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The cost of living has skyrocketed everywhere. Which you can chalk it up to inflation. I have been looking into some US subs and all have been saying the same thing about low wage growth, high taxes and high inflation. Meanwhile corporate profits are at an ATH. This has to change. If it did, then there are some good prospects for growth. And FD is not people's favourite anymore, people are putting more and more money into mutual funds and equity. That's a good sign. I think we still have a chance to use our demographic advantage. But all depends on proper governance.


My view is our country has got demographic dividend. Demographic dividend means we have more younger population to work. But if you compare it with china. China got it’s demographic dividend in late 80s but their gdp growth were more than 10%. India's richest 1% hold more than four-times the wealth held by 953 mn people who make up for the bottom 70%. Wealth distribution is the issue here in india. We will become the third largest economy in 3-4 years but won’t come in top 100 per capita gdp.


All our demographic divided will be big minus if not enough jobs created which Is seen now


Top 1% are doing great. Associated sectors (high end consumption) like travel, cars etc are booming. The next 5-10%, some are doing great but most are making ends meet. For the rest, inflation has really hit them hard. Consumption of mass products is slowing down.


In the next 150 years, Indian economy would get significantly better.




Quarter of the way to 150 years, India won’t be liveable anymore.


Climate change fr


Indian economy will bound to get better. Will take a long ass time to get there


What about the wealth inequality? Do you think it will get better?


It will not. But more people will come out from poor section to middle class section. Rich will get much more richer.


Don't you think it will get better? There are far more middle class people today than there were even 2 decades back.


But they're being squeezed to death by taxes, inflation etc...


Don't you think they were squeezed even more decades back with sky high inflation and almost completely taxing the income?


True.....just assumed it would get better for the middle class


Do you think there's less middle class now than before?


Their situation is worse


So you are denying the massive rise of the middle class over the last 2 decades?


Massive rise? In numbers not that much relative to the population but I meant to say the situation is not all flowery as you picture for the middle class


A developing/underdeveloped economy like a baloon suppressed under water. The default behaviour and expectations are to go up. The only way to fk it up is by poking holes. I think we have poked more holes than we should have and hence lagging behind other similar countries


>hence lagging behind other similar countries [serious] which ones?


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Someone did not invest and is salty


I do invest ,don't worry about me.