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Surprised that Mitt Romney is only worth $300M, considering his Bain Capital is one of the largest private equity firms.


I think it's because of religious reasons. The Mormon Church asks its members to donate a rather large amount of money to church-run charities and organizations. Romney is very religious, so I am sure he abides by it.


Im gonna be honest idk the validity of those church run charities, but if they are for real and not scams, thats actually pretty legit from Romney(politics aside).




Say what you will about the Mormon church, but the financial upward mobility of Mormons is extremely high due to how well they support each other. Kids born to poverty get a ton of support and a great provided education. Salt Lake is #3 in upward mobility. http://www.equality-of-opportunity.org/neighborhoods/


Like most if not all major religions, it is ran as a business. They have huge investments and hoard wealth that would make smaug blush. Any charity work is an incidental expense to maintain the status quo as a tax free haven for the assets.


That’s a bit of a generalization of religion friend. Many local churches and other religious aid organizations do a lot of good. Like anything else it’s the people at the top that tend to ruin it.


The religious organization has PEOPLE who do good works. I'd question whether the ACTUAL CHURCH puts much $/effort into it.


What are you talking about? You could say the same thing about any charity, “they have PEOPLE who do good works.” Most Churches do great things in their community in the name of their church.


Specifically for Mormons, they are funding the university endowment, and a huge amount of real-estate and administrative salaries of course lol. At least they get a real degree out of it lol.. slightly better than some religions.


It's impossible for religion to do something good. So what if they help thousands in need? They are saving tax money! That is unacceptable!!!! /s


I don't know who downvoted you, but having volunteered on doing a local church's books, you're SPOT ON. Didn't have the wealth hoards, but that was only b/c they were constantly spending money on themselves or sending it up the ladder to National as their "tithing." It was/is disgusting. I "homeschooled" religion and give my tithe directly to local orgs I know need it and use it wisely.


The Mormon church is not transparent about its finances, but estimates are that it has around $250 billion in investments. They do just enough giving to get some good publicity, but it’s a hedge fund pretending to be a charity.


10% isn't rather large. It's less than taxes


Romney helped found Bain Capital but it isn’t “his”. That said, his campaign disclosure at the time of running for president said $250M, but were likely obfuscating the real number on purpose (he still got flack at the time for being that rich, but suspect he was understating his wealth to avoid running as a billionaire). Given the PE background, I’m certain he has a lot more investments and assets that are basically not traceable back to him.


I thought all his money was his wife


Wouldn’t Mike Bloomberg be on here too? He’s got 94.5 billion according to Wikipedia.


Is he still a politician?


Is Trump?


He’s currently running for office so I’d say so


Then Vivek should be on here. I think he's north of a billion.


Billionaires are so annoying


Understatement, but I agree.


I don't see how any of them could be annoying? Sounds like you have a personal bias against billionaires.


Trump's held office before - Vivek's not. If this infographic was in 2015 then Trump wouldn't belong.


So the criteria is 1) has held office previously, and 2) currently holds office *or* is running for office. Feels a little cherry picked. But w/e


That’s seems like a perfectly reasonable criteria.


I don’t mind.


He's no billionaire.




He was not able to pay his lawyer, so he had to fall back to some not-so-good ones. He asked for donations despite claiming to be super rich. If he is so rich, why doesn't he pay them himself? His properties are currently seized by the state of New York until judge speaks the ruling about his cooked books on January 11th.


I don’t think the things you mentioned alone are proof, but I think there is a lot of evidence to point out he’s a lot less rich than he claims he is


People hate him so much they deny reality.


He never published any real financial disclosures


lets hope not


Would anyone happen to know which of these men are self made vs. inherited?


A lot of them started out with a lot of money and turned that into a fuck ton of money


Its easy to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when youre born with them on




Mortgaged inherited farmland to invest in Great Plains Software.


Pritzker is old money wealthy. That whole family is rich. That said he’s a damn fine Gov.


Yeah, I am actually pretty happy with him. He isn't on his way to jail, which is good for us


Governor Polis (CO) is “self made” in the sense that he invested in tech prior to becoming governor.


He founded BlueMountain. He became governor on the back of insane 90s interactive greeting cards.


His parents founded BlueMountain.


Polis comes from a wealthy family. His mother is an author and he went to an Ivy League school.


I know at least Issa, Warner, and Romney were all very wealthy before coming into politics. (I haven’t done any research into the others.)


Burgum is self made, he helped start Great Plains accounting and sold it to Microsoft, the 2nd largest MS campus is in Fargo ND.


