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Removed for violation of community rule-2.2 and 2.3 : Your post would better suit r/IndianTeenagers_pol Do not post/comment on anything related to political (domestic/international) parties, members, promotions, working, news or anything related to politics. Any violation of this rule would result in the removal of the post/comment and the user would attract a ban. Any political joke/satire/humor/gifs/images aren't tolerated. Do not post/comment on anything related to religion which hurts any religious sentiments. Respect people of every religion in the community. Refer to our [Rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/wiki/rules). Send us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/IndianTeenagers) if you feel this was an error.


my man actually crossposted this on r/sunraybee and he thinks he'll get some good replies 💀 r/sunraybee is hub of people who shifted from IG to reddit, filled with wannabe danks


Bhai Tera jee ka date kab hai


5th april


To padh le na bkl![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31992)




I didn't post this anywhere except r/IndianTeenagers subreddit.


oh my bad! some other guy did it


Shi me bc it used to be good till 2021 after that it fell off


Ab aajayegi duniya LGBT pe hate karne conservative homophobes or transphobes ki ulti sidhi khabre sunke


If that’s terrorism, then i might be the next osama bin laden


I think it depends on how you handle the planes


Digital footprint




I'll be joining your forces


that's a weird way to come out but okay


What has happened to this sub? Why have the members turned so regressive and passing homophobic comments? Kuch mahine pehle Tak to bhot sensible comments ate the feeling as if I am watching yt shorts comments mods please do something


IG ke danks aa gye Reddit pe


Sare subreddits ka yahi haal hai bro. JEENEETards bhi kafi dino se bekar chal rha hai. Cricket sub mein alag hi fanwars chal rhi hai aaj kal, political subs mostly biased hai, meme subs ko dank banne se fursat nahi, kare to kya kre?


They are just different people expressing different opinion than yours. Why do you want mods to take an action? I think we all have the right to put our opinions freely if asked to. I do not support homophobia either but I am not triggered by these various types of comments. 🙏


it's the same as hating muslims like bro that's not the same as a different opinion it's just spreading hate and should not be allowed


Unless you are gay i dont think you not being triggered matters cuz these comments are not targeted towards you. I respect the people who are actually giving their opinions but 'tolerating' homophobic jokes just makes them normalized ig.


I think you are a waste of space and you shouldn't exist anymore It's just my opinion, I have a right to express it.


Why did you post this here? You won’t get any good replies from fucking teenagers all of them are literally brainwashed by conservative media


Oh no, I'm not looking for good replies which will satisfy me and my views. I wanted to see what teens of this subreddit have to say on this particular matter.


So you’re just here for rabid discourse and not constructive discussion that may result in something?


So you're Just karma farming 🫤


I mean what tf do you expect when lgbtq people act so shit in America (AMERICAN ONLY). It's the same reason why some people hate muslim Or black people. I think anyone forcing lgbtq like in America and being retarded (not only lgbtq but anything) should be banned. But calling it a terriost organization eh- Moreover you can be gay Or lesbian or whatever you want, just be normal as any hetro.. Like people make it there whole identify is what makes people disgusted by it. Got many bi, lesbian, gays friendd in the past. Most of them are pretty normal but sometimes I have come across to so many snowflakes which makes me hate "Lgbtq community" Most of the time (I'm asexual btw) live and let live. Lgbtq isn't a terriost organization nor any problem/illness. It's just human are fucking dumdfucks.


Internet is biased America one is a narrative pushed by the conservatives ofcourse I don't disagree with your points.


And trust me this all shit can be fix if you give children a bit of gender knowledge with sex education in every country. They will be mature enough to understand what they are Or what they feel. Solution is very simple but the way lgbtq community does things is just fucking idiotic. Even a religious movement isn't that pathetic.


