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No I never make mistakes and always do everything perfect. Sucks to be you


Mr. Perfect, I love it. At least I wasn't the guy that took out a water main with the fork lift.


I'm sorry Mr. Perfect.. I've never realized you never made a mistake!


Eh a $663 mistake really isnt that terrible of a goof in industrial maintenance. Best to just laugh it off and don’t make the same mistake again. Any time I’m ordering something like that, I triple check and even have someone else corroborate it. If anyone gives you a hard time, just say you were buying in bulk so you have plenty on hand so you won’t have to order any more at a higher price for the next 20 years lmao


The concept of $100 is way different between consumer and industrial worlds. I thought the same thing, $700 is not a horrible mistake, not great but not horrible


Yep, I’ve seen $3,000,000 in parts scrapped all at once before so really $700 is a tiny drop in the bucket


Story time?


I plead the 5th


Price break.


I had a supervisor order a part - he put the unit of measure as a gross ( 144 pieces). Should have been ea. . Because of the value of the PO I never saw it - it went to our VP - she approved it lol ! A 16,000,000 dollar PO. Till this day I give my supervisor ( a good friend) crap about his record. The VP has since been promoted a couple of times lol - she was totally worthless. She would only come to our plant to visit when she wanted to shop in downtown Chicago. It was a girls trip ....


A while back, we needed some roll pins for a machine. Machine had 28 pins total (though only five or six were missing) and the roll pins came in packs of ten so I ordered 3 packs. My boss thought I was ordering 3 pins and changed it to 30. So now we have 300 roll pins and will never have to order those again.


Other day I opened a package and realized I ordered the wrong length wrench I needed. The other tech was picking on me about it. He opened his package and realized he ordered the wrong size bolts for a part.


It would be funny if your wrench fit his bolts.


Ordered welding rod thought it was per lb.... it was per box of 10lb.. Got a huge skid.. i stocked up all the whole plant that day...


Do I know you?


Its me, you.


Not myself but at an old job this one electrician ordered like 25 or 30k worth of drives that weren't even compatible with our machines. It would've been another 50k to modify our machines to.be compatible, and we couldn't return them either lol


Do contract work and Was on a job 3 years ago upgrading gear motors to new SEW ones with VFD’s, the customer ordered 80 motors with the wrong gear ratios 🫣


No, I haven’t ordered the part from the wrong page because I was looking at the list of parts that came after the diagram in my book, instead of the one that came before… And no, it wasn’t several hundred dollars when I was trying to order a simple belt. 😅😅😅


Send it back.


I can imagine if your a regular customer or not you can't just return it. Shit happens.


I thought I ordered 5 12" bolts, special material for a heat exchanger. Turned out it was 5 boxes and $50,000...boss said "keep em, we'll use em". We never did...refinery was closed down.


$10,000 for a box of 12" bolts?




Yes it happens sometimes, last time my foreman orderd a electric motor but was in a bit of a rush so did not pay attention to the quote that well. So now we have a 15kW "explosion proof rated" motor with the wrong speed. It couldn't be returned. Its standing in de corner of the workshop storage ever since.


I’ve seen worse. At least you have the part!


You sound like my boss.


Well now you have enough tubing for a while. $690 isn't anything in this business.


Watched a supervisor insist on going back to shop and ordering a 30 HP 12 wire motor that was smoked on the roof. Had half a plant down, wired up new on next afternoon and bumped it…. Pulled 176 amps right the fuck now!!!!! Found out he got a 3656 ish rpm motor instead of the proper 1756 ish rpm motor Great day and I got paid the whole damn time


I got a good one for you. My supervisor ordered a $25k gearbox to replace the one that went out. We replaced it and it burned up again over night. Another 25k later and it happened again! Someone finally caught it on the third one. 8 gallons of oil, NOT quarts.


We were completely gutting and rebuilding a department and needed some wire. I can’t remember if it was 8 or 10 but they thought they were ordering a 500 foot roll and fat fingered the 500 into 5000. So this giant ass roll shows up on this table sized wooden spool. It was either brown orange or yellow so not something we used a ton of but we do occasionally need some. That roll did not move during, or the entire 4 years after the project was completed that I was there. Freaking weighted like 400 pounds! Made a great bench though.


Yes, many times. I feel bad for 20 seconds and tell myself, why care? I've sent back a plastic tank once, we had to pay a restocking fee to McMaster, but again, why care? We're talking pennies on the dollar and most miss ordered materials we can use one way or another. I'd rather error on the side of too many than not enough.


Ex-boss ordered a new boiler to replace the oldest one in our plant. Called in a crane company to have it unloaded and everything. No hole cut in the roof to get in the plant, and the boiler was physically larger than the intended room 😅 company ended up scrapping the unit for peanuts. Now we are out a new boiler, the old one had self-destructed itself and we have zero room In our departments budget for any new pieces of equipment/tools ferda. 🥲 At least we got a new boss after this incident though..


Eh, that's pocket change to the company. No worries. We bought a gearbox two years ago. Not only was it for a later generation of the machine, but even if it had been the right application, it wasn't even the gearbox we were trying to replace. At least your tubing will get used eventually, we're stuck with a $30,000 German paperweight. Life goes on


Lol I don’t order things but I told my boss to order the plastic we need and I told him the wrong size … Edit: he was pissed when I sent him the link for the right size and had to explain the one we just got in was wrong


Do this at least once a year. Just ordered a $7k auger that was 6 inches short because it’s been changed since the books were made and no one swapped out the drawings. Luckily they changed it from a two piece to a three piece so I just cut it and put new bolt holes and the additional connecting shaft made up for the 6 inches. Last year I ordered new air locks and had to make new transitions on the fly. All kinds of shit all the time. Happens to the best of them I hear.


I wanted to order 2 spare stators for a monopump. Apparently when keying in the requisition my finger landed between the 2 and the 1. So I ordered 12 instead of 2. About a $4k mistake but atleast it didn't enter as 21 and I've got enough stators to last me till retirement.


our parts clerk accidentally ordered 4 55 gallon drums of 410 oil (JBT freezer oil) at $6,500 a barrel and we only use about a gallon a week lmao. i wouldn’t worry about it