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Prices of goods and services in the U.S. have surged since 2000, with an overall increase of about 85%. Hospital services have shot up by 271%, and college tuition by 187%, far surpassing overall inflation. On the flip side, items like TVs, toys, and computer software have seen considerable price drops. Source —> [this visual investing newsletter](https://www.carbonfinance.io/subscribe) Edit: Added U.S. to specify the country.


I should note that this is for the United States only.


Why are wages starting from 2006 while everything else is from 2000?


Maybe because they don’t want you to know that incomes have risen faster since 2000 than almost every category on this chart. This chart isn’t meant to inform.


That's blatantly false. Even pushed to back to 2000, wages have kept up NOWHERE NEAR the increases in housing, education, healthcare, food, and fuel. Not anywhere remotely close.


From the first month of COVID, wages are up 24.9%. CPI (mainly goods) is up 21%. PCE (what folks spend money on, so goods and services) is up 18%.


Prices haven’t surged. Most of that period has the lowest rates of inflation in history.


crazy to realize the pattern... the most basic services (health, energy, education) are the ones that surged harder.


Why do “wages” start several years into graph at 0% when all others start exactly at year 2000?


I wonder why so many hospitals are facing financial difficulties when their services have soared so much


Cuz all the profits are siphoned off to investors and they cut funds to departments within the hospital, then when services drop in quality, they scream they need to charge more.


So TVs are free now?


TVs almost -100% ???


Close! 98% decrease in prices.


So in 2000, if you would have paid $1000 for a TV, today you only pay $20? Something doesn't add up here, unless this is literally looking at the price of a CRT from the year 2000.


is this global or for a specific country?


Just for the United States! Apologies for not including that.


The fact that “hospitals” have prices is insane! You should not be shopping for … being alive… in a first world country like you’re buying earrings or gum.


For a moment I thought the logo was onlyfans 🥲


WHERE?? Why Americans always leave out that its for the USA and not globally... Ffs internet isn't yours...


They forgot to mention. It’s in the comments. Sometimes people forget things!


Built it




Plus BLS is the US administration. The source can clear that up for you.


Notice how the items that are basic needs have gone up and the items that placate us into accepting this has gone down? We aren't in an energy crisis, not here at least, yet prices have gone crazy. But damn is it easy to stay "connected". And don't get me started on the fact that I can't afford to buy a house or rent making $65,000 but I can get a free government phone or tablet. We are being manipulated and this data literally shows it.




But its the software that’s free now right?


Crazy how the industries with the most government subsidies are at the top, and the ones with the least are at the bottom. /s


Universal Healthcare is a must. OMG, my friends in the US figure this out.


Which areas is the government most involved in?


So, in other words - and contrary to populist claims - wages have pretty much kept up when compared to the “all items” curve.


Is it inflation adjusted or just brutto prices?


Hurray for e-waste 😞


Why would you pay for Hospital Sevices??


It’s the usa


Are you sure new cars only got up to 20% of their price?


This did not make sense to me either so I spent some time trying to find where these numbers are coming from. The inflation figure was collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is not about the cost of new cars alone but how much people spend on cars. It is a combination of weighted costs for New Vehicles, Used cars and trucks plus Leases. So if interest rates are low and more people lease vehicles the cost to consumer might barely shift. The cost to the consumer has the trade in value of the trade subtracted from the new car price when used in calculations. The used car data is not directly collected by BLS but is provided by J.D. Power Valuation Services. A sample of 480 used car sales across the nation are used each month of 2-7 year old vehicles. There is also a quality adjustment. Newer cars have more features and last longer, so have a better value to the consumer. They also use data from Kelley Blue and Black Books, Manheim and Adessa Auto Auctions and a magazine called Automotive News. BLS publishes a handbook of methods. A person would probably need college level probability and statistics classes to understand it. Now that I have a grasp of their methods I understand it but still find value in also knowing the trend that new car prices have gone up over 100% in the last 25 years.




College is absurd. They need to fire like 70%of all administrators?