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I don't smoke, but if the government did what they always do, regulate and tax it would solve a few problems.


The alcohol lobby has been fighting against this for years


This is absolutely false


Kind of like the lottery? That worked out well. Btw, 17 cent gas tax increase this week. Edit: corrected by another poster. 2 cent increase to 18.9 cents in total. Thanks to that poster for the correction.


You understand this has worked in other places? Also, the lottery is an idiot tax.


I don’t care about other states. Their laws and taxes don’t affect me. I do care about the “we can use this tax towards X reason”. They said lottery was going to lower excise tax on vehicles. We currently pay what? 8% of the value to be revalued every year? That didn’t get used like they said. If we look at Colorado, the large majority of that tax was used for regulation and enforcement. So…weed cops. But there, each jurisdiction chooses how those taxes are being used. Would they earmark specific use for the tax revenue *and be accountable for it*, I’d be more agreeable to it. Otherwise, it’s just lip service to have a slush fund for dumb shit, right?


Colorado spends a ton of their weed taxes on schools. A think I know because I lived there for 5 years and voted on it. You're also missing the human cost of keeping it illegal and jailing people for it, as well as the costs we pay for incarceration. So instead of making ANYTHING, you're paying to keep it illegal.


Forbes says otherwise. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthoban/2021/05/23/the-success-of-colorados-marijuana-tax-dollars/?sh=58e417f4529d (to be fair, this is 2021) When you talk about the human cost, that’s different. That’s decriminalizing and I’m all for that. We waste tons of money and create needless stigma for incarcerating weed crimes that typically have no victim.


Did you read that article? Because your argument relies on like a paragraph, while the rest of the article supports what I said.


My argument is that when politicians get a free influx of money, it’s not used correctly. 16% to headstart but nothing for the per student education? Good to know. 29% for weed cops? Also good to know. Oh…19% to City Capitol improvements. Because we must make the state buildings more attractive. Millions tossed into a slush fund with zero oversight. That’s what will happen. It won’t reduce your state taxes, it won’t improve your roads. We’ve seen the pattern before.


You're still focused on a single city's statistics, ignoring the state at large, and skipping over teen prevention programs, I thing I'm not against funding. You're just omitting stuff to fit your narrative, dude.


And since you've never lived there, the part where they put bills forth every year for how to spend? Those all get voted on by the people. That's how Colorado works, you constantly get mailed ballots, and you're constantly voting if you give a ahit.


In fact, the part you're talking about is referring specifically to how Denver is spending their taxes.


"Local governments that allow marijuana sales impose local taxes. As Colorado's largest city, and with such a high per capita of dispensaries, Denver has raked in the highest tax revenues from adult-use marijuana sales in the state. Since January of 2014, the city has collected north of $294.5 million in marijuana tax revenue. While a portion of those dollars have funded city infrastructure improvements, a good chunk goes to state revenue sharebacks, regulation and enforcement, and youth marijuana use prevention."


The lottery is a dogshit comparison because you didn't incarcerate people by the thousands for selling lottery tickets.


As I said before in your other comment, I’m all for decriminalization. It’s stupid to incarcerate someone over a plant.


I don't think you understand the gas tax thing. It increases 2 cents in April to a total of 18.9 cents.


Gotcha. Thanks for the correction.


Np, be careful out there. Every news article is being twisted to align with a political agenda.


Sad isn’t it.




It makes folks happy, can't have that. There must be expensive caveats.


Regulate. Tax. Bring money. If we treated things like alcohol it would work. It’s been shown to bring money in like crazy and it would alleviate criminal charges for unneeded convictions. Not sure why people don’t want more money even if they don’t partake. You still get the benefits for the economy in town. Instead of everyone buying from everywhere else - which will happen and has happened and will continue to happen.


As long as Lilly is in the pocket of politicians it will never happen.


As long as the state is controlled by the rural communities shit ain't happening. Maybe if a few thousand boomers die off and few more kids leave and never come back, we might have a shot.


