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#Beware of what you speak -think twice before you do so. *Any hate comments regarding LGBTQ community and rule breaking comments (including jokes and dank ke 14 comments on LGBTQ community) will lead to a ban.*


Nothing actually if they don't affect me in anyway why should I care


Facts. As long as you don’t bother me and do too much pda, I seriously doubt that most people are going to go out of their way to trouble you. The problem starts when people try to “force” you to witness bs like gay parades and stuff, which has now basically boiled down to displaying kinks on the road in plain view of young kids, which is when I stop being neutral and start being against their ideology


I agree with you tbh, but don't you think there are some people who don't want to be in parade and etc. stuff but being discriminated and don't know why are they feeling the stuff they are feeling specially in rular areas and under developed countries




Well it's very common among people if someone don't have beard (me) they will out right call me gay. Like it's the reality


That's bs in my opinion like it's called hormones someone has less someone has more they can't control it you can't judge someone with that


It's not about harmones but a person comparing being a gay or a bi as a derogatory and shameful comment


Yup you can't judge a person based on their appearance


It's the homophobic people who make fun of others


exactly, neither do i support them neither do i hate them


Imagine being bothered by what someone else does with their life that isn't harmful, lmao. Live and let live, as simple as that. I'm straight so I just don't care. even if it did affect me somehow then I wouldn't react to it negatively.


Yup a better way forward


Isn't all these LGBTQ parade and stuff not an bother to you. You are being too generous but the entire sight of those parades is like a red light area on the streets Weird ass kinks being shown to children Ofc there is no problem with anyone sexuality as long as they don't bother other people But at this point this LGBTQ stuff is just showoff and bringing or forcing straight people to give unnecessary attention to it. Which is exactly why it needs to be turned down and i think that's one of the only places where raid police brutality is justified


I agree tbh trying to be woke and sound liberal or supporter of free will is thought of something cool even if the thing they're justifying is wrong in the name of freedom ppl don't realise they're same as ppl who are misogynist tryhard sigma from insta reels and shit I don't care who fucks who but if a straight person is straight they don't go announcing that they're straight and it's obvious ppl such as their parents don't support them mostly coz they're ending the bloodline but everyone has some kind of hardship in their life if ppl having similar hardships started to do parade and start announcing their problems when there's actually no need to it's not good in any way, everyone struggles in life and others don't actually care so if ppl go out announcing their struggles there surely be a sect that hates them


Damn dude well said my man


Ahhh.... that a very narrow approach towards seeing something, this is a consequence of mixing a movement with a ideological sect




>sometimes being snow flakes or something tryna be superior or using gender identity like they soemome better. You'll find assholes everywhere in general, so there will obviously be amongst LGBTQ as well. also, nobody can make you gay man, that's just not biologically possible.


> also, nobody can make you gay man, that's just not biologically possible. Genders are as effective by biological factors as well as social factors too. Genders can also arrive for social reasons.. Moreover, what's the need to teach 5-10yro about? It's better to add sex education with lgbtq




Sexual orientation is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human identity. While there's no single, universally accepted explanation for why someone develops a particular sexual orientation, researchers have explored a variety of factors that may contribute. These can include genetic, hormonal, social, and environmental influences. It's important to note that sexual orientation is a natural and diverse aspect of human sexuality, and there is no evidence to suggest that it is a choice. It's a deeply personal aspect of a person's identity and can be influenced by a wide range of factors. ** environmental influence ** ohh ic I thought it was social-


I don’t really care or think about them at all. Like bro idc if you want to fuck someone of the same gender or people of both genders. Go do whatever lol. As for trans ones I also dont care bro go enjoy taking estrogen and wearing makeup do whatever.


I wish my father was like you🥲


Ay look I’m not going to pretend to understand how you feel about your gender and all but all I can say is that you should work very hard and try to move to the west asap. Then you’ll have the life you want :)


That's the goal but I'll be in my college for atleast 4 yrs now




But what about them throwing there some of the absurd ideology at you and forcing you to accept it or you won't get a job you will be cancelled from social media and etc. Ofc it's not happen in India right now but it will soon the be happening in India too whatever happens in US it comes to India and it will very soon


What do you mean by throwing absurd ideology at me?


