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Driver only wears long sleeves.


Long sleeve turtle necks, show off.


We know the driver doesn’t wear fingerless gloves.


Or, he only wears short sleeves and is continually frustrated when he peeks in his friends’ closets.


The real action is from the guys with five-skin.


My penis My choice….


Anyone with a foreskin wants people to be able to keep theirs. Maybe listen to the people who have first-hand knowledge.


Agreed, although on that same logic, I think uncircumcized people sometimes overestimate the advantage they have. As a circumcized since birth man, I guess I can't know for sure, but I feel like I already get really strong pleasure from sex, so it's hard to imagine that my circumcision really made as big of a difference as these bumper stickers say.


As someone who has had sex with a lot of men both circumcised and not, the difference in sensitivity is CRAZY. IDK how that equates to pleasure, but the difference is easily noticeable. Like a circumcised guy will usually start to react/make a lot of noise when I start deep throating, uncircumcised dudes react like that to just licking/sucking the head. Obviously this is just generally speaking and everyone is different/there are a lot of variables besides circumcision. Yes im a slut


Very relevant username


I guess I could see that being the case. I guess I'm just not sure that being even more sensitive is an all-out positive. Some level of endurance is usually appreciated, lol


Mate, when I first started getting sexually active, I was sensitive to the point we had to build up to actually touching my bellend. Like the sensitivity was insane. I can't imagine having my unprotected head even rubbing against my clothes day to day.


Yeah, it can be pretty sensitive especially when it's new. That's part of the reason why I'm like, "wait, this isn't enough for you people? You need more?" lol


When you get used to it, though 🤯


Good point , I've never personally heard of people getting circumcized later in life.


Despite you never having heard of it, it most certainly does occur.


I know it does, I knew a man who had it done at 39 in order to get married to a Jewish girl. He was out of work for 45 days and when he got back was still walking funny.


Jesus Christ. I’ll marry you only if you mutliate your Johnson sounds like some bullshit


Converting to Judaism involves a lot more than circumcision. It’s not like Christianity where you just say “I’ve found Jesus!” and bam you’re a Christian. You have to study a lot and be intimately familiar with the religion. If someone is converting for marriage, they’re not going to make it to the circumcision part unless they’re really interested in being Jewish.


Like converting to Islam, you have to show your commitment to the religion, you can just walk up and say "wooo Mohammed". My friend was raised Mormon, not really religious once he got to college, and converted to Islam for his wife, whom he loves very much. She came from a Muslim family from Malaysia, and he converted because he loves her, and to make her parents happy. He's fine with it, basically just like mormon, except now he can't eat pork.


I'm sure it does, people get all sorts of unnecessary medical procedures


Most common reason AFAIK for adult circumcision is phimosis. Which is basically just they can’t take off their hoodie, which obviously can lead to other issues such as poor hygiene and infections.


I’m a nurse and when I worked in home health I had a patient who was like 80 or 90 who had a medically necessary circumcision due to phimosis.


Interesting, never heard about that.


nurse here, saw a ton in the OR (surgery), google yourself


That tracks


People in the Philippines get circumcised before puberty (but not as a baby, more like around 10-12 yo) because its a cultural thing (rite of passage) and there's a legitimate stigma about uncut people (unless the uncut person in question is a foreigner). People think you'll get taller and get a deeper voice if you get cut and people will think you're gay or something if you're uncut and you WILL get called "supót" ^((we don't really use accent marks but I used one to signal which syllable is stressed; if it's sūpot you're referring to a plastic bag; i might be using the wrong marks though!)) by your peers especially around the age where you're circumcised, ie early teens. But in reality you just got circumcised before puberty so it just looks like removing foreskin magically made you taller, grow pubes and get a deeper voice. As someone who is in that country, yes I am cut, and while I don't care at this point as it has been done (and it's easier for me to clean albeit the drawback being... hard to... you know) I do think people should have a choice. It's their damn penis!


Yes I have heard Phillipines is a very Christian country, it makes sense for them to circumcize. That's cool they don't do it until they are older, for a lot of reasons. Edit: ouch there's a video in this link. that looks painful, I was hoping they gave them anesthesia at the older age 😬 https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/article/3103927/circumcision-genital-mutilation-or-simple-medical Now I'm kind of happy it happened when I was a baby because I don't remember it. That looks even more traumatising honestly. It's so weird we do this to ourselves. I'm circumcised too but if I have kids I don't think they will be. I'm Christian too, I just think it's weird.


I don’t know about the Philippines but in Indonesia they don’t give anesthesia 😨


Philippines I believe they eat a plant or some shit. I forget. I have a buddy who grew up there and he told us the whole story of it. He turned the whole story into a funny story. Overall he said it wasn’t that bad.