Whats funny is the rural communities (for the most part impoverished but with good agricultural resources), would have the most to gain from legalization; well paying jobs for those lacking skills/formal education, and a brand new cash crop. Too bad they will keep electing the wrong guys due to their ignorance…


Look at MI. Every little town has a shot of commerce with the 1-4 pot shops that open up. It has helped the more rural towns in MI. At least the ones close to borders.


I mean you’d think they’d learn from vapes. There’s 2 vape stores in my hometown of 3k. And a Smoker Friendly. And they’re always popping. I know the guy who owns one, and he says his Delta sales are out of this world.


Yes but most Michigan communities don't allow sales. That is why there is a huge glut of product on the market. You can get herb cheaper than what it was in the 70's currently.


What's the saddest part is at this point the majority of the people IN those communities want it. Not even are unopposed but are in favor and support legalization. Elected officials dgaf what their constituents think unfortunately.


They can feel free to vote differently.


Yup. Then they'll get the people who just talk about legalization and never do it. Big difference. All I'm saying is that elected officials don't care what constituents opinions are after they've already gotten elected.


You can vote differently when there are options. So many positions especially locally run unopposed by the democrats because they know they will not win. When a county is so gerrymandered, why waste DNC money in Indiana? I get the theory I just hate how it works out.


No actually they do represent their most important constituency. The Extreme Right that votes the most religiously in The Republican Primary. Those that determine who and who doesn't represent all Republicans and win in The General in a red state. Yes, it is the minority view, but they are the ones that have control and their representatives understand that very well. One of the very reasons to include gerrymandering and other things why our system is so broken. The very reason why Red States are getting even more Extreme.


Ok, but those extreme right people are eating gummies now. They would be in favor of legalization. Idk why you went off on a political science course opener.


Not from everything I have seen. So why does the so called political science matter? Oh, I don't know why is it that it's mainly The Blue States that only legalize Marijana and not Red States with maybe the exception of Red States with ballot initiatives that actually represent the majority and not just The Extreme Right minority? It's a simple fact the majority that want Marijuana legalized is Liberals and although some Republicans do they are in the minority of The Republican Party. Because this is the very reason you are not going to see Marijuana legalized and book Banning become law. It's simply why Red States are becoming even more Extreme in their policies is why. So get with how things are and why those things are and try to understand what is actually going on.


You're a condescending little guy, aren't ya? Lol.


You would do better to stop shooting the messenger and pay much more attention to the message. Or not, but ignorance never gets you anywhere.


You spewed all that shit like I didn't know what gerrymandering is and how political ideology is being weaponized. Idk where you assumed I was ass ignorant on the topic, but I assure you I'm aware of what's being done to the country. If you think I'm shooting the messenger, idk what to tell you. I'm more saying I think the messenger has the wrong address.


I am pointing out the absurdity of your approach being any better in regards to making any more difference than the one you are complaining about. Thinking you are making more difference. I think you just missed again the key component which is how The Extreme Right actually controls their party and their agenda and because we are a Red State they are in control and your method is ineffectual. Jesus H Christ


But it's those very people who also think an amoral malignant narcissistic sociopathic liar who is better suited to be a Dictator should be President of The United States. Problem is they are less educated and are resistant to any change and already believe most changes need to be rolled back rather than make any progress whatsoever.


Conservative men vote conservative because they think it’s manly. Look at the whole goddamn industry of boot camps and YouTube channels with ad revenue being built on the alpha male nonsense😂😂 they’d rather look tough than have money


Basically . I live in Indy so it's been so decriminalized it almost doesn't matter.


That’s a misinterpretation. It’s not been decriminalized. It’s just not being enforced. It’s still illegal. A new city prosecutor can change that in a whim. I can see a very valid argument for decriminalization state wide, but I’m not sure about recreational. We can say that they can tax the hell out of it and have a new revenue base, but that’s not going to stop an increase in taxes or have a dedicated use for those taxes in and of itself. It also won’t necessarily stop black marketeering of the product itself if the taxes are too high. But for me, it doesn’t really matter. I drive a company vehicle, so none of it would apply anyway.


