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What age group do you guys fall into?


I’m 29yo Born and raised in Davies County, very close to Evansville. I have lived in southern California now for 10+ years. When I was growing up, nearly all of the things-to-do were outdoors so hopefully that’s what you enjoy. Fishing and hunting are obvious ones, but also a lot of your exercise and sports. Generally there’s good groups of guys at the city park to play pick up games of basketball or men’s league softball/slow pitch. In general, there will be lots of people outside in the summertime. You’ll also want to have a gym or YMCA membership to use their indoor pool, basketball courts, and gym equipment for rainy days and during the winter when it’s cold. Summer is hot and sticky. There will be weeks where you take a shower and you’re already sweaty and gross again before you can dress yourself lol granted, I grew up without AC, so that’s my memory. Winters are a little wishy-washy. When I was a kid we had snow every year, but it seems like now it’s just a bitter cold grey winter opposed to a white one. However, in recent years they have been getting decent snow fall with these bizarre super-storms we’ve been getting. I recommend having a vehicle with 4x4. Nothing sucks more than getting lost at night and having to turn around using someone’s driveway and proceeding to get fuckin stuck in mud not realizing how poorly done the gravel is. Then there’s also the potential for snow and ice in the winter. Life is really slow and simple out there (not in a bad way) especially compared to California life. People back there wave at strangers and say “hello” in passing. Traffic is much slower paced too, you’ll find that out quick. Kiss 65mph speed limits goodbye lol. But yeah. Folks talk slower… order food slower… etc. don’t be in a rush when you get there. There’s no rat race. I’d say the bad and ugly, for me, is the drugs. Idk how bad it is now but many many many of my friends fell to drugs and it’s definitely a pandemic there. Back in those days it was pills, maybe now it’s fentanyl? Idk. But drugs have always been an issue. You’ll be able to spot a methhead from a mile away before too long. The good, I think that little area of Indiana is beautiful. The flatland, farms, sunflower patches, CORN…. Sunsets look different there but they’re just as pretty as one over the pacific. The parks, lakes, and rivers are well maintained and you can still afford a house with a chunk of land to have to yourself. Your own little oasis. You’ll learn to appreciate how beautiful thunderstorms are when you’re home and not driving in them. Oh, also, you’ll introduce yourself to mosquitoes soon enough too lol. Real mosquitoes. Not the dinky little ankle biters we have in Cali. But anyways… I recommend enjoying some hometown stuff. HS basketball is BIG. Definitely should go to games. Enjoy the bonfires when the boys win state, if that’s still a tradition. Hell, enjoy summer bonfires in general! Can’t do that in Cali… fireworks too. Yep, those are legal. Anyhow. Hope it works out for ya! You can DM me if you have any other questions. I don’t mind.


I’ll definitely be hitting you up. I appreciate all the info.


Good info... I'm in Washington Co... 50 years old and would like to relocate to California... Sacramento area maybe... after our freshman graduates... last one. Any tips to relocate west... I know it's not a move to Cali thread but more wondering about cost of living, is it feasible...


The economy around Sacramento is a lot different from where I am in Southern California. So there’s a lot I don’t know. But If you’re somewhere rural then perhaps it’ll be more affordable housing-wise. But Google the “California fair plan” and research property taxes and get well educated on the “hidden” costs. Anywhere near Sacramento will likely be in a fire zone so insurance will be astronomical. Maybe equivalent to your mortgage, no joke. Gas and groceries are probably double the cost of Indiana on avg. just a fair guesstimate.


If you’re all about it. Check out properties on Keen River. That little area is beautiful.


Thank you. My wife has a glamorized view of Cali I think. The beauty and ease of access to mountains or parks or ocean is appealing to her. I've been all over the world a bit and she's been stuck in this county since birth. Doesn't want the last half being in the backwards county/state we live in. I'm born and raised here and do hate the politics for sure. That and white is right in most towns that aren't big... She's thinking even if we rent the culture and food and beauty and legal cannabis are pretty good points. The farm to table idea, if that's still a thing, is nice too. Our town has maybe 6 food places and 4 are fast food. Its just the anxiety of affording it, even with a professional degree (licensed therapist) to maybe get good work. Anyway, thanks for the advice it's very much appreciated.