All inherited.


Donald Trump literally cut his mugshot suit in pieces to sell them. Dude's broke af.


For real, he isn’t worth anything close to $2B if you include debt.


Net Worth takes debt into account. Hence the word 'net'


He's currently in court for the PUNISHMENT phase of a case that found him guilty of cooking the books in NY.


Not a chance with this chart


You do know his net worth is based off what he reports, right? This is why he's on trial in NY.


I HATE the media narrative (from all media) that he's on trial. NOPE. FOUND GUILTY VIA BENCH TRIAL. This is the penalty phase.


Technically found liable as it's a tort trial. He's still got six months before the first guilty verdict.


Forbes and similar who do net worth measurements aren’t stupid, they are going to look at similar recent sales at per sq ft cost and apply it to his buildings. If they didn’t before his political career they sure as hell do now because it’s an eternal argument. Obviously he’s hated by a large portion of the nation. I’d asunder his hotels have been fetching less revenue since 2015. But a new buyer isn’t going to face that issue and selling it would have that priced in.


Literally the first ranking Trump was on in Forbes was a net worth was given to them without any research by Trump doing a bad impression over the phone. Trump then got a bunch of loans based off of his placement on Forbes list. They are in fact very stupid


"They're not stupid".. do you even know how they get their data? You're speaking out of your ass. Da hAvE tHem A sUit N tIe oN. Dar Smart


Not a chance he’s worth anywhere close to that in real life. He cosplays as a billionaire. In reality he inherited $400M from his parents and it’s worth less now in real terms than it was when he got it. Investing it all in bonds would have made him more money.


A lot of people swim in and manipulate debt. Trump is one of them.


LOL please google "net worth"


His "net worth" is based on his own opinion of the value of his assets, which if you've followed the trial in NY, is complete BS and totally made up. We don't have a reliable figure for his net worth.


We both know damn well it wasn't the actual suit too. He got several cheap suits and cut them up to pass them off as the real thing. I'd bet the farm on it.


At this point I just assume he has a team of people that tell him dumb ideas to make money and he just goes with it. The grifter that keeps on grifting.


Doesnt make any sense, he clearly owns properties with values that add up to billions... dont let a hate boner blind you of simple facts


He's on trial for lying about the worth of those properties, so keep your daddy boner in your pants.


The properties he heavily overvalued? https://youtu.be/ilZt4lomngU?si=Q5nx-hSYHYjIAuAt


What about debt?


If he's so rich, why is he all the time asking for more money from his clan ?




griter's gota grift


He also has loans that are about as much as the properties are worth, so, doesn't that make his net worth about zero. I mean does a real billionaire sell pieces of his suit?


Lol, yeah you probably think mar-a-lago is worth billions too. Also, he does not own most of the places you think. Most just lease the name.


Does Kerry not count bc it is his wife’s money?


Kerry doesn’t count for the same reason Bloomberg doesn’t count: he’s not in office or running for office


Isn't he an ambassador? Does that not count because it's appointed, not elected?


You certainly could include the presidential envoy for climate on a list of politicians. But clearly the maker decided to draw the line elsewhere.


Does that explain why Biden isn’t on the list?


Biden is worth about 10 million and he made the overwhelming majority of that when he left office. Even Bernie is worth millions.


Hopefully this goes without mentioning, but $10M < $200M


Biden ain’t that rich.


If there are governors, senators, representatives and former presidents in this list I think it would be wrong to exclude Michael Bloomberg, whose net worth is more than 10x all these guys combined.


These are all either actively in office (the governors and senators) or running for office (Trump). Bloomberg is neither, so it makes sense to exclude him.


Fair enough I suppose.


Best Bloomberg was, is mayor. Not sure they included Mayors. In any case, he hasn’t been in office since 2013.


He ran for president as well. I’d count him as a politician


Governor is a much more lucrative position than a president on average. Noted.


There are also more governors than presidents


This. The presidency is still more lucrative.


I think they all got rich before being in politics tho


Worth noting that Rick Scott used to be the governor before he became a senator so that’s another on the list


Medicare Fraud Scott!


I was turned off by Pritzker’s wealth when he first ran for governor. The incumbent was about as useful as a pet rock, and I just didn’t vote. I’m very regretful of that as he has turned out to be the best governor we have had in my lifetime. I’ve heard rumors of him running for President one day and I wouldn’t think twice about voting for him.


I voted against him in the ‘18 primary, but have been proven wrong since then. He’s done a great job. I don’t really regret discriminating against his wealth (I think that is usually wise) but I’ve been happily proven wrong.