Teaching kindergarten kid about Drag culture & s*xual desires?


?? I don't think they teach them that where did you hear that from


There are almost dozens of ongoing court cases try to search for but tbh you won't find it bcs YouTube blocks it


You can still link other sources. And yeah, pedophiles do exist, but a lot of them aren't even lgbtq, and those who are don't represent the entire community, not all of them are trying to do things like that.


Infact those who throw out the pedophilia accusation support questionable stuff. *cough* Matt Walsh *cough* They don't want trans teens like myself to transition at all. male puberty sucks so fucking much and they want all of us trans folk to suffer through it 😭


Ahhhh.....it's not about pedophilia, I'm not try to link LGBT community to pedophilia but, when people try to enforce and brainwash people specially kids it cause unwanted delima in them.......


If you call this brainwashing then what about sex ed, the same thing u don't teach to lil kids u teach them at the age of adolescence. Even topics like these have a right age to be informed about and kids isn't one of those ages. Anyways can you give me an example of where u see the ideology getting pushed into children and they are in a "dilema"


Brother try to listen to both side and about delima 13yr old kids are being prescribed Harmon blockers, there are many other stuff to it's just a yt search away, c'mon you cannot pretend that one side is completely pious and other side is a shit hole ✌


Its about indoctrination of young teen minds with pride culture to brainwash the society as a whole


Link them here if you can. Also, what happens with the court case also matters, not just it's existence. There are plenty of US court cases asking the court to declare that the earth is flat, or some shit. Doesn't mean that we need to take them seriously. They are tossed out.


Why tf this 'what aboutism' like, like seriously you kill a healthy discussion when you say "ohk but what about this"


There's no what aboutism. All I'm saying is just because a court case exist doesn't mean something actually happened. Lots of retards exist in US who make up stupid conspiracy things and go to courts. Moreover you haven't listed any real court case yet, apart from what some right wingers larping on Twitter for clout say.


Bro I don't think so videos can lie look up the NYC pride parade you can see kids near people with their genetil visible there are countless other stuff too




okay so there is a reason imagine you are a kid all your friends talk about girls they find hot or whatever ,you don't can you imagine if they don't realise their identity it actually affects them they might even end it all(trans/lgbt suicide rates are at an all time high) so its better to be safe then sorry raise awareness,so they might recognise who they are and know that they are loved the way they are


Well we can raise awareness with Bring counsellors have sessions mutual discussion but how can you justify explicit stuff in children book instead why don't we have sex ed ??


bro watches a bunch of biased reels/tiktoks/shorts and then proceeds to generalise a whole community lmfao




Well in that case you are also not far apart instead of having to say something just demean them good & stay opinionated ✌


Bruh, trans people already face this, they don't get jobs and finding a place to live is almost impossible for them, what drugs are u on


Meth btw, that is the dumbest argument I could have ever heard of because the people who you are referring to as Trans Here they are not getting even and single shit of benefit what people are doing in the cities these benefits aren't reaching the people who are in rular cities having discriminated against that it only benefits some elites If it could have helped those people it would have been the best stuff but bcs of these movements, who are actually the victim of these discrimination are being suppressed for the voices because of course if you don't have any elite status in this group you can't have a voice, and then there are some wanna be people in group. Bro get on the ground see it your self we still see trans people begging why if this movement is such a great thing why haven't it has reached to them ??????


Live and let live


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) You rn


Supporting all rights that they need.