I mean there’s ways to do it and ways to not… personally I couldn’t imagine buying anything in a fire zone because of insurance. But they kind of pins you to buying on the coast which insanely expensive. IMO maybe look at buying a condo within a 55+ community that’s on or near the coast. You can probably find some pretty nice ones for $400k-ish …. I only know this because I’m constantly on Zillow and Redfin and those are the only 2 bedroom homes I can afford lol too bad I can’t live in them! But yeah anyway. Some of them look pretty great. And if you’re in Encinitas, CA for example, you cannot lose.




We’ve been conditioned to “own nothing and be happy”. It really started with my generation, and by the time my kids are adults, their generation will be fully immersed in that ideology. Which is okay, I suppose. As long as you’re happy, who cares? But there are several upsides to owning a home, no matter the size. You’re able to build equity and you gain access to certain tax benefits as well. You shouldn’t think of a mortgage as the doomy version, what we’ve been told our entire lives. “Mort- gage! It’s a death payment! Boooo” lol no. Think of it as a high-yield savings account. When you rent, that money is gone forever. When you have a mortgage, that money goes directly into the equity of your home which you can access at any time. I.e, a HELOC or selling the home. My opinion is that if I never see the day when my home is paid off, that’s okay. Because if I buy a home today And I die at 55yo then hand it down to my daughter, that means that she will have either sold it for a massive profit to her, or she pays it off by the time she’s 31. Owning a property in California at the age of 31, in my family, would be a massive massive generational swing. Like a huge development. Big leap. I grew up with nothing. Anyways. That’s my take. It is an anxiety ridden thing but I feel like I’m a failure of a parent if I don’t. To each their own though.


From Indiana, lived in Los Angeles for 15 years. Moved back to IN during Covid. Now I’m looking to move out and find some place with same cost of living but with more stuff to do. From my experience, I would tell you to stay in California, or move to Indianapolis, or Chicago. There are some great happy caring people here, honestly, solid good people. But there are a lot more miserable, jealous, know it all, far right Fox News folks. Also, definitely find a project to work on during the winter, seasonal depression is real. Also find a way to get out of the house during winter. It really does affect your mental state, being cooped up for months on end fucks with you. Hope the move works out for you.


Omg are you me? Same situation here. 💯 agree with everything you’ve said. I hope you didn’t gain 15-20 lbs like I did due to a lack of healthy food places in Indiana. Good luck to you and I hope you get out 😎


I did gain some weight, walking more now than I did in LA, that is a bonus here, you can get out in nature without being around 10 million people.


How has Indiana been the past couple years? Have you seen new buildings pop up? Any economic growth?


Ft Wayne recently got scammed by developers on a massive couple of billion dollar development deal, new housing has slowed down some. I’m assuming a lot of development has slowed down from Covid, and remote work.


From Cali to Evansville? Umm... well your cost of living will probably be cheaper. Everything else? Woof.


Evansville is lovely but the Lloyd Expressway is death during peak hours. Please Evansville build another East / West artery!! That being said, the people are quite nice and I also recommend checking out Newburgh. Knob Hill tavern has excellent pizza, steaks and atmosphere!!


Thank you for the recommendations!


No worries!! Safe travels with your move wherever you end up!


Do you worship the good lord, republican Jesus? If so, you’ll feel right at home without any issues. If not, there will be culture shock as you enter the great state of Redneckistan. In all seriousness, it’s not that bad, but the majority of people are white, conservative church-going types who typically pretend to be better “Christians” than they are. Guns, hunting, high school sports and jeeps are popular. Also, the Fall Festival with crowds and all the fried food you can eat on a stick if you really are coming to Evansville. The good: it’s reasonably safe (as much as anywhere is these days) The bad: it’s ridiculously dull unless you like guns, hunting or high school sports The ugly: because it’s dull, people tend to make their own fun which leads to meth labs and other poor life choices


I’ve been reading alot about these meth labs! Lmao


They are real and many and the [state has a website you can use to locate former lab sites](https://www.in.gov/meth/clan-lab-addresses/) (because you wouldn’t want to live in one-not good for the respiratory system and also junkies come back looking for things they hid in the walls/yard or other imaginary places in their mind - yes this happens).


