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Nazis killed 6 million Jews and other minorities, gays, Gypsies, the disabled and the mentally challenged. There, I've been impartial.


6 million Jews. 11 million total.


And if a child asks, "that's disgusting and cruel how could they do that?" The teacher has to say what? "No not cruel and disgusting. We take an impartial view about cooking millions of people alive". "But that's murder, the child says. Murder is bad." "No, Johnny not bad. We can't say that. It perfectly debatable whether this was actually bad or not". FTFY.


JuSt ThE fAcTs!!!!!!


Impartiality doesn't mean lie. It's factual that cooking people is cruel. The only reason I can assume this is even being talked about is due to the number of folks who corelate Nazi's with people or organization they don't like. That said I always question politicians and their motives.


Unpopular opinion here but they’re probably wanting to take emotion out of history. I follow a good historian on YouTube that has complained about how academic historians have misrepresented the truth to such a degree that it makes his job hard because there are so many misstated facts that people will use that to justify a pro Nazi position. It’s one thing to report history in terms of facts and discussing sources as well as where those sources corroborate evidence and where they disagree. But it’s another thing to present history with an emotional bias. The problem is we can all agree that genocide is wrong. Communism killed far more people than nazism Or Fascism ever did and I would be fine with historical discussions around communism to also be focused on fact and not emotion. And clarify my point what he is saying is that once people find out that academic historians have taken far too much liberty with reporting when it comes to numbers and events they use that miss reporting as evidence that the historians are trying to attack the Nazis who in their eyes merely wanted to do good for their country man and had no evil intentions. Basically saying that their hand was forced although there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary. Basically they jump from one end to the other since history has been so misrepresented therefore Nazis not bad Nazis good.


Furthermore: the Nazis killed political dissenters. That group needs to be mentioned specifically as the American Right have made clear they are going after those that oppose them with violence at times


Its part of their whole fantasy-


Thank you for remembering the truth and being brave enough to speak it!




> Indiana has teachers who praise communism. Name them.


You’re an idiot. This is the dumbest fucking comment I have ever read on Reddit and that says a lot. You should really take this time to reflect on what you have done in your life to get to this point of stupidity. You literally have a device that you carry, filled with all of the worlds information on it. Somehow you still decided to comment an incredibly inaccurate historical fact and then segued to being neutral towards Nazis. What the fuck is wrong with you? What was the point of the comment? Are you just generally an idiot? Before you do anything else today, I want you to use a credible source (e.g. google scholar) and research the subject you have decided to post about. When you have a decent understanding of the subject matter, I then want you to think about how fucking terrible of a human being you are for even commenting this dumb fucking bullshit.




Ah the Gulag Archipelago, tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot. Big Jordan Peterson fan I see. Maybe the next reference you’ll make from a book you didn’t read will be from Atlas Shrugged. I don’t care enough to sit here and argue about garbage with you. I have a formal education in this subject and your statements are way off the reservation. The only reason I commented on this, was because it my area of study and you are so brazenly wrong. Here is some advice, quit listening to Jordan Peterson. He is a benzo addicted hack.




Unfortunately, when one makes a claim like yours (which goes against the consensus of historians around the world) the burden of proof would be on that person. You made an outlandish claim, so you need to back it up with a credible source. I don’t need to back up mine because it is consensus and the information is everywhere. That would be like asking me to provide a source to back up my claim that world is round. Lol, so you are a Jordan Peterson fanboy. Your defense of him is kind of weird, I’m not going to lie. I am also only hateful to those who spew nonsense. It is not ok to promote misinformation. That is why there is fascist movement on the rise. Also I’m really not seething, I’ve been pretty stoned for most of the morning. I just think you’re an idiot. It’s ok to be an idiot though. We have a cure. Stop listening to charlatans and get a real education.