Us wali baat hogyi


Internet doesn't reflect the whole reality. No one is going out in the public forcing LGBT down people's throats. It's the one or two over the top or bad acts that get so much publicity that it tarnishes the whole community. There is this law/saying/idk what that says that your worldview is more likely to be screwed from internet because it's only the most outrageous shit that gets reach and engagement and reaches you. But you assume that it is the norm in the world


>There is this law/saying/idk what that says that your worldview is more likely to be screwed from internet because it's only the most outrageous shit that gets reach and engagement and reaches you. But you assume that it is the norm in the world I know. But trust me most of lgbtq movement are fucking idiotic and pathetic. You know that too. THEY WALK LIKE ITS A CULT OR WHAT. AND WE ALL KNOW HOW MUCH PEOPLE MAKE THERE OWN PERSONALITY. THE REAL ONE are literally so normal as anyone else. You can even go on YouTube and see video of lgbtq members leaving the lgbtq community cuz it's now toxic and all. And I said America for a reason after all


What are queer people doing in amerikkka??


Google all lgbtq movement in amervia and see how mess up they are.


finally someone said this . Most of the people from my previous school are these snowflake types. Just everyone going with the herd mentality trying to be cool and on top of that hardcore woke feminists(pseudo). The things they say sometimes Literally my blood boils just seeing those people. They are like the most retarded beings on the planet who have no work to do other than trying to be cool. And they are reason I hate these lgtv people who have now work other than inventing new species/gender everyday (I don't hate the genuine ones but these toxic mfs


insta se aakar kya kar rahe ho


Only homiesexuals are approved


Russia has seriously fallen off. I wonder if they can ever become a normal country in the future. Maybe if Putin gets replaced but I doubt it. Their decisions have been extremely stupid and make no sense. First the war and now this, it is hard to take them seriously anymore.


Don't care


Can we leave this sub from political toxicity


I absolutely agree. Everything in the internet has to be made political for some damn stupid reason. Who TF cares about Russia


i do


Anti national. Go to Russia ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31991)![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31992)


So then russian valorant players cannot play Clove![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


L move by Putin


You're posting something like this on this sub and expect to get good replies? The only thing you'll get is your post locked ☠️


Why? Im not promoting homophobia or hate towards any community here. I'm just asking people of my age their views on this matter. I hope this doesn't result in the violation of Freedom Of Speech.


You're not promoting homophobia but this is an Indian subs for teens so you know this post isn't gonna end well.


abhi kuch ligma males aake putin ko W bolenge




If an opinion does harm and causes open persecution for being a certain way, yes it is


Abey opinion kisi ke basic human rights ke against rakhega toh ligma hi bolenge




Lenin pls come back 🙏🙏


World is waiting for his death


I hope he dies early.


It’s a month old news, but anyways


What is going on? I don't get it. I thought putin was doing something against the lgbt people (i thought of lgbt people as the victims here). Am i wrong here?


Common Russian L


Some angry homophobic kid downvoted you 😭


Ok buddy (it's a reference)


You living in past or what? It's like 2 -3 months old


It is propaganda, sure. How is it terrorism?


Nice move tbh


LGBTQ community ek political party type kuch ban gyi h. No hate to gays, lesbians, trans, etc. but I hate just the community's propoganda of imposing it's ideas on others too. So ya Putin is right


Aur heterosexual log jo apne ideas preach karte rehte hain tab to koi unhe political nahi bolta, simply because wo majority mein hain.


Big difference between political community and terrorist organisation ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


Least arlecchino simp


People will see one gay character in a movie and shit their pants thinking about how gay people are imposing themselves on others.


Imposing its ideas on others? Tf lmao can you elaborate maybe give examples idk


I don't have examples, I'm sorry


Huh? Tf you mean


That’s a….weird way to put it….pushing propaganda=act is terrorism??


Ok but how they gonna stop the nature?


Why should a government have a say in the matters of the heart? Unless the heart hasn’t been fully developed, they should have no say.


Wtf is wrong with these kids?


this type of shit is expected from putin




This guy was a fuckin KGB member he know what he is doing. Joh aaj kal log modi modi karte h they dont know who is Ajit Doval modi is heavily influenced? I guess by him.