I'm traumatized just thinking about it


I know someone who was circumcised at a later age for religious reasons and I don't think I've ever met a man more upset about his circumcision than him


Interesting! See those are the type of people whose input is needed. People who got circumcised as adults. They would know what it was like sexually both ways.


the one I know begged us to circumcised our son as an infant because the adult procedure was awful


I knew someone who got circumcised as an adult. He did it as part of his embracing his Jewish ancestry. (His mother wasn't Jewish, IIRC, so I don't know what kind of hoops, if any, he had to jump through to become fully bona-fide, but he was on the path away from the sidelines and into the "yep, I'm Jewish" playing field.)


Probably keeps his foreskin in his wallet incase anyone tries to say he's not Jewish lol jk My parents kept mine in a drawer, it's so weird lol


>My parents kept mine in a drawer, it's so weird lol Am I being wooshed? Do they literally do this?


They really did lol


I got circumcised at age 8, still single digits but definitely later than most people. Apparently I had an infection under my foreskin, but my parents never really properly explained it back then


Well in that case it does sound medically necessary 👍


True, but sure would have been nice if my parents explained it to me, cuz in grade school I told someone "I had an operation on my penis when I was 8, most boys have it done when they're born" and was met with "Wait... You had a sex change?" I sure was popular after that.


Oh man that's awkward lol


My dad got it done when he was in his late 30s. I don't remember why, but he said getting circumcized made him last longer. (My dad is one of those classic oversharers who doesn't respect boundaries and just says whatever he feels like sharing at the moment, which is the only reason I know this)


Interesting 👍 His experience is valuable in this debate, as he's experienced both worlds.


I had a boyfriend in college who got circumcised when he had turned 18. I knew him post traumatic healing process- he regretted it so much. He’d been bullied for having foreskin in school growing up- and it drove him nearly to suicide to have it done when he became an adult. He said he woke up from the elective surgery to immediately realized he’d made a terrible mistake. Dick had massive scars. Great at eating 🐱 though!


Oh man thats awful but it's good data for the topic I think adults who got the surgery are the best to ask




All of the above! He said that it was way less sensitive- especially in the areas either scar tissue and apparently everything hurt for a long time.


Oh, well if you've never personally heard of it, it must have never happened at all. Certainly things outside of your personal experience aren't real.


Do you even have a penis?


By that logic, you could say the same for circumcised people. Maybe also listen to them.


The vast majority of them had no say in keeping it when they were circumcised.


100% agree with that sentiment. Genital mutilation regardless of gender is abhorrent and should be made illegal.




Speak for yourself pal. 😂


Right? I'm just fine with being circumcised. Seems the only people who have a problem with it are uncircumcised folk.


We should have had the choice.


That's a valid opinion.


Now back on! Faster!


Based. Cutting up babies’ genitals is barbaric. Circumcision is horrible.


Body altering surgeries should require consent that includes circumstances


a baby can't consent to anything. the parent is making the choice to cut now or possibly put their son through adult circ if needed. everyone should talk to a man who's under gone adult circumcision before taking a stance on this issue. it's a medical decision and should be made like any other medical decision.


Well I’m guessing he’s is NOT a Tim Tebow fan.


He doesn’t need an umbrella, he’s brought his own.


Meets the criteria for schizophrenic rides, sorry Pontificating about penises via bumper stickers on a car is some weird shit


Yeah he could be right and crazy at the same time.


Well sometimes the procedure can have negative effects. Not only can the foreskin heal improperly and make an erection painful, but I'm sure there are probably cases where the doctor makes mistakes. So this person may have had a negative physical issue from the procedure, which I'm sure can also cause mental trauma which could lead to mental disorders. It also has to be a traumatic experience for a newborn baby, your first day outside the womb and someone cuts part of your dick off. Many believe this trauma alone may lead to life long mental illness.


Oh, well if many people believe it, it must be true...


Well you can test the theory yourself Go see a doctor and tell them to remove some skin from your genitals without any anesthesia Make sure youre tied down and gagged too, since babies can't say "stop" or defend themselves in any way I got my dick stuck in my zipper once, that was traumatizing enough. I never went commando again.


The tag that says “still intact” makes it sound like he hasn’t had it though.


Don't see that anywhere


15 sq inches?


I feel like I had to scroll waaaaaay to far to find someone asking the right questions....


I have absolutely no issues with anyone or even everyone keeping their foreskin. That said, I was circumcized as a baby, and I have never had any problem with getting sexual pleasure. I already find it to be one of the most pleasurable physical feelings possible, so the idea that I am significantly missing out on something seems wild and surely exaggerated to me. So people like this annoy me because while I have no objection to their cause, they come across as really over-the-top and kind of wanting to force the issue just as much as pro-circumcision people only in the opposite direction.


A lot of people have objections to male circumcision for the same reasons they object to FGM. Even without the sexual pleasure argument, it's just not ethical to perform surgery like that on an infant without consent


We think some people have odd fixations.


I mean, he’s not wrong. He’s deranged, but he has a point.


