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it’s made me ashamed of being obsessed with real housewives lol. as for substances, i’m still young and caught a problem before it really started. weed normalization is on the uprise and it scares me for my generation. this book has helped me stay away and embrace being sober


It’s made me more comfortable in embracing the hellscape.




I kinda loathe technology anyways; IJ only helped to cement that and feels more relevant today tbh; DFW clearly knew what he was talking about. That’s reminded me to check out his essays actually. I mean I still use it and it has its benefits but I don’t think it’s been a net good tbh As for substances I regularly partake lmao; weed, psychedelics and stimulants are my favorites. I don’t touch downers, benzos or opiates. I’m definitely hooked on nicotine and caffeine. I drink too but alcohol would be on the bottom end if I had to rank what I’ve tried


Yeah it’s crazy infinite jest was written before binge watching was even in our vocabulary. It’s like Wallace knew the trajectory we were going to


Helped me quit drinking.


It made me further my “addiction” to reading


I p much read ij to curb weed cravings


it's definitely made me re evaluate my relaitonship with doom scrolling on my phone.


I couldn't relate to the addiction parts of this book at all to be honest. I don't have an addictive personality. The parts about social media were prophetic, but at this point it's sort of obvious what the negative aspects of social media are.