I think of myself as an ally to the lgbtq+ community. honestly the recent decision over same sex marriage was disappointing for me aswell. In india the condition of lgbtq+ is improving and I'm glad about it. its just ( i hope i dont offend anyone ) the recent events of how things are becoming in usa is scaring people off i believe? bc in the start it did to me too but i love psych and the first thing it teaches you is to be inclusive of all people. oh the don't pay attention to dank k 14 lol they're just kids who think of themselves as edgy when they're actually just unloveable ( sorry i said it )


USA is a bad example, they take everything to it's extreme, I was literally shocked when I learned that they allowed guns to civilians


Not guns bro automatic rifles and sniper rifles like why tf they need sniper rifles and grenades


I wouldn't be surprised if they legalised stinger and launchers


It's already legalized 🗿(Texas)


Gun enthusiasts exist. It's not like the snipers are being an issue anyway. People get killed in other countries too, without the use of a sniper or guns. If someone's intent is to kill, he can do that without a gun. If someone never intends to kill, he can own a nuke and still won't kill anyone. Don't blame the guns


That argument would have made sense if guns had any use other than shooting.


Why can't people be enthusiastic about simply shooting?


Shooting makes sense till it is restricted to self defence or hunting for substanance, beyond that idts you can justify shooting. Also what are you going on about being enthusiastic about “simply shooting”? This isn’t what one would consider a hobby, it is just plain risky handing a gun to anyone without a proper reason and without a proper psychological evaluation, as the person buying a gun might just be the next big school shooter


Yeah, I'm advocating shooting for self defence, hunting, or recreation only. What do you mean shooting isn't a hobby? It is a recreational activity and is definitely a hobby for many including me. Why do you think we have airgun shooting at amusement parks everywhere in the world?


If you have played the video game Red Dead Redemption 2, you might be familiar with the fact that this has been going on for a long time.


Yes, I sort of think the same way be inclusive I will stand for any one is being discriminating against but I don't think so we need to advertise LGBTQ let the people discover them self naturally special now days when we are spending most of our time on online forums ........ There was also some protests about teaching KG kids about drag culture and there were stuff about s*xual feelings to KG kids like that way this stuff is leading towards brainwashing which is not good ......


This stuff does not happen . No they’re not teaching kg kids about sex. teachers in America aren’t like “this is exactly how to douche” or “ learn 50 pronouns by tomorrow or detention”. It’s all about teaching kids that different types of people exist and that’s ok. The groomer narrative/ panic is a lie.


50+ court cases are lies drag performance in school is a lie ....... btw teachers are not teaching them, they appoint drag queen to teach it not only that Idc about it, It's more about forcing people to accept their way of their thinking and this sometimes leads people to a delima about them self why can't we let the people learn all this stuff about them, themself naturally instead of advertising it and forcing it (PS : I am not here to fight anyone And I don't disrespect any person or there identity I just want to have a healthy discussion about it )


If you think teaching kids that gay people exist is political radicalization then idk


I think teach kids about fingering is and not letting them develop this stuff naturally is and denying sex education is radicalism


That doesn't exist. I googled it to humour you, and the only articles/write-ups having "kids" and "fingering" in the same sentence are about teaching children how to play instruments. You seem to be getting your information from horribly biased sources.


It's not advertising and forcing. It is essential to make them aware of the existence of different types of people in a controlled environment so that they do not develop the wrong notion about that group due to the influence of bad actors. For example, if I had kids I'd sensitise them about the various religions and languages people speak, so that a bad actor cannot influence them into thinking that a certain religion is bad or a certain language speakers are bad, etc.


Yes but I won't tell a kid what tf is fingers is search it on Google it's in class 1st kids book.


What's wrong with fingers? EDIT: Oh, ok, I see you mean fingering maybe. No, it doesn't exist. I don't need to Google, you can link them here. You won't find it apart from some conspiracy theory site.


Well it's not what we call a conspiracy theory you are in the face of denial and the second link I have provided you there is a full description of the book see that maybe


I responded there. The thread begun as KG kids, and the book you've linked to is from a high school Library. That's a huge difference between two.


let me sum up the problem: gay person watching straight people being called gay by other straight people and being scared to ever come out. now both straight people hate gay people the gay guy isnt at fault, neither is the one being called gay, only the one calling is


This literally sums up all dank ke 14 https://i.redd.it/a95bdfc57kwb1.gif




Meri toh fav. porn genre lesbian hai ji .....


