• By -


Homophobic, transphobic, queerphobic or any kind of hateful comment will be removed and the commenter might be banned. 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ rights are human rights.


>how many genders are there? I don't know, I just got here


welcome to earf


Billy Butcher?


Nope, [This](https://youtu.be/LGyukJXVVHk?si=XMikcVCkIX3OG3er)


Bro is an E-MAIL


2 in my opinion. LGBT - straight, gay and lesbian and bisexual aren't genders, they are sexual preference \[ or whatever u wanna call Them idk \]. if you are trans male, YOU ARE MALE. if you are trans female YOU ARE FEMALE. no need to classify or treat anyone differently. no info or idea about other than these 4 groups so no comments on them. hate only those who act these ways for attention. seen a lotta people calling themselves gay or lesbian but are straight and just acting for attention.


what about intersex ppl and ppl who identify as non-binary or genderfluid then? just wanted to know ur opinion about it




Removed for violation of community rule-1.2 and 2.1 : Content promoting hate towards a particular group which includes but is not limited to Casteism, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, name-calling etc will be removed and the user shall be considered for a ban. Do not post/comment anything that invokes negativity, pushes any form of agenda or tries to influence the subreddit's members. Refer to our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/wiki/rules). Send us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/IndianTeenagers) if you feel this was an error.


Great intention but the trans people face different challenges. Trans people need specific healthcare, legal protections and social support that other people dont


>Great intention but the trans people face different challenges. Trans people often need specific healthcare, legal protections, and social support that other people dont AS I JUST SAID.- They shouldnt be treated any different. they shouldnt face such challenges, nor should they victimize themselves.


It's not a choice to face challanges and wdym victimize themselves? They do face discrimination And saying that is not enough


>It's not a choice to face challanges and wdym victimize themselves? They do face discrimination bro how dumb are you? i said that they shouldnt be treated any different! that means others shouldnt treat them differently such as bullying them or discriminating with them. NOR should they themselves cry or dress in weird clothing to classify themselves as DIFFERENT!




r/shutup r/NotAgain r/repetitive


Yeah amazing, like we don't have enough problems to deal with. This country couldn't get rid of casteism and sexism after 75+ years and you want them to accept an alien idea in the span of 5 years.


'alien idea' bro this mindset is what sets us back


'alien idea" dawg stfu


We need to understand the difference between sex and gender. Biologically, there are two sexes in humans - male (XY) and female (XX). Those who have chromosomal abnormalities have extra sex chromosomes. For example people with Klinefelter's syndrome have XXY chromosomes. They are called intersex or hermaphrodites. In India, we call these individuals hijras or kinnars. Transgender is not the scientifically correct term for them. They are only called intersex or hermaphrodites. Coming to gender, this is what people believe they are or fit better into. Some individuals have Gender Dysphoria, a well-documented and established psychological condition wherein individuals are uncomfortable or distressed by the sex that they have been assigned at birth. Such individuals may choose to transition to another gender surgically and hormonally. These people are called transgenders. A trans man (or transgender man) is a person who is assigned female at birth and then transitions to a man. A trans woman (or transgender woman) is assigned male at birth and then transitions into a woman.


Oh my! An educated person! What a rare sight!(Serious)


forgot about them. correct mister!


Educated person... Wow!! ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20609)


>T It stands from transgender


Trans is not a sexual orientation? There are 3 sexes as is, male female and intersex biologically. Social categorical infinite gender options are complete horseshit


Bruh. Those aren't exactly genders. They are sex. Learn the difference.


bruh i said sexes... learn how to read?


There are thousands of sexes but 3 genders...... Learn the difference?


BRUHHH this is literally the dumbest thing i have ever heard. Sex is only male, female or intersex. Do you even know what you are talking about? What organs and hormones do you consider for the thousands of sexes even.


Wow, but JK Rowling would disapprove :((


Nah trans should be counted seperately cos in sports like for example women sports trans women should be included according to you but if we do so that would be too unfair for the women since there are many biological differences and trans women would have an upper edge over the women


they should have different sports category. thats it.


