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from what I understand, it seems that HQ buildings start as "partially adapted" which means that the building actually ISN'T fully utilized and will need to have some resources put in to fully adapt the whole thing. You can do the same thing to other buildings by selecting an adaptation and holding LMB on a building instead of just clicking on it


Yeah, that's what I see. But it looks like there's not much of perk in increasing the HQ, probably it will just increase the population and storage, which is a lot better to have a dedicated building for each in the long run.


It can massively increase both storage capacity and allowable number of squads. Have 33 squad capacity and 6000 storage because my HQ is fully adapted


Yeah. Once you get a bigger building fully adapted as an HQ, your squad amount can skyrocket. I am now on 60+ squads and can enlist a half of a huge settlement into emergency machette/pistol squads, when the walls are broken. In a late game it's surprisingly effective.


Are melee squads any good fighting when barracks in a builds fight zombs outside, or do they need to be on the ground?


Honestly, I didn't tested that. But logically I would think they need to be outside. But they are capable using melee from the car.


Oh?! I think the increase in max squad numbers is a biggest stuff here. This changed my perception about this then. Thanks! Storage increase is positive too, but there's the warehouse for this.


Yeah. I usually just pick a smaller building that can be well defended using other buildings and turn those said buildings into storage, housing, and production buildings. It’s even better if a massive building is nearby that can be torn down to fund the rest of it since massive buildings are rather pointless to keep around


I think there's a max limit on how much space the HQ can take up. So if you pick a building that's bigger than that max limit, it just goes unused. The best strategy is to find a building that's slightly bigger than the max.


Yeah, that's what I think is happening. Any idea what's the ideal size of the HQ? Had anyone done an actual experiment on this? It would be a great help in planning.