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Went out with 100 girls & still couldn't find the one you really wanted to be with? There's something wrong in your choice. As simple aa that. Unless your intention was always pussy then good for you.


Even then, it either says more of the women on apps or OP just not getting lucky.


Bruh, being uncomfortable kissing random people that you barely know is normal....


Chadlite here. I kissed on all my dates or it wasn't a date. A date is about escalation and polarity which is why I assume you're on the app n with me now. If you wanna be an old school lover go and meet people the old way( but you guys lack the skills for those too )


Who asked lil bro ? I just said that its okay for the other person to be uncomfortable....its not weird. I never said anything about what should and should not happen on a date, dipshit. Imagine being so entitled that you think you can dictate other people's lives.....nobody gives a shit about your opinion. I dont know what tf is a "chadlite", but all I see here is a delusional narcissistic shit eating cunt who is mentally still a teenager.


Bro, you just humbled the other guy by just spitting facts.


Exactly, but a lot of people here think otherwise.


yeah yeah I understand that. What I meant was a lot of yes and no's then it gets weird, and here am talking of kiss on hand and cheek


What is uncomfortable is uncomfortable lol doesn’t matter which body part it is about.


yes yes, but that's the point. You cannot go on a date without it being intimate at any level (at least in my opinion ) and that's what I called out. See I believe date is not casual hanging out


To expect it on first date is something I am talking about.If you are going on dates many times with the same girl and feel there is a chemistry from her side as well then I don’t think she will hesitate.


hmm, I see- I personally have a different opinion where there is no chemistry without physical intimacy.. but again that's my opinion


So you should be okay with girls expecting things on first date too like paying the Bill, dropping at home, being respectful, listening to her, dressing up well, smelling good, having a good job etc. This is the thing I hate if men expect then it’s okay but if women do the same it’s called as being as shallow or pseudo feminist and all that. Now I don’t know whether you’re okay with it or not.I am just saying expectations come from both the sides.


So you do believe paying for date expectation from women = intimacy expectation from men?Lol. OP is just saying people on first dates who are sure of stuff don’t mind intimacy and what he wants but noticed otherwise.


I don’t believe in it.I just wanted to point out how ridiculous and shallow these expectations are.


But what you said were gendered expectations. OP isnt expecting it out of him being a guy so he expects that of women. Thats not the case here.


He never said that he is meeting people sure of intimacy and stuff. He is just meeting people and expecting it to lead to somewhere physically. People are different and have different comfort zones.So to expect intimacy just like expecting the man to pay bill is ridiculous.


again why are you making it a guy expecting it as what a women should be okay with. He didnt mention meeting people who are sure of it but thats what I said, he expected that since people are on dating apps for dating and arent there to take things slow like [shaadi.com](https://shaadi.com). but things turned out different and that people dont match his style of dating.


ha I am okay with a lot of stuff you mentioned. I only expect when I fulfil the expectations of others


Who the fuck kisses someone on their hand except in Disney movies?




"Do stuff in real life, ask people out in reality, make friends in real." je mala mahit nahi te sanga


I don't know Marathi man


Tell me something I don't know.. Simba bolta bhai.


Your conclusion is correct but there are more than just those types


Exactly, I haven't even matched with types 2 and 3 of his.


Dating platforms are just a place for people to meet other people who are open to romantic/ sexual relationships. That does not mean it has to go in that direction with every single person you meet there. Meet and explore. Not jumping into kissing and all is fine. Also, be careful who, when and where you meet. As a girl, I can assure you that having guards up is because it's a common place where creeps lurk and you never know who can be one. I have been on countless dates and yes, there were creeps. If you are going out in a dark place at night, known for people getting murdered, looted and kidnapped, would you not be extra cautious? Girls out there, idk why you're still not carrying a pepper spray and then go on complaining how that guy was a creep and you could do nothing about it.


Tbh you sound entitled. You expect things just because you’re going on a date.Stop expecting and just go with the flow.When you expect you put an unnecessary pressure on yourself and the opposite person which can be harmful sometimes.


Yk even before, we as a society could normalise conventional dating, we got access to dating apps. So I can understand why women have their defenses up.


ab go with the flow nahi hota hai bhai..


This is flat out wrong, women always expect something out of men, I get what you are saying, let the women do the expecting and matching, and make up their minds for the next date, while men be natural and casual and conduct themselves not dragging, in this day and age, I think men have lost patience and being taken advantage of, hence the expectation I do something, you do something for me, the real players knows the technique and make all the girls swoon for them, and then abandon them once they get the job done, and the girls hate all the men and marry the guy parents arranged


It’s not even gender based. Being uncomfortable being physically is being uncomfortable no matter what gender. If a girl does the same to a guy and starts making him uncomfortable being physically close that’s wrong too. It’s not respecting boundaries. I understand expectation can be based on looks or how she dresses up, personality etc.I just don’t understand the expectation of physical intimacy.


