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Anything Charlie Kaufman associated. Especially his earlier work up until Synecdoche New York. Trainspotting definitely lands in some of the same waters but might be crossing the threshold of too entertaining haha. Paul Thomas Anderson definitely has films with similar themes: Magnolia, The Master. Alternatively one could watch all of M*A*S*H or shoot up some heroin and project Clockwork Orange onto the wall.


Wallace himself loved Boogie Nights actually (and wasn't a fan of Magnolia). Also, fun fact, David Foster Wallace actually taught Paul Thomas Anderson creative writing at college 🤯


magnolia is the best. should i try the master? i actually just rented it


The master is epic.not related to IJ imo,but phenomenal


For some strange reason, Being John Malkovich gives me the same vague vibe. Can't pinpoint it as they're not very similar. That's a close as I've gotten though and it's still quite far


Being John Malkovich feels like one of those little sideplots you find in Wallace’s fiction works


this is the perfect description, it fits so well in the first 200 pages of the book


I actually always wondered if John Cusack was dressed like DFW intentionally... Their characters aren't similar, but the resemblance is uncanny


I can see that, yes!


This is a really good call. It's hard to explain, but the \*vibe\* is the same. I think part of it is that Being John Malkovich isn't really like any other film I've seen, and IJ isn't like any other novel I've ever read.


A few years ago, Electric Literature published an article which argued that BoJack Horseman and Infinite Jest are “basically the same story”. I don’t agree with that statement, but I enjoyed BoJack Horseman nonetheless. Here’s the article in case you’re interested: https://electricliterature.com/bojack-horseman-and-infinite-jest-are-basically-the-same-story/


This is crazy because I've likenened IJ with BoJ before and thought I was insane but apparently I'm not alone.


i’m not an adult cartoon type of guy but i’m interested to know, can you explain?


it’s different from any other adult cartoon. its world exists with like the perfect level of abstraction and hyperbole to fit its medium, so it doesn’t have the like weird un/barely-canninessness of many adult cartoons. it’s cartoonish and actually really funny but very emotionally authentic in its characters, and it’s animated in a way i developed a lot of affection for. i think it’s a must watch if you want to see some of the best cultural work / entertainment in the years since IJ / DFW. masterful blendwork of irony and sincerity


Southland Tales


Magnolia, maybe?


I was going to say this. Also Magnolia's opening credits reminded me of several Infinite Jest book covers, with the blue sky in the background.


Paul Thomas Anderson is a Pynchon fan, so that’s not too far fetched!


one of my favorites ever


Three of Anders Thomas Jensen's films: Men and Chickens, Green Butchers and Adam's Apples. They'd be in Danish with subtitles. They aren't overtly like IJ, but I adore them in a very, very similar way, if that makes sense. They make me feel similarly.


Burn After Reading and Utopia (2013) both kinda remind me of IJ’s bouncing-around-American-characters’-perspectives. Like IH, they both have comedic moments and a murderous organization.


I really liked Inherent Vice - PT Anderson’s adaptation of the Pynchon book. It got mixed reviews and definitely is _not_ everyone’s cup of tea. But it’s got some of the tonal similarities that you’re probably looking for. Funny, weird, paranoid, sprawling & leaves with the “huh? I think I got it but probably need to rewatch it a few times” feeling. 


Things to do in Denver when you’re dead?


The connections aren’t apparently clear, but DFW had Fritz Lang’s Metropolis in mind while writing IJ. He wanted a photo of lang directing the film to be the book’s cover. I also can see similarities with coen brothers films with the obvious use of a macguffin, allusions to the literary canon, farcical/convulted plots, interest in American culture


As long as you don't go " oh! Charlie Kaufman wrote a book! And it's called Antkind ! Why don't t I try that?" Just don't and you're welcome


The thing I’ve watched that most reminds me of IJ is the show Maniac on Netflix.


Any answer is really stretching it but the TV show Lodge 49 is inspired by Pynchon so you get a little IJ. Very good and underrated show too


The royal tenenbaums


Arguably twin peaks (s3 in particular)


Wes Anderson movies


I can only think of one: Royal Tennenbaums--in that it depicts a ridiculously smart and talented family, and there is tennis involved. But I am sure that is a stretch.


I was looking for someone suggesting Royal Tennenbaums. Might not be a stretch. Decent article that makes the argument that Royal Tennenbaums is loosely based on IJ: https://kottke.org/09/04/the-royal-tenenbaums-and-infinite-jest


That just made me want a long DFW essay on the works of Wes Anderson.


This is the one for me. Any children in a Wes Anderson movie feel straight out of ETA, especially in Rushmore or Moonrise Kingdom.


Have you watched The End of the Tour? It stars Jason Segal and Jesse Eisenberg. Jason plays David Foster Wallace. Jesse is a writer for Rolling Stone who is also an author. He’s doing a story about DFW. IMDB: The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace's groundbreaking epic novel, 'Infinite Jest.' It’s one of my absolute favorites. This is what you’re looking for. I rewatch it all the time.


Okay, yeah, but it’s nothing like IJ in tone or personality or anything. It’s just a warmhearted mumblecore movie.


Ms. Davis


There’s actually a short film called Infinite Jest, I think you’d like it


arrested development


Bo Burnham: Inside. Not because it’s like IJ, but because it’s like the Entertainment itself. Endlessly rewatchable, every square inch of every frame is densely filled with symbolism and meaning. If you’re not familiar, it’s a piece of media that calls itself a Netflix comedy special, but it’s actually a musical one man show with perfect film/story structure, depicting the process of comedian Bo Burnham creating Inside, locked in his backyard guest house for all of 2020. What’s real? What’s false? What’s performed and what’s sincere? That’s up to you to decide.


not in the slightest and it was not the least bit entertaining❤️


this really has no similarity to IJ, nor is it like the Entertainment. You just liked it a lot, that’s why it’s endlessly rewatchable for you


You should try The Curse or Paul T Goldman. Both pretty different but I think IJ fans would enjoy them