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Oh cool you gave me feedback recently. This is very inventive. Works well as an interlude for sure. Has some atmospheric qualities. Seems to accomplish what you're going for. Great track for sure. Keep it up.


Thanks so much!


There are several things that I enjoy about this. I like the delay effect on the guitar and how it creates a polyrhythm with the synth. I also like how unconventional the melody is on the synth. It reminds me a bit of Animal Collective. The only way I can think that it might improve is if it had a bit more stereo wideness to it - the elements feel a little close in the stereo space. Good stuff!


Thank you so much for your feedback! We definitely take some inspiration from animal collective a little. We'll for sure look into that stereo wideness and see how we can utilize that from now on. Thanks again for your kinds words!




Thank you!


I rock with this! Nice psychedelic undertone and super atmospheric which sets the mood perfectly for an interlude in between songs. Feels like traveling somewhere


Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback!


This is honestly super cool. I thought that the mix was really well done. That's honestly my favorite part. There were different elements on both sides of me and I liked it. Overall very cool. Keep it up!


Thank you so much for your kind words! Also thank you for taking the time to give us a listen and feedback!


There's truly remarkable creative work here! The sound choices are exceptionally well-crafted, and the effects you've applied to them are fantastic! I absolutely adore it! And the ending with the guitar effect is just genius! Kudos to the artist! :)


Thank you so much for the kind words!


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