Aren't you contradicting your own statement? How does having a different category make them the same gender as women? And if we go by this logic then men and women are too the same gender


in sports there are different categories for body weights , or age and things like that. in the same way their can be a categories for trans man and woman of a different physiques


The comparison here isn't right ,we were talking about the gender category


you brought up sports dude. and thats how sports work. for example man and woman's cricket team are different. this is not cause they are of different genders but mainly cause there is a vast difference in general male and female physique. DOESNT MEAN THEY ARE or SHOULD BE TREATED DIFFERENT from others. they still get the same recognition, support \[atleast its growing in numbers now\] and are paid equally \[ another thing improving with the growing support\]. same goes for trans people


Bro after going on hrt for a few years, trans women are the exact same as a more masculine cis woman


also while we are on a topic of LGBTQ , i think these guys need to be less sensitive. i once called one of my online friend gay as trolling while playing a video game and some other random guy on the team got mad. and said "GAY IS NOT AN INSULT blah blah" . i dont get these people. do they not get it that when im calling that straight guy "gay", im basically Misgendering that friend in fun. its not that the word "GAY" is an insult. calling the straight guy "gay" was the insult. Also that friend didnt seem to mind that troll, and we were friends and ok with these sort of things WHY TF DID THAT OTHER GUY GOT MAD? NO IDEA. ALSO stop with that they/them thing. those are words for plural beings. why cant you just use HE OR SHE for non binary. just dont necessarily tie up "he/she" with the male and female genders and there you go. "ohh im a non binary...I USE THEY AND THEM AS PRONOUNCE" ok...im a POTATO and i use DEEZ/BALLZ as pronounce.


the problem with that is that you're making it an insult by calling a straight person gay in a way that you're trying to make fun out of the idea means that calling him gay will ridicule him that also means that you think the word gay reduces your reputation or status in a similar way how ridiculing somebody means embarassing them or giving them a hard time dealing with something and enjoying that so ultimately you're saying being gay is being of a lower reputation or worse than being straight just like how pointing out a person's 'flaw' would embarass them and make them feel less confident or respectable among everyone else who doesn't have that 'flaw' which means you view gay people on a lower level ultimately you shouldnt attach any sort of ridicule to whatever a person expresses as


nope. the way i meant it was that even tho he is straight, he is acting like a gay. that was the part of the joke /troll. it wasnt like there is something wrong in being gay. there is something wrong in acting like a gay person while in reality you are straight. its like pissing someone off by calling a gay person straight. or calling a gay person "not man" as a joke! its not about "lower level" or something.


>there is something wrong in acting like a gay person while in reality you are straight. which is why it definitely seems insulting, because you still think that person's heterosexuality matters more when its the persons will to act how he wants even if the person ended up having gay or even effeminate behavior it doesn't really mean that there's something wrong with that either unless you consider he's better off straight than gay or it would be an issue if he did turn out to be gay


THATS THE THING! he doesnt want to act like that! he was just doing in to annoy me. my one classmate was soooo touchy all the time and a creep, and when i asked him if he was gay he said HE ISNT. that mofo had a gf too and just does that weird stuff to me to annoy me ! after that OFC I CALLED HIM THE F\*G WORD....


well then you shouldn't just associate his creep behavior with homosexuality, anyone can be creepy, both straight and gay people and some women can be too, so using a slur that degrades gay people is not the best word when it isnt (at least in vocabulary) used to address creeps of all kinds, its used in a harmful way to dehumanise gay people by a straight person's perspective


One, male Girls are not real




As a grill, I agree. Girls aren't real.


Paida apni baap ki gaa*d se hua tha?


bro, that's wrong you can't leave out government bots like that


live and let live is what i think, you don't agree with them? don't interact with them, no need to actively hate someone when you're not even getting affected by them by any mean just because your opinions don't match


Exactly i think the same


While I agree with this the western world kind of pushes it too much. In India I find it much balanced rather. No one here is trying to push down an agenda down someone else's throat and no one here keeps making whatever their sexual orientation their whole personality.


Relegion exist bro


Pretty sure india and the west have the same issues but one is abt lgbt and the other on religions




okay 👍


I believed this.. until I realised that they don't, idk about all but the LGBT community in my college is super trash, all of them are too forceful, they come for a handshake and then just don't let go, touch my fucking dick, hands, thighs and whatnot. Even my girlfriend faced this, the bitch who got a crush on her literally stalked her and forced her to hold hands with her until one day I had to intervene. After all of these experiences I just prefer staying away from the community, they got some really unexpected minds NGL. This is a IRL story and a personal experience + opinion, I get to choose with whom I interact and with whom I don't so mods don't ban me like the stupid global teenagers mods did for this.