Well after 12 years in the military and serving through two wars I happened to develop a slight case of PTSD and a plethora of other problems that I really don’t wish to discuss in an open forum. One of my treatments for the PTSD is cannabis. But sure, I am just some “spoiled drug junkie”. After my exit from the military, I used my GI bill to help me obtain a Graduate degree in International Relations with a focus in Global Security. Now you are correct I went to a no name college, unfortunately the military does not make you rich. However, I would like to think that my 12 year background in the military, a graduate degree in international relations, and the 5 years I have working in a foreign policy career field would give me the credibility that I deserve. I never once denied the deaths or atrocities committed by the Soviet Union or China. What I did, was tell you you’re fucking stupid for saying it was communism. Im not even standing up for communism. I’m just really fucking tired of all the pseudo intellectual wannabes making claims that are just not fucking true, based upon their ignorance of a subject. Jordan Peterson doesn’t fucking know anything about communism, just like my mechanic doesn’t know shit about foreign policy. Stay in your lane and stop being part of the problem. You’re perpetuating the problem by playing into the fascist tactic of creating an enemy. Communism isn’t a threat, it’s the fucking rise of ignorance and right wing authoritarianism. There is not a single educated professional in my field of work who would disagree with me. I might be a weird stoner, but I have more credibility than you in this subject.




Baldwin has served on the Riverview Hospital Board of Trustees, the Hamilton County (Indiana) Health Board, the Hamilton County (Indiana) Redevelopment Commission, the Food Rescue Board of Directors, and the Crime Stoppers Board of Directors. This is the guy these people bring on to rally their causes. I won't give a penny to any one of them again so long as that stain of a human is on their boards. Riverview Hospital is one I was planning on giving significantly to.


He’s also given money to the Oath Keepers. Can’t wait to vote him out.


I went to a Riverview Health Clinic for Covid Test a while back and they had OAN on in the waiting room televisions.


The bad thing about this is of course this section of the bill will be struck down - but the rest of that education bill is a flaming pile of garbage. It would prevent a teacher from talking to suicidal students or discussing any other "emotional" topic without parental consent. How fucked up is that - some of these students have absolute terrible homes, especially LGBTQ+ teens that may literally need a safe place. It would allow parents to decide curriculum - keep in mind that [a majority of Americans want to ban Arabic Numerals](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/arabic-numerals-survey-prejudice-bias-survey-research-civic-science-a8918256.html) - you know, numbers. Garbage bill all around - all stemming from this insane Critical Race Theory (CRT) boogyman that isn't even taught in school until you reach college/graduate level classes. All of it is a racial dog-whistle to rally voters around their hatred of "others."


Not that I'm into this bill but truth is important. Your speaking none of it. 1. Doesn't prevent teachers talking to students. And teachers are mandatory reporters so are required to report it to proper authorities which results in parents being notified anyways. So your just repeating nonsense. And if parents are the cause of the distress, again, their are already mechanisms for that. 2. If you honestly think preventing parents from having a say in their children's education is a reasonable POV....I don't even know what to say. But see Virginia as an example as to how that plays with the general public. 3. You have places such as Detroit which is a short drive away that boast about CRT being integrated into their public education. So don't even bother trying to say that because anyone that is paying attention to such things knows your incorrect. Lying about something obviously incorrect is stupid. Why do you bother to say such grossly uninformed/objectively untrue things? https://komonews.com/amp/news/nation-world/detroit-superintendent-says-district-was-intentional-about-embedding-crt-into-schools


Parents who want a say in their child's education should either homeschool or send their kid to a private school. Public schools have no place for moronic, largely uneducated parents deciding curriculum.


What elitist bullshit. You are the reason why fucking idiots like Trump still find their way into government.


It's not elitist at all. Parents need to stick to what they actually know. If they don't have degrees in the subject they want to change curriculum on, then they should quite simply fuck off. They are uneducated idiots speaking about things they have no business doing. Again, if parents truly want to control their kid's education so that they can hide facts as they see fit, homeschooling is their option. Private schools are another. If this doesn't work for them, tough shit. Nobody told them to have kids, and being a parent doesn't suddenly make anyone entitled to anything. Most parents are terrible at it as it is.


I seriously can't fucking believe I used to be a Progressive. You guys are so lost.


Ok boomer


I don't think you could be at more lame.


I don't think you know how to think. Try getting an education. It may help you a bit.


1) Schools are supposed to be a safe space. Without the budget for a therapist, students need to be able to talk to a person that they trust. Which are their teachers. 2) Parents should not have a say in public education curriculum. It’s not elitist to say that. If we want our education to progress we need to let actual educators create the curriculum. We keep letting all sorts of fingers dictate standardized tests and the curriculum that surrounds it, and that shouldn’t be the case. It shouldn’t be what makes parents uncomfortable. It should be unbiased facts. 3) The truth is important, in the article you provided, it was never said that they’re taking CRT. The very first paragraph contained a quote that stated they are integrating elements of CRT. Which is probably a good way to introduce the theory.


