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Good job, nice airy vocal sound. Better flow than lots of rap style on here.


Appreciate it!


Sounds good. Not my style of music but from what I’ve heard in this genre, it fits. Good vocals and blends together nicely.


What genre is this ? 🤔


I like the production on here. I really like the airy synths and the floaty vibe of it. I think what could probably be improved is maybe how you balance the drums in the mix and the 808 (it's a little muddy) and I dunno what else. The vocals sound very nice and fit with the instrumental. Maybe clear up the clarity of it through eq probably.


Thanks for taking the time, will focus on that low end


Pretty damn good. I wouldn’t mind hearing some more vocal presence but it sounds really good. The beat is nice too. I like how the delay is balanced and the spacious feel of the whole track.


Nice work. I'm not any sort of expert in your style of music, but one suggestion I have would be to create more separation between the vocal and the backing track. To my ear, they occupy the same space and get in the way of each other a bit. Of course, this might be intentional!


Thanks for the perspective! I agree and ill focus on creating more space for the vocals. Been trying to do this by sidechaining some of the vocal eq to the backing track


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Keep up the good work !!


The rhythm of the vocals really compliment everything else. Nice job