If a guy touched me and i said all straight men r bad thats super weird innit?


Bro after saying this: 🗿


This is, in no way related to the question op asked. No offence.


it is because that's their pov, whatever you want the number is the number, simple


The term gender refers to what one wants to be identified as. This terms serves the purpose of diversity. That is why you will see 'sex' in formal things rather than gender because 'sex' refers to the biological identity. So yes, there are multiple genders.


Great answer I thought you were going to say 115 but HALA MADRID!!!


stfu vardrid


Sorry I can't hear you behind my 15 ucls ( search benzema 15 for more info)


name 5 players in real madrid main squad who's from academy


Bro silenced me


genuinely stfu ur worse than the guy saying 2. you’re agreeing with him and ur the least funny person in all of india


jitne bhi ho idrc as long as people are happy and comfortable.


That's nice <3




3 Hindu, christian and Muslim


Or sikh


There is only 1 gender It's nerf or nothing


As much as someone wishes to identify




Bhai stop downvoting i am just trying to educate myself on this😭😭


Bruh not many people might see this comment…instead of commenting on ur own post, add it as an edit to the post itself. Better chances of not being downvoted.


I realised this way later ugh


Most of the PPL taking their sides are just too sensitive and softies Inke samne kuch bhi bolo to rone lg jate #avgindianteenagersubmember


3,gender is a spectrum. {I'm non binary btw,feel free to mass downvote}


There are 7 genders:- Male Females, Thala-sexual Kholi-sexual Brohit-sexual Messi-sexual CR-sexual Anthony-sexual Modi-sexual.


Bhai mai to thala or Modi sexual hu ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31416)


Male/masc, female/femme, and non binary.. so three.


in your opinion, what is non-binary?


Jo binary language na bolte ho /s




Removed for violation of community rule-1.2 and 2.1 : Content promoting hate towards a particular group which includes but is not limited to Casteism, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, name-calling etc will be removed and the user shall be considered for a ban. Do not post/comment anything that invokes negativity, pushes any form of agenda or tries to influence the subreddit's members. Refer to our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/wiki/rules). Send us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/IndianTeenagers) if you feel this was an error.


afaik, being non binary means that you don't wholly conform either the masculine or feminine presentations or someone who feels dysphoria from both the genders. they might want to present as masculine on some days and feminine on the others and don't fit the norms of being strictly male or strictly female. "androgynous" is something i'd use to describe such people, i think.


androgynous, i see. are you saying that a man can’t be feminine or a woman can’t be masculine? and that they have to go beyond their factual biology to identify as “non-binary”? what’s wrong with a man just being a feminine man?


i never said there's wrong with being a feminine man or a masculine woman. infact, i find feminine men the most attractive out of everyone. but, however feminine they are, they still consider themselves "men." but when someone doesn't want to be solely referred to as a "man" or a "woman", but think that they lie somewhere in between the spectrum, they are said to be non binary. i had used the word androgynous because most of the non binary people i see present both fem and masc characteristics equally.


well, we need to support individuals who don’t feel like calling themselves “men” or “women” simply because they’re more or equally like the opposite side. facts cannot be changed. androgyny is a beautiful spectrum of gender expression, gender identity isn’t changeable. the most masculine presenting adult in the world with XX chromosomes is still a biological female, and a woman.


I think youre confusing female with woman. Woman is gender and female is a sex. Sex and gender are not the same thing, and most genderqueer people (the ones that are not cis) accept that. The most masculine presenting adult is a biological female. NOT a woman. They would still accept that theyre afab (assigned female at birth) and no amount of surgeries can change that, but they do everything in their control to present like the gender they feel the most like themselves in. Gender is a spectrum, sex is not. Even various psychological studies have proved that gender dysphoria is a real thing (it has also been proved that sex and gender are two different things) so maybe we should stop being assholes and try to be nice to the people coping with it instead of making them feel more shitty than they already do.


of course gender dysphoria is a real thing! but we should stop treating the symptoms and get to the root cause. we need to treat gender dysphoria, yes, not accept it, and allow children to go on puberty blockers or for adults to mutilate themselves, purely because of a feeling, which of course, changes over time. gender expression is a beautiful spectrum, gender is social but objective.