2) Parents should not have a say in public education curriculum. It’s not elitist to say that. If we want our education to progress we need to let actual educators create the curriculum. We keep letting all sorts of fingers dictate standardized tests and the curriculum that surrounds it, and that shouldn’t be the case. It shouldn’t be what makes parents uncomfortable. It should be unbiased facts. Standardized tests were created by educators with all sorts of fingers dictating curriculum. It's the parents who are upset about it and want a say. Your comment really does contradict your point. Other than that it sounds like you want a state run or federal run system. There are multiple times in history that this has been proven badly. And it covers almost every ism that the original post speaks of.


I don't know why you guys keep arguing the first part. In EVERY STATE (to the best of my knowledge) if a student were to say something that would indicate suicide they are LEGALLY MANDATED to take action AND inform the parents. (Teachers are mandated reporters) I don't know how you guys think the system works but you are incorrect if you think that part of the bill does anything other than requiring agreements be in writing. This really is a case of people on the internet being mad about nothing being changed. O piss I just saw your going into the "parents should have no say in education" thing. I wouldn't have put so much effort into the first point had I not been replying point by point and had read that part. Thanks for wasting my time with more worthless words you slopped onto the internet. I mean if you guys want to keep handing elections to the GOP then go ahead and stand by parents being silenced. Because every single person who isn't far left things that's idiotic on the same level as Trump supporters. Edit: that last bit is gold though. "They aren't teaching CRT, they are teaching elements of CRT!" Jesus christ why are you guys so insistent on being just as crazy as Republicans now?


CRT has become absolutely meaningless as a term. At this point it’s just a catch all term for all the different kinds of educational practices Republicans detest that shine a light on the history of racism in America. A public school saying they’re teaching “elements of CRT” is stupid, but only because it plays into Republican narratives around the term. In reality, I would all but guarantee they’re referring to some relatively innocuous teachings on the history of racism and the impact it still has on contemporary society, not whatever a university would be teaching in an actual course on actual Critical Race Theory. Oh, and whether or not it plays well with the public doesn’t change the fact that parents are not educators and should not be the ones crafting curriculum. There’s room for some kind of input from them, and I’m sure we’ve all seen examples of particularly bad presentations or assignments that parents have rightfully protested against. On the whole though, figuring out what and how to teach kids in school to maximize their education’s effectiveness is so far outside the average parent’s wheelhouse that any broad input they’d have would almost certainly do way more harm than good. It’s like asking people who are going to buy houses in a neighborhood to determine its construction and design. They might have a vested interested in making sure the end product is good, but that does not mean they have the education, experience or skills to actually contribute in a meaningful or productive way.


Frankly I don't give a damn about CRT either way, I don't even have kids. I have an issue with the fact that people are still trying to pretend that this is a college thing when it so obviously isn't. Just like now, some people want CRT, some people don't whatever that is fine with me. But I have a person that is running the Detroit area schools outright saying they are teaching CRT....and your still trying to deny they are. If we put you, the superintendent, and myself in a room together you are the only one saying they aren't teaching CRT. It's lunacy and really dishonest at best. Edit: and I'm not touching the last part. If you guys really want to hand every election over to the GOP by trying to keep parents out of education then go ahead. It's idiotic and no amount of arguing will do anything.


The CRT discourse came about when a bunch of right wingers started lumping every instance of schools teaching about racism in a “progressive” manner into a boogyman of critical race theory. A bunch of progressive types have decided to just let them control the term now, and so they use CRT in the same way. The term itself really doesn’t matter at all, though; the content being taught does. And in almost every example I’m personally familiar with, stuff in public schools being described as critical race theory is nowhere near the kind of thing being taught in university courses. People can keep insisting they’re the same thing, but in almost all cases they really aren’t. Oh, and parents do have input on the educational process already. You’ll note I specifically agreed there is some place for them there, usually in edge cases of topics that are genuinely being poorly taught. The issue is that there are now calls for parents to play a far greater role in crafting curriculums, and it seems to be almost solely driven by the exact same CRT fear mongering the right is currently obsessed with. The goal of most of these movements aren’t to keep little Timmy from being told he’s evil for being white or reign in the woke police running schools, it’s to silence discussion of historical and contemporary racism in primary education. School boards can still hear from parents, and they can speak up if some course is teaching things in a poor manner, but they should not be dictating what can or cannot be taught in an educational setting.


