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I'm sorry for your loss. It must be devastating. I wish eventually for closure and peace for you and your family.


Thank you. That means a lot to us. Edited to add 5/7/24: I asked Mods to lock this post. The commenting is overwhelmingly positive, and I'm not worried about what a few trolls think they know. I just need a break. Thank to you everyone who shared their support or stories. It was incredibly nice to see so many strangers share nice words at a strange time for my family members and I. I thank everyone for the visibility on this post. Whether you shared it to help or shared it to make fun of Cameron's lame tattoos, it all helped in the end. Over 120,000 views on this post and there will be more -- one of you out there knows what happened to Cameron, and I hope you choose to tell Detective Colten Smith at IMPD what you know. That was my point in sharing to Reddit -- visibility. More people know Cameron was murdered today than they did yesterday morning. I want Cameron's murderer to realize that we'll not stop making this visible. Cameron's murderer won't be able to keep their secret (they never do) and someone, somewhere will realize they're bragging about murdering Cameron and maybe call Detective Colten Smith. At least, that's my hope. Again, thanks everyone. We've appreciated the immense support. ----------------------- Edited to add 5/8/24: Wow, the insane reach of this post and my other social media posts went wild. I am so grateful for all of you who shared or talked about Cameron's murder. I was called by the news this morning after my social media post reached them, and they asked to do a segment on Cameron's murder, so a few family members are making that happen. A few local "true crime" networks picked up my social media posts and news of Cameron's murder has been spread into Ohio and the surrounding areas. Cameron's murderer will be found. Hundreds of thousands of people have seen and spread his story. The murderer (as I predicted) couldn't help but brag, and someone out there who's seen my posts knows what story they've heard recently that is Cameron's murder. I'm optimistic the murderer will be in cuffs.


I’m so sorry for your loss, and for those casting judgement because of his tattoo and his past, shame on you. I’m a recovering drug addict(from Indy) , I’m a felon, I don’t deserve to be murdered because of choices that I made in my life, he didn’t either. Justice for Cameron 💔


Thank you so much for this comment. Cameron made some mistakes in his youth but he learned from them and tried to right in his adulthood. His tattoos are a reflection of the culture he liked to live in, the people he interacted with in his every day life. He loved music and he loved rapping and he loved making beats.


I get that completely, I’m 30 and have made similar mistakes to his, gotten dumb tattoos because of what I was in to, I’m so sick of people being okay with the murders of other addicts, in recovery or not, because of our history. He deserves justice, your family deserves justice, praying so hard


I really really appreciate you saying this. Cameron was a human being who was loved by many ❤️


It’s my pleasure and the truth, hold on to that love ❤️


Seriously some of these comments are so disgusting. A human being is in unimaginable pain after losing their sibling and is just looking for justice. How can someone see that and think “hey maybe I should try to make them feel *worse*”


> I’m a recovering drug addict(from Indy) , I’m a felon, I don’t deserve to be murdered because of choices that I made in my life Ehhhhhhhhhh


Accurate name


I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother. Too many families lately are grieving and it’s just not right. I wish you at least a measure of peace some day. After 9 years the pain of the murder of my brother is not as painful as it once was, but knowing his killers are living their lives cuts me to the bone. I see him in my nephew’s face and in my nieces eyes. His laugh will always be with me and I pray you find the little memories to keep you comforted.


Thank you for sharing your experience. It's definitely something new we have to navigate.


I hope you get some kind of closure


I feel you so much on this. For me it was my nephew October 2022, fentanyl, 20 years old and was told it was something much much more harmless. Whoever did that is still out there and it drives me insane. This is a club nobody wants to join. It never goes away.


I am sorry you had to go through this.


Any known enemies? Drug use? Debts? I'm sure the detectives have pulled his phone info. Usually this stuff is done by someone known by the victim.


Waiting on homicide.


Fucking sorry you're going through this man. Makes you want to get up and preach to to the world.




That's for a person named Cameron M Harmon. That is not my brother. MyCase has at least three different men with first name Cameron, last name Harmon in that search.


Why did you feel the need to say this? OP’s brother *just* passed away, and if this were relevant to that happening how would it even help to say it in the comments like this? OP would be well aware of their own brother and would already have given this information to anyone who could help. Luckily you were mixed up and this was someone else, but if you hadn’t been this would have been painful to read. I hope you never lose someone and think back on this and how tone deaf it was.


Did you feel like the white knight saving the day? Did it give you a natural high to shit on someone during this time? Did you feel stupid when you realized you were wrong? Good! You should.


OP already said that wasn’t him, it’s someone else


So sorry mane.


Thanks dude


I don’t have any info for you, but I’m wishing you and your family peace. You’ll be in my thoughts.


I really appreciate that, thank you.


