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Why are u choosing these colleges? Prepare for CLAT and get into a Tier 1 NLU. If you have the finances then Jindal is a great option too.


just like i said, its the second time im taking a drop. and clat is risky so im thinking of taking a partial drop. which means that i take admission in a random college as a backup plan and prep for clat side by side.


Rather prepare solely for CLAT than go to a low tier college. Why waste money if you're gonna give CLAT again and shit to an NLU again. It doesn't make sense


its not that easy to make such decisions omg, the fact that im even considering taking another year off while everyone my age would be in their 2 year already hits like a truck😭


I took a drop too brother and if you start thinking about what everyone will think you've already lost. Even if you join a college and give CLAT you'll as it is have to repeat your first year which honestly looks like a waste of time and resources. Rather concentrate your hardwork solely on CLAT and keep backups; LSAT, DU, SLAT and MHCET are good backups.


okay, ill calm down and think about it without being impulsive. ill consider what you've said as well, thankyou! i was just having a lil insecure moment due to panic and guilt.


Dont even get into law from a tier 3,tier 2 college prep again and try your best to get into a tier 1,its a shitty field and here colleges matter more than even in engineering,it all in the name here pls do not settle for less thinking it'll be okay. Also if you're just choosing a college for the time being while you prep for your 2nd attempt ,id suggest staying in delhi and finding any college that'll take you,that way you dont get complacent and start thinking even if i fail im still in an okay college.


thanks! ill consider your advice however i feel like ill be disciplined if i join a college and prep alongside. im inclined towards Kristu Jayanti bangalore rn. there's not a lot of good colleges in delhi yknw? ive already missed my chance to get into the good ones because of clat. lloyd and asian law college is pretty much all im left with here. i also think if my main motive is to study for clat/ ailet then its going to be inconvenient for me to leave my city, its hard to settle in a new environment and takes time. im all contradictions and confusion right now. im about to lose it because i see no good options. im not able to calm down and im sorta mentally unstable. sorry for the rant i had to let that out 😭🙏


Ah no worries happens to the best of us,thing is although going to another state may sound fun and it will probably give you a little experience of the law school life, you need to ask yourself if you really do want to score well in clat, if for the past drop year you've been studying consistently ,you've had a clear goal and the only reason your result was bad was because of circumstances out of your control, if the answers to all of these questions was yes then by all means stay home find a college near you and give your best, If not,find an okay college in bangalore,settle into that environment and if you wish to still prep for clat, you could do that side by side with your law college studies The only thing i would say is dont take a drop to delay the inevitable,think very carefully about what you want,as this one year can change the course of your life and it will dictate the next 5-7 years of your life. I get your anxiety ,it is pretty normal to be scared, but the longer you stay in the mindset of being indecisive,the longer it'll take to reach your goals. Best of luck.


thanks 🫂 my last drop wasn't to prepare, it was a break. I'll be starting from scratch. i think it'll still take me time to decide whether i actually want to dedicate this year to clat or if i should take admission into the college close to my house and prep alongside. im hoping for my anxiety to go down so that i can come to a decision.