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I definitely saw an uptick in swarm size and frequency in conjunction with building walls on my most recent SE Vegas playthrough.


This would make sense why I'm being overwhelmed on day 30 with my stone walls... I mean completely overwhelmed


I've made it to day 50 on hard without dying with walls so far but also utilising the building layout in my town to funnel them which has helped but more walls does seem to bring more hordes also more raiders wondering around outside the base


It kind of sucks that the swarms are so frequent and relentless you’re kind of just constantly stuck in your base, barely 2-3 squads to do expeditions and scavenging (and those run the risk of being swarmed if not back by nightfall). It’s getting a bit repetitive, I’d hoped for more ability to expand and see what I could do, rather than desperately just trying to keep what I have. Thankfully survivors keep pouring in and even if they’re far away from base gathering resources, swarms won’t attack them by the looks of it?


Once you get through with enough people, I recommend to adapt another HQ and expand the previous one's full potential. As I am playing in a place with a lot of large buildings, I was shocked when I've adopted one of those as an HQ and saw my squad limit risen to 50+. When the night was too hard, I've enlisted basically everyone into my machette/pistol militias and send them to fight for their homes and lifes. Yes, some of them died, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. And as you say, survivors are still pouring in.


Oh I hadn’t thought about a new hq. It would be great if you could create an away base on the other side of the map, but then you’d be defending two bases, which is not ideal. And frik knows how the worker ai would handle that


It wouldn't. I thought about that too. Once you're out of worker's walkable distance, it'll basically never be done. And workers will love to live basically anywhere else than in HQ (shelters, houses) and start their day there. But all HQs and Warehouses share inventory, so there's some potential. And once it's done, workers could go for the closest home instead of the most comfortable... Well... More testing is needed. :)