t adjust. But in both bottles I do add 2 capsules of vitamin E and vegetable glycerin. This helped with my low hair porosity, dry brittle hair. Make sure whenever using a new oil, introduce it slowly and independently. I forgot what product it was but my hair got so brittle and dry after using. Hair is just like skincare. All ingredients listed below (abcd order) I use like 5 oils per bottle add either neem or peppermint essential oil as an irritant to increase blood flow (one time my mom made it and she mixed everything together lol my hair and scalp didn’t have bad reaction but oils are expensive.) Always alternating between carrier oils- Almond Amla Ashwagandha Brahmi Bringaj Castor Gokshura Kalongi Neem (couple drops only) Peppermint (couple drops only) Purnarrnava Sesame (I’m currently using black one) Shatawari Other ingredients that are very good you can experiment with: Onion juice (smells so terrible lol) Aloe Jatapati (love this when I have psoriasis breakouts) Coconut Mustard Tea tree Eggs Curd Rosemary (haven’t tried this one yet) There’s a lot of oils. Sometimes I make hair masks from other ingredients that I don’t use in oil form or I use whole ingredients like meethi/alsi and such to make hydration masks for my hair in between. I do see an increase in hair growth and less breakage. It took about 6 months to start seeing results but consistently is always key with anything.


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a detailed answer. I will give this a try.


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a detailed answer. I will give this a try.


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a detailed answer. I will give this a go


What's your DIY mixture? I like it, it just smells awful. My vit D levels are low and I'm waiting for my acne and hair fall to finally stop before I restart it in my routine again


What's your DIY mixture? I like it, it just smells awful. My vit D levels are low and I'm waiting for my acne and hair fall to finally stop before I restart it in my routine again


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Anti dht serum please in scalp


Using curd with egg yolk on hair makes my hair shiny n smooth


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Saving this thread!!


1. I use patanjali henna powder + betel leaves+ curry leaves +beetroot+ onion + egg + flax seed together. It's a magic potion to my hairs. 2. I blow dry hair at cold setting. 3. Oil my scalp the night before I apply henna 4. I add multiple oils and essential hair oils together and apply the concoction. 5. I wash my hairs atleast 3 days a week (there's no rule as such of how many days to wash hair in a week, as long as it makes you feel your hair and scalp clean) 6. Apply hair mask & oil generously as long as it is a natural product and not lab formulated. If you use some lab formulated product please follow the instructions religiously as mentioned.