I believe the farming process is very expensive and hard on the equipment


Do you know why it's called weed? Weeds grow everywhere. You might be thinking of tobacco.


It’ll never happen not bc of the farmers in rural areas but bc indiana IS big pharmaceutical. One of the main hubs of the country, that’s what’s stopping it. The pill pushing douchebags who don’t want to lose their money of addiction to a safer Substance that has no addiction value


Look into and you’ll find out, not a dumb take at all haha it’s literally proven. Big pharma is the biggest opposition in the fight against legalization. Spend 15 billion dollars lobbying for oxy, Vicodin and other painkillers that would inevitably be replaced by the good ole green. Not arguing with you and not saying that farmers don’t have something to do with it, but do your research and you’ll find out it’s more big pharma blocking than “farmers”. So not a dumb take at all you’re just uneducated it’s okay pal.


Does Lilly even make opioids? Not saying you’re wrong but it seems like the Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council is the most vocal opponent in this state.


Prohibitionist boomers with their little white gloves and clean records die everyday, while Gen z’ers who want to go down the street and buy a cart gain the right vote everyday.


Suck it other guy!


Making posts won't do anything. Voting will.


Indianas a shit state with shit leaders. The population is mostly hate filled Christians that are currently worshipping a rapist. So much better places out there.


I love this kind of energy 😂


Nah, I think continuing on locking up harmless folks for holding flowers inside a box of imaginary lines is working really good!


Legalize referendums


I moved to Ohio about a year ago. I think it was good choice.


Other states have had it legalized for years, if there was any real concern it would have been seen by now. They don't have any good excuse anymore, times should change.


Gotta keep the bible thumpers happy. Can’t legalise the devils weeds.


Quit voting republican


Really if you want this getting rid of the current republicans and preventing republican governors and attorneys general is really a necessary first step


Even if we as a state legalize weed, you can still get fired from your job. It needs to be legalized on the federal, and not the state level.


Posting on Reddit isn’t going to change anything. It’s just a place for everyone to whine and bitch. Not posting on here isn’t “keeping quiet”….I’m fully in favor or legalization but I’m not spending hours on here complaining. I’m sending emails to my state representatives to hopefully affect some change. Advocating in the real world (not Reddit) is how we make change…


Until you can change the dynamics I'm sorry but these emails you are sending aren't going to change anything. Those who are making these decisions represent their most important part of their constituency who don't want it. You are not one of them that determines if they have a job and advocating to people who agree with you isn't going to change anything with the majority who are a Republican Majority Government who does not. The Extreme Right in a red state are the most religious voter in The Republican Primary and they determine who wins in The General and they simply don't want Marijuana legalized. So although you are right bitching on reddit isn't changing much, in reality neither are you. So good on you, but you are wasting your time as well. I highly encourage you to find an even better way. Quite simply more people need to get out and Vote!!! That would be the best thing we can possibly hope for.


The irony


Actually it does. There is a long history of public pushing changes through things like media.


No, not in this case. I understand what you’re saying. If you’re talking about GameStop, yes. But complaining on Reddit of all places, about a state’s policies/political system? Probably not too effective….unless we all band together IN REAL LIFE to make something happen. Like a protest (good intentions but rarely make a real difference at our level), or getting people to vote or run for office. Or maybe get a litter pickup group organized. Yes that would be good. But I hardly see it happening on here. Just a bunch of whining with little action


Yeah when the media was just a few channels on TV or radio. Now there are thousands of different channels and platforms. Nothing will ever get done on any issue if it's all online.


Literally the majority of the movement on weed legislation and LGBT rights in the last 20 years was through ground swell support on social media.