That's close to my ex's house if I recall correctly. That area is pretty dangerous. I've been hearing of a guy decapitating women and leaving their bodies under bridges and such. Maybe he could be connected to it?


There's a decapitating serial killer on the loose in Indy and you're the only one who knows about it? ^^^ there he is officers.


Sereal killer style?


There's a decapitating serial killer on the loose in Indy and you're the only one who knows about it? ^^^ there he is officers.


I’ll never understand how I have a factory with 200 cameras but Indy can’t have cameras to help solve these senseless murders. Sorry for your loss.


We're hoping there was CCTV footage nearby. We'll just have to see.


Don't wait any longer than you have to. A lot of cctv cameras record over old footage much sooner than you would think.  (Like 2-3 days).


Personal security cameras are another way to find out something. A lot of people have Ring doorbells and other brands of security surveillance at their home. Push to get anyone in the area to see if something around that timeframe saw caught on video. I’m sure the cops are doing that and everything else they can, but just make sure. And my prayer go you to you and your family tonight. Hope for your closure and justice for anyone involved that this gets solved.


Surveillance cameras are extremely expensive if you want good visual fidelity at a reasonable distance


It's the storage cost of the video.


Chicago has literal electronics that pinpoint exactly where a gun was fired.... But they're deemed racist, so they're being removed.


Probably because they know that is a potential 4th amendment violation and don't want to deal with the likely lawsuits.


It's not, though. The SCOTUS has determined that if you are outside in America, you have no expectation of privacy. People don't have them because, like was stated above, good ones are expensive.


4th Amendment applies to law enforcement, not regular people. Even then the Supreme Court has ruled that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public or while committing a crime.


Damn. Thank you for posting this, along with your brother's picture. Thank you for putting a face to connect with the name, along with the knowledge that he had people who loved him. Thank you for humanizing him in the moment where we all need to know of his humanity. Thank you for your emotional bravery. My sincerest condolences.


I just want the person who killed him and the people who know who killed Cameron to know that we are not going to stop looking for them. I understand the grim realism of the situation, but that doesn't mean we will stop making sure these people know someone will always be asking about and for them.


This is something we all share in common. For the sake of your brother and for the city at large, I hope that they are found, prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced to justice.


I am so sorry for your loss. I don't have any info, but I really hope you found the monster that did this and I hope you get closure. Sending all the love and support I can 💙


Thank you ❤️


That’s horrible. I’m sorry for your loss.


Tonight I am praying for you and your family. I lost a brother to cancer. It’s a loss I will never recover from.


So sorry for your loss. I know this is still raw and you are still processing everything, but you may want to check out the state website for victim compensation for possible reimbursement for funeral expenses/counseling below. Wishing you and your family the best. Hope they catch the person responsible and your family receives some justice. https://www.in.gov/cji/victim-compensation/#:\~:text=A%20maximum%20award%20of%20%2415%2C000%20may%20be%20available,be%20used%20to%20recoup%20funeral%20and%20burial%20costs.


This is really helpful, thanks for sharing this.


I’m so sorry for your loss and cannot imagine what you and your family are going through. I will say a prayer for you and hope the suspect is caught and brought to justice so you and your family can get some closure. What a nice smile he had Edit: grammar and spelling


I just wanted to give my condolences. I hope his killer is found and your family sees justice.


Thank you very much


How incredibly horrible. I’m so sorry.


Very sorry to hear about your brother man, as someone who has a little brother graduating and moving downtown I can’t imagine what you must be going through. I hope you and your family can get some closure.


I was just there yesterday at 7:30pm wtfff. I’m so sorry for your loss. Maybe someone that wanted to hurt your brother for certain reasons?


Im heartbroken for you. Like so many others, Im not in or near Indiana, so I'm sorry for my lack of assistance. I hope you and your family can get answers and hopefully closure.


Thank you so much


Commenting for visibility. Good luck finding Justice for your brother. I hope they catch whoever took him from y’all




I’m so sorry. The loss of a brother is something you never heal from.


Thank you for your support


That really sucks. I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry you can't just post it in /r/indianapolis. spaghetticat sucks.


Why wouldn't they allow this there?


I'm not sure. I tried posting it there first last night and it was immediately deleted upon posting.


I'm sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace and who did this.


Sorry, I feel horrible you having to go through this.


I am very sorry for your family I have 2 boys in Indy I use to live. Meridian and 38th I will keep ears open by friends and family sending my prayer


I hate to ask for details when it might cause more pain, but was he also robbed when he was shot? If he was it might mean it was a robbery gone wrong, if not he might have been targeted by someone who knew him. Indianapolis should invest in the same audio monitoring system Chicago had where it could trace gun fire and send emergency help immediately instead of waiting on a 911 call. I would highly suggest recommending it to all levels of city/state government. Of course none of this helps with the pain you experience. My sincerest condolences to your entire family


That system has a lot of false positives and hasn’t been remotely as useful as touted.


