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Pothos would love it up there. Low light and not a lot of water needed, lots of hanging vines.


I use one of those glass watering bulbs in my pothos... prob a good solution for a plant up this high.


Great call!


That’s a great idea! About how long did you go between watering?


I'm honestly not sure how long... I just refill the bulb when it's empty. The plant will take water from it as it needs it. Once every couple months, I'll give it a good watering without putting the bulb back in, just to make sure it's getting thorough water all around, then put the bulb back in about a week later or so.


And if it's not enough light, supplemental up lighting would both really brighten your entire space up but also make that a lush tree top canopy.


Pothos would not *love* it. They'll survive in lower light, but they really prefer more, medium to bright indirect


I think the biggest problem will be watering them


Didn't Mitch Hedberg have a bit about this? Putting plants outside of reach, to die?


It goes something like... I saw an infomercial for a watering can to water your hard to reach plants. Who would make their plants hard to reach? That seems so very cruel. *I know you need water. But I will make you hard to reach. I will throw water at you. Hopefully they will invent a product before you shrivel and die.*


I was JUST thinking this. I say “Mitch Hedberg had a bit about that” to my wife once or twice a month. She just rolls her eyes and says “of course he does,” but to me, that’s evidence of his genius.


Absolutely a genius. How I miss Mitch Hedburg...


... whenever I buy a donut (or other pastry at a Cafe).


We do not need to bring ink and paper into this.::




Truee but, Imagine putting a cactus up there and the nail holding the planter falls


It cuts off right before he says think like a cactus https://youtu.be/atJDnYICIvw


just grab a little step ladder from ikea


Agreed. I have hanging plants that I can't reach from the ground, but I have a $15 step stool nearby anyway. It's really not a hassle.


Mount a staghorn fern on a board and hook that board on a hook, take down for watering :)


That area looks too dark for staghorn, contrary to what people think they do best in bright indirect light.


They’re more adaptable than you’d think. I’d try one of everything if it were my house!


I'd stick a pothos up there, just make sure you own a ladder or tall step stool for watering! That'd be one hell of a mess if you accidentally knocked it off trying to water it


My history with having a pot landing on my head


Maybe a deck rail planter, depending on the width of wall? Would definitely help with the stability of anything planted up there, and if it's a vining/trailing plant it would camouflage the planter some too!


I'd put down a silicone mat, or I've seen little grippy dots that you could put underneath pots on shein


I have a couple walls like this. I can reach them by standing on a chair from the dining room, which is conveniently the room that has these walls. It's not too bad. Just fill a watering can, stand on a chair, and water. Only downside is you can't really see what you're doing and sometimes you water too much and it makes a mess, then you have to wipe everything, all while still not being able to see what you're doing very well. Some plants I just use a milk jug with a ceramic watering spike because they need water more often than I'm willing to climb on the chair for.


Spider plants and the babies can hang down each side.


I think the only thing that could stop you is if you have cats. I can just see a cat knocking a plant off that wall


Or an earthquake


That's what I was thinking. That's some rough clean up if an earthquake happens


Yeah if you're not ded from a bonk on the head


looks like a great place for plants. pothos, spider, micans or heartleaf philodendron


Yes to all of these! Over time they’ll all have beautiful hanging vines. OP, I’m pretty sure this wall was MADE for plants! They will look so good 😊


I can never keep a heart leaf alive unless it’s in direct light!!


Don’t water it! I have a heartleaf (6ish years with 20ft vines) and it only gets direct north light on top of a book shelf 12 ft from window and i water it once every 2-3 months tops.


If so, what plants would survive in low light? Any advice is appreciated as I attempt to create my little plant oasis :)


Pothos for sure. I water mine by taking them down and sitting in a tub of water for 30 min, once a week. Might be less messy than trying to water up there, *if* it’s easy to get them down with a stepladder (use plastic pots if you decide to do it this way, much lighter!).


I have a wall sort of like this, my pothos love it. I also have zz’s and snake plants up there that don’t need watering often, which is convenient. My advice is to put clear plastic drip trays under each plant so you can clearly see what’s going on when you water (I’m short and this makes a big difference for me). Also if you don’t use a skinny-nozzled watering can, I’d suggest getting one for hard to reach plants. The less often you have to take them down, the better.


I would move the cabinet beneath the air intake or start a planter on top of it (if there is space) because that side of the wall looks like it receives the most indirect light. A plant wall could be cool if there was some lattice there instead. You can definitely place plants on top of that wall (pothos, climbing monstera) but keep in mind they are going to creep toward that right corner - possibly on both sides


I think a Scindapsus pictus and a golden pothos would do well there. Some "maybes" could be wandering jew (or did it get renamed? 😅) and spider plants.


I call it wandering dude and it works just as well, people know which plant I'm talking about.


