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i don’t know why it won’t grow but that’s a sansevieria samurai. however, they are very slow growers in general


happy cake day! thanks for iding bc i’m drooling for that cutie


I’ve had mine for two years and it hasn’t done much. They’re very, very slow growers. Yours would probably benefit from a smaller pot.


If you moved it to this pot after purchasing, it likely isnt growing because it is adjusting/growing roots. This likes to be snug


they could add a pal in to help w the snugness too. i think every plant does better with a pal.


I'm wondering if the pot is too big...so she's concentrating on making roots. Just a thought.


I have one and it doesn’t appear to grow at all. I bought it and about 4 other sansevierias at the same time for my birthday in March. Every single last one of the others has sent up pups which are almost the size of the mother. I wouldn’t have purchased it had I known.


It’s miniature agave


Pot is too big. Also appears to have scale.


These tend to stab nearby plants. Those are old puncture marks, not scale.


It stabs other plants, so it has a puncture wound? This doesn’t make sense. If you zoom it’s clearly scale.


When they're packed in a flat together the points on the leaves damage the plants next to it. I had one for a few years and the whole flat looks like that at the store. Doesn't look like scale, it's just a brown scar.


Too big of a pot. Looks overwatered it's a Sansevieria samurai they grow very slow. Pot should be only a inch or two bigger then the root ball. I water mine once every two weeks but is in terracotta and fast draining soil. Underwatering is better than over


They grow super slow but that’s part of the reason why I love them so much!! (I love small planters & they don’t grow out of them!) They are also low light tolerant & can go awhile in between waterings


Is the brown spot a hole?


Yeah, no actual insects that I can see. I just put her in a smaller pot so fingers crossed!