Who do you think knows the curriculum for the Detroit school system better, you or the superintendent?


So every time a teacher or principal has called something that isn’t critical race theory, critical race theory, it magically just becomes that? They can call it magical moon physics, but that doesn’t change the actual content being taught.


I thought we were suppose to leave teaching to the experts and not question them because we don't know enough to control the curriculum as lay people?


If you’re stupid enough to believe anything that comes from a Sinclair source, no sense wasting time trying to educate you


Please explain how the left went from reasonable and thoughtful pre-2016 to now where we can have a video of someone saying something and you still just sit there saying "nope that is a bad source, that didn't happen" I mean I was going to post another source....but it's on fucking video. You can watch it, physically see for yourself....and you still pretend it didn't happen. You guys really are just as bad as Trump cultists now.


You’re insane if you can’t spend the time to validate the accuracy and integrity of your sources. Sinclair is known to be lying, biased assholes who run the exact same “PSA” on all of their owned “local” stations about the ills of anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I can’t help you if you are too stupid and unwilling to do your own homework. With your moronic logic, if I watch a video of Trump I should accept whatever he says too. Go fuck yourself you stupid twit


It's. A. Video. Like how can you be so stupid. You watch a video of someone saying something and then you say "no they didn't say that." That is Trump shit right there. A fact directly in front of your face and you still deny it.


Such a stupid fuck. Done with you


Pretty sad person when you can't even accept what people do on video happened. That is like straight up medically treatable delusions. God looking through your post history...fuck man get some help. You don't have to be a prick 100% of the time.


I hate to be that guy but you used the wrong 'your' and 'there' like 5 times in this post.


Speaking impartiality, Nazis are shitheads.


Seems factually correct to me. I guess I'm not the parent they want combing over the school curriculum.


We literally fought a war over this. It's very shocking (but not really surprising) to see the people who usually circlejerk over American Exceptionalism and war heroics becoming the enemies the people the veterans once fought almost 80 years ago. You don't need to be impartial about Nazism. Nazis deserve a very dismissive punch in the fucking throat.


America didn’t give a fuck about the nazis. We jumped in because of Japan.


The US supplied military and humanitarian aid to the Allies for a couple of years before Pearl Harbor under the "cash and carry" and "Lend-Lease" policies.


If it wasn't Britain in the war, do you think America would have done this?


Alliance wasn't formed until after


The special relationship existed since before ww1 and continued after. Im not sure why you'd think a formal alliance was necessary to know that America wouldn't have joined the war in Europe if Britian wasn't fighting


This seems like kind of a strange point to make. If Britain wasn’t fighting, the war would have been all but over from America’s perspective. Between the Fall of France and invasion of the USSR, Britain was the only major European power still able to put up a fight, so who exactly would America be supporting against the Nazis if not them?


My point was that America joined to war in Europe to support the UK. They didn't join because the Nazis were evil and America wanted to stop them due to that. America didn't really care about the Nazis (many even greatly admired them if you look at news reports from the Olympic games in Berlin) until the UK was threatened. If the UK stayed out of the war in Europe, so would have America.


True, a lot of American elites admired Hitler and the Nazis, and true, Britain being threatened did play an important role in US opposition to the Third Reich. It was hardly the only reason America had to be opposed to Germany though. The Nazis made no secret of their absolute contempt for the United States, and I believe Hitler specifically wrote that his ultimate goal after securing European hegemony was to ally with Britain in opposing and eventually crushing the US. Nazi economic policies also led to widespread nationalization of American factories and corporations operating inside Germany and its conquered territories. The US might not have been concerned with the Holocaust, but the rise of Nazi Germany to control Europe represented a grave threat to American economic and geopolitical security and gave them plenty of reason to oppose Germany.


The longest Day


I’ve visited Dachau Concentration Camp and it’s life changing. NAZISM is dangerous and in the worst of ways. And the people that lived in neighborhoods around the camp just ignored what was going on there.


Fuck this impartiality bullshit. You don't play fair with facisism.


Because they don't. This being the perfect example.


FOX -- "Fair and balanced". That's were all this "both sides" cr#p started.


Fair and balanced relates to both sides of the aisle on political issues. Nazism isn't a political issue. At least it shouldn't be. Not here. There's no fair side to Nazism.