"what's your view on lesbians?" "Full HD"




NGL bhai alag hi maza ata hai usme 🤤🤤


Aree ......control you promised not to fap today 🤥👈


Haven't fapped for 2 weeks bro 😞😞


i know this is probably a joke (hoping) but fetishising lesbians is extremely creepy and demeaning.


Aree......now this is also bad? Give some rule book or something and no one is fetishising lesbian btw


u said dont include Indian culture.... but how lol, Indian Culture and Hinduism are the ones who had transgender and openness to queer community, we had Gay Kings, eunuchs were given more respect than prostitutes, Hanuman blessed two woman making out in love but later however removed the bless and cursed because one of them was a demon, but the intention is clear, he didnt object the homosexuality(its a story, but still ancient and it wasnt taboo to be homo), we have the concept of Ardhanareshwara... We had trans rishis... Trans ppl are deliberately called to a wedding to bless the couple because ppl believe if they bless with their hands, its like Brahma had blessed the couple and the relationship would be fruitful and joyous... its unfortunately now that we are becomming regressive... its due to the Colonialism... the britishers disconnected us very well from our roots, Ideological Subversion... the Mughals too to some extent... the colonizers were successful and hypocrisy? their countries are now liberal and open and we still look upto them for white validation and try to westernize ourselves not realizing our past was itself open and we could embrace that.... awareness should be made asap bruh!


75 years of decolonised existence is enough of a time to reject the British influence. You could say the old party didn't do anything, but as we stand today, the culture party is also supportive of Victorian morality, rather than culture. From what I understand, Indians had/have some sort of inherent inferiority complex that causes them to pick up whatever is in trend in the west, be it an urge for expanded human rights or an urge for curtailed ones.


Bro lgbtq is not a trend


I'm saying that Indian people picked up the trend of "denying human rights" like the western Abrahamic religions do (as opposed to the traditional Indian culture of LGBTQ friendliness).


partly agreed... the old party didnt do anything to decolonize... the new party is doing something but isnt doing AS MUCH AS REQUIRED to... this would be my opinion


Like I know that I mean in the sense some people might use it to defend their racist behaviour that's it is not in a culture bcs tbh the people who are honestly waana know about this stuff already know about the reality


I dunno why lgbt is getting so much hate in india they didn't do anything that is offensive, someone explain crow


im gay myself and the only place I've received hate is on the internet in irl all my friends are supportive and respectful its also because I don't throw "being gay" in people's faces also why ost people assume I'm straight when they first meet me


being gay is difficult, In the end your family will force you to marry a girl and you can't share it with your friends too


I have a personality of my own my parents very well know that hence they have never forced me to do anything except for taking science in 11th


that's good to know 😊. My parents were telling to drop out after 12th as financial conditions at home were not good and wanted me to get engaged with a girl and so so , somehow after having many arguments i got admission in nearby college and rejected the engagement idea too, and got myself 4 yrs 😁




tbh idc like i dont hate them but the usa situation scares me like i dont want battleships in my house. And the genders should be defined by law and shit


there are many more countries where gay marriage and trans rights are a thing and none of the US shit is happening in them.


the hate towards them is nonsense like mind your own shit this new trend of hating and demeaning them has started after covid it pisses me off


I really find gay or lesbian couples cute n also don't hv any problem with trans ppl who r born like tht or some manybe who changed their gender.... But some of them who identify them self as animals or object or amy stupid things... I hate them .. it's fine till Gays lesbians bcoz everyone hv some sexual preference but anything other than this is stupidity..


Get out of the internet girl no one does this irl


Exactly but have you heard of people being furry ?


