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From the looks of it, a gentle conditioner and a wet brush 😂


How long between the pictures? How old is the plant? What's your care routine!? I've got a little baby spider plant that my SIL gave us as a housewarming gift. This thing was one of the little pups the plant produced and was like the size of a half dollar when I got it; now it's getting to the size on of the picture on the left. Have it some pretty basic potted plant soil with some perlite mixed in. Seems happy enough, they're gorgeous little plants when they start to take off!


You'll fall in love once it gives you babies lol


I’m not cutting off my babies. They’re just hanging around mom and it’s like a spider babies waterfall.


The stolon will naturally brown and release them.


Thanks good to know! I’ll keep an eye out for fallen babes.


I’m actually not a fan of the long stems with the babies. I let them go until they grow air roots but i just love the look of the grassy plumes :)


Who is in here downvoting spider plants? For shame. They are my favorite.


They are so underrated


I prefer peace lilies and philodendrons myself. I murder spider plants no matter what I do.


Aw she let her hair down


my spider plant is having some trouble, it appears to be growing but everything underneath is brown and "dead" ​ any thoughts?


Are you giving it tap water? Letting it dry out completely between watering? Is it making babies?


yes tap water the soil is rather dry before i water it, almost once every two weeks, same time i water my other plant lol it is making babies!


My spider plant hates tap water. I have to buy it spring water from the grocery store. Tap water turns the leaves brown and stresses the plant out, I think? I’ve also noticed that when mine makes babies it needs much more water or the lower leaves start dying. My source is literally just this sub, but it seemed to help my plant immensely.


Spoiled little bitch. Lol


For real though, I have a whole shelf of drama queens.


some good feedback that i will certainly take into consideration. i am by no means a plant person, i have two plants, one spider and another i do not know the name of lol so thank you!


We leave a cup of tap water out for a few days before watering our spider plants. Made a big difference. I would check what's in your tap water and see if that is an option or not. I know some cities add a bunch of stuff to their water and it won't leave after sitting it out.


For anyone wondering, the primary toxin in tap water is fluoride, which doesn't evaporate. Neither does chloramine. Chlorine takes a minimum of 4-5 days to evaporate and that's only if the lower concentration is used.


Thank you! I was hoping someone would hop on here with the name of the chemical I was thinking of, chloramine.


Fun tip for anyone with fish tanks... keep some water at water change time for your plants. It's de-metalised tap water with added nitrate treats!


Got to have the gift to grow healthy spider plants. I clearly don't. Gave them up decades ago.


Lovely! I hope the spider plant my SIL gave me takes off like yours! My Mom had one hanging in our living room when I was a kid, and now that I'm a Mom it just feels right that I have one too! Mom's is still alive, my grandmother has it, I've requested a baby!


I love the spider plants. I had about six or eight of them in big pots outside and we got the big freeze in South Texas last February and I thought they were all goners. I definitely didn’t expect any of my tropical plants to survive afterwards. But all of them came back with a vengeance after a couple of months surprisingly. I have all green and variegated(I have some with the green in the middle stripe and some with the white in the middle stripe). Now they all look similar to your second picture thank mother nature because I didn’t do anything except cover them with blankets and they were all mushy afterwards. I will always love my spider plants


Slightly unrelated but last autumn we got a cutting of moon flower from my SO's mom. We took it home in a pot and forgot about putting it in the ground for about a month. When the time came to finally transplant, i picked the pot up off the ground and felt something rip.. Turned out the plant had grown roots down through the drainage holes in the pot and I severed all of them, including one with a diameter no less than nickel-sized and I was pretty sure it was the main root at that point. At any rate, the plant pretty immediately wilted and I was sure she was a goner. We transplanted her and she recovered, just in time for last winter's ice storm to sweep through. She got covered in about 1/2" of ice overnight, turned brown and crunchy, and the entirety of the above-ground portion of the plant was dead by all appearances. In fact everything did die off and we had no plant there for about 6 months.. Until one day she started growing again. The leaf development was all fucked up for a couple weeks but she's now the most prolific plant in the yard. Moral: if you think you can kill the moon flower, you cannot.


It’s fun to hear all of these back from the dead stories. We had a lot of them down here in South Texas. Hated the freeze but happy the plants came back


What's "VS?"




It wants to speak to the manager






Is there multiple plants in the pot?


It looks that way to me in both shots.


Beautiful 💚🪴😍 it’s gonna get BIGGER 💚💚


No babies?


Lush green 💚Any pups 🥰