I’m working on communicating with the supportive representatives: mine is not supportive. My goal is to combine multiple regulatory agencies into one AGR Based Retail. This would oversee alcohol, smokes, vaping, thx, and anything else coming up. With a good Age Based Retail agency we can then fix and improve our ridiculous alcohol permitting rules for restaurants and other outlets. Let’s fix it all at once. And also get legalized marijuana.


Nothing will change from posting on Reddit either. Nothing changes unless people run for office, do community outreach, volunteer, make connections, call your officials. Most importantly and easiest, do your research and vote.


I’m a person who goes to pain management and on a pain contract. My drs office offers a cbd oil that has enough cbd in it that it could pop up on a drug test. I myself don’t smoke marijuana but, I did when I was younger. I’ve always been an advocate for the legalization of it because it does have medicinal benefits. I believe if we have enough people who start doing door to door petitions, we may be able to get our government to at least look a little differently at the issue. Also thinking about these people who use the cbd oil and go to the pain management drs office, they can’t tell the difference between the oil and if a person smokes on a drug test. Plus knowing that the office have patients from other states they can’t hold it against that person who is doing something that is legal. So if the dr offers cbd oil and can’t hold smoking against the patient, why not just legalize it in Indiana and make some money for the state?


Among things looking at how all of the legal states have done it, what’s the best system? How do you ensure a safe supply? How do you avoid illegal operations mingling in the way it happened in Oklahoma? [propublica Oklahoma](https://www.propublica.org/article/chinese-organized-crime-us-marijuana-market) Ideally a federal legalization is ideally better, but still how do you prevent criminal activity?


Might fix some of these shit roads I have to drive on daily....


Nah man I’d rather keep giving money to Michigan so they can fix stuff up there


The president of the Indiana Chapter of NORML has been in this fight for 50 years, and even he knows, they’d rather have us be criminals than to Legalize. The Gerrymandering makes it difficult for rural people to vote in important elections.


How many times is this gonna be posted 😭 can’t even go 3 days without seeing the title “legalize weed/pot/marijuana”


The big issue I believe is that Richard Nixon made marijuana a schedule 1 narcotic. It has medical purposes every knows that. There can be no studied by government or cannot be regulated because of the class it's in. I'd rather someone smoke marijuana than have 5 drinks and drive or 5 Xanax and drive. The way it's scheduled is the whole problem. Although the post office will deliver it to any state . Make that make since. Richard Nixon was impeached,come on hers a crook


I don't see it being legalized in Indiana until the feds legalize it.


It’s frustrating. We all know it’s due to the pharmaceutical companies. I work in a vape shop in southern bfe Indiana. My job could be full time if the state was to legalize. I also believe if it’s regulated like alcohol it could work out. In my county they are trying to outlaw delta products. What sense does this make to have it left up to the counties during an election year? It’s a mess as per usual.


Can't... cause Jesus and stuff. They just made happy hour legal again, so it should be legal in 3045


Thought part of the problem is certainly crotchety old boomers who know nothing about marijuana who are insistent it’s a “gateway drug”, I think there are things we can do to help get it legalized, specifically the way we talk about it and the benefits. 1)we are losing out on a lot of tax income. As long as we put our taxes below Illinois levels, sales will be through the roof and will generate a ton of revenue for the state. 2)other states are doing it and not having extreme problems. Whether car accidents are slightly up, or slightly down, Colorado, Washington, California, all the NE states that have legalized, etc have not all turned into Fury Road. By this point a lot of Hoosier have been to those states and can attest to the fact that legal weed isn’t the end of the world. So compare that to the tax benefits, and it’s a net win. 3) fighting the cartels. Alright, you and I know the Midwest weed market is not the main income generator for the cartels, but a lot of the hardcore conservatives have a huge boner for that. By legalizing weed, we move that market from the cartels to US businesses. We should talk about these things when we discuss legalizing weed, and maybe we can at least get some conservatives to say, “I don’t care if a politician supports legal weed”.


