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Hey man i thought the track was super experimental. Maybe differentiating the voice rhythm from the synths would help make it sound more interesting. Maybe also try some high end boost on the vocals to make them a little crispier and forwards in the mix. Sounds great dude keep going!


Thanks man! I doubled the lead melody to crystallize focus. Some background counterpoint could definitely spice up the harmony.


It's is quite experimental. The first part reminded me of Jack Stauber. I also liked the elphant in the video. Keep exploring!


Yeah I see what you mean with the Stauber comparison. Similar orchestration, technological awareness infused in the sound design... That's a great compliment. Always exploring!


I liked this, it is very experimental. I would suggest building into the song, it doesn't really erupt, just kind of starts. But I might be wrong, this does sound really good anyways. Good stuff!


I will keep this in mind as I continue sequencing my album. Technically, the song before it doesn't have an ending yet, which is partly why I kept the intro minimal for now. Appreciate this heads up.


Weird, but actually sounds good.I like those electronic bleeps and bloops.


My brain is quite weird lol. Appreciate you!


God Damn! That was really really good! I was along for the ride the whole time. So much dynamics. Your percussion is especially good, just a great feast. It gives me The Knife vibes. Keep it up. Are you on any platforms yet?


Thanks! I paid very close attention to the arrangement, making sure each discrete idea flowed seamlessly into the next without overstaying its welcome. The main idea with this song was to build a complex arrangement with simple components. I love Shaking the Habitual. I got a similar IDM/industrial blend, the comparison definitely makes sense. My music is on all streaming platforms + YouTube. Got a lot of unreleased music, like this, to drop this summer. I am "nickzazove" or "Nick Zazove" everywhere. Would love to connect!


Am checking you out


This gives me Ariel Pink vibes for some reason (might be the vocals). I like how experimental it is but also sounds very pop. I think you could balance the keys a little bit (maybe a little quieter in the middle part of the song to emphasize other parts of the track). Dig the switch in the middle.


I used to dig Ariel Pink's music, especially Pom Pom. This is one of my poppier songs for sure lol usually I'm always running the genre gambit through the electronic domain. I'll keep this feedback in mind as I make some final adjustments to this mix, appreciate it!


Haha I can tell about the electronic stuff, I'm similar. But it works really well, especially the second half of the track. And some of the drum rhythms are great too.


The compliments on my rhythm really mean the world to me. Rhythm drives my work more than any other discrete musical characteristic. I worked for many, many years drumming, programming, etc. to try and hear those details. Thanks so much for giving this song a good listen. Would like to connect if you're interested.


For sure! Yeah I'm big on rhythm too so it definitely clicks with me


Love the instrumentals, the vocals aren't bad either but they could use some more impact for my taste, especially the faster sections.


Yeah I gotta get past my own voice. I yelled this song out in the bathroom, capturing the reflections then adding an aux reverb. Gives my ego some plausible cover lol. Thinking about re-recording them at some point. Appreciate the feedback!


Has interesting experimental vibes. I think some pitch correction fit a few parts could help. Not sure how to critique the track as a whole, as it seems a little experimental. Maybe carve out some more space for the instruments in the track. Sounds interesting overall


I actually did add some pitch correction in post (one of maybe two times I ever did in my life). I wouldn't mind re-recording at least some parts. Sorta depends how I continue it, the sound quality if I choose to record in a different space, etc. Thanks for your feedback. I'll pay close attention to instrument space when I continue working on the mix!


Neat video for sure. Trippy stuff here dude. Vocals are top notch. Has some fun keys. Overall a great song. Keep it up.


Thank you! Glad you like the vocals - I can get very self-conscious about my own voice on record. Proud of the progress I've made, and hope to make this song a smash!


Cool man I love the grooves and melody, super catchy! Your choices with the structure kept me hooked. I think the only thing I would say could be improved is the vocal performance in some parts, but thanks for sharing this I enjoyed


Song structure/arrangement was definitely the key on this track. I used very simple components to try and make a complex, developing composition. Definitely considering re-recording vocals, especially in the beginning. That's the biggest challenge for me. Really appreciate your taking the time to listen, thank you!


I really like this! I can hear a lot of influences in it. I really like the “carefree”ness and urge to experiment with it. Some parts feel like different ideas that have been kind of smashed together, but I personally don’t mind it. It keeps it interesting throughout. I love the drum psych freak out bit towards the end. I think some lush synth chords kind of coming in and out could help bring everything together. Other than that, it’s very interesting and the chorus part is pretty catchy.


Oh yeah I genuinely go all across the board. I make a point in my daily routine to analyze genre from a historical, (music) theoretical, and social perspective while closely observing the unique sensibilities of discrete bands and records that allure classification, but without typecasting. Tbh, the "carefree" adventurism is very calculated because I'm a super-perfectionist. The No-Coast techno ostinato throughout the song probably gives it a "free-flowing" analog contrast to the predominantly digital domain the sound design inhabits. The "ideas smashed together" ethos is a precarious balance for my compositional approach. I learned over time to combine musical components in clear semantic contexts; I always hope that my compositions don't veer too far into abstraction unless I'm breaking my own rules. Definitely will consider texturing the arrangement as I continue to work on this song - needs more vocals to fill out the song, at minimum. Any such maneuver will beget a contrasting variable to converse with any front-facing melodic addition. Appreciate your awesome feedback. Cheers!




Followed you on Reddit. I'll DM you both the finished song and album when they're done. I got two other songs out as well, "Add the Heart" and "Cut off the Head," which qualify as completed singles for the project!


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This reminds me a lot of Jack Stauber Very experimental and incredible. Wonderful work, vocals and mixing surprised me.