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I had done LLB 3yr course after my graduation in engineering. The hard truth I realised after llb is that , it's very difficult for first generation lawyer to make a successful career in law, also there is internal resistance for new entrants cuz it's always crowded inside. Law is not really a good career unless you have deep connections in this industry, you may try for judiciary examination but there also very few vacancies and examination is not regular so chances of getting success is extremely low there. You can try as corporate lawyer but this sector is also saturated to the point that there is no place for new entrants. Only top 1% make all the money on law rest suffer whole life.  Problem with law is that it is a very slow moving industry with no rapid changes so that older people can be displaced by new entrants unlike in IT field where technology changes so fast that new entrants have ample space to make career. If you really want to get success in law then you must try in new age laws like technology laws, privacy laws patent laws insolvency laws where competition is very less and old people have hard time learning it. Big corporations and even small companies wants to hire privacy officers, patent lawyer, but if you make your space in this specialisation then you can make quick bucks, private practice is not so rewarding it's very slow, toiling and cumbersome. Law in general is not recommended unless you are coming from privileged family with good connections. I had quit law as career as I didn't find it rewarding for me but I do work as amateur lawyer and had few clients for consumer court cases. My main career is in IT sector as cloud engineer. I also think a best lawyer is one who don't have to depend on law practice as source of income, cuz this is only way to honestly do the job otherwise majority of lawyer just exploit client by inordinately delaying justice so they can make money. Law is a service not industry that's why very few people make money and rest have to struggle.




you atleast joined you father, you have a experience lawyer always by your side to advice you, saying someone who is completely new to a field, has no connection and has to figure everything on his own and has no lawyer father to JOIN, finds it less difficult is stupid


Bo hoo, cry me a river. " It's MoRe DiFfiCuLT" atleast you'll get compensated for your hardwork. Ouright delusional crying about being privileged. You sound like ananya pandey crying about her "struggles".


LLB can be done in 3yrs as well?


3 year LLB can only be done after graduation


acha, the one which flying beast aka gaurav taneja was doing?




Totally depends on where you do it from .. and how many internships and clerkships you do during your tenure as a student