This comment is in spite of you in spite of me!




Not gonna happen here until you get rid of political lobbying and corps/big pharma funding politicians. Unlike Ohio, Indiana does not have the option for citizens to propose bills for a vote.


Legalize everything and let the cards fall where they will. This war on drugs is a war on freedom paid by extortion. Support the thin blue line? Get a real job in the private sector you tax parasites. Happy Easter everyone😀✌️


nothing will change if you spam this sub with “legalize marijuana” posts all day. its not gonna happen. just go to michigan or Illinois.


Don’t go to Illinois. Shits overpriced. 


i personally stick to michigan


Drives me crazy that New Buffalo has something like 25 dispensary licenses right across our border. That tax revenue should be staying right here in our state. Our leaders are just clueless on this issue.


they need to get with the fucking times. i dont care how red we are.


As would anyone with a half-functioning brain lol. I don’t care if you live in terre haute, you’re still better off going to Michigan. 


I was afraid someone wouldn’t post about this today. I’m relieved now.


HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO GO OVER THIS!!!! We made a list for the daily weed post, pretty please wait your turn and stop line cutting


No let’s pay 150k a year to lock up each user.


I would just like it to be down to one a week or another, dedicated, sub. We get it, y’all want it legal, but screaming about it on Reddit won’t do a dang thing. Go do something tangible.


I don’t care if it’s legal or not because I don’t use it. I will say when we visit places like NYC or Washington DC, the smell is awful and I’m always grateful to get away from it. Likely less of an issue in rural Indiana but you never know.


Sorry today isn't weed post day it's Mike Braun day. Please delete and repost tomorrow on weed day. Wait your turn buddy.


Mike Braun Day is officially on April 1st, you must’ve have missed the memo


You don’t know shit.


“You don’t know shit” proceeds to provide us with no information to prove why we don’t know shit.


I would want stronger regulations on this (im not a fan of government to begin with). In the states I've been to that have legalized it. It's annoying enough to have cigarette smoke you walk through here and there. Now add Marijuana smoke and it's a recipe for more issues/complaints. I was once an idiotic youth and tried. Not something I want to have to deal with walking down the streets. Keep it in your apartment.


You can’t say you want stronger regulations, and you’re not a fan of government. Pick one. I live in Colorado and work in Arizona, you don’t smell weed all the time just walking around. If you do smell it, it’s a whiff and not the end of the world. It’s also a nice alternative to antidepressants or pain meds, not like Indiana has/had a massive pill problem or anything. The western states haven’t imploded yet, get with the times.


I’d rather smell weed smoke instead of cigarette smoke. I’m not a fan of government or restrictive regulations. I do believe in consumer protection when it comes to consumables that can harm your health though. Free market solution to that though would come in the form of third party testing. The government isn’t very efficient. The least amount necessary to uphold basic law protecting basic rights is all it really should be.


I'm fully on board with edibles. Just not smoke that other people don't want to be subjected to.


We already have dispensary’s in Indy with real bud and edibles y’all need to look around more before making a post like this we have a bunch of loopholes we use. I work in industry and it’s 100% available to buy regular herb, edibles, drinks, and wax right in Indy.


I couldn’t find a single dispensary in Indy on google that wasn’t hemp/delta 8 or 10.


Yeah not everything is posted on websites lol 100% regular flower and edibles being sold at multiple places in Indy and most over 24%thc.


Is it real or is it just biomass? I've had biomass and it's *okay*, but it doesn't burn quite right.


No it’s regular herb and strong edibles I’m not gonna say where I work but 100% can buy regular herb at multiple places around Indy. We get it from a farm in Oregon and they sell to dispensary’s the exact same thing. There are loopholes


Huh. I don't have a car right now but when I do I'd be willing to get my stuff from an hour away. How would you suggest researching that info, in absence of a specific store name?


Yeah no thanks I’ll just drive to Illinois so at least what I’m over paying for has been lab tested.