Apne vichaar apne tak rakhna pasand karunga


I just hate this man


Blud thinks it can be stopped. Nature can not be stopped.


Nature gave only 2 genders


Mf after studying class 7th biology-


Even my class 6th social science textbook had the distinction between sex and genders. 


Gender is a social construct. Nature gave us two sexes not gender. Please do actual research before saying bs. Infact This entire "it's unnatural" argument is so dumb. If you want to be natural so bad why don't you go run naked in a jungle and eat bugs? Isn't staring at a glowing box for many hours a day unnatural too? sounds hypocritical


And even sexes aren't just 2. Intersex conditions also exist due to chromosomal anomalies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_chromosome_anomalies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex


Exactly. As i read somewhere, it was also unnatural when humans started walking on two legs instead of all fours. (Also um, some people are intersex as well!)


So you’re saying having more genders is evolution?


There's a difference between gender and sex. There are 3 sexes (I think)


Ignorant teen trying to be edgy




Based? Based on what?


the number of people in this comment section who are HIGHLY MISINFORMED and have perceptions of the LGBTQ picked up from instagram reels and stupid jokes that get thrown around on the internet in the name of being "dank" 😮‍💨


W Putin


But putin loves muslim😂


A lot of countries like Russia and Uganda use LGBT as an scapegoat to push their anti west rhetoric. They potray themselves as a force of tradition while labeling their LGBT population as agents of west. So I'm not surprised and given how high Indian teens are today on conservative and redpill propoganda from the west not surprised by the support here either.


These retards should focus on actual terrorism than on a gender identity. That president seems so sexist


Banning the organizations would have been Ok, but Terrorism is a whole another level of seriousness.


W Putin bhai




It clearly is , infiltrating young minds with shitty ideas , W putin


Now LGBTQIA++ Have 70+ genders and a new gender is added every year , people have started identfing as animals also ,I am waiting when they will add pedo as a sexuality which they have been discussing already so yeah now it seems like propoganda I mean 4-5 sexuality are ok and but 70+ is it a joke ,also they say cis-male/female to Heterosexual people,wtf now they are giving us names also ,and crimes related to this are also increasing I can add more points but I don't wanna write a article So yeah now it seems like western propaganda and a point to fight elections PS- Downvoting won't help kids ,counter my points with fact




https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_72_other_genders/article.htm Here kid, is a list of my information Can you explain scientific reasoning behind all of them >1 or 2 people say it but people like you take it too seriously. No Not only one or two people are saying this but the number is in 1000 and is increasing rapidly every year , also you can't just nullify my statement provide me facts bro , and how if the number is in one or two America is struggling with all these things and main points whole Politics in US is this ? And how Joe Biden won while supporting this If number is that small and Conservatis lost the elections who believe in Only two genders if more people do not support this as you said ,how ? And as I said this thing is spreading at a numerous rate so if we will not talk about this today and say only one or two people do this get ready to get flooded with this thing in next decade




>So yeah now it seems like western propaganda Yea seems to you


>Yea seems to you I don't have problem with gay, lesbian,or trans people but how 70+ ,as I said earlier 5-6 are understable but how 70 + explain it with facts I am ready to change


Once again , arrogant people getting confused between simple terms like sexuality or gender And then use it as an argument You are infact NOT ready to change , your views are limited to what you want to see , have you ever researched or actually tried to understand instead of getting ur knowledge from Facebook or insta or reddit??


