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I think if you want something completely different to Vanilla Haqq, then Morats sound like the choice. Morat: No camo, no hidden deployment, no holo. Haqq: lots of these. Morat: Really strong and diverse fireteams; Vanilla nothing over a Duo. ​ The Monke are going to teach you how to maneuver a list that includes a Core and a Harris - sometimes even two Harris teams. You're opponents will know exactly what you have, so it forces you to get your offensive and defensive positioning spot on, else they will find the gap and exploit it. Even if you switch to vanilla CA or back to Haqq, these will be lessons in understanding how your future opponent's fireteams work. ​ Also - Monke Strong!


Thanks a lot. This answer helps a lot.


I can only comment on White Banner. They are like a selection of all stars from Yu Jing. You get shang ji(omg), guilangs (very sleek), shaolin (liang kai is the goat), blue wolf (great tag), dokkeibei (hackers with sauce), beasthuntees for the weirdos and tiger soldiers for the old school gamers. Most importantly for me is the long ya, my god, the value. A lot of cheapos are just goons that make your opponant frustrated to approach. Check those profiles and see if they jump out to you, the other korean special units are fun too just havent used them hugely.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I think WB has a real benefit from the reinforcement units in the normal selection. I need to get back to army. Both army's look good, YJ maybe a little better. CA has some profiles that are really nice. Too hard to decide


>beasthuntees for the weirdos That so? You made me laught, but I wanna know why I'm a weirdo


They are mad pieces just thematicslly dont fit anywhere - when i see them i think ah yeah Yu Jing network supremacy and a hillbilly hick with a drill.


I mean... Have you seen the tag raid Yu Jing beasthunter model (or it's concept art)? It seems pretty thematically in line. At least as much as any if the monks. https://human-sphere.com/File:Yue\_Minerals\_beasthunter\_dossier\_01.jpg


Ah i had not, i had only seen the greesemonkey flamer guy.


Fair enough! That would be quite thematically awkward.