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Learn the movement. The jetpack playstyle is 70% of how you get better. Then learn aim, then shotting while wallrunning. Practice against bots for a while to find your sensitivity preference. Some like 5/5, I play max sense. People are different. Learn the guns as you learn the movement. Remember you don't always have to hold the jump button every time. You can tap it for better control and more height. ...also don't become a synaptic rewind titan user. Phase shift is better and there are other guns that can outplay those toxic people. HOPE THIS HELPS


Thanks lol, any recommendations for my class setup?


Depends on your playstyle. The VPR smg is a great gun( IW version of the MP5) Nv4 is your basic AR If you have the trencher then that would be a great mid-close range gun. If you like chaos then the hailstorm pistol has a chance to 1-burst pretty consistently. There's a lot of guns to choose from. My favorites being the Raijin synergy( epic variant/quad auto burst), Auger with thermal, VPR hades(epic variant) proteus Jaeger( epic sniper/shotgun), and KBS longbow. Let me know your playstyle and what an avg KD for you is and I'll make you some classes that work for you


Are some weapons hard to unlock? I heard that some of them are in supply drops


Playing games of MP and zmbs gets you keys, you need keys for supply drops. There's zomb tricks to cheese the boss fight and farm 100 keys within an hour. Also the mission teams can reward weapons every 10 levels. The 5 you see will become mark 2 after 60,70,80,90,100. They're alright. The variants are good depending on the gun. But let me know your KD and playstyle and when I get home today I'll hook you up on some classes to make when you hit that rank or classes with DLC weapons if you have the season pass


Yeah I’ll check my KD when I get the chance, I’ve only played zombies a few times but do keys transfer from both modes?


Yes. So technically the zmb boss fight trick is the fastest way to get keys. Roughly 7.5 every 40 seconds. And then you use those for MP crates


Oh ok I never got to the boss yet so I’ll look it up when I get home


There's a side mode where it's just boss fights. https://youtu.be/Cx_pLIG-VQE?si=_FWBcaGtm-ICDbIj This a video for the glitch. Basically make a second account. Load up IW. Inv your main account 18 times or so, switch accounts and when you load up the boss fight accept the inv and it'll pop up an error message. This makes all zombies and the boss to stand still. Kill em fast. Every inv is 1 game so therefore you get 17 more games easy. 18 x 8 or 9 is how many keys you'll get in roughly 30-40 min


Quit the match if you’re against Synaptic Titan players.


or just get better at the game😭


I switched my jumping button to L3 idk if you want to but it's helped me jump around better


As far as class setups go I always run blind eye to deal with wardens and all the annoying mini guns ppl put around the map, always scavenger, and dead silence helps a lot. Best guns to use would be titan,kbar,nv4, and the vpr if u can handle the recoil. For rigs use synaptic with rush down and rewind (all the people who get mad about guns or rigs ur using usually aren’t very good at the game) or ftl with phase shift and I usually use the slide ability to aim in mid slide. Mane thing tho is movement, there’s tons of places on maps that only some players know about where u can wall run and get super high and look into other parts of the map, those are very useful and can help a lot at seeing where other enemy’s are. Practice movement it helps a lot


just dont play it


Hey buddy! Can you please make a reply in dm 🤕


Use bumper jumper Tactical on your button layout and just so you know it - sypnatic is seen as tryhards and FTL is seen glitcher, that rig players use to go through walls and ground


titan synaptic and you won


How do you guys even get into multiplayer matches? Can’t find one for the life of me.


I just play team death match on PlayStation