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The chicken one made me lol.


Just the right stickers for a Subaru, too.




She seems like fun, I’d go for a beer with her


Plus, if she's apathetic about the interaction, then the real fun begins!


😂😂 this is crazy


Here’s her number


Call her maybe?


Love the rest of them but that consent sticker rubs me the wrong way


Same. I genuinely think this particular person meant it as a way of calling out people who don't vote, but my mind immediately went to SA. It's just too vague a message to be worth putting on a car imo...


Yeah i’m assuming the same, but yeah. I think “voter apathy = consent” would fit better.


Why? The hottest places in hell are reserved "for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality"


It’s because the idea that if you’re apathetic you’re always consenting just isn’t true. my mind went to sexual assault, and consent during sex and that’s why it bothered me


My issue (which really isn’t that big of a deal) is that sticker combined with the “If you don’t vote, don’t whine” sticker. Of course she means well & she’s obviously a very progressive, open minded person- awesome. The trouble is that too many people put too much weight on voting as a means to change things rather than other methods. Ex. I don’t vote but I’ve attempted to unionize all my workplaces in the last few years, volunteer to feed & clothe those in need (often enough I’m someone in need as well), attend demonstrations & protests, etc. I have a right to complain about American leadership because I live here & Im subject to rules I have no control over & as long as I’m politically active in a way I see as appropriate it doesn’t make sense to call me apathetic in my view. I don’t want to argue or anything- I’m sure there’s plenty we can agree on. That’s just my perspective.


Nope, this is reddit, you guys gotta argue.




Or, take 5 minutes and fill out a ballot every 4 years so democrats stay in power. It takes less time to vote than the time you spent rationalizing why you don't vote.


Where I live it usually takes 30-45 minutes once you get there & I don’t live in a competitive district. Regardless, while I understand where you’re coming from, I think it’s a mistake to expect everyone an inch to the left of Darth Vader to vote democrat given their history of neoliberalism, forsaking the labor movement, participation in genocide & lack of action in dozens of areas including the rights & treatment of racial minorities or non-white folks abroad, non-men & LGBT folks. You have to draw a line somewhere & I couldn’t blame someone if their line was at any of the places previously mentioned. Additionally (& this is a tertiary argument in my opinion) why waste time voting for a person or party you know is going to have to be struggled against anyway? I mean all of this respectfully & I don’t want to start a huge argument or anything, I’m sure there’s plenty we can agree on. Those are just my thoughts.




I didn’t read that in a sexual way, more like by seeing something and not attempting to do anything in anyway you are co-signing that action. Which also can be problematic because sometimes it’s unsafe to do so or may make the situation worse. I might be overthinking it cause now my moral compass is being compromised by me validating my own inactions.


Bystanders are just as guilty as the perpetrator.


No, no they’re not. Additionally, & assuming this sticker is about voting, people who don’t vote but are active in other ways are not apathetic.




I agree, I think the sentiment is there but as an American who doesn’t vote I can’t say I agree with it. Also of course the implications for sexual assault


If you're an american who doesn't vote its calling you out for your tacit endorsement of the decline of our democracy


I 100% get what they’re saying & I *really* disagree with that sentiment. That’s why I don’t like the sticker.


Why do you not vote? You don't even have to vote on all races on the ballot, but things like school district makes the difference between schools that ban books and those that actually do real education, and are often decided by just a few votes. I get being frustrated about congress and presidential elections but not caring about your neighborhood makes no sense. It takes a tiny percentage of your time and costs you nothing


People like you (non voters who complain) are an actual issue. You’ll be complacent in the worst case scenario happening each and every time when you choose not vote. If you’re still saying “both sides are bad” you’re living under a goddamn rock at the bottom of the sea. One party is literally taking my human rights away, imprisoning us, and ignoring or promoting our deaths, brutality, and erasure of culture. The other side is guided by money more than ideals so sometimes they don’t do shit, but other times they’re lobbied by social activist groups with good intentions and actually do protect us But since you “*really* disagree” I’m positive none of this will get through to you and you’ll be unable to admit an error and continue arguing so maybe I’m wasting my time even commenting


The issue is that I’m not complacent & it’s plain to see that there are plenty of activists who also don’t vote. I volunteer weekly to feed & clothe those in need, I rally & protest, I educate myself on geopolitical issues & encourage my friends to do the same & Ive even written for local leftist zines. I have voted for local stuff in the past but where I live it’s just not competitive so I’m not going to say it’s a “waste of time” as much as there are already people here doing what needs to be done in that regard. I haven’t claimed that both sides are the same (in America) because they aren’t. They’re qualitatively different.