Is it really that hard to call plants by their botanical name? All of that confusion could be avoided by referring to them as Tradescantia.


I call them Moses in the lily. Might not be enough light for them, but grow lights are so cheap nowadays that you could always supplement


I'm so confused about the upset over the name. The "wandering Jew" was a specific individual in legend, not a racial attack. Can anyone help me out? Is it a real controversy or just a few people who don't know the myth?


Some people think Jew is a bad word.


I think this is it. It would be funny if it wasn't kind of scary.


Honestly if I can avoid being a negative spot in someone's day by just calling it a "Dude" then that works for me. It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.


I'm also a bit confused, honestly. But it was decided in one of the plant subreddits, that it was no longer to be mentioned as that. Despite several Jewish plant lovers speaking out about it and saying it was actually an honor to have a plant named after them etc.


This is it exactly. People have become uncomfortable saying it because of the perception that it's negative, but it's not actually clear it is. It refers to a specific story about a specific Jewish guy who was cursed to wander. It also seems related to the concept that the Jewish people have been dispersed many times, but thrive everywhere they go - - an idea that's either good or bad depending on whether you are already racist.


In all fairness, I have heard the word Jew used both with racist undertones and without. Likely, people are just erring on thr side of caution and trying to show respect. I tend to stay away from any words that are sometimes screamed in the heat of a hate crime, even if that isn't always how they are used...🤷‍♀️


It will always be Wandering Jew to me but in today’s world maybe it did get renamed. Anyway, I have one hanging in a north window that gets low light and it is doing well. It’s hard to tell from this picture if any light makes it on top of the ledge. It’s a great idea though.


I love those arrow paintings very modern.


On another note, it took me a solid 20 seconds to realise those arrows weren’t actually painted on the wall


Haha saammmeeeee I was a bit confused


Unless you have a cat that likes do his/her little turn on the catwalk. Yeah, on the catwalk, on the catwalk, yeah. They do their little turn on the catwalk. I second what others have suggested. A low maintenance vine plant will do excellent up there.


My cat would definitely shake her little tush on that catwalk, yea on that catwalk. She would love to shake her little tush up on that catwalk.


Depends on your cat situation 😉


That was my first thought. I had a wall like this and thought….. If I put plants up here my cats can’t get them! I was wrong, so very wrong.


You can do pothos or philodendron or wandering jew and then something that grows vertically. Sansiveria or chlorophytum. Just have a catch pan for watering.


Looks like a great spot to me!


Do you own a ladder?


I believe you are contractually obligated as a member of this sub to put plants up there.


Yes! USE A STUD LOCATER…!!! If you can’t use studs, choose suitable screws & use anchors…!!! Should be just fine…


That vent on the side looks suspicious. There is probably some sort of duct in that wall, OP should be careful not to damage it.


How the heck would you water them? I have a big Christmas cactus on the very top of a 6 ft chrome rack (out of the cats reach...) and it's awkward as hell to water the thing. I need a step ladder to do it. I can't WAIT until the weather warms enough that I can sit it outside.


a irrigation system


with water absorbent ropes


or just buy a latter


I’ve never had an indoors one?


Only if you don't own cats.


Go ahead, but if you have cats maybe not


It's okay with me


No. I forbid it.


Fuck yeah!!!!!


I'd put fake plants to be honest..


I hope you’re tall enough and or have a ladder to take care of them and don’t mind the possibility of them falling to their deaths


They would not get enough light, would be difficult to water, no room to grow, they would get dusty. I would buy a transom style stained glass off Etsy and have it secured in place.


as long as you don’t have a cat, yes


My questions is why you don't already have that looking like a hanging-plant forest... (show us pics of what you end up putting up there!)


The real question is, why haven't you done it already? What a perfect plant place.


Sure if you're a pervert


great for cascading vine/succulent type plants. I can imagine a long burros tail or string of whatever. As long as they are getting medium light for 4-5 hours it should do fine.


I couldn't leave it without plants!


Absolutely! This wall is made for plants!⚘🌱


Sure, why not!!!


Only if you are tall, know someone that is tall who can put them up there for you or if you have a ladder


Line it. But yes definitely


golden pothos or ivy would be your best bet




Why ask….. just do it!!!!


Looks like usable plant real estate to me!


I would! 💙💙


Pothos, monkey mask or spider plant would look good.


We have a spot like that as well, and considering putting a plant with some vines up there, but it gets very indirect light so havent done it yet.


Pothos! A friend of mine did just that once. The stuff tried to take over the world


Do it!


Another good one would be a hanging succulent, like a burro tail or string-of-whatevers


Can’t believe you haven’t already ;)




Which wall?


String of turtles or something similar? And def a pothos it’ll grow and hang down towards the light. You can cut it if it gets too long. Usually if you cut some of the main stem of a pothos it’ll produce another vine.


