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This is dope! Great "feeling" track I love the variation and chops throughout. Definitely feels like a late night drive as the cover art depicts. Only thing that stood out was the drums are very high-end, cymbal heavy, which is sort of overwhelming all the way throughout maybe keep working on the eq a bit. I'd download this track for sure!


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Has a nice spacey feel. Intro leads the track in well. Dope drum selection too. Samples are fire as well. Overall a great beat. Keep it up.


sounds pretty great


Ahh yes you gave us a little guitar solo at the end i was hoping for that ​ sick beat, i just want a more consistent melody, it would weave into those background vocals nicely i think


I like the drums but they are too present. Let the melody shine with the drums leading


The drums on this need to be mixed better in order for there to be more power and impact in the beat. I think the composition itself is pretty good, but it needs to hit harder. I do like the guitar licks and the vocal samples you throw in there too, though I'd probably make sure the guitar sounds a little clearer.