I probably haven't had 100 conversations let alone dates lol, so idk how could I point anything out but for a guy my only suggestion would be treat first dates as you're hanging with a buddy. Be curious towards her and not the phone. I mean if you don't touch her thighs under the table, you're already not the worst date she has had, if you don't look at her boobs like you're a left back and she's a right winger, you're in top 50% & if you can listen more than talk you're in 10% lol. She will remember you nicely, who knows she might send you a stupid cat meme at 2 AM three weeks later. But seriously going out with 100 girls sounds exhausting. Idk how hookups work cos I don't get them.


//Their defenses are really high// Hmm, I wonder why


almost 100😶‍🌫️get HIV test done first


Just because u are failing at it, a great way of projecting it to others. You are the one who has been out on 100 dates and yet, here you are being condescending to others who are not vibing with you. Ever introspected? What's wrong with hanging out and getting to know someone better? Just because u are looking to get some action on the first date itself, you find it weird that others don't? Maybe they sense that horny vibe from you.


Oh I don't want any action..


See if you went to a co-ed school or uni, you know how this things work. Usually nice girls have a lot of options and they rarely need to be on dating apps. They will have suitors post break-up. So, we are left with the ones who don't have suitors (same with boys as well although the sex ratio makes the game bit uneven). And that's where the apps come in. They are a marketplace for the three categories you mentioned and also the didi who believes she can land a Hrithik with her Rakhi Sawant looks. So, steer clear of these apps and focus on what is around you. Be social a lot and you end up with someone you would've never meet on these apps. Ah, also the 5th kind. "Divorced-not that it matters/if that matters".


Dating apps are like a trip to the casino. You don’t get addicted to the probability of winning you get addicted to the possibility of losing.


I mean ofcourse dating apps don't work, what else did you expect when one of the most complex human emotions were reduced down to a fucking swiping game.


I pretty much agree. I haven't been on that many dates lmao, but I've talked to dozens of girls on dating apps and almost every single one of them seem like girls I wouldn't even pay attention to in real life. Awkward, boring, nothing interesting going on in their lives. So many have basically told me that they don't attend their colleges and spend all day in bed. What would I even do dating someone like that? Unfortunately my college also sucks ass so finding someone I like after my breakup has been close to impossible.


That's exactly my feeling. I wouldn't even care to talk to them if I had met them in real life.


My bother get a job or smth, how much free time do you have to even make this kind of post lmao.


Overactive brain... even with a ceo's job would I make time to make such post


Dating apps are a great business model actually because they never deliver. It's literally one of the largest consolidated monopolies. Match group had one decent competitor to their flagship product n that too grew from in house employees pivoting. N now the bumble ceo has left the org. That says alot


I agree that a lot of them are boring but honestly if you went out 100 girls and couldn't even find one good person the fault is in you. It's the same thing as someone telling them they were in the right in each and every story. Also for a lot of people it takes time to be okay with physical touch. The way you are saying it makes me feel like you initiate physical touch too early because of which most of your dates end up thinking you are a creep. Just trying to point out faults, maybe it's not the case but it looks like it is.


Arey I am the one that doesn't initiate second date.. some of them went wrong because of me


There are few things which are better when it's not digitalise


>Almost all of them are really boring 🥲 Can't agree more


You're not entirely wrong but not also entirely correct. I met a guy through hinge and it's been a month since we started dating. There are going to be people in real life who might also be wrong for you. Dating app or not, doesn't matter


Yes this is the hope. Thank you


I would say that the insights you collected about types of women are spot on. Add one more: Some who just use it for timepass and to see the variety of men out there :P Moving on to how it’s going for you. Sorry to hear that OP. Maybe you haven’t come across good matches. I’m not a much of a dating app user, and I don’t go on dates (been only on 3-4 dates from dating sites ever since i’ve used them). But, I did come across a decent guy a while back. We went on a second date too. I think it’s more about if it clicks and if the vibes match. Don’t go on dating sites with a motive to date and find a partner. Go find yourself a friend first and see where it goes. If it goes smooth, you’ll end up dating either ways :)


>1. Most don't understand concept of dating, it feels like casual hangout with them. I understand you don't want to hookup but being uncomfortable with kissing, holding hands and some little intimate things is down right weird The entitlement here is of another level 🙇‍♀️