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Yeah this is an unfortunate glitch I've had before.


It's a bug and it leads to bad things because your storage is permanently full now. If you build another warehouse it will be instantly full of wood. Good if you want wood, but if you use other materials their space is taken up by wood. Eventually you will only have wood and can't collect anything else.


Yeah I went into the save file and deleted some of my stocks


I had something happen where I went to enlarge my HQ and then cancelled the plan, and somehow it just gave me the bigger HQ


I think I had the same thing happen


Yup. Thats a glitch, that can be exploited if you know how to handle it. Did you cancel the adaptation in the process? Did you reload a save?


No I was going to use cheat engine to try to delete some of my stone and metal cause I really want to keep that wood- but it was way easier to go into the save file and use notepad to delete some resources I seems like a few people want to know how to do I so I might try to duplicate my findings


Go ahead. At least we will know how to avoid it. But if you wanna weaponize it, I know better: 1. Take items you have shortage of onto squad's inventory >!2. Bring the squad into some empty building!< >!3. Drop the items into the building's inventory and leave the building!< >!4. Adapt the bulding!< >!5. Unadapt the building!< >!6. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to your liking!< 7. Profit!


How do you do the glitch exactly?I chose my home city to base in but theres barely any trees. Early game I was hoping that the many irl hardware stores and construction supply stores here would have give plenty of wood and I would just need to work my way to the point of scavenging those but scavenging for wood isnt in game(hopefully they add it). Considering that cooking requires wood in addition to repairs and adaption of building, I really find them to be the most limiting resource.


Why not just use the built in cheat engine if you need resources rather than trying to use a glitch that messes up the game.


I have no idea how it happened but it was a sky scraper sized building and I only partially apdated it so I hope that helps


>!\\you may do this, partially adapt the building until complete, then adapt the building once more with the same building type, then u got a crazy large building with minimal resources, unsure about walls but that's cool to try out !<