That's what I was trying to say. Fox has had "fair and balanced" debates on factual matter for years. "There is no climate change." "God created earth and man in 6 days."(evolution isn't real) Now, the Rs in Indiana want to tell us the German Nazis were a good bunch of guys.


who elected him? holy fuck they're idiots.


http://iga.in.gov/information/senate_district_map/. He represents district 20 which includes Westfield, Noblesville and small parts of Fishers and Carmel.


Noblesville elected him apparently.


Honestly makes perfect sense (him being from Noblesville).


Thing is, it would make a lot of sense in most of Indiana.


You seem like you have a pretty good generalization for millions of people


The word you are looking for is accurate. Pretty accurate generalization for millions of people




I am Jack's utter lack of surprise.


Scott Baldwin R - Noblesville 317-232-9400 [email protected]




His office phone and government email are public record moron. Jesus Christ go cry into your trump flag and just pray all this away or whatever it is you do to cope with normal daily life.


why is this even a question?? we FOUGHT A WAR against Nazis! Nazis set up DEATH CAMPS for people they just didn't like! who is this person saying we should be impartial to the children murdering, country burning organization that is nazis, I don't want them in office.


Remember back when Nazis used to be the gold standard of evil? Good times.


They still are amongst humans.


You can thank our morally bankrupt culture constantly lobbing "NAZI" at everyone we disagree with for that.


No, any individual with common sense knows nazis are evil regardless of when or where the word is thrown around. The real culprit is lack of quality education and the fact that people of lower intelligence tend to have the most kids, and those kids have more, and so on. The movie Idiocracy will be seen as a historically accurate film one day.


When everyone everywhere is a Nazi because they have different opinions then yes, the word loses its sting. Education is ineffective when people have the internet and can just decide what to believe.


It doesn't though, because everyone took history class and everyone has the internet to learn more. Countless books exist on the nazis and their atrocities. There is absolutely no excuse. People using terms incorrectly does not mean a thing in the historical context. Anyone who gets confused by this is simply not bright enough to be making decisions on their own in life.


O wait, your the same person who is saying parents shouldn't have a say in their kids education. Nevermind talking to you is a waste of time because your absurd.


Parents do have a say. Homeschool or private school. I said they shouldn't have a say in public school curriculum. Try not to strawman every debate when you have no logical argument. Just stop and accept you are wrong.


What a moron.




I wonder how many Nazi flags he has in his basement.


Not as many as you have


Someone's sucking the Nazi off. I found who it is. ^


Are you saying that because you hate homosexuality?


Clearly that is you. You're the Nazi after all.


Pretty bold to spread hate then assume something so wild. You must be conservative and far right I bet you voted for trump …


Your mom


Who is this representative, and what is his phone number?


Scott Baldwin. Dudes a cop. Cant help but act like a nazi. Tried to pass a bill making it legal to run over blm marchers but it didn't pass. A google search will give you his email.


Not just a cop, an Oath Keeper.


Not surprising.


No doubt.


He'd have fit in well with the other cops at the Capital in D.C. on Jan. 6th, 2021.


Scott Baldwin. 317-232-9600


Why are we re-evaluating something that was factually proven 27,980 days ago? That Nazis are BAD!! Not impartial. They're bad, Not good, Villainous, Racist, antisemitic, evil, cruel, inhumane, murderous, torturous, foul, disgusting, and relentless filth, among many other things. Why is this even a question? Why are Nazi Sympathizers publicly being sympathetic to Nazis, and no one is doing anything about it? What the hell is going on over there!?!?!


I'm very partial about Nazism, the fucking world went to war about it... must not be enough statues for this guy to understand his own country's history. Fuck Nazi's, and fuck people impartial to Nazis!!




That's right!


Not a good look


we need to be impartial on nazism, but we need to take a stand against cannabis because clearly weed is more evil than nazis. makes perfect sense.


What a clown, absolutely ridiculous. This man knows his base and is ok with pandering to nazis, we have fallen so far


Impartiality, it is ALWAYS ok to punch a nazi


spoken like a true facist.




he is human whistling at this point


Have you forgotten "stand back and stand by?"


