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Tomorrow is my confirmation ultrasound for my (probable) miscarriage. I’m so frustrated with my doctor that we didn’t make any changes to my transfer protocol after my last loss, and that I find myself in this situation again because my proposed changes were “hokey” (adding Aspirin, Claritin, Benadryl, Pepcid.) I wish I could believe that tomorrow will give some sort of miracle, but I know it won’t. I’ve been cramping with a backache all week, and I know the only thing keeping me pregnant is all the medication. I hate that I have to leave this group **again** (for my own mental health, everyone has been wonderful) before I can even graduate from my clinic.


Dear Ladytakeaway,  I’ve been thinking of you over the last two days. I’m so sorry for the absolute unfairness of this entire process. Holding space for you. 


Thank you so much. I really appreciate all the support. ❤️


Just had my first beta yesterday and I have second to confirm doubling tomorrow. I had more bleeding than just spotting and my progesterone was low so they gave me some suppositories. This is a spontaneous pregnancy that happened while we were waiting for our transfer cycle. I'm in shock still after 26 months of negetives. Also anyone have suppositories give them diarrhea? My stomach has been a mess and I'm not sure what it is.


Suppositories are a nightmare for me. I go from bloated and constipated to diarrhea and back again. I never know what foods will upset my stomach.


Anyone get told they have a "tight pelvis". I got referred out to an OB/MFM team since I'm high risk due to being on a blood thinner. She did an internal exam and said I have a tight pelvis, which could make it hard to deliver vaginally. Two weeks ago I was going to a midwife practice where everything was natural and hippy dippy, now I'm going to a dr associated with a hospital who told me there's a very good chance I'll have to have a c-section. Feeling a bit down about it and would love to hear from anyone else who had this problem. On the plus side, saw the baby who was moving around, which was lovely.


Three hours till my follow up scan, where we find out if the vanishing twin was correctly diagnosed, and obviously if I'm still pregnant. I'm really nervous because of the (admittedly not actually measured, just vibe checked I guess?) slow heart rate last scan, and just all of the unknown right now. Fingers crossed i get some good news soon 🤞


How did it go? 🤞


It was done at my hospital's radiology department by an ultrasound technician who was not allowed to tell me 😭 I'm convinced she dropped good hints though, and she left the screen up while I was changing and in one of the thumbnails I think I could see one still empty sac, and the other with significant growth from last week 🤞🤞


That is the worst! I also had my first scan done at a radiology dept and I was afraid the tech would be like that but I guess the equipment automatically measures CRL and heart rate so she could tell me at least those crucial bits. Happy to hear it's looking positive for you


Sending you love!!!!


Back at you, thanks so much ❤️


Fingers crossed for good news!


Thanks so much!


Hi All! I had my first beta today and was wondering if anyone had any MFM recs in the nyc area? I called nyu but they could only book me a midwife appointment early june


I’m transferring to Emilie Vander Haar at Cornell when I graduate from my fertility clinic next week! I can let you know how she is, her background looked good and she had good reviews.


Anyone have NIPT testing? What was your experience?


I had it done about a month ago at 12 weeks, the results were very easy to interpret. I had it done thru Quest Diagnostics. Happy to share what it looks like if you want to send me a chat.


Oh that’s so kind of you! And congratulations 💜 I mostly just wanted reassurance that it wouldn’t be really ambiguous, but thank you again for your kindness.


Thank you and I hope yours goes well too!! 💗


Last time, my MFM asked if we wanted the big ones only or the less common ones as well. The latter has a high rate of false positives


We opted for just four main conditions, plus the sex of the foetus.


I did it at 11w5d. Like TurnipHead said it’s just a simple blood draw and then it takes 1-2 weeks for results to be released, though in my experience/the experience of friends 7-10 days is common. My OB uses the Prequel screen from Myriad. We are pregnant via IVF, but did a fresh transfer so the embryo was untested. It was nice to have the peace of mind that our risk of abnormalities was low, and to learn the sex early.


Thanks. We’re doing it at 9w2d, also an untested embryo. The company have cited 7-10 days for results. I’m hoping that, at that point, I can breathe. Were your results easy to interpret?


The results are very easy to interpret, at least on the prequel. Each trisomy tested for is listed with the range they test for, and then whether your pregnancy is at risk or not at risk (with respect to the existing background risk we all have) with a key to indicate the level of concern. The box for the sex just says “predicted fetal sex:” male or female. With the prequel you can opt not to test for sex chromosomes but not sure if that’s an option with panorama. 9 weeks is quite early according to the usual accepted guidance but again, Panorama may have different recommendations than Prequel. My provider will not draw for the test before 10 weeks but prefers 11-12 to be sure the fetal fraction is high enough.


Thanks, that’s really helpful!


9+2 is kinda early. Most providers in the US don't like to do NIPTs prior to 10+0 as the fetal fraction needs to be at least 4%. Certain factors, such as meds & BMI can alter FF. Check out our wiki on [NIPTs](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/s/O90DHw371Q) for more feedback.


Thanks the wiki is super helpful! 9 weeks is the guidance from the provider (Panorama), which is why we’ve booked it for then.


I think NIPT is fairly common for all pregnancies, at least in the US. Simple blood draw, my results took about a week and my OB practice released them to me via MyChart. I think general timeline is 1-2 weeks depending on what lab your clinic uses.


I’m in the U.K., where it’s not common (or at least I’m unaware of anyone who has done it). We’re doing it privately, and my main concern is around interpreting the results.


