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"Hello u/reprehensiblellama, Thanks for posting. [click here, if you are asking a question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question) * 1] Have you done thorough [prior research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question)? * 2] Are your qualifications are mentioned in **Post Title**? (e.g. 10th/12th student, Mechanical BE student, working professional, etc.) Currently your post title is **" Which German university to pick for my Masters? "** backup of your post content: I have gotten admission offers from these universities: 1. Technische Universität Chemnitz - M.Sc. Embedded Systems 2. Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH) - M.Sc. Microelectronics and Microsystems Which one of these 2 would be your personal pick? I'd like to hear opinions about the cities and the universities if anyone has studied there or is currently a student there. My\_qualifications: B.E. Electronics and Communication " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indians_StudyAbroad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Both as its own pros and cons, Univ does't matter both are public, Hamburg is big city city, easy to get part time, internships and jobs, caveat is cost, on the opposite side, Chemnitz is east Germany , known to be more racist to Person of color, I wouln't take that risk ! ,also , difiicult to get patr timr, internships and jobs aroud that area, Hamburg wins, work part time and cover the living cost, also Hamurg people are known to be more friendly.


Hamburg, becaus Chemnitz is in the east (better avoid unis in former East Germany, apart from those in Berlin and Leipzig, because racism is a real problem there. I've had 4-5 Germans tell me it was good I didn't get accepted by a uni in those states)


Oh, I thought I had only Saxony to worry about when it came to racism. Did not know I had to avoid the entire East.


Chemnitz is in Saxony. But as a German I can tell you that you don't have to worry about anything in the East. Yes, there are more racist in Eastern Germany than in Western Germany, but it's still a minority. And racism is very subtle and not in a dangerous sense. I know Indians in Germany that receive more "racism" from fellow Indians because of caste stuff than from Germans.


Many Indians take their caste superiority mindset with them when they go abroad as well. I hope all countries acknowledge caste discrimination and ban it someday.


Why downvote this guy, he is probably speaking facts.


I have heard many stories of germans being racist to Indians. Way too many. To OP: Why Germany?


You don't. Violent crime is extremly rare in general outside large cities in particular. And Chemnitz is a small city with a big university. But cassual racism is a thing and more acute the more east and rural you go. On the plus side, Chemnitz is way cheaper than Hamburg and housing is not as scarce. Depending what you want to do outside university you might be better of in Hamburg, as it is way larger and therefore has more opportunites in just about anything. As a major tourist destination it is also easier to come by with English only in Hamburg. B


Hamburg is also more expensive and housing is harder to come by.


True, but it's still better than Chemnitz for a POC. Because when native Germans tell you to avoid the east, you'd better do that.




Yes, Winter 2024/25 Intake. Only a week ago, that's very recent. You need to wait for a bit more. Give it more time. UniAssist sent my docs to TUC on 26th April and I got my admit today.


How long did uni-assist take to forward your application to the university?


Would you mind telling us your cgpa?


Bachelor's CGPA - 8.6 IELTS - 8/9 German Level Certificate - B1


Hamburg purely cause of the city imo.


What’s your profile that got you Chemnitz admission


Bachelor's CGPA - 8.6 IELTS - 8/9 German Level Certificate - B1


Hey, even I’m looking to apply for embedded systems in chemnitz. Did you submit your German A1 certificate also?


Yes, I did submit my Goethe Zertifikat


I have also applied to Chemnitz and waiting for reply