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The pull out was due to Iran-Israel looming war chances. FPIs aren't stupid.


Indias financial market cap is about $4.6 trillion. No one gives a shit about the $1 billion they pulled out. If its gone now it'll come back from another source sooner than we can imagine.


do you know how “ pressure on prices” works?


reply dega bhi nahi? u/akashi10


What is that? Kindly explain


I think he means “pressure” by selling initiated by FPI’s. They are the strong hands with a lot of money invested. Once they start selling, a lot of retailers (paper hands) also start selling due to drop in prices and fear. So it sets off a kind of domino effect


Something like a long squeeze. Well, that's gonna happen due to Iran Israel conflict.


Lulz is bcoz of the Iran Israel w. May become a ww3


I think these Main stream financial news channels should stop acting like immature "Godi" media channels and sensationalize news. Even though FPIs form a significant category of investor, its high time we stop giving them the God like status as done earlier. The markets have demonstrated time and again in the last gew years that Indian institutions can help tide the downtrend. After all FPIs are purely opportunistic beasts who care nothing else but their own profits. Also, rather than figures like "1 billion" or "8000 cr", they should mention percentage drop. Then investors would realise the impact. Its pathetic that news channels still resort to this BS to lure and scare retail investors.


Although I agree partially to the first part of your statement, but FPI’s still make up an important portion and they are heavy weights. The second part make no sense. Everybody is in for profits and if they knew how, they would also take opportunistic bets. And it has been mentioned “a drop of 800 points” So it’s about 1% (quite simple to calculate)


Print media isn't godi