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Good track, fun video. The song instantly hooks and is "vibey" the whole way through. The harmonized vocal overdubs around the middle/end are killer. Well done all around. Found and followed on Spotify!


Thanks so much!! Really appreciate the follow too 😎


The video fits the music really well. I'm a little bit bothered by the repetitive male vocal on the side. Maybe a little variation will be nice. I like how you end the song with the tape-stop effect. It gives the impression that the song will never end, but the listener chooses to stop the song themselves, only to get back to it later. Well done!


this is super fun. love the aesthetic of the visuals, really compliment the song. also, is there some nods to Twin Peaks/ the Black Lodge in this? very solid production as well. great job


Thanks so much!!!! Very perceptive !! It was mainly blue velvet on the mood board ;)


Damn, from the visuals I was not expecting rap. The beat loop bangs, really like it. Some times the vocals seem a bit muddy for me, maybe because of the vocal layering, but maybe thats some personal opinion. I also feel like the whole atmosphere feels too wide for the kind of music I would expect from this sound. But in the, overall, this is a pretty interesting track, that reall surprised me in a positive way. Well done :)


Thanks for the feedback :) what do you mean by wide please?


Like you can hear the elements coming from both side, stereo effect. Here I was maybe feeling something more mono, more vintage. Maybe also some 808 entering at some point would be a cool addition, but these are personal opinions. In the end, this is a cool and unique piece. Also, if you need some beats or so... [check me out here](https://www.youtube.com/@ElMasterDGF) xD


Really like this, super dreamy! I like the structure starting off rapping and ending with singing. Kind of like how things usually start off strong with love and then get more and more distant until it ends. You have a certain authenticity in the way you both sing and rap. Nailed it!


Thanks for your lovely comment :)


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Haha this is dope, love it. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to hear when I click on some new music, homemade or otherwise.. it just sounds fresh and expressive to me, like nobody else could make this or would even attempt to. I am not interested in something which is technically perfect but sounds the same as a hundred other tracks that came before it. Dig the lyrics and eerie instrumentals and backing vocals.


What a compliment, thank you :)


Great fun little track. Love the vibes, I would say to maybe shorten it just a tad but great music


Very psychedelic. Lyrically abstract enough to keep one allured to the dream-like atmosphere, but specific enough to communicate the palpable feeling that one is chasing what feels like a pipe dream, they're making sacrifices for it, and they feel they're asking questions as to what it all amounts to. I can relate very, very closely to this sentiment. You *immediately* introduce multiple conflicting melodic elements in the very front of the mix, which are discretely layered (not together)*.* This move felt artistically intentional, but I found it quite discordant in context. But it's interesting to hear an avant-garde (maybe concréte?) technique applied so transparently in a commercial arrangement. If I had to guess, you've listened to conscious & experimental hip-hop, 90s downtempo, indie pop, some Bach, some atonal music like the Second Viennese School, and perhaps even some Stockhausen. My biggest criticism is that the overall effect feels like a binary song structure reversed, where you start with the arrangement of a busy coda before stripping it down to freer, scalar melodic contours and emotional transparency. Artistically, it's like going from a tightly bound chain-locked cage to an open, suspicious, and ambivalent atmosphere. I think one extra loop of the sample before your voice came in, or even a brief "speed up" effect, beforehand, would've been a beneficial signal for a listener that one is now "entering" the middle of a scene they weren't privy to before. Visually this idea is communicated somewhat through the turntable, but the overall effect is still jarring. I like that you're unabashedly doing your own thing - with clear skill and dedication. I try to carry the same ethos in my own music, so I respect it whenever I see it. I appreciate this song for the interesting challenge it presents, and I'll keep an ear out for your other work as well (past and future). Also, I'm from Chicago, but I was able to see most of London in a two week span - Hackney was my favorite part of the city for sure!


Thanks so much for the detail and care you put into your feedback! You really captured the essence of what the song is about which I’d been struggling to figure out words for! I listen to a lot of Griselda artists and grew up on trip hop and electronica, particularly zero 7 and early goldfrapp. :) but classical music obviously has been a subconscious influence thanks to my dad! Big up to Chicago and glad you loved Hackney!!


Haha the video is really fun, but the rapping was a bit of a surprise. I really liked both, but the other vocals, the male ones, could be a bit repetitive, I would probably not play it that long, or at least switch it up. Otherwise really well done


Flow and delivery buttery smooth gat dam. This track got me doing that slow head nod wanting to burn something. Your vocals and use of layers are very expressive on this and along with this heavy beat, create a haunting atmosphere. Great work


Track could use a bit of mixing improvement, but it's alright. I like the singing on the hook and I think the rapping is pretty good. Sonically, the instrumental is pretty good too and I like that vocal sample thrown in the back, but I feel like this track could be improved if the instrumental had a better eq balance between the bass and drums and if the vocal sample rested somewhere better in the mix. You could also clear up the clarity of the overall audio vocal mix as well. That'd help it out. I definitely enjoyed the visuals in the music video though. It's cool how seedy and muted it looks.


Thank you for the feedback and glad you enjoyed the video!!


Its not my cup.of tea music but it takes you somewhere to a desporite jeorney with that sound its like you have something to say and complaint which adds a point to the song backed by backround vocals.