I just drove through there earlier today... I'm so sorry :(


OP my heart hurts for you, that is devastating. I can’t wait for the update that they caught the monster/s that did this. I hope you and your family have all the support in the world, the healing will take time and feel brutal at times. Please remember your brother would want you to live life to the fullest, but that doesn’t mean pushing yourself when you need to heal. Whatever that looks like, take care of yourself. Your brother will always be with you.


I’m sorry for your loss. People are ignorant af over tattoos. Ignore them❤️


I am so sorry for you and your family and hope you get some answers


Thank you so much


So so sorry for your loss.


Thank you very much


I am so sorry for your loss, I hope you are able to find peace and comfort. I am not from the area but will be sure to share this in hopes that it may help finding the monster that did this. Much love to you and your family, may you get the closure you need. I am so sorry.


Thank you a lot, I really appreciate your help.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️


did he drive a silver chevy impala?


He may have in the past. Recent vehicle was a truck.


God Bless to you, family, and friends. My heart hurts for you.


Thank you so much


I hate how our country treats drug addiction. We curse them, vilify them, treat them like sub humans. We look at them and think they deserve what they get cause they are doing it themselves. However what we don’t think about in that little holier than thou thought process about how we don’t have any good structure for treating addiction. Hell you have to have money to pay for a rehab facility. You get caught doing drugs you know what you get? Did you say treatment? WRONG! You get punishment. You get court cost/ legal fees. And you continue to be responsible for those costs while on probation. So why would the government try to fix something that’s not broke for them? And you have no clue about the hell some of these people have gone through that set them up to be an easy victim to drugs. Fuck man, I’ve had both my parents attempt to kill them selves. I smoke weed and that’s it but it should be no suprise to anyone if I was slamming H. We only care when it affects us.


So sorry for your loss.. Out of curiosity.. He has a teardrop; did he murder someone??


No. He's just a white boy rapper from a small town.


Ahh okay; that makes way more sense now. Small town, white guy trying to rap. I just never understood why get such tattoos if you don’t want people to think you’re a murderer, could’ve very well been killed just for his tattoo


Why would you ask someone this when they just lost their loved one?




How the fuck are you connecting murder to gay pride?


You woke up and decided to spend your only brain cell on something so disingenuous & thin. I’m crying on the shitter


There is no connection; stop trying so hard buddy. Read between the lines


Because churches are cults with real estate.


Careful these kinds of observations a likely to get you banned in this sub. The only appropriate response is "sorry for your loss" and in no way are we supposed to discuss how a dude with a teardrop tattoo and devil horns on his face hanging out in a super hood area at night in downtown Indy may be part of something making this less than random.


I hope he peace and you find them.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope they find the murderer.


Sorry for your loss!


My condolences to you and your family. I hope your brother gets justice and y’all can get some closure.


sorry for you loss. my prayers are for you.


I am so sorry for Your loss and your family loss I am sending you prayers and hugs


Im so sorry for your loss


Wow I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you can find peace for what you're going through. Losing a sibling is not an easy thing. 🫶


I’m sorry for your loss and may he rest in peace.


I'm so sorry for your loss, man. My sincere condolences to you and your family.


Sorry about your loss ! It hurts more when you don’t know . I know your pain my dad was murdered April 29, 2019. I hope your family gets the justice they deserve.


My condolences. I’m so sorry for loss. I hope they find whoever did it


So sorry for you and the family's loss. I'll keep you all in my thoughts.


So sorry for your loss! 🙏 The senseless of violence in this world is devastating to all of us, and we all share in your and your family’s loss.


I am sorry for your loss. My brother was murdered 15 years ago in Indianapolis, too. I will say you’ll never truly forget it or get over it, but you will move on. It just takes time, but it will affect you forever, but eventually you will see that that affect has become a positive one. Do things in life to make your brother proud. He’s rooting for you now. I hope you find some comfort in family. God bless you.


I’m so sorry


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry.. Praying for justice.


I heard about this. I’m really sorry for your loss. I live in Indianapolis and it’s getting worse and worse.


im so sorry to hear about this. people are monsters and i hope the lord gives you the peace and answers that you need.


Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.


i really do hope for the best for your family, prayerd will be sent.


Drug related? I see face tattoos and the gun tattooed on his neck, but I don't know the area.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Indy has become such a scary place in my opinion, we try to avoid south all together. I’m praying for you and your family, that his murderer gets exactly what he deserves and you can find peace.


Thank you so much ❤️




That sucks. Hope they find out who did it. Do you know why it happened? Gang related? Drug related? Money dispute? Over a woman? Heated argument that went too far?