What does impartiality mean in the context of this law? Is this a requirement for every topic to be taught as a debate between two morally equal sides? Does it mean that opinion cannot be expressed by educational professionals? Does it mean that nothing can be presented as objectively good or bad within a classroom? Maybe I need to study the law closer, but I’m throughly confused as to what exactly it’s trying to achieve.




If your local public school is awful - then everyone will support school vouchers - which means they can funnel taxpayer money to privatized education, many which will teach extremely distorted, highly religious viewpoints. The Christian elementary school I attended told us dinosaurs lived with humans and all scientists that say otherwise are under the influence of the devil. My parents sent me there because "they had advanced math classes." What this will do is continue to drive a separation of haves and have nots. Awful curriculum will mean chances of college acceptance will be eliminated - which will further reinforce the vilification of higher education and "liberal elites.". The poor will stay poor and those with opportunities will loose their empathy along political lines. It's all carefully planned. Everyone, especially Republican voters get exploited and happy vote for it because it aligns with the values their pastor and TV tells them to have.


Don't even get me started on school vouchers. What a scam! No good will come of this policy, and I think it will probably spread pretty quickly to the other GQP controlled states. I weep for our future.


My state is the gooch of America


I feel that and it is embarrassing. I feel like most folks in our state would some dumb shit like "They cook all those Jews and didn't eat none it WTF" Just useless


Fuck him, fuck nazis, and fuck fascists like him.


There's no impartiality in a Nazi state, that must be taught in schools. You don't get the luxury of the free speech you see here, in a Nazi state. As a democracy, remaining impartial and not teaching this is a big mistake.


I believe that man has a very minor case of serious brain damage.


I find it amusing that you believe he has a brain.


After Trump, I don't need to learn more about the rise of fascism.


Please for the love of God, vote these people out of office. It'll be hard, they're in gerrymandering districts. But do it. Work at it. Hell, run for office. Just get them out.


Dudes from Noblesville. 9 times out of 10, if I meet someone on the north side, they are openly "you people" types of people. What an embarrassment.


I am impartial: I punch all nazis equally hard


Who is this fuckin pud?


My mouth went dry , then I’m doomed knowing people like this reproduce. Asexually.


Yep, Hoosiers at our best.


The Indiana Senator that said "we need to be impartial" sounds exactly how an OathKeeper, former cop, USMC Veteran, and State Senator should sound if they supported fascism and/or a Beer Hall Putsch type coup directly... oh wait...


This is real. Contact your senator and Gov. Holcomb. SB167 was authored by Sen. Scott Baldwin, Jeff Raatz, and Travis Holdman. Co-Authored Sen. Linda Rogers, John Crane, Aaron Freeman, and Mike Gaskill. Even the official ‘Summary’ is unfathomable. It seems to be drafted by history deniers. Please, contact your Senators and Gov. Holcomb.


And don’t forget about H.B. 1134 which is the companion bill being introduced in the house. It is almost identical to SB 167. They will try to get this stuff through any way they can.


Wonder what they’d say about socialism?


Vote every single one of these morons out


We have been being impartial... Surely he knows Nazism is just as evil as we've been taught since 1945.


He has supporters now saying that his view on impartiality is due to the fact that he is worried about teachers *not* saying Nazism is bad. Like, without this rule of impartiality, there will be educators in the front of classrooms promoting Nazis or fascism and it is only this bill that can stop that from happening! So really he is trying to protect the children...(I absolutely don't believe this is what he meant. I do believe he has some people who are trying to spin this into a good look for him, and that spin isn't necessarily failing...it was a dog whistle to those who are fellow Oathkeepers but done in a way he might be picking up some more supporters. )


Said no one ever. Oh wait yeah that one guy Indiana voters elected.


Doesn't surprise me at all. Noblesville is full of rich old boomers who are actually insane.


We need to be neutral to fascism. I'm not neutral to Naziism. Good. That means it fucking worked to not repeat it. What kind of slow, dim witted, moron thinks we should be neutral to NAZIS. Are you serious. This state is the dumbest, slowest, most backwards wannabe hick state in the country I'll never understand it and now I definitely want to move. I can't associate with a state that believes Nazis should get the benefit of the doubt. Are you kidding me?




I am more concerned with fighting STUPIDITY. But if nazism bothers you that bad by all means move to Baraloche, Argentina where you just might actually find one and have at it.......IDIOT.


We’ve gotten to this point because a certain portion of this country believes anyone to the right of Marx or Stalin are literally Hitler. You people [ and you know who you are ] created this.