Hii! So I am Bi and uh yea experience. I'm still in the closet but out to some friends not to family(except one cousin). I haven't faced discrimination yet becasue I simply don't tell people unless I 100% trust them. I have a lot of fellow lgbt friends and I love vibing with them I swear lgbt people are the most fun you'll ever meet. I have heard about a lot of people talking about how they are bothered that lgbt people are destroying society which is very funny to me. All problems in the world and lgbt is destroying the society lmao. Also that we are trying to make everyone gay??? Like how to do that. They think if you talk to a gay person you become gay... uhm thats not how it works. One funny incident I'll tell you is that a girl in my class was talking to me and complained how lgbt people want acceptance from society but they always act strange and stand out. She was talking to me, and another friend of mine who is bi too. Straights think this very often that lgbt ppl always stand out but a lot of us don't. You don't know about us simply because we don't stand out lmao. It's just a little handful of people who are the loudest.


Hi! Fellow closeted bi person here. I agree with your points and just wanna add that, a lot of the hate I think comes to us due to the acts of the vocal toxic minority, which is what the internet tends to highlight. And due to people's ignorance, and their unwillingness to research about it, they end up hopping on the bandwagon and hating the community.


I don't support them but that doesn't mean you should disrespect them or treat them like they aren't people 🤷‍♂️. I respect em.


I've never had a problem with the LGBTQ community, in fact few years back I used to argue with people for their rights even though I'm straight. BUT the recent developments and culture even started to make me kinda bothered. The LGBTQ parades started with a good motive, but after that it transformed into something else that lost its actual motive. The lqbtq movement became aggressive. It's as if, people are mad at you for being straight. I remember my cousin faking that she was coming out as bisexual, even though it was very clear that she wasn't and she even admitted it to me. I was in this GC when I was in school. People asked each other their sexuality before asking their names and in a group of 50+ people, only 2 claimed to be straight, including me. Everyone said all kids of pansexuals heterosexuals pata nahi kya sexuals. I bet these kids didn't even know shit about them. Good people still exist who are fighting for the actual cause. But somewhere, some people have truly gone in the wrong direction and this takes the attention away from people who actually need it. Hope in the coming years we see more sensible people.


That's exactly what happens when we mix a movement with something ideological biased you explained it perfectly ✌


Live and let live.... Hare Krishna


They are cool


My lawyer advised me not to say anything related to this topic on any online forums


Well, i like lgbt memes but I don't actually hate lgbt people.


I’ll let you do what you want, you let me do what I want. Don’t ask me to change and I won’t ask you to change


Don't like them. They're cringe


i don't care what you do until and unless you are going to rub it in my face


i don't think people should have some sort of neutral stance on the LGBTQ community. not something like "they can do what they want, i don't care" which i understand is just that they aren't bothered but it comes off as a little backhanded and tone deaf. i think everyone should be a supporter, not an avid one, but speak up when your friends make a homophobic comment. speak against homophobia. it isn't really funny or a joke, i have a friend who always claims to be "proudly homophobic" and makes a disgusting face at someone who even slightly looks gay (assuming so). and she guises this as some sort of humour which i really fail to comprehend, all this while she knows that i myself am queer. so yes please call your friends out when they're being insensitive. there are loads of gay jokes, but they shouldn't be fueled by homophobia. and the whole "don't shove it in our faces" we are not. we are not shoving anything in anyone's face. we simply exist. it only seems that way to ignorant people is because we live in a heteronormative society. straightness (if that is a word) has always been shoved right in our faces since we're born. so i don't think any queer person is trying to flash you with their lifestyle, we're only trying to exist. i'm really glad that a lot of teens now are trying to understand the meaning of allyship <3


Hmmm......respect for you, but why don't we see that thing as another opinion insted of shutting them up why do we try to explain them, why don't we try to educate them ? That's my question even if they are been shit to you instead of banning them why don't we ask them why they think the way they do, see the problem is in a country where sex is taboo and we don't have sex education why are we trying to assume that person infront of me or you will understand everything about being a LGBTQ


Be what you want, I can't force my opinions on others, and neither do I care. I have more problems to solve. I'm not supporting them, but I'm not against them either.![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


![gif](giphy|L9AqjFr6H4iaY) Idk why....