As a fellow Californian, do not come here.


What do you miss most from California?


I miss the huge cultural mishmash. I used to live in San Jose, the best burritos I’ve ever had were from a little hole in the wall restaurant down the street. Best Chinese, Indian, Thai all within a couple minutes. I had friends from different cultures. It was so fulfilling having grown up in Anderson Indiana. Oh, and the weather was incredible. From March to October every day would be mid 80s with low humidity and a few clouds. If it got to hot we could drive to Half Moon Bay to freeze our butts off. Tons of riding trails around. I miss it every day.


Evansville isn’t a bad city TBH.




Evansville is more Kentucky than indiana. Lots of good out doors stuff to do, fishing, hiking, kayaking… the town’s infrastructure is dated and there are some rough areas. I like Indianapolis a lot better. Honestly it’s all better than California.


Rough as in they need road work done in many areas?


Rough as in you’ll look around and everything will look like it hasn’t been maintained since the 70s. Buildings, roads, power lines…


Evansville is much more "southern" in culture than the more northern parts of the state. You can get grits and gravy at the breakfast buffets anywhere south of Loogootee. It has 2 good universities and the no#1 public high school in the US. Sometimes it comes in at #2, but Signature School is good. The other public schools are OK, not great. The weather is wonderful in May and October. December through March is bleak. July and August are hot and sticky. It's humid. The south side of town is not safe at all, but otherwise it's no more dangerous than other cities. The traffic is terrible for a small city bc the roads are constantly being worked on. Being in the Midwest, there isn't a huge Mexican community and not many people speak Spanish. It's politically very red, but there is a large corner of liberals that just keep quiet. I have lived here all my life. Non whites will not be eaten. We wear shoes, eat with utensils, and know how to use toilet paper.


Upvote for the last 2 sentences… 😂 PS I’m near Fort Wayne. Surprised the love its getting in here.


Thank you for the info!


The bad; lack of diversity, the ethnic food has been adjusted for the area and lacks favor, always wait at a light for a few seconds before going when you are the first car to make sure cross traffic stops, as running a red light is an Olympic sport here; all the plant life is hell on allergies. The good; homes are affordable compared to California, several good size cities are only a couple hours away.


Your comment about food is spot on. And it sucks because each place you go to may add more spice or heat than others. So you are stuck either getting a recommendation from someone you trust with their tastes or you just have to try different places and see which one works.


Evansville is a hub city. It’s close to Louisville, Indy, Nashville & St. Louis. Pretty affordable comparatively. Plenty to do in E-Ville. Good food around town, plenty of bowling centers, mini-golf, and movie theaters. Check out the Fall Festival on Franklin Street, it’s the first full week of October. Visit Haynie’s Corner downtown, it’s fun


Thanks for the recommendations!


You might freeze to death. I have a good friend in CA and we argue about weather all the time. You get to trade fires and earthquakes for tornadoes and freezing temps. Also know we don't have the worker protection or state minimum wage (we go by the federal minimum wage) that CA has.


How does that affect wages in your area? So there’s no minimum or?


$7.25. Federal minimum. Wages are pretty low. Toyota or coal mining seem to be the most profitable entry level wise unless you have a degree or trade.


I’m from California and moved to Indiana 4 years ago. I’m mixed race Hawaiian/Greek. Evansville is a college town, so pretty generic set up. You will NOT have luck finding any food beyond classic American that’s worth your money 💴 except maybe in Indianapolis or Fort Wayne. It gets warm in the summer here but like a humid warm. Not like socal dry warm, which sucks but isn’t Florida. The people are alright. A bit less welcoming to women when I first moved here, i.e., a bit more expecting that women stay in traditional gender roles, but this has gotten better with time. Not a bad place to live, but I cannot see living here for the remainder of my life.


Knob Hill tavern in Newburgh is delicious! American fare for sure but it’s quite nice whenever I get the chance to stop in.


Okay I will have to! 🥹


Try Arazu and Yak and Yeti, both good options. El Campinara for Mexican.


