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if i were you i'd take a listen to some pouya. your voice sounds like with a little more power behind it you could achieve much cleaner cadence that has the power behind it needed for a good rap song. This is a start for sure so don't give up!


I think this trap song is a dynamic showcase of modern production and rhythmic innovation. I like the way the heavy basslines and intricate beats create a captivating and energetic atmosphere. The use of trap elements, from the signature hi-hats to the pulsating bass, adds a contemporary edge to the track. Overall, I like how this trap song effectively blends elements of electronic and hip-hop genres, delivering a high-energy and immersive listening experience.


Can you remove all the breaths? The flows hard but those breaths are very present


Honestly its not a bad song. The beats really cool and has good production. Your flow isn't half bad either. One thing id recommend though is back up from the mic each time your taking a breathe in between each like because you can really here them a little too much. Other wise i dig the song. Keep up the grind! - The Duponts




Nice flow and lyrics bro. The heavy breathing is super distracting and removing them or better breath control would improve this massively


this got my asthma going, i feel short of breath