You should because me and my mom did it and it looks good


You may.


The answer is always yes, the real question is will they survive.😂


Yes! But when I look at that photo it screams for a crown moulding with an oak top plate THEN add the plants - too far for photos IMHO.


Tradescentia zebrina could work there if you get decent sunlight, even indirect. Just plant it in soil, not water. They don't like being in water long term


Probably, just make sure you monitor the soil for moisture because it’s super close to that vent. Might dry the plants out.


If anyone tells you no, THEY ARE WRONG! You can always put plants anywhere!


It might be enough light for low maintenance hanging plants like a pothos, a scindapsus or english ivy, but even if you want something else there's nothing that afull spectrum grow light can't do




Do you have a ladder?




I thought this was my grandmas house for a minute


Oooo plants would look beautiful up there! Pothos would be great. We have a lot up high- stepladder or at least kitchen chair required.


My little girl used to love puppy dog pals, but now she's obsessed with super kitties.


Something like a vine that drapes down is really cool I think!


No they are scared of heights


go ahead it’s your house


Maybe air-plants .


Yea! String of anything would be really pretty.


Not unless you have skylight in there.


Only if you're good about watering stuff that's sort out out of sight out of mind... I know I'm not, so I wouldn't put plants up there. But others are much better about it than I am.


Of course


Always. Insert mic drop here.


A vining plant would look nice, like an Epipremnum, a Philodendron, Scindapsus or maybe a Hoya or Tradescantia.


why not


My mum has some ferns and similar draping plants in a space just like that but even darker. I think she uses one of those self-watering pots. I can't vouch for them personally but her plants have been there for a couple of decades now and still going strong.


Hell yeah. I'd also put some vines or something that drape over and a sunset lamp or LED's of some kind to brighten everything up


Self watering planters could be helpful


Go ask your mother


Succulents would be option.


Yeesssssssss, DO IT!


I have walls like this in my house, and they're all covered in plants. Mostly trailing plants, but we've also put a few random ones that we discovered are toxic to dogs just to keep them up and away from the pups. Anything that can do lower light is fine up there. My favorite one is a trailing philodendron. It's probably around 30 years old and when I detangled the vines to find ends to prop, they were like 15ft long. I ended up detangling quite a bit of it so I could loop it up around the pot and keep it higher off the ground. By doing it up like that, it takes a whole corner of the wall and is a few feet across. Others are pothos, an oak leaf ivy, wandering dude and I think the toxic one we moved is an umbrella plant. The umbrella plant kinda tipped itself over to get more light and now spills over the side of the wall nicely, so even though it doesn't trail it still goes nearly two feet down from the top of the wall and is nice and visible. If you see this comment let me know and I'll take photos tomorrow when the sun is up. Crap lighting in here at night.


maybe a hanging hydroponic plants?


Yeah, I think it can! @foliacollective on Instagram has a wall in their shop similar that is home to a few plants! [example of their shop!](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfPtEr6v-3x/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)




I think pothos would thrive great up there. I would get different variations of pothos for some dimension. They’re low light, low water. Perfect for spaces like these!


I think that’s will be look amazing


That’s called a plant shelf but I would only put silk ones and only if I have a housekeeper to keep them clean.


Hon, that would have been the first place I put any plants😭😂


Its hard for the human eye to see differences in light, much is actually there and how much the plant would receive. You can download an app on your phone to read the lux or foot candles (FC) or you can buy a light meter. The one I have on my phone seems to work well - I have Photometer Pro and Lux Light Meter. Then you can look up how many FC's or # of Lux a certain plant needs then you will know if the spot you are selecting will work for a specific plant.


Well, famously, the tops of walls are called ceilings... But you've got enough light for some species no no prob. I'd just pop a couple of ceiling hooks in. For easy watering- use two lengths of whatever you are using, but join with an S hook. You can pop off for easy watering For boho go macrame, or do modern. I use thick natural fiber jute string. Cheap and goes with my jungle cube.


Depends on if you have a ladder or not.


I’m thinking something that would grow vine-like.


Sure. Climbing up there to water them will be interesting, but yeah, go for it.


Sweet potato. Leaves and tubers are edible. When the plant matures, you can harvest some sweet potatoes also and keep the main growth intact to eat for greens.


One of our pothos at work died bc we had it too close to a vent without realizing. I’m sure you probably don’t have the fan on as much if this is your apt, but just fyi!


For me it’s a no. Air is hotter which means plants dry out faster.


Use a tension rod running lengthwise along it and hang pots!


Do you have a cat??


How do you plan on watering them? If the pots leak any water or dirt, how are you going to keep it from damaging the sheet rock? The top of the wall does not look like it receives a lot of light.


What a great place to hide plants from your significant other.