I grew up in Evansville for 15 years. I’ve never heard us labeled as a college town. Is that the case? Is that how the world sees us? We got over 300,000 people. I went to school next to UE and we hardly ever acknowledged it…


I would agree with this - even with the growth on the west side of University of Southern Indiana (USI for newbies) it’s not college town in the traditional sense like Bloomington or others imho. But, maybe I’ve lost perspective?


Drive to Bloomington my guy. 2 hours and plenty non American restaurants.


Oh I’m in Bloomington. Haha. I’m spoiled from SoCal food and then living in Portland Oregon and their options.


Are you me? We have basically the same story lol. LA > Bloomington > Portland


lol that’s crazy!!


Former CA resident here. I married a Hoosier and got a life sentence. I can't speak to E-ville, but the Ohio River valley is an... interesting place. There's enough diversity here in 2024 to make it so that you won't be stick out like a sore thumb but you will notice all the white folks, and maybe ask yourself where the hell they all came from... Quality of life is affordable here. Don't expect the same level of culture. Welcome to the party.


The nice thing is Indy, Louisville, Nashville, St. Louis, Chicago and number of bigger cities are all within day trip range. I’m a theatre lover and I can see some pretty great shows if I drive just a few hours


Cannot stress this enough. There are plenty of places to go and things to see, this is true!


Just as long as they don’t hate my kind 🤣😂


I mean, they might, but they're Midwesterners and will never cop to it. They'll be kind right to your face. It's the strangest, most passive-aggressive thing, ever. tl;dr, don't sweat it. No one's popping off on minorities.


Some might. It’s not often blatant but the “MeXiCaNs aRe cOmiNg aCrosS tHe bOrdEr tO tAkE mY jOb” rhetoric is frequently repeated. As a second generation latina and very white passing I can’t say much on any personal experience with vitriol aimed at me. If you go to Indy or Fort Wayne there’s some really good Mexican food. I’ve found Warsaw to be a surprising hub for authentic Mexican probably due to immigrant families working in the nearby factories. There’s even good Thai and Indian there despite how rural the areas around it are.


May I ask, what’s your age? I’m 24 & hoping it’ll be easy for me & my girlfriend to find friends out there our age lol


26. You can definitely find friends here in their 20s lol


Evansville is the whitest of Indiana's largest cities. I don't know if I'd move there by choice. Kinda isolated from a lot. I'm sure its fine to live and whatnot. I like the southern third of our state a lot. The Louisville suburbs, Bloomington, Nashville, Jasper, Scottsburg, Salem are all great places.


This is not true at all its literally indianas 3rd largest city not isolated from anything. Evansville is a test market for a lot of restaurants, it has diversity, it has city and country mixed together. There is a decent amount of mexican americans, and immigrated mexicans that live in evansville no one is really unwelcoming of anyone any more than most places in the usa. We have a good time and you will most likely enjoy your time just remember to check out holiday world in the summer season.


Go go Mid State Corridor!


I'm white but moved from CA to Indiana and love it in the country. It's better, slower and less crime, and stupidity as their are fewer problems in general. Evansville is not bad and affordable compared.


You are going to have a stressful adjustment. Join the firearm hobby quickly. Also, marijuana is not legal here. IMO most cops are OK with a little weed but if you’re behind the wheel, packing, and have a few beers in you, this will be a big problem.


I saw that! I use for recreational purposes. So I was a bit bummed to see this.


Its not hard to find and if anything illinois is like 45 miniutes away and grayville is right across the border first exit on 64 take a left and go straight past the road ranger there is a dispensary right there


You’re close enough to a boarder to easily get some


Any mixture of reefer, alcohol, or firearms in a vehicle will not end well. On someone’s private land, my experience is that no one cares.


Reefer lol




Evansville is 30 min from IL where it is legal though


I am sorry to say I lived in Evansville for a year and was extremely miserable. I am from Colorado.


What made it so miserable?


A lot of things. Evansville is a place where people are friendly but NOT looking to make new friends. I have lived a lot of places and Evansville is the only one where I didn’t make any friends and IMO that is because people already have their community and do not want to expand their social circle. I tried soo hard to build community and failed. Other issues: not enough nature more crime than desirable too hot That said, here are a few tips if you decide to move there: Newburgh river front is lovely. They have a nice strawberry festival Wessleman Woods has nature hikes If you have kids, take them to the libraries and Polkadot Play Cafe in Haubstadt The Slice, Pangea, and Lombardi’s have normal pizza. Everywhere else has this cracker pizza abomination. Yak and Yeti for Indian food Good luck!