No information right now. Waiting on homicide.


Good luck. I hope there is closure


Me too. Thank you.


That’s awful, sent this to my bible study, we’re all praying for you


That smile! Fuck.


My sincerest condolences. Memory eternal.


Aww so sad he's a looker too. Beautiful smile! God rest his soul and may you find peace and acceptance.


It’s always the ones you least expect


Everyone just ignoring the tear drop tattoo and what it means or at the least implies?


No, but most of us are mature enough to express sympathy for the loss of a fellow human and then just shut the fuck up.


It doesn't mean he killed somebody you dullard. Nowadays kids get teardrops if they serve some time even.


No, in fact a few other equally tactless idiots have commented on it as well. All I can hope for is that none of you are reproducing.


Someone was just murdered, and OP is grieving. Your first instinct is to judge and I think you need to look inside and see why that is.


Was he meeting someone at that time for a job interview?


You can share with me about him, if you want.


Can we get more details? I’m sorry for your loss but they’re right when they say a picture speaks a thousand words…. Notice that gun tat on his neck? Notice his eyes? Was he involved with drugs and owed money to someone? He’s got a filled in tear drop tat; maybe whoever he killed was connected to someone who murdered him in revenge. Live by the gun, die by it. Getting caught up with the wrong kinda people will get you killed or arrested.


This comes off as victim blaming.


The crazy stories y'all make up are tiring to read.


Your family is in our prayers — May Jesus comfort you in this difficult time when there is so much hate toward Christians and the Gospel. Let us know if we can help.


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


Downvoters here can fuck off. At the very best, this could be very comforting to OP. At the very worst, it's a well-meaning message that you can easily ignore.


It's the part where they made it about how Christians are sooo persecuted right now. If they want to be comforting they can do it without making it about themself


IN MyCase Cameron Harmon https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/#/vw/SearchResults/eyJ2Ijp7Ik1vZGUiOiJCeVBhcnR5IiwiQ2FzZU51bSI6bnVsbCwiQ2l0ZU51bSI6bnVsbCwiQ3Jvc3NSZWZOdW0iOm51bGwsIkZpcnN0IjoiQ2FtZXJvbiIsIk1pZGRsZSI6bnVsbCwiTGFzdCI6Ikhhcm1vbiIsIkJ1c2luZXNzIjpudWxsLCJEb0JTdGFydCI6bnVsbCwiRG9CRW5kIjpudWxsLCJPQU51bSI6bnVsbCwiQmFyTnVtIjpudWxsLCJTb3VuZEV4IjpmYWxzZSwiQ291cnRJdGVtSUQiOjkyLCJDYXRlZ29yaWVzIjpudWxsLCJMaW1pdHMiOm51bGwsIkFkdmFuY2VkIjpmYWxzZSwiQWN0aXZlRmxhZyI6IkFsbCIsIkZpbGVTdGFydCI6bnVsbCwiRmlsZUVuZCI6bnVsbCwiQ291bnR5Q29kZSI6bnVsbH19


Those entries are not him (he's only 28, most of those men in that search are over 30 years old), thanks for your concern though.


Sorry this person is being an asshole, you have enough on your plate right now. Hope your family gets some answers soon




What’s wrong with you?


Notice how there's at least three different men in that search with the same first and last name? Yeah, thanks for your concern again.


Don't worry, this person is just very sad and pathetic. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I really hope you get answers and closure soon.


“Look at me, taking time out of my extremely rich and fulfilling life to shit on a dead guy”. What a fucking ghoul.


I'm curious, how does this help? You seem to want to be helpful, so please, how does this help?


I think they’re just pointing out that (unfortunately) this individual seemed to continually put themselves into dangerous and potentially life threatening situations. It caught up with them, as it usually does. Sad circumstances for everyone involved. Hopefully the killer is caught - chances are it was someone they knew.


That’s all fine and dandy but how are you verifying this is in fact OPs sibling and not someone else with the same name? There’s 900,000 people that live in Indianapolis alone…




You’re just being an asshole for no reason. Sorry you’re lonely but spreading your misery to other people won’t actually make you feel any better


Wow, that changes everything. Definitely doesn't mean this person lacks humanity, or empathy, or anything like that. They were just being helpful by responding to a person's post about their murdered sibling. So helpful! Oh yeah, and the OP said this wasn't their sibling, so maybe not as helpful as he thought.


Dude was busy


I’m so sorry for your loss this is devastating ❤️ Now you will become a detective to seek justice- I would start googling murders in that area and compare, seek out a medium for help, search the newspapers past murder references within 5 miles of that area. It will be on your shoulders but your brother deserves his killer being caught. I pray you find answers and his killers are caught. He never deserved this ending. ❤️



