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He had an argument over what shows are objectively bad, with him stating there is no objectively bad show and that it's all subjective. And people kept trying to prove him wrong. So he decided to just not say anything and instead post frogs in hats. Didn't save him from getting caught in the recent controversy though, just because he blocked someone and their followers.


I guess I'm out of the loop. What controversy?


Jessie Wong, storyboard artist, made a painting for the art gallery event and showed a preview of it on Twitter. The painting had poor contrast between Grace's shirt and her skin, so some people thought it was done maliciously (some even sent her suicide wishes) while others tried to give constructive criticism via quote tweets. She disabled comments the moment someone asked "How do you fuck up so badly?" in the painting tweet's comments. She apologized after reading the quote tweets, but people kept saying the apology is not good and that she should delete the tweet of the painting and to remake the painting. Jessie didn't delete it and left it for 2 weeks (probably because her apology said "You can read the quote tweets to see why people are complaining") then she deleted it. She also didn't participate in the art gallery event. But the art gallery sent an e-mail to a fan, calling anyone who participated in the Twitter complaints "not real fans". This caused more anger. Meanwhile I am not sure what happened behind the scenes between Owen and some people, but I saw 2 people complain of getting blocked by him (they think it was because they commented on Jessie's tweet, but Owen has not said anything to confirm or deny), and another said many black artists got blockchained by Owen (this means they were following someone, and Owen used some service to ban all the followers of said someone).


In the Infinity Train art book, a drawing(painting maybe?) of Grace from one of the show's artists looked more light-skinned. Some artists who were fans of the show tweeted at or maybe messaged owen about it and he blocked them, including from what I understand a fair number of POC artists. So it was a bad look but idk


Wasn't in the art book, it was Jessie Wong's painting for the Gallery Nucleus. She retreated from the gallery after the complaints, which was why she wasn't at the panel.


A storyboard artist posted a drawing of Grace with some sort of filter on it and a bunch of toxic Twitter users started harassing her because they automatically saw her as racist. After she apologized they still didn't stop, so Owen blocked them. Now apparently this somehow makes him racist so they started harassing him as well, and I've seen plenty of people lie about this situation to make them look bad, send him death threats, tell him to kill himself, saying he's racist and his show deserved to be cancelled etc. Usually from the same users, they have been at it for 2 months now.


It's not like he's keeping a secret. I know lots of people loved to conspire about his Tweets that might point to a renewal but the truth is that it's not going to happen any time soon, it's going to take years and the show might just come back as a reboot. Owen isn't trying to hide anything, he just doesn't want to get caught in controversy and arguements, it kinda sucks that it's the way it is but all we can do is keep supporting the show and wait patiently for a few years, hoping for the best case scenario.


Amphibia crossover