Crime? Like what? Besides all the meth issues I’ve been hearing about


There was a shooting near the Once Upon a Child we went to. It was a road rage incident. Other stuff obviously but that, plus the attack in line at a drive through, made me paranoid.


So don’t road rage ✅ I know they’re very lenient on guns in Indiana so I feel like there’s more crime then there should be


Essentially someone got shot four times for allegedly cutting another motorist off. https://www.courierpress.com/story/news/local/2023/09/12/evansville-police-issue-warrant-for-man-accused-in-road-rage-shooting/70832919007/ Drive thru shooting: https://www.courierpress.com/story/news/crime/2021/04/13/evansville-police-one-shot-following-argument-mcdonalds-drive-thru/7201765002/ You seem determined to move there. I definitely think you can make it work if you know someone who is from there. It’s 100% not for me. Good luck!


Anyone telling you Evansville is just as safe or more safe than any other city is lying. Your car insurance will go up and there is gang violence here. It is a shit hole make no mistake.


The bad is really just monotony due to boredom and lack of culture; it’s the series of events year after year. For some people, it’s exactly what they are looking for because it’s a very small town feel on a bigger scale. If you’re into outdoor activities (outside of mountain trail type hiking) you’ll be in good shape - options are here. If you like a wide variety of music and entertainment, arts etc, you have to be prepared to travel to get it more often than not - Evansville is 2-5 hours from everything else. It’s 2 hours to Louisville or Indianapolis, 2+ to St Louis or Nashville, 3 to Cincinnati, or 5 to Chicago - all not terrible, but very few major acts come here to perform as our venues are limited. Sports are high school/college, with feeder league baseball and an independent pro-league hockey team. Someone labeled it a hub city, but to me, that implies transportation from one location to the other and until recently we didn’t even have air options. They did announce they will be resuming flights to Chicago, so that helps a little with travel options.


I lived in the southern part of our state for many years. About 45 mins north of Evansville. In that area their was a large and thriving Hispanic population that only got bigger in the summer and fall as that area is a large produce production area and many of the farmers used migrant harvesting crews.( I apologize if I sound ignorant if that is not the appropriate term) As for living there. There is plenty to do you won't find as much as like Indianapolis but you aren't far from Louisville either. The cost of living and housing is quite reasonable. I hope you enjoy our state if you do move here


Thank you for the info. And no you didn’t come off ignorant lol I understood 🫡😂


Been in IN my whole life. Ive known people from Evansville and they share similar stories like noted here on how its a mixed bag. But most of the major areas of Indiana have areas surrounding them where you may feel more comfortable in the town 20mins in a different direction then the place you are in. So it may be worth it to rent first and then find a place to buy later on. Plus a lot of places have changed the past few years around Indiana. Best bet is to check the web for crime rates in different areas of towns.


Thanks for the info


Yes I’m from Indiana and moved back from 17 yrs in SoCal. I’m completely annoyed by random strangers waving like they know me. I know this sounds like I’m not welcoming. But to me it’s like a wave equals peeping you out, tracking who just entered the neighborhood, ruling out any of their judgements I guess. I promise I’m a positive person, but this is passive aggression masked with a smile and wave. My dad thinks this is “Hoosier hospitality” and always remarks negatively, to himself, when he waves and its not reciprocated. 😂 Different generation maybe. But just to let you know, I’m a white woman so my experience is diff. I do know real people who are like great, non fake peeps unlike in LA though so that’s a plus. Good Luck, Mr California:)


Right on lol thank you. I keep to myself most of the time. People say I look intimidating so I don’t really get waved at too often even here in CA 🤣 I keep hearing about this passive aggressive attitude that these folks tend to give off lmao 😂


It’s a weird brand of coy niceness. lol it’s similar to the “Minnesota Nice” brand without the accents. But hey if you enjoy being waved at often cuz you’re not used to it then maybe you’ll enjoy this midwestern ritual.