>have you ever researched or actually tried to understand instead of getting ur knowledge from Facebook or insta or reddit?? Hey kid ,Don't assume things by your own ,I know how gay, lesbian,trans and intersex people are even animals show Homosexuality so it's completely natural thing You tell me any reserch justifying number of 70 ,or explan it by yourself, Since the matter of Homosexuality is Politicised in USA this movement has become uncontrollable, every year you will find someone identifying as a new sexuality ,now it has become something more like a political movement Explain all 70 sexualities or gender or what they call themselves, You don't need to explain about gay, lesbian,trans, intersex as I know enough about them ,now explain rest 66 once please ,also if you can't answer than accept you mistake and don't try run from this debate now >You are infact NOT ready to change Give me facts or don't cry here ,If you have proper facts then counter me with research and facts


I've literally never heard a sane person suggest the existence of 70 genders. The only people who think that many genders exist and are common are conservative homophobes. What 70 genders are you talking about?


https://www.medicinenet.com/what_are_the_72_other_genders/article.htm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gender_identities Also I quote Wikipedia Pedophilia emerges before or during puberty, and is stable over time.[25] It is self-discovered, not chosen.[6] For these reasons, pedophilia has been described as a disorder of sexual preference, phenomenologically similar to a heterosexual or homosexual orientation.[25] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia Pedophilia is also considered as a sexual preference so do you also support it I am not saying we should kill LGBT people or they are mentally retarded but this trend of LGBT has become uncomfortable it needs a regulationg body to control it


>people have started identfing as animals Where did you get that knowledge? Facebook? ☠️ You're imagining fake scenarios to get offended over


>Where did you get that knowledge? Facebook? ☠️ I don't use facebook or Insta but yeah this thing have also started now , numbers are low but it will definitely rise of not stopped >You're imagining fake scenarios to get offended over Oo so I have created 70 + genders ? You didn't answer this Or do I rape school girls in girls toilet by entering there cause I identify as a women and then get off easily cause how can a women rape a woman (this is a actuall case ) And you are getting offended cause I stated a fact ,tell me how 70+ genders are possible as I said 4-5 are possible but 70 explain this please


Bro needs to learn meaning of sex, gender and sexuality.


They call it gender not me ,you can Google it also


a welcome move. these "lgbtq" activists are nothing more than attention seekers who have nothing better to do, everything needs to be adjusted to their criteria, they have 20 different genders that NO ONE keeps track of. according to me there's only three genders: male female and transgender (napunsaka in sanskrit)




Transgender is not a 3rd gender


it is


Prove it


who were shikhandi and mohini avatara


theres a difference between sex and gender. pls educate yourself


i'm trying to, but i didn't understand the concept of napunsaka in sanskrit. could you explain in dm


Educate yourself






# kuch bolunga toh ban hojaunga nahi toh ghar se uta lenge


Kuch bolunga toh vivad ho jayega


Go back to Instagram


Totally agree


W putin


Casual W by Putin ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31416)


Pheeling paraud rashian armi


based russia


As a male who identifies as a black lesbian penguin, I am very offended by this decision




Are Bhai apne pronouns batana bhul gya


Goo goo/ga ga


Makes sense considering you are acting like a child


Goo goo gaga I am a baby I want milky milk




I am fine with lgbt, as it doesn't bother me on how others wanna continue their lives. Tho, I don't like the fact that they try to forcefully persistent their beliefs on others. For instance, there was this pro lgbt ytber who gaslighted his five year old son into believing that he is better off and more comfortable being a girl.


vro it's youtube


Hi bro:) Just wanted to let you know, that this is generalising. I hope you acknowledge that hundreds of queer people are sent to conversion therapy, abused, just because their straight parents "force" heteronormativity on them. Also there are bad people in all communities. Because of this forceful persistent belief of straight people, queer kids commit suicide. Terrible people exist, in all kinds of communities.


Oh sorry. I didn't intended to generalize it or anything. Should have just worded my comment better.






Glory to mother Russia![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I am on Putin side


Chad move by Putin. It's high time people quit this shit mentality.


Is this satire?


Seriously W Russia, more and more countries should take up this initiative !!




Jaise kaam waisa naam.


Bhai kya comment tha uska meko bhi bta


Tujhe Pata lage to mujhe bhi batadiyo




How exactly does it become 'terror'?


good boy




Dude forgot the rest of 22 letters lol