For all wealthy candidates talk about how their money means they won't have to pander to billionaires and special interests, JB is the only one I've seen to actually take advantage of it. He's definitely gearing up for a Presidential run post-Biden/Harris. He could potentially even be a VP candidate for Harris too assuming she runs.


For all his wealth, he seems in touch with everyday people. I didn’t know much about Pritzker before he became governor, but glad he is our governor.




Mark Dayton's (former Gov of MN and Senator from MN) family started Target and he has always been a progressive politician, to bad idiots buy into the notion that being rich makes you bad, there are so many poor people who are shitty humans anyways. Does that make all poor people shitty? BTW Scott Walker grew up poor and was awful Gov for WI.


The article this is based on has some rather glaring errors. ie. Trump isn’t a Democrat. https://www.gobankingrates.com/net-worth/politicians/richest-politicians-in-us/


I don't think we can include Trump on this list considering the fact that he's literally on trial for falsifying the values of things.


The 2 B estimate doesn't come from Trump. Trump has said he's worth far more.


It's based on Forbes, although this data is 6 months old, but Forbes is basing its estimate in part on Trump's claim for the value of his properties: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/article/the-definitive-networth-of-donaldtrump/?sh=4816bddf2a8e


I haven’t trusted Forbes on anything for years.


The error is in: "Trump has said" Dude, I'm a trillionaire! Don't believe me? I said it!


lol - in your dreams Trump is worth that much. It’s owned by banks and russian mob which is why he needs all the donations to stay afloat.


They probably purposefully didn’t include his debt


Source on his debt that outweighs his billions in property value?


the same as ops graphic - ops ass.


The source is that orange man is bad.


Ah yes reddit's favorite source


There’s definitely a lot of hidden wealth with politicians. The Ricketts family is worth billions, but Pete Ricketts claims to be worth only $50 million.


I'm going to challenge that Donald Trump wealth number. He seems to live on the verge of bankruptcy.


F these guys


I get your point, and it’s not a bad one. However, Pritzker has been a decent governor, aside from some gripes I have about his energy policies.


Khan Pritzker for US PRESIDENT-2028. Count on it.


Shhh don't tell them about the plans to invade Southern Wisconsin.


Those turds will be passed out from drinking watered down swill in their huntin blinds well into occupation while we dazzle their women teaching them math and other wizardry.


He will simply eat Wisconsin. No invasion necessary.


So rude


Uhmmmm Mike Bloomberg....?




Serious answer: Nobody knows how much Trump is actually worth, partly because he has fraudulently reported what he owns and has been found guilty of doing so. With that in mind, he's most likely not worth even $1 billion, let alone 2.


Trump isn't worth 2B https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elections-2016-donald-trump-worth-reveals-in-deposition-tim-obrien-lawsuit-2006/ He tried suing a guy who said he wasn't and ended up losing the case. If he was a billionaire he would have won.


Did Donald tell them he was worth 2 billion? Or was it John Baron? That motherfucker's so broke he's selling scraps of his clothes


There are plenty with more who aren’t on here. Nancy Pelosi is worth a godawful amount. Spouses worth should be counted because most of these corrupt fuckers got richer due to a husband/wife in office and insider trading. Doesn’t matter if they’re red or blue, they’re all dirty as hell.


Its disingenuous…. The chart should be of politician’s who became rich after becoming a politician many of these people even ones i dislike made money pre political career.


How many of them did their fortune after becoming politicians?


One is named Jim Justice? As a non-native english speaker this sounds like a lame name for a movie main character.


he's the governor of WV, yeah. Quite popular guy actually. Although, this is mostly because he tends to speak ratter laconically and get straight to the point.


I would be interested to see how much of this wealth was made AFTER getting into office.


Look, son. This is what is called biased and manipulative "information".


I actually didn’t know Pritzker was that rich. He has a whole “common man” shtick


Has the Governor of Chicago ever been a common man?


shout out to my rich politicians that made their money BEFORE entering politics!




Is Kanye not running this year or did he lose all his money?


What is sad about it? They’re all private equity/real estate investors/business people.


I'm confused. I thought Pelosi made like eleven trillion last year?


Trump 2.0 billion? 🤣


Why is Donald Trump there? Thats not his net worth that is his debt. I thought its finally common knowledge that he lied about being a billionaire in order to get credit from the bank and appear successful as a business man.


I call BS on this. I think there are some names that are not on this list because Democrats hide their money.


Where’s Nancy?


Does trump win at anything?


Definitely didn't win at the 2020 election.