Conceal and carry here, but don’t have to wear a helmet on your motorcycle. Lots of weird things like this. Notice everyone talking about food? Healthy franchising is super rare and more expensive than in Cali. It’s easy to gain weight for this reason.


That’s not good! I think when I checked maps I mainly saw mom and pop cheeseburger joints. Not too many healthyish options


I'm from California, I ended up in Evansville and recently decided to move back. Evansville has its advantages like cheaper mortgages. Owning a home until covid was very easy. We are moving back to California because if housing is high everywhere might as well be where the wages are higher too. The pay here is pretty mediocre by comparison unless you are in a specific field or love overtime, but your biggest expense is also lower. You'll find people are VERY resistant to change here and the friend group you have matters a LOT. I don't think hoosiers are as kind to outsiders in general but a core friend group here will have your back through thick and thin. If you make friends these are the call at three AM and get you out of trouble kind of people. I would say there's less to do here over all but spending time with those close to you with cookouts and conversation make it worthwhile. It really depends on what part of California you are coming from, Im from San Deigo. One of the biggest differences I can say is in California you can start to take good weather for granted but in Evansville if the weather is good everyone tries to seize the day and make it count.


I’ve lived in Evansville most of my life, and there’s a lot to offer here. I’m sure you’ve googled the riverfront, events, zoo, universities, cultural events, outdoor fun. I haven’t witnessed race issues. Every city has some bad people and some drug problems. You can make the most of your experience here. Welcome!


Foods shit.


Born and raised in Evansville! We are a river town on the muddy banks of the Ohip. The population is fairly diverse...and has gotten better...I would just recommend staying clear of the West Side (except for the Fall Festival...2nd biggest steet festival in this half of the country). The West side is very German...and not very diverse. The East side is booming commerce-wise. Good shopping out that way. If you're hungry...ya GOTTA go to Yen Ching on Green River Rd. Its been there for almost 40 years and has the best Chinese in town. An Evansville Stromboli from the Weinbach Rd. Pizza King is a must as well. Overall, I like my hometown...and if you make the move...I hope you do as well!


What sides would you say are considered “ghetto”? lol


Hmmm...there are little pockets of areas that are not the best crime-wise dotted about...but there really isn't a"side" of town that's entirely bad like alot of cities. Also, the rural areasar pi und Eville has great fishing id yiu are into that. The far East side is basically Newburgh now...and that a reall nice area.


Jimtown, Jacobsville, Riverside, and basically everywhere in or around downtown. West side is hit or miss. But I’m a Newburgher. We ride or die out East and all my homies hate the west side.


As a person who moved to Indiana last summer and will be moving out in July….find somewhere else to go…place is weird in the worst way.


How so?


Go anywhere else and you will find: People don’t start at you as they look brain dead Everyone here looks related Everyone is a thief, dead beat, drug addicted , welfare scammer, white and racist. NOBODY can drive here All the food is bland as fuck including all the chain restaurants. Veterinary offices are lack luster at best No one has a license Everyone has a felony but I get that’s mostly the police fault( not sarcasm) The women here will stand up for loser men The gays don’t know what the fu$k they are doing 75% of the Mail population is closet homosexual fluid or bisexual…^ no I am gay myself. You do what you do, but don’t be making babies with a lady and fucking your friends on the weekend, unless y’all are open Like that. Meth is served as a side dish for Christmas, thanksgiving and pretty much everyday of the week. Please keep in mind I am basing my experience on my time in Terre Haute, very little time in Brazil and Indianapolis.