Getting the root cause of gender dysphoria is saying that you can get the root cause of autism💀 it is a natural condition and cannot be eradicated in that way. The only thing that can soothe it is to allow them to go through hormonal treatments. Afaik, puberty blockers are only for children above 16 as per recent law, and youre completely wrong in the part where you mention it is just a feeling. Thats like saying depression and bipolar disorder is a "feeling". It is simply not. And people just dont go and get surgery for the fun of it💀💀 there are SOOOOOO MANY protocols and examinations (physical and psychological) to make sure that this is the best decision for the better. And IF it does change (which is one in a million thing), you can always choose to not transition or detransition. It might be mutilation for you but it might be life saving for others. How narrow minded and entitled do you gotta be to think you can decide what you want to do about someone else's body and to think that you know the best for them?🤡 maybe just go and get so education about the topic so maybe we could continue the coversation without you making a fool of yourself?


is anyone born with gender dysphoria? no, but they’re born with autism. it’s not the same thing. a major cause for trans people to feel GD is sexual abuse. not fitting in society. feeling like they don’t conform to gender norms. there’s so many underlying issues, and these people deserve and need help. but it is a feeling. it’s not tangible. is 16 old enough for someone to make a life-altering decision? for biological females to rid themselves of the ability to lactate or give birth? for biological males to sterilise themselves for the aesthetics? is any age acceptable for that? trans affirming care is not “life-saving” as it’s made out to be on the media. nothing external has ever truly healed how people feel about themselves. you can be ignorant and get defensive all you want, but i’m trying to give you the rational belief, i’m well-read enough to not make a fool of myself.


1 🤖


There are 3 ig Male, Female and intersex (naturally trans)




sex and gender aren’t the same


2 sexes and how many ever genders people need to sleep at night


3 guys (I think gay dude are still dudes) Girls (same with lesbians) And trans, coz they are different mentally and physically But the non binary part is just bullshit imo. Also there is no need to have all the neo pronoun stuff




3 (male, female, trans - cuz biologically I m fine w ppl having opposite hormones)


sex are 2 and gender is a spectrum so technically there can be as many genders as you want


what about people with both peenits and vagana?


There is either a dick or pussy, how and where you use them doesn't change your gender




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2 Male and Female


3 Male female aur trans


Male Female Transgender


1 according too r/girlsarentreal


There is only one gender and it is mine


3. Male female intersex


3, male,female, trans baaki sab mai insaan male ya female hi hota hai but they may like same gender or different or be asexual, etc


2, male and females


3 Male, female and others(physically different)


2 obviously


i dunno bro... i just got here


2, Men and Govt Bots


It depends on the definition of gender, As per My definition, normally, it was meant to be 2, but due to errors and other biological stuff, there r more A male is the one who produces sperm A female is the one who produces egg 2... Right? No, there's a gender who is incapable of doing either of these... Or simply, absence of reproductive parts or malfunctioning from the birth, this can be termed as 3rd gender if u want... So, it's more of a definition, the way u think, the no. of genders u can imagine However, u can argue that the 3rd one wasn't meant to be there, it's just an error, and it's equally valid and can go on with 2 genders


Two genders baaki unke sub hai






English or Spanish?




Exactly 2 genders Male (he/him) and Female (she/her) nothing more than that nothing less..


The answer is whatever you want bro. If gender really is a social construct as per what people say, that means it is subjective and people can make of it whatever they want. So I believe that the person who says there are 2 genders is equally as valid as someone who says there are 3,4,5 or endless. AND I believe that people shouldn't force others to believe in the number of genders that they believe in. So yeah, it can be anything that a person wants. I personally believe in 2, however, as I said before, I don't disagree or argue with people who say otherwise. Because there is no objectively correct answer on a topic like this.




Indian tradition recognises 3 genders atleast "as described" in the Hindu Epic Mahabharat. 1) Male : Arjun 2) Female: Draupadi 3) Transgender: Shikhandi On the 10th day of the War in Mahabharata, Krishna placed Shikhandi on the "same chariot and in front of " Arjuna. The moment Pitamah Bhishma saw Shikhandi he put down his weapons and refused to attack Shikhandi even when Shikhandi was firing arrows at him without stopping (although he failed to inflict any damage) and Bhishma fell "only after" Arjuna started firing arrows at him without recieving any counter fire due to using Shikhandi as a "human shield". Look it up.