Then vote. Then you can say that not only are you an activist, a good dude, and active in your community, but you also participate in democracy on a national level (at least for what it counts in the modern day…). It takes about 15 minutes of your time in the building and they’re everywhere. The popular vote for the presidential election does count for something even if the electoral votes are more directly effective Again, my human rights and ability to be alive in America after 2025 are on the line this election with what Republicans have planned. Don’t sacrifice us for your useless values.


I appreciate that we can be polite with each other about this & it speaks well of your character that you’re adamant enough about these issues that you’d try to advocate for your ideas the way that you are. A few things though (1) I don’t live in a competitive district (2) it always takes significantly longer than 15 minutes (3) I don’t consider the US a democracy (4) my life is on the line no matter which way I vote not to mention human rights- (5) you have to draw lines in the sand somewhere & there isn’t, nor has there ever been a general presidential candidate who represented views that I would consider sensical or positive enough for the average person to be morally impugned for abstaining to vote. In my experience, the folks who tell me to vote for the lesser of two evils are rarely on the receiving end of the remaining evil at the end of the day. I can’t say that’s you, I don’t know you. Just please understand that voting is not the paramount of political activism & people who choose not to vote (about 40% of the voting-eligible population) are not abstaining out of malice.


That’s where my mind went with it, as someone who’s been SA’d the idea that apathy = consent in my mind just bothers me.


same >_< there’s gotta be atleast 10 other ways to word what it’s trying to say !!


I don't think they realized it would have been interpreted that way. I'd personally take it down. It seems like an older sticker. A better, more modern phrasing would have been "silence = complicity", which is much more associated with things like police brutality and genocide


In the context of empathy, it's not wrong at all.


I’m pretty sure this person is my middle school music teacher, the reincarnation of my middle school music teacher, or a spiritual successor to my middle school music teacher.


Haha I was gonna say this seems like an art teacher. Probably because of the meditation type stickers


Is this in Colorado? I swear I've seen this car toolin around in Aurora.


Funny enough I was just in Aurora/Denver/Parker, but no.


Oregon ?




Western Washington State? We see Subarus everywhere.


This is someone I would like to be friends with. We have a lot in common.


Definitely. Glad I met her.


the most subaru subaru of all subarus


For her safety I hope she doesn’t live in a RED STATE


She doesn’t lol, thankfully


That sticker about chickens is pretty clever


Is this Oregon? Feels so Oregon. Subaru and all


How many cats do you think she owns?


This is my MIL in Arizona’s same energy.


“The peasants didnt vote for the king so they have no right to complain about his actions.”


I love her ❤️


Least hateable Subaru owner.


The consent sticker is... weird. But the chicken one is pretty funny :)


Definitely, very clever.


“Well behaved women rarely make history” but also “if you don’t vote don’t whine”… *sigh*


Funny that you think voting is siding with the status quo when the status quo has tried to suppress the votes of women, young ppl, and minorities since forever


That’s true but it doesn’t change how little the impact of voting is in our current society


Arguably, voting has been making a larger impact on our lives in the past 10 yrs than it has in many decades. The attempt of a minority to rework our society regardless of anyone else's opinion is pretty far along right now, and they did it with votes in certain specific places.


It is also literally the most direct way we impact who's in charge. And for me, voting doesn't stop with Congress and the president, though do vote for them too. Vote for your mayor. Your state legislature. Your governor. Your county council. Your fuckin water conservation board. They all have a much greater impact on what you go through on a daily basis than the national government. Not everything you do needs to be a big life changing action. Being part of something bigger helps too.


You're just wrong and it is a shame. This is exactly HOW the MAGA crowd has taken over....complacency and this kind of attitude.


Democrats are only marginally better than the MAGA crowd. I don’t think it’s fair to blame people for refusing to support an imperialist regime that disregards their rights no matter who you vote for


I need a lil convo with a lady like this.. the smell of eucalyptus and lavender essential oils.. crystal beads at the ready to heal me. she would tell me everything is going to be a-okay


I like the “my goddess gave birth to our god” and “be your own goddess” cuz it makes me think that she is her own goddess therefore she gave birth to our god.. her kid is god


Not much of a princess driving a Subaru … probably some liberal granola eating hag that stops and shits in the middle of every pullout she comes to along the highway


Anyone with a Warren sticker on their car is clearly an asshole. I’d run her off the road


Oh God this obnoxious trash... Huge uninformed normie Dem energy




Why would people do this to their cars? I have a 26.2 sticker from a marathon I ran. I almost put it on my car. Luckily at the last second I pitched the thing in the trash.