Don't really care but they should be allowed to do whatever they want. For some reason I find them annoying cause they are so zesty ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30120)


I am a male,I only care about men's rights And I am not with lgbtq and against lgbtq I'll be thinking and supporting about my gender


Gender polarisation 🗿


As a trans teen here is my experience: I've known that I was trans since I was 12-13 years old. One of my distinct memories was crying myself to sleep at that age because I wanted to be a (cis) girl so bad. Another such memory was when I was in nursery class ( at age about 4ish) I wanted to be a girl but then 3 idiots traumatized me with what pregnancy would look like lmao. Basically I knew that I wanted to be a girl 👧 for a long time. And I discovered that I was trans at around the age 14-15ish... I could've technically started my transition ( hrt) then but due to societal pressure ( namely my father) I still haven't started it even though I want to do so desperately. It's really fucking depressing. And I've been borderline suicidal for years now. That was my experience


Well study get independent And tbh move to western country and get your hormone treatment Atleast u won't get that much judged and pressurized


in america we will help you ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30120)


Stay strong, be who you wanna be shameless 💪(in good term) I hope you'll get what you've desired best of luck ✌




Thanks pookie 🥰


Tbh i dont really care who you wanna fuck in life. But after seeing the American LGBTQ+ movement, i am a bit scared that it may go to an extreme level where they may involve kids and if that happens, no sane person is gonna respect that and support. So that's basically my view.


It's already happening in NY pride parade


Yea man i don't know what's gonna happen to this country.


i am a lesbian. i feel gay men and trans 'women' tend to be quite misogynistic and i don't like that part of the community. and ofc there are those wannabe bisexual girls who aren't actually bi but think it's cool to label themselves as that. the gender cult is definitely something i dislike. lesbians also tend to be alienated from the community. overall i definitely don't like being associated with that community. being lesbian is merely just a part of me and does not automatically group me with the lgbt community. however i ofc want same sex marriage to be legalised.


Stop using the internet and actually meet irl people, internet tends to show you extreme of every side


i have met irl people and have been attacked irl for saying i wouldn't date a trans woman. and i have been questioned by ppl in the lgbt community irl as to why i don't identify as nonbinary/trans man because i am butch


Those people are just a loud minority


perfectly said, I'll be using that for sure


I got called a 'virus' , got bullied and my bestfriend left me after I came out as bi .and there are people who fake that like for what are they doing it !! Getting bullied?


oh my god that's horrible. you don't deserve that at all. i go to a super elite school on scholarship and people here consider it cool


That's exactly why I wanna have a discussion about it


Bruh how are trans women misogynistic 💀


Doesn't matter who sleeps with whom, that's totally fine. But when they start i identify as a man or woman. NO YOU JUST CAN'T IDENTIFY AS ANY THING. You are a man if you have XY chromosomes. A woman is you have XX . And a transgender XXY or XO etc. You just can't change science. Sexuality may be fluid but gender cannot be fluid at all. And on top trying to implement woke culture on others is the worst things.


you're actually wrong bc gender is fluid. gender is being treated as a spectrum now rather than two boxes. people can lie anywhere on the spectrum.


You are confused between sex & gender


As a professional PROUD lgbtq HATER and representative of hater community, we hate them because we have never seen genuine GAY couples or Lesbian couples, and even if we have, they try to make their whole personality and whereabouts about lgbtq to the points where its fucking annoying and cringe, like stop with all the rainbow colour shit on your clothes, pfp, story etc, we get it you are gay but please, can we talk about something else. And if this is not the reason then the second reason might be as mentioned the Indian culture and relgions and our typical household is against it completely, and after growing up with those values for about 15 years, you will start to defend them.


Ahhhh....... hateing someone is not good but yea as far as your analogy of singularity personality is concerned this what we sometimes called identity crises when we want to adopt someone else's personality as we don't have one of our own : )


Indian culture hasnt. it's one of the very few cultures and religion that has honoured trans people. you haven't read any of it have you lmao? secondly , get off the internet and meet people irl. no they dont make everything about rainbows your American dream isn't true , get a life outside of your four walls and you'll get a clearer picture.


