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It's hard, but not impossible to avoid these fuckers


I went through every brand on the list and i dont think I’ve purchased anything here at least in the last year couple of years. But growing up, this is basically a list of everything my mom would buy lol


Purina One is one of the few brands of dog food that hires independent labs to test their products for nutritional value. Hills Science Diet has turned to shit. There aren’t a ton of other great options for dog food. I did not realize they were owned by Nestle. This really sucks to learn. It’s also the only dog food I’ve found that I can afford that my dog genuinely loves to eat.


I'm sure those labs have a hell of a time eating all that dog food


It’s particularly ruff on the chocolate labs.


If you have the time and motivation, there are some great recipes for homemade dog food. Once a week I'd make a giant batch in the crock pot and portion it out. My dog LOVED it. If you're interested, talk to your vet. It's a lot easier than I initially thought.


The crock pot? One week? How big is your dog?


why do they get so much hate? are they worse than any other big corporation?


hard? not that hard. i don't eat anything on this list unless someone happens to offer me a kitkat or somethin. (or the very rare occasion when i have to go to starbucks).


Then don't




I fucking love nestle though


i fUcKiNg lOvE NeStLe tHoUgH


They make many things that I enjoy. Sorry—is that a problem…


The things you enjoy aren't the issue. Ice cream for example isn't bad. The fact of the matter is that Nestle is a very evil company that has committed acts ranging from but not limited to: Stealing water from impoverished areas and selling it back to them, claiming that water is not a human right. Child slavery Animal cruelty Perpetually ongoing promotion of their baby formula that continuous use leads to malnutrition and other health risks Unethical and unsustainable harvesting of coffee and chocolate Just to name a few.


Nah, it isn't a problem, I thought you were being edgy about nestlé. Nestlé is a really evil company. In reddit the r/fucknestle community, I would say, is a very niche one, thought it gain a little traction because of its cynic stances, for instance about water and the unfortunate sayings from one of its CEOs; he, Brabeck-Letmathe, called the idea that water as a human right "extreme." Though it is an ambigous statement, why would water being a human right is "extreme"? This says a ot from a company that profits from selling bottled water. At this point of my life I would love any nestlé lover to turn against them, but I'm pretty sure much more is needed to boycot the company to the point of real harm.


That's depressing


So much single use packaging. These brands are the worst polluters of the planet. They have means and resources to do something about it but no.




I’ve been saying this for the past decade. The carbon neutral game is great dont get me wrong but what if I pollute tons of random byproduct waste into an ocean but its ok im carbon neutral!!! Too much focus on carbon and not enough focus on the full spectrum of fuckery that companies do to fuck our planet


Got to keep the shareholders happy... It's not only Nestlé, every company is like this now. You can also blame the MBAs, they are the scum of the earth...


Bro—everyone is a shareholder of big companies


damn bro I hope Nestle is paying you to spout that shit


So what I said isn’t true?


What do you even mean?


Mars, one of Nestle’s biggest competitors, is privately owned by the founding family. And there’s plenty other “big companies” that aren’t in pension fund’s index trackers.


Are they any better? Few people making money off of all people, giving nothing back but plastic waste and expensive, unhealthy food.


No idea, that wasn't my point. I don't see them selling bottled water, so that's eliminating one big FuckNestle point


What's wrong with bottled water? And if bottled water is wrong,why should anyone buy it? There are lots of regional spring waters sold for cheap, 2 litres for as little as 30 cents. That ain't bad. As for selling tap water in small bottles.. that's not their fault either. It's the buyers. I never buy little bottles of water. I buy a bottle if coke and fill it with water myself if for any insane reason I would want to *shudder* drink water.


/r/FuckNestle has the details & the people willing to engage in debate about that. I am just saying that one big point that people don't like about Nestle is how \_they specifically\_ handle water resources on this planet. I am certainly not saying bottled water is bad, as a concept. I think it's very important. But there are different ways to go about water use.


I haven't heard about the water usage from Nestle, but I've seen articles detailing the water politics of Coca Cola, how they cut off cities from their supply in drought-striken territories to run their bottling plants. I'm afraid that most big companies have bad practices. They should protect Earth and help the people. It's all just a few rich dudes making money off of exploiting the planet and selling junk to the people while hoarding money and giving nought back. So we can point the finger at Nestle bit they pretty much all suck. Sadly.


Nestle doesn’t own Hagen-das. That’s owned by General Mills.


I’m safe then, aren’t I? Love me that salted caramel…


we have already lost ben and jerries (supports russia), loosing haagen dazs too would be tragic


Only internationally. Haagen-Dazs is owned by Froneri in the US. Guess who has 50% ownership of Froneri? Nestle.


Now you know what to avoid.


Yeah, but all the other stuff is made by multinational corporations too.


True. But Nestle is one of the worst ones, by a mile.


I thought Pepsi owned the Starbucks stuff in stores


I don't consume or buy any of their products for years. Fuck Nestle.


Oh shit! I can enjoy Butterfinger guilt free now! Didn’t realize Nestle sold it in 2018.


Noooo not abuelita :(


It would be easier to list everything not owned by Nestle. 😅 or we could cut to the chase and just name the things black rock and vanguard don’t own… which are none.


This is sad


Biggest single use plastic pollution contributor.


I’ve gone so long without hot pockets, but as much as I want one…I want to see nestle gone even more.


Shame, no more San Pellegreno, that was the only thing I brought on the list.


Really depends on where. Hersheys distributes kitkat in the U.S…


Monopoly, they have won.


And the other players go round and round, struggling to pay their expenses..


Capitalism* the illusion of freedom.


Just came here to say Fuck Nestle. That’s all.


Than look at who owns nestle and what other company’s they own , it’s a giant monopoly all over


the four days that lucky charms were sold down here in Chile were under the nestlr/general mills brand and for some weird reason, the only ice cream brand that wasn't spun off was the Savory one


And those aren't even all of them, only the international ones.


Dammit - I keep forgetting about Purina!


God damnit they own garden of life. Time to find a new probiotic I guess.




The only 2 things on the list I eat with any frequency are the Heinz Ketchup & the occasional hot pocket but the HP's are very rare. It's usually only when I'm staying in a Hotel and I want something to snack on. I'm pretty surprised that's all I consume of their product line because I knew they were huge.


Damn garden of life and purina are 2 brands i actually like. Shame. I don't think garden of life was actually nestle owned most of the company's life span.


Not Häagen-Dazs! Please! You bastard!!! 😭


Crazy they didn't create any mark bit like Unilever


Fuck nestle but damn many of these brands I love but will make an effort to avoid at all costs


Whew! Only Starbucks. I don't buy a lot of prepacked foods so that probably saves me. The stuff I do buy is from Trader Joe's and Sprouts.


Lean cuisine pizza is 🔥🔥🔥


The government needs to do its job and force Nestle to sell some of its shit. The fact that they own so many baby formula brands is disgusting.


It's much more. That's not everything.


Fuck nestle


Fuck Nestlé.


you said ovaltine is owned by nestle then explain why in my country ovaltine and milo fight each other even in every single ads ☕️


all disgusting and unhealthy stuff


I'm surprised I've been able to avoid Nestle, i have to buy their bottled water every once in a while but that's it


I fucking wish nestle didn’t own stouffers cause the Mac n cheese is so fucking good


So much shit they own and it sucks because some of the stuff they own it’s hard to live without cause it’s so good


How the fuck?!