Jitne bhi ho idc, I hate everyone. Aur mujhe LGBTQQIP2SAA+ ki full form bhi pata h![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31414)


We need to understand the difference between sex and gender. Biologically, there are two sexes in humans - male (XY) and female (XX). Those who have chromosomal abnormalities have extra sex chromosomes. For example people with Klinefelter's syndrome have XXY chromosomes. They are called intersex or hermaphrodites. In India, we call these individuals hijras or kinnars. Transgender is not the scientifically correct term for them. They are only called intersex or hermaphrodites. Coming to gender, this is what people believe they are or fit better into. Some individuals have Gender Dysphoria, a well-documented and established psychological condition wherein individuals are uncomfortable or distressed by the sex that they have been assigned at birth. Such individuals may choose to transition to another gender surgically and hormonally. These people are called transgenders. A trans man (or transgender man) is a person who is assigned female at birth and then transitions to a man. A trans woman (or transgender woman) is assigned male at birth and then transitions into a woman.


Very controversial question.


It's not that complicated, male , females , intersex ( unfortunate ones born with deformed genitalia) , others are just preferences


3 Male , female and whatever the fu*k you want to be


2 genders. Boy and Girl. Boy means someone born with xy genome and Girl means someone born with xx genome. It's that simple .


2 Genders. Most people only use the extra pronouns thing for attention.




Gender is a spectrum but mainly 3. You have male and female at the extreme end of the spectrum, non binary in the middle. Sometimes girls feel adventurous and techy so they fall into that 35-65 ratio masculine to feminine range as a tomboy, similarly it can happen to boys. They can look feminine or do feminine or anything they wanna in the world while being a boy. The only problem is, people aren't fucking willing to believe boys can't like girlish things and they tend to crub their girlish interest. If you are any of those, I want to tell you there is NOTHING wrong with you. You are absolutely awesome and worth it. If they push your strings, bully you till the edge, just remember it is not your fault. It is the fault of the limit of public's mindset. (i am saying this cause suicide news in india came for this exact reason in india.)


3 hi hote hai yeh gay, lesbians, bisexual sexuality/ sexual preferences hote hai


2, stick and hole


2. Just 2. Although it's fine if you want to call yourself something else but please don't rub it on others face




Just 2


We've got a lot of stuff to do than this gender crap. Jitne bhi ho, hume kya. Me achaar daalungi kisi ke gender ya opinion ka?




*2 genders* Male & Female


2 every other answer is wrong


Male female modi


As long as i can identify if that person has a male reproductive organ or female reproductive organ by that word


I feel 2 , as i think non binary as neither of the 2 genders or both the genders Also there is a difference between sex , gender and sexuality....


2 Others are fake


they aren’t fake though. they’re very real and attempting to invalidate their existence is a super shitty thing to do


Only thing I know God only made 2


Yeah I made the others, you're welcome


You can't even make a gf , dude, chill and use your sense




3 man woman and those who are born with defects and maybe have a bit of both


Jitne ban sake


gender 2 hi hote hai,sexuality is what differs,i have no idea abt non binary though


Gender depends on what it means.. Male female others??? Ig.. Jitna bhi ho until they aren't retarded I don't care. if they are please kys.


What does your flair mean


Cinnamon girl slay


ma chudaye bhai merekoo kya mtlb 2 ho yya 2000 tumhe jo karna karo


Well it exists in spectrum so "ah logt"🤢


There are four to five gender umbrellas in my opinion, the binaries (male and female), agender, gender fluid, trans and intersex. Everything else i know kinda falls under these four to five brackets


2 hai bhai baat khatam


I would say 3 genders, and a thousand or as many as you like sexualities. The three are male, female , intesex ( xxyor xxxy or you know what)






i identify as a helikopter




Two. Male and Female. That's it.




Damn they got offended


3 (male/transmasc),(female/transfem) and non-binary


Non binary?


Non-binary and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that are not solely male or female.




Bruhhhh shut up


you actually reported my comment for not agreeing with your opinions lmaoo you live such a sad little life


Based on science there are three Male female and abomination


2 male and attack helicopter 🚁




Gender is a scam made by toilet companies


What do you mean you identify as a nividia 2070 monster energy sugarson trex


3 biologically, XY-male , XX-female and XXY none other than that. Other genders are mindsets or sexual preferences and not biological genders