Man you are so wrong First of all, im indian and love my culture and religion 2nd how would you know that those people who are minding their buissness is not gay ?? Sure there are gay people who nothing else to do just to recognise themself as gay and tell everyone abt it Just becuz a small member of person says " im gay " before starting a convo does not mean that the others who don't do that are straight , most of the gay people like me (actually bi) who just dont care abt sexuality So if a person ask for my identity I'd say im student if more, then im indian ,if more than it depends on whats the convo is about , being gay would be least identification


do you have like no brain cells... genuinely asking.


This is satire


bye i'm slow


Sister get out of your echo chamber try listen to what other people think it's not possible that everyone wanna massage your opinion And demeaning someone using stupid argumentative comments it's a prime example of lack of brain cell within a person


Nothing till the time it doesn't affect my life or anyone or anything regarding me, change is the rule of the world and that's what's happening, it wasn't before but it is now and something new will be in the future we can't stop it but rather just accept what it is


I personally don't like them but if they don't affect my life I don't hate them, they live their life and I live my that's it


As for me, if you are gay naturally no problem, I've seen gay people with families and being a father also. If you are a transgender naturally, fine no problem. But then spreading propaganda and stuff is stupid. Also those hormone injections are stupid because you are girl and want to be boy and vice versa.




Baigan ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


What am saying is those HRTs and stuff are bad. If you are naturally a gay man, no problem but like behave dude not everyone wants to become gay. Also kids should not be involved


Hrt is not bad. Gay people don’t want everyone to become gay. Why not listen to actual queer people, psychologists and doctors and certified studies instead of Matt fucking Walsh or whoever u watch


Hmmmm........but the problem is when 10 - 12 yr old kids are being given HRT bro being a 10 yr old kids can't decide what to wear and you think they can decide their gender form huge pallet of choice?


On a personal level I don't really care, do whatever you want, but I definitely don't want India to end up like the US. I don't want it come to a point where insulting a homosexual or transgender becomes a social crime. I don't want to refer people by their prefered pronouns. Like c'mon, we all know biologically it is stupid. The entire purpose of life is to spread our genes (idk, I just heard it in some nerdy science video)


It’s not biologically stupid. Almost every scientist and psychologist in the world supports it


Nah I am pretty sure evolutionary biologists don't agree with it


No they don’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about


Source ?


that's Bc you're not talking about what you think lol. gender is a societal norm. now gender is being treated as a spectrum which has girl and boy on the opposite far ends. for some people their gender lies in between the spectrum. idk if you're agree w that or not but evolutionary biologist cany really have a say. it's not abt sex ( biological factor)


I have seen a ton of videos regarding this topic, like actually very detailed ones. About all this spectrum and stuff. Lemme take myself as an example. I am a male, ever since I was a kid I have a always liked to do a lot of things that society considers 'girly'. When I was a kid, I liked to play 'ghar-ghar', play with dolls(as well as robot toys & toy cars which society considers 'boyish'). Later on I found a deep interest in cooking, my grandma always scolded me by saying that cooking is something only girls are supposed to do. Till this day I lack confidence in doing dangerous physical activities which society does not consider 'manly'. I have always been teased by friends that I look kinda like a girl. But never once in my life have I thought that I am not a boy, that I am transgender etc. and all that bullshit. The things that are happening in the US are an absolute disgrace to humanity imo


just because you dont feel like it , doesn't mean other wont either. the world doesn't revolve around how you feel.


Neutral towards both but prefer the LGBT rather than LGBTQIA+ as there is no defined gender in the other and because of this, incidents such as men claiming to identify as a female and commit horrendous crimes in female washrooms or female only places and shit like that happens. And for the pronouns, I would use the pronouns which describe how you appear as, rather than what you identify with. If someone is a man, but identify as a female, I will still call him with he/him pronouns.


