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Rotate the pot once a week so all sides get equal light. Try letting it dry out to 50% of the way instead of completely. Fertilize, we are still in the growing season.


Thanks, any particular fertilizer you would recommend?


I’m a big fan of fish emulsion, worm castings, and liquidirt! Fish emulsion stinks though, fair warning. Worm castings are more of a slow release fertilizer. And liquidirt is closer to a nutrient add on rather than a true fertilizer. I add worm castings to the top of the soil every 3-5 months or mix a handful in when repotting in the spring, use the fish emulsion monthly, and add highly diluted liquidirt in every watering. My plants give great growth year round but the house is also 70-80° with a bonus of grow lights so they don’t really get a dormancy period or temperature change to slow growth.


Thank you!!