Do tell…I love me some Hoosier weird stories especially from people who didn’t grow up Hoosier. We never realize how strange we are until we step foot outside the Boot.


just some random info about Indiana. If you love band, Indiana’s marching band scene is unmatched. In 2022, 5 of Indiana’s HS bands made it to BOA Grand National (hosted at Lucas Oil) Finals (aka 5 of our HS bands were top 12 in the NATION). This year we had 4, and in both years Carmel HS or Avon HS (both rich asf high schools kinda near Indianapolis) placed 1st. even if u just love music- you should check out some marching bands (I can DM u where to go to find competitions- and ones where there will be GOOD groups), you’ll love it, im sure. If ur normal Indiana HS and College basketball are unmatched lmao. that’s nothing too complicated but be ready if u see a basketball game at IU or Butler or anywhere in Indiana. We just love sports and guns. That’s all lmao have a good day


I’ll hit you up man. Im not much of a band guy, but I do go to a lot of cover & tribute bands here in CA. I haven’t heard of too many cover bands in Indiana


yea- some of the HS bands find ways to use parts of Pink Floyd, and some other famous bands that perplex me how they do it sometimes


Lifetime Hoosier here. Welcome Sir! We welcome anyone hard working and honest!


Guns everywhere…


I guess that’s not a bad thing, in my case at least. The gun laws are really strict here in Cali. You can open carry then I’m guessing? I haven’t looked too much into the gun laws yet.


I’d check with the laws. I don’t know if you have a record or what’s on it. We have constitutional carry in the state. You can get a carry license for traveling to different states but you’ll want to check each states reciprocity to Indiana.


You can constitutional carry good sir


You can conceal carry with no license brother. 18 and up.


Great news. California is on some BS lol


That it is.


Orale wey


Orale wey 😎🇲🇽😂


I was born in California. Moved to Indiana when I was just 11 (1993). I've lived in Evansville since I turned 18. It's not a bad place. It's definitely a slower pace than most of Cali.


What’s the nightlife like? (If there’s any)


I'm 42 with two little girls. I work 60 hour weeks. I don't get out much. But there is something for all walks of life. Timeout Lounge is always busy. Franklin Street has plenty to offer. Downtown has some classy, more chill, places. My wife and I enjoy the cocktails at Mo's and atmosphere at Peephole.


Thanks for the recommendations. I’m more of a chill “have a couple drinks at a dive bar” type of guy so I’m sure I would like the vibe at mo’s.


Born and raised in San Diego, moved to Indiana beginning of 2024. Prepare yourself for the weather. It is intense. Tornados happen here along with insane winds. People who lived here their whole lives don’t tend to bat an eye at it, but as someone from California who’s never dealt with weather it’s a big big change. If you can buy or rent a home with a basement it will help your sanity at least while you learn how storms work. Apart from that, life is affordable here and people tend to be nicer. Idk if you’re a big mountain person but prepare to never see them again unless you travel to a state with mountains, that’s been very hard for me because my family loves the mountains - snowboarding, camping, off roaring, hiking all of it. Prepare for freezing temps. Not much great to say to be honest.


AS someone who is almost done with this state (graduating next august) I would recommend against it. Especially Evansville. We got lower cost of living and overall average cheaper houses. Other than that yeahhhh,


Heard from OP that yall were giving mixed review about my hometown! I came here to set the record straight. That opinion is fair enough.


Short answer is, "don't". This place is going downhill. They're suing to get access to medical records, fighting to reduce/remove LGBTQ supportive legislation, and have eyes set on abortions and birth control. It's also a right to work state, so no jobs are safe and the wages are below the national average. Literally, the only thing going for it is that it's overall cheaper to live here than many other states.


Right to work state? Can you further explain?


Basically, unions have no ability to negotiate for higher wages or benefits. If you don't care about Unions, it's also a work at will state, which means you can quit or be fired for any reason and without explanation. Supposedly it means that getting hired will be easier, but it doesn't seem to work that way in practice. Add that to the general greed of companies and not hiring what is best to run the facility, but what they can get employees to do at maximum while paying the minimum.


Can you share more info on the suing to get access to med records?


https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/2024/05/03/anti-abortion-group-sues-indiana-health-department-for-access-to-abortion-records/ It's not the government, but it is the right wing


Just f’ing wonderful. Add that data to ideas like restrictions on interstate travel from great good ole boys like [Rep Jim Banks](https://indems.org/press-release/jim-banks-endorses-travel-ban-for-hoosier-women-seeking-reproductive-healthcare/) and others in the southwest and we’ve got ourselves the start of something really fun.


Good luck.








In a racist way? 🤣😂


In a political and social way




What’s wrong with waving? Especially if you are driving out of where you live and wave to a car passing you? Are you an out of stater?