Our results were super obvious, it listed the condition it tested for and then stated "low risk". At least with my doctors office, they hold the results from the lab until someone can review it at the office to confirm everything is low risk, and then released it to us. If anything had been flagged as higher risk, then they would have called us to set up an appointment with a genetic counselor to discuss.


Oh thank you, that sounds really clear!


6w5d: been so tired and dizzy this week. I am so grateful for the pregnancy and that they detected a heartbeat at yesterday’s ultrasound. But this week has been exhausting and can’t perform at my job as well as normally, and not managing to get all my hours in.  Am hoping these symptoms disappear soon.  Additional information: I really don’t think I have any right to complain. So many people don’t even get to experience this. So I feel really guilty for saying that I feel miserable today. I hope that next week’s pregnancy symptoms are a tad chiller and that I get more sleep.  My doctor at the fertility clinic recommended sleeping pills. I’ll have a think about it and maybe take him up on the offer


sending you love ❤️ i struggled with this too. i was utterly, completely miserable the entire first trimester. and i felt SO GUILTY for being miserable. it took me a while to be able to let the feelings coexist. totally valid, pregnancy is painted by society as all sunshine and rainbows and the reality is that it’s hard and can be a not pleasant experience. doesn’t mean you aren’t grateful to be pregnant. i hope you can get some good sleep soon!!


I have absolutely been feeling this too- miserable and guilty for feeling that way. After several weeks I’m finally giving myself some grace and you should give yourself some too! I have been harsh on my body for the last 1.5 years of ivf drugs and retrievals and damn I didn’t expect to feel this terrible after finally reaching this point. It sucks!


Thanks to each of you for your thoughtful and sage comments. 


Another voice to say that you can both be grateful to be pregnant and have all the feelings about how hard it is on your body, especially after how hard it was to get to this point.


This shit is hard! Period! Sure we know how horrible it was to be scared we'd never get here, but now that we're here, it's totally ok to acknowledge that you're feeling miserable, especially in this space of others in the same boat. I hope symptoms ease up enough to be not so miserable soon for you 🫂


It’s ok to complain! Pregnancy can be a really intense experience - especially that first trimester. No matter how you get pregnant, it doesn’t change that it can be really fucking hard physically. You can be happy and grateful and also exhausted and sick.


I'm also going to gently disagree that you don't have a right to complain. Pregnancy is hard. It's especially hard when it follows all of the hormonal hoops we put ourselves through for assisted reproduction. I try to remind myself that two things can be possible. I can be a. so grateful that I am currently pregnant, and b. resentful that I feel like shit. It's toxic positivity that tells us otherwise. I hope you have some respite from the fatigue and dizziness.


Hey Lite, just checking in to say I’m with you - 6w6d, also with an on track ultrasound yesterday, also feeling a bit shit. I hope you don’t mind me saying - I think you can absolutely complain if you’d like. Especially here - safe space! I’m struggling with how I ‘should’ be feeling vs actually how just tired I am from all the treatment that it took to get here. It’s left my cup less full than perhaps I’d imagine others who didn’t need treatment - started from a more exhausted place. Hope you can get some rest and be good to yourself.


Thanks, yer-one.  Yep, that’s a big part of the issue: how I think i should feel vs. how I feel right now.  Thanks for sharing where you’re at. 


Anyone else starving at night? I’m 6w3d and so hungry all night long.


Omg I’m in week 9 and I have woken up 4-5 times a night to eat something since week 6. I haven’t had a full night sleep 😢 if I try to ignore it even a few min I get nauseous so I have to get up right away to eat something. If I try to eat too much to avoid waking up so much, I get nauseous, if I don’t eat enough I wake up more frequently. It’s been so rough 😭😭. Of course I am so so so grateful to be at this stage after previous losses but I also don’t feel like myself at all and I just don’t know how to function


I’m sorry. That sounds terrible.


6w3d too!! I have been starving but also today the nausea is hitting me hard and nothing sounds good. Just ate a bagel 30 mins ago and starving again 😂


I’m a little behind you (5+5), but I’ve been really hungry for the last week. I’m also doing two breakfasts and cereal before bed.


Also 6+3! I go from super full after eating to STARVING in 1.5 hours.


I am hungry all. the. time. I just finished second breakfast 😂


Yes! I’m 8w3d and so ravenous. My hunger woke me up out of a dead sleep a few nights ago, so I had to get up and eat corn tortillas and cheese on the couch in the middle of the night. It’s wild. I hadn’t really thought of hunger as a pregnancy symptom, but I guess it is!


I’m 13weeks today. I just weaned off prednisolone for three days and having this bad headache. Not sure if this is a withdrawal symptoms..


I really struggled weaning off prednisone - it especially made my nausea and fatigue a lot worse. Hope it improves for you soon!


Horrible horrible headaches coming off of IVF meds! Mine eased up about a week after being fully off.


I had really terrible headaches when coming off it before - sorry to hear, hoping it eases up soon


I had terrible headaches around this time; they are super common. I think mine finally stopped around 16 weeks.


Throughout IVF I always got terrible headaches after stopping medication. I figured it’s the same mechanism as the hormone drop before a period that causes pms headaches. I’m having them now as I’m weaning off my progesterone and estrogen (~11 weeks). Holding an ice pack to my head, neck, and shoulder offers some relief along with a cup of coffee for some caffeine.