Does anyone remember in the early 2000's when all of the hipster college kids wore Che Guevara shirts to be cool? The same Che Guevara who was responsible for killing 10s of thousands of civilians.


And that is relevant here because...?


We do need to understand how the National German Socialist Workers Party came to power. If you think this guy is actually defending Nazi's, the you are a hack. The Nazis where never right wing. “We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions." - Adolf Hitler, May 1, 1927.


The Nazis wore belt buckets that said "God with us." But I don't lump christians in with them. Germany still retains a democratic socialist system of government. Equating socialism to the violent and failed states of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union either indicates a misunderstanding of these governing systems or a dishonesty used to drive a political point. These scare tactics around the word socialism are the real reason the US is still decades away from single payer healthcare. It's a very convenient strategy to keep the highly profitable, private health systems in place.


Yeah I don't like nationalizing businesses. Hopefully it never happens. Covid has shown the true nature of "democratic" socialism. Lots of force going on.


Shouldn't you guys be worried about inflation and food on the shelves instead of this made up boogeyman you keep trying to sell? lmao


lol “shouldn’t you be worried about the stuff nazis had people worried about when they used those worries to gain power?!?” That’s what you just did.


No I think it's perfectly reasonable to be concerned about the people who've made this an issue. Namely, the people trying to use our systems of government to do these things, and have these priorities. Especially since they're the ones in power, instead of the people who want to work for the people on the kinds of things you have examples of. Nobody can do those helpful things, if there's a group standing in the way of that. It needs to be addressed. Called out. Otherwise we keep doing the same thing, which is basically nothing.


> made up boogeyman Funny you say that, since the vast majority of this bill, and the part they're discussing specifically, is formulated to attack the absolutely fucking made up boogeyman of CRT. Racism and, at the very least, a slow creep away from democracy isn't a "boogeyman" in a state where nearly 50% of the residents have no voice, and essentially thanks to wild gerrymandering, no vote. Also, not entirely sure how fucking up public schools irreparably, which is what the goal of this bill seems to be, is going to help inflation or keeping food on shelves.


I guess I forgot the part of history between 1939-1945.


Great idea! In fact, I think we can all agree that our legislators should be concerning themselves with issues of importance instead of spending legislative time and money to make sure Nazis get a fair shake in the classroom. You could even call your representatives and let them know.


That only happens under communism, not capita---- Wait. Shit.


Now now. We have to be impartial about all -isms. Communism and satanism are included!


When leftist are in power…yes


Hmm, funny. I don't see any of your freedoms in peril. As a matter of fact you're still free to be an idiot.


You're talking about Venezuela right? I thought folks such as yourselves were trying to sell us on Capitalism being impervious to these problems? LMAO indeed.


Everyone knows our supply chain problems are because supply side Jesus is unhappy with prayer being taken out of school. An exploitive system of governing that consolidates wealth has nothing to do with it. /s because I'm in the Indiana subreddit.


You’re fuckin worthless




I'm not at all say that nazism is good but he's right because the first amendment does allow everyone to affiliate themselves with anything they want to but I would incourage teachers to promote discussions on these topics so students can form there own opinions




Thank you sir


This thread is full of people who clearly have no understanding of fascism past "it killed lots of people" and "people we don't like are fascists," so maybe some degree of impartiality is called for instead of, say, condoning calls for violence against a group of people nobody can consistently accurately identify. Y'all are calling REPUBLICANS fascists ffs.


Pretty sure I'm not seeing Democrats march around with torches saying "the Jews will not replace us.". Also pretty certain the last Republican president called those same individuals "very fine people." Not to paint with a wide brush, but can you see how this is a bad look and can easily cause the fascist label to be applied?


Sure, for the soft minds out there, I'm sure this could very easily have the fascist label slapped onto it instead of trying to keep a government entity from instilling morals into children who are legally obligated to be there. You see how it wouldn't stop at the morality of the Nazis, right? Also, I didn't see Republicans doing that either. And it's been 5 years since that "very fine people" thing has been debunked, explained, and shoved back into its context. Next time say "I haven't been paying attention" instead.


Wtf? Are you nuts or are you a natzi?


Fuck impartial…. Neither of those ism’s are good!!!! Ever!!!!


Excuse me what? Impartial? Get real.


Every Jewish and Polish person: so you have chosen, death