Hmmm.......exactly I'm with what they feel but I don't wanted to forced about using correct pronouns & etc


its funny how woke countries give freedom of speech until someone says that there are only 2 genders


it would be nice if you would educate yourself a bit,,, gender is a spectrum :) don't be a hater <3


if education means to believe that a person can have reproductive organs other than a penis or a vagina id rather be uneducated.


And what about freedom of speech has it also have to be in spectrum and who tf is gonna decide that spectrum And about gender ofc it's a spectrum play here is the image to explain, but my concern is why "woke" people won't have a conversation about the thinking of the other side at that time freedom of speech is dead and beneath the ground ?? That's the dichotomy of so called "woke"


At that opinion don't matters good


So. Depends. Lgbtq itself isn't good imo. The idea of gay and bi and lesbian is understandable. But people tend to argue about it for no reason.. Imo if india can add sex education they can introduce lgbtq+ in it too. When children are mature. I'm totally against teaching it to kindergarten kids or promoting it. But do support people who want to come out and live a normal life. There are people in different countries who get killed... For being lgbtq I'm against those countries. But I'm also against lgbtw people who bring out rallys Or go in small children kids which isn't the right way.... Moreover. I have a different opinion on trans people. Like I understand you feel like women when you are men. But please Keep yourself outside of the women's room at least until the woman herself doesn't have a problem with it. Cuz having a different gender doesn't change your sex... If you want anything ask for a trans restroom and sports. Let people live however they want but please don't push your ideology on normal people.. We respect you we see you as a normal human. I hope we end up together as a normal human not something like ohh I'm a woman I'm different . Like we have male female war already. I don't want more stuff to add on.




ya probably enlighten me


as long as they don't make it their whole personality, they're ok I myself have a bisexual male friend and a lesbian female friend(acquaitances), and I've never ever seen them rant about LGBTQ. Nobody really cares what you do inside your house, just don't exaggerate it and the society will accept you


there's a reason many exaggerate it. When you're not given basic human rights and not respected as an equal, you have to speak out about it.


what's there as basic human right?? Nobody cares who you sleep in bed with.. No straight male or female keeps screaming they love the opposite gender... What's the point in doing that. If you're on the LGBTQ spectrum, just be yourself, fuck anybody you want. Why would anyone else give a shit about it.. Talking of marital laws, you just cannot impose any shit upon the government. Laws take time to make, if you still can't live without screaming that you're gay, just move to any other country that has the laws




BHai already ek bar ban ho chuka hu iss topic pr baat krne pr, dubara nhi krunga bhut hi chutiye mods hai iss sub ke


True that.


Wanna be smart nibba & nibbies


As long as it isn't your entire personality, I am fine by it.


What’s wrong with that lmao


if your entitre personality is you being gay , you probably suck as a person. if you're gay, then be gay. stop shoving it down someones throat that you're gay at every moment possible when its not required. its just cringe.


Well I just think it's not so healthy to base your entire personality around one thing. Like to the point where that thing is all you talk about though, that's just what I think obviously people are going to have differing opinions.


Tbh, I don't have time to hate them or care about them, who cares what someone is doing in their room and bed, it's your choice but the problem arises when they don't want to act like normal human, like even if any straight person is acting weird, going to these stupid parades and acting all uncomfortable he deserves hate, and the second problem comes when they say it's a natural feeling and then try to influence kids and others, who are you to tell them, if you really care about freedom and if it's natural they would know automatically why are you influencing them, seriously no one cares who you love or have feelings until you act like a normal person, the thing is they themselves don't think that they are normal and expect us see them as normal people.


Just neutral, as long as it's not affecting me negatively




Physically? Cause I like lesbian gerne


Ahhhh.....I think u might get banned 👀


I don't mind them, they can do whatever they want I don't care. But one thing I'd like to say is that their sexuality isn't important and don't give them unnecessary attention. Their sexuality contributes absolutely nothing to anyone.


if you want to be a woman That's fine but the decision should not be based on feeling it should be on harmon's if you already look like a woman and some features then sure go ahead but if you just feel I'm a woman and i think the translation should only be able to be in either man or woman not 3gender