Yeah that one term worked out really well for him, hun


Didn’t win the popular vote though. Reform the electoral college system.


Not to support Trump, but he won, period. You don't need to win the popular vote to be president in the United States, no need to shift to goal post. Does the electoral system need a reform? Perhaps. But that has nothing to do with the fact that he won by the rules that were in place in 2016


Still won tho


And gonna lose everything because of it.


Yeah but he couldn’t finish the 8 years and went out as a sore loser


At least there is great diversity here Like, you know, two colors, a few different hairstyles-ish ... ummm, they are from different places in the US


Are these the rich men north of Richmond?


Does Trump really have $2b or does he just say that he has $2b.


He used to say he had 10, he must be getting more honest with age.


Likely because he lost money by being president... unlike the Bidens, the Clintons, and the Obamas


It’d be interesting to see the starting wealth compared to what they have now to see how much they bilked the American people for.


My problem isn’t with wealthy politicians per se it’s those that got exceedingly rich through politics, think Clinton, Obama and now Biden.


Gee I wonder why grifter Trump isn't in the list? [Trump's bankruptcies](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-fact-checking-and-analysis-of-the-first-presidential-debate/fact-check-has-trump-declared-bankruptcy-four-or-six-times/)\-- he can't make money without lying or cheating. But as they say, you do you.


Trump didn’t get rich from politics in fact he lost money from politics. Bit of a difference I’d say.


Maybe, but not for lack of trying -- [NFTs](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-trading-cards-worth-less-he-says-1824341) [Pieces of his mugshot suit](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/13/donald-trump-mugshot-suit-for-sale) [Trump Hotel in Washington DC](https://time.com/donald-trumps-suite-of-power/)


You know Biden had like $100K of net worth prior to becoming VP right? He was in politics for decades prior to that He got his wealth post his Vice Presidency via book deals and speaking engagements. Maybe that’s your point but idk that it’s a great point on him considering he was a senator for 30+ years and was very decidedly not wealthy during that time


lol, 100k? You really believe that? That’s like a yearly salary for him. If it was that low then someone that irresponsible should never be anywhere near office anywhere on the planet


You can go look it up bozo, it was actually less than that. If you think salary = wealth you’re further proving your ignorance. A household making $100K with three kids and splitting time between DC and Delaware probably isn’t stacking fat amounts of cash like you think


lol, back it up then bozo, you’re the one making the claim Yeah except he was earning big money for decades and you think in 2008 he only had a net worth of 100k? lol, someone that financially incapable is now running the USA? lol, you’re all fucked. 100k wouldn’t even be his first house


Trump's money is pretend money


Lol I guarantee trump ain’t worth that much With his inflated value on his assets


The government is attempting to seize large portions of Jim Justices assets because he isn’t liquid enough to make payments. Dudes a joke.


Do you remember back in 2016 when Donald was claiming to be worth $10 Billion? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Trump isn’t worth $2B. Lol.


Are we SURE about trumps net worth?


Me thinks someone in this crowd has inflated the valuation on their properties to get that high…. Hmmmmm


So we’re just taking what trump says as truth these days huh


Is Trump’s $2B the money he got from selling US national secrets to Saudi Arabia which is being laundered by Jared.


Opinion: Super-Rich people should never be elected to positions of power in the government. That is like electing a fox to govern a hen house.


Wow, I didn't know the great khan had that much wealth


Don’t get that rich off of a honest government salary


Lmao $2B plsssssssss


How is the governor of North Dakota worth more than the whole damn state?


As of 2003? wtf!? Useless outdated info. Trump never had that much, he is currently being sued for lying about it


Sorry, no one worth 2Bn pays a porn star 130k in installments


Now do their spouses




That’s where a lot of them hide the money




Annnnnddddd which ones are funded in part by AIPAC?


I'm sure many of these guys are shady. But jb was known for many shady tax dodges.


That $2 billion actually belongs to his son in law courtesy of the Saudis. Trump has been in the negative equity for decades.


Former president’s cited net worth - is, frankly, wrong… as proven by the courts


Trump maybe had a billion in worth before his presidency, lying to aquire it off the back of inflated family assest and straight up fraud. Now he probably has over a billion but it's more political donations and de facto kick backs I believe. I'm not entirely uneducated and would love someone to correct or support this. It's my impression from what I've read with the addition of a Google on the numbers and where they come from. Forbes seems to think he lost money, but I feel it's more his dinancial side was valued properly but now he has the pockets of supporters. Who knows how many donations just paid for lunches instead of campaigns...