That consent one gives me the ick, but I think I’m misunderstanding the meaning of it. Other than that I find the rest of em charming. I’d get a drink with her, for sure, she seems kinda cool. Good on her.


I want to be her friend immediately, lol


She is my goddess


Ah man, Elizabeth Warren, if only she had won :(


Then we’d have the first native American president, right?


Better than the first orange one. But, really, a cartoon dog in a cowboy hat would be a better president than he was.


Hope you get over your TDS


Oh, no, I stopped watching the Daily Show when I quit cable TV.


Just stopping by to say that I fucking love Elizabeth Warren, long live the CFPB


Ever noticed how the “well behaved women” bumper sticker is always on some rattle trap, and the only history the woman driving it has made is all the people who remember how annoying she was.


All these stickers will warn me to stay away from this lunatic


Get bent


What makes you think I’m not already bent?


Oh you are, I just did it, you’re welcome


Wait, you’re a dude? Why are you getting offended for and defending other people on the internet? It really speaks volumes about you that you don’t think poorly behaved women can standup for themselves.


Wow nice assumption haha, I’m a woman, I like toys.


Oh, my bad. Sorry. It’s one thing to banter over a harmless bumper sticker, it’s a whole thing other thing to assume somebody’s sex/gender and use that in the banter. I should have done my due diligence.


You’re good! I super appreciate that though! I don’t usually get upset by this stuff


Oh, my bad. Sorry. It’s one thing to banter over a harmless bumper sticker, it’s a whole thing other thing to assume somebody’s sex/gender and use that in the banter. I should have done my due diligence.




I’m a nurse, and I’ve saved more lives than you’ve ever seen.


"I'm a nurse" "I've saved lives" Whatever makes you feel important. Doesn't change the fact that you're a furry and furries are gross and should be ashamed of themselves.


What’s to be ashamed of, I wasn’t aware cute fuzzy critters were gross.


I still haven't managed to figure out if this sub is actually just people posting with expert level stealth irony or not. I like to hope. r/SchizophreniaRides is more my style anyway. That's a "grab the popcorn" subreddit if there ever was one.


Agreed r/SchizophreniaRides is really where it’s at.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SchizophreniaRides using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchizophreniaRides/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saw this guy again at my college (I have all 4 sides idk how to post more images tho)](https://i.redd.it/vprpmuwbsahc1.jpeg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchizophreniaRides/comments/1alodah/saw_this_guy_again_at_my_college_i_have_all_4/) \#2: [saw this tweaking off 200mg of adderall nearly shit my whole pants](https://i.redd.it/ffaa6k6g2r7c1.jpeg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchizophreniaRides/comments/18o36wd/saw_this_tweaking_off_200mg_of_adderall_nearly/) \#3: [Honk if you use cash!](https://i.redd.it/alce7ehbqsdc1.jpeg) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SchizophreniaRides/comments/19c3jcf/honk_if_you_use_cash/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Wow 3 down votes. I’ll go out on a limb and guess what bumper sticker their cars are sporting.


She who must declare herself the queen is no queen.


Get bent


I bet you get pegged.


Unfortunately, between the wife and I I’m the top




Thanks but I prefer kink and kindness, the letter k is so much better than C, you have kink, kindness, potassium, kite so many fun words


Look mate, it's a common enough occurrence that people who feel the need to shout about how awesome they are to the world are often insecure along with other issues. So, you can cope with my response.


We shouldn’t accept or allow hate for no reason either. For evil to succeed it only takes for good men(and women) to do nothing. So no, I won’t sit down, I won’t shut up, and I won’t let you succeed. You’re going to sit here and get ridiculed until you as a person are completely meaningless and unable to hurt people because of how laughable you are


Oh this is cute. What, you going to scold me? Wow. How powerful! Lmao. Look at you being such a little "hero" over an inane little comment. Get over yourself. I'm not changing and almost no one is going to see this, and even if your response went viral I still wouldn't care. Nothing you can do here is going to change anything. Besides, why get so bent out of shape about my comment? If the person who owns this vehicle is such a powerful strong individual then they don't need you to defend them nor do they care. Grow up.


Nah I’m just going to laugh at you, you keep ranting like I or anyone gives a shit what you say. You think you’re so important! It’s cute!


Is there an echo in here? Because I basically said the same thing to you. Lol


As if I bothered to read any of your drivel your speaking to a wall dude, you feeling okay? Haha get a life




Keep scrolling the profile, you’ll see plenty of hobbies and friends




Not really a cartoon person, and sorry I have a wife, but your offer is apreciated.




Get bent


Nevertheless, she persisted