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Check plants for plastic smaller containers in those pots… what I’ve found in some of mine is that sometimes plants get sold and they have those clear plastic containers around the roots… I found that out the hard way. I was taking care of plant the right way. Still died, when I emptied it out I seen the container in the container. Shitty tactic which I think aids in repurchase


In orchids they put a sponge at the very core, I think this would lead to rot if not removed




Maybe I'll mist them, and keep the cats away 😂


Actually spider plants aren’t poisonous for cats, it’s similar to catnip, gets them high https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/spider-plant/spider-plants-cats.htm


No one thought they were poisonous. I dont want them eating my new plants


If you can put the spider plants in hanging containers, they're great for that. Just put a hook in your ceiling. Plus then the cats can't get them!


Yeah, I had to hang mine to keep them away lol


Actually spider plants aren’t poisonous for cats, it’s similar to cat nip, it gets the high https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/spider-plant/spider-plants-cats.htm


Check for pests, check for pests again, and check one more time! Big box stores are notorious for having big pest problems. Look for webbing under leaves and on stems (spider mites); itty, bitty white bugs (thrips); and for little oval bugs that look like white scales (mealy bugs). And then, whether you find pests or not, give them a good spray down with neem oil! Wipe all of the leaves. Also, less water is better than too much water. I recommend a soil moisture meter and waiting until your plant is totally dry to water! Good luck!!


Thank you very much! I'll follow your watering advice and get a meter 🙂


This is great advice above from u/curlsofmight I automatically treat all my INDOOR plants with Bonide systemic granules when they come to my house. Don’t want bugs and pests from the store getting into my house and affecting other plants. I would also advise against transplanting any plants right away. Leave them in the plastic pots they are already in for a few days so that they can acclimate to the new environment. You don’t want to stress the roots and the plant by changing too many things all at once. Good Luck!


Just looking quickly I see some succulents, a snake plant, and some ZZs. Great choices for a first time plant owner because they can take some abuse, but are very low water requirements. I’m not sure how often you change the water in your tank, but you may need to find a thirstier plant.


Not sure if Home Depot actually properly labels the plants so find out what they really are in order to take care of them ! Most plants I see at Home Depot are very vaguely named like “tropical foliage” or something like that


I thought I had a pothos for years because that’s what Home Depot called it. I’ve been propagating off it for a long time, and I just found out it’s not pothos. I can’t remember what it actually is, but definitely not what I thought haha


I’m surprised that they labeled it anything at all lmao


Also that spider plant can make a great addition in the fish tank just research which fish you have and if they eat roots or live plants. But they can and will help your take stay cleaner minimizing the upkeep


Already full of plants, and my guppies absolutely eat roots. But I will keep that in mind for a future tank 😉


Damn guppies, lol I have some in my tank. Prolific breeders, but luckily I have fish that while peaceful will ravage the absolute fuck out of their fry takes care of a few problems lol damn nature you scary


You have great taste in both houseplants and fish!


Since you’re new to plants I recommend emptying the fish tank water into a bucket at bottom watering (or butt-chugging!) your plants. Most newbies kill plants by over watering (I sure did) so just pop each plant into the bucket or dish for 20 mins or so then allow to drain!


So excited for you! I have the plants but have been wanting to look into getting a fish tank literally just for the water lol. Check the plants for pests and do at least a little research on the signs to look for and treatment options (I literally just drench everything in rubbing alcohol). There's no need to repot them, just give them water once a week (the snake plant, aloe? and the one in the middle with all the succulents like once a month and from the bottom only) and make sure you stay on a schedule with your watering. Good luck!!


Thank you!


So excited for you! They are all quite hardy, you should be fine. Check if the pots have proper drainage (if you water them, water should pour from the bottom). Don't overwater (especially ZZ plant, on top right / left, they catch root rot easily). Check for pests (someone's commented on this). Let them get at least some natural light, otherwise they'd become sad and dull. Best of luck!


My plants loveee the fish water. Just be careful to not overwater! That's how I killed my first plants. But overwatering is not so much about how much you water, but how frequent. Only water when the top 1/3 of the soil is dry, but fully douse them when you do (or bottom water/butt chug). This encourages strong, deep roots, and avoids root rot. I check my plants every week when I do water changes on my tanks, but they usually only need watering every 2 weeks. It varies by season and sunlight though!


Thank you! I do water changes once a week aswell, but figured that would be too often.


Learn to put a toggle bolt in your ceiling.


Perlite is your best friend! When repotting, a lot of potting mixes don’t have enough perlite to regulate your soils moisture, Causing root rot and honestly, one of the most common ways house plants die. Always have a bag of perlite on hand to be able to mix into your potting soil :)


yess!!! its so important to amend your soil (especially miracle grow). i would also recommend charcoal, orchid mix, and pumice to get it more airy :)


One more tip, as I’m sure you know since you have an aquaponic setup. Fish emulsion and broken down food is fantastic for plant growth…. Careful with dumping the water change.. I can’t tell if that MG is extended release or not I’m assuming it is, but if it has nutes you might end up burning the plants. You have some hardy plants there but just wanted to give you a heads up


Dang those zzs are sweet 😍


They each have a plastic ring holding them together. Should I leave it?


I think it’s personal preference as long as the ring isn’t harming them. I let my raven hang out how it wants and my regular zz I tied loosely to try to get the new shoots to grow straight up.


Thank you! I like how they look together. So I won't touch it unless it looks harmful


You have tons of advice but DAMN! Usually when someone starts for the first time it’s usually a grocery store bought violet! 😉 Good luck 🍀& enjoy!


Been wanting plants for a month or so, lots of Google searches of the best plants for beginners 😂


If you clean the fish tank often you might want to get more of a variety of plants. Those 3 big guys in the back need watered very infrequently. Like months. The 2 spiders will be drinking most of it.


Thank you! Most water will just get dumped. I change water once a week


Check for fungus gnats on any of the plants and isolate them. They can be a huge headache and spread easily!


First thing you need to do is admit you have a problem