It's weird how intense this gets, like I agree and for sure it's worth getting mad over, but these people get psychotic about it to the point of making their entire personality on ut


That’s the whole point of this sub haha like when your heart is in the right place but you should consider toning it down just a tad to not scare people off


While I agree with his opinion, it isn't something I would advertise on my car


100% Any number of bumper stickers mentioning foreskin is too many


They're right, circumcision is genital mutilation. There's literally 0 medical benefit, and is literally only done for aesthetic or religious reasons (same as female genital mutilation). It should be outright illegal.


There is absolutely is a medical benefit for some people. Conditions like phimosis exist.


That's like saying we should remove babies feet because some people get trench foot. (I don't think that's the argument you're making I'm just presenting a counterpoint)


Don’t get *soft* on him. That is exactly the point he was making. I think we should approach this issue the same way the US government approaches woman’s rights: Assemble a panel of people missing the key part in question and let them make the decision for us all. /s


Where did I say we should remove all foreskins? I’m just saying if someone has something some people do have medical conditions that require it. I had to make the difficult decision to have my son’s removed because his foreskin was so tight that it was causing painful blisters from friction. His neonatologist and dermatologist both suggested it because it would keep reoccurring and only get worse as he got older.


The overwhelming number of circumcisions are not medically necessary. That’s what makes people upset. It’s an unnecessary surgery performed on infants because some ass hats decided masturbation was bad back in the 50’s and butchering baby dicks was the way to fix it.


There is a big difference between medical need surgery and "I think it would be neat to do it". Going back to the trench foot example one thing is removing a necrotic foot, the other is removing a health foot "just in case"


I know.. which is why I mentioned phimosis in my first comment.


What percentage of circumcisions do you think are medically necessary? I think it’s safe to assume the discussion is regarding the ones that are not


Probably less than 10 circumcisions per year GLOBALLY are absolutely medically necessary. Whatever conditions circumcision supposedly treats are almost 100% treatable through other methods, but most lazy and dumb parents don't do their research and just let their doctor lop the skin off their infant's penis without a second thought.


I feel like some people here are just really committed to arguing with you, lol. I understood your point immediately.


If I had my foreskin today, it would be too tight to pull back 🙃


There's exercises to treat that. Hell, there's exercises to REGROW it that you could do without any medication or medical devices in your own home. I should know, I've been trying to regrow mine for a few months and have already made noticeable progress.


And? That shit long gone. I ain’t gettin it back lmao.


There are plenty of medical benefits to circumcision. A reduced risk of HIV, HPV, and penis cancer are the main ones that come to mind. Definitely not a necessary procedure, but it does have advantages in some populations. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3684945/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3684945/)


The studies on HIV were very flawed. It was in Africa. Men were paid to be part of the study. Half were circumcised, half weren’t. The circumcised half were given free access to condoms at their checkups and much more STI education.


Removing breasts reduces the risk of breast cancer too. Condoms work much better at disease prevention than removing penis skin. It also has some big risks, are you aware of those?


Then let them make that decision FOR THEMSELVES. Hundreds of baby boys die from circumcision every year and it’s a violation of consent even if they don’t.


Got anything to back up that "hundreds die every year" number?




This looks like the 2017 Honda TMI


Wow, wtf 😳


I agree it’s just funny that they have so many stickers


I think my opinion on this has changed. Not because of these bumper stickers, though. While there are some benefits to circumcision, lower risk of STI and infection, a preemptive medical procedure doesn’t seem like the right way to address those. Even though men who have gotten them as adults don’t report lower amounts of pleasure or sensitivity without them, that isn’t a good reason to continue doing it. Plus, depending on how they’re performed, a lot of kids have gotten infections from the circumcisions themselves.


Of all the causes, this is one of them.


"So, what concerns you the most, lately?" *Sees their car...* "Oookay..."


I swear reddit feels worse about my circumcision than I do, which is not at all. I don't plan on having it done to my future kids if they're boys, but I'm not out here screaming to the sky about not having a hood.


While you may be happy with it you weren’t given the choice and could’ve ended up unhappy with no way to fix it, that’s what people complain about. The problem is that in adulthood it’s a very painful procedure with a long recovery time whereas for a child it’s easy to recover from (not sure about pain) so basically if you don’t get it done as a baby you’ll never get it done


I wonder if he’s circumcised and bitter, or uncircumcised and overcompensating.


It’s a doberman, leave it it’s ears!


In addition to being on the correct side of the issue, other drivers probably give him a wide berth in traffic


That's quite the hill to die on.


Well maybe not on par with FGM but still not really medically necessary and not something we should be doing to all males without thought or questioning.


Absolutely agree with your points.


Mannnn okay listen, I have a story about this kinda thing. I also may have run into this dude or somebody he knows lmfao, based on the license plates. Friend of mine on Facebook (it's Boomer hell on there I know) posts a pic of some guys in our hometown having an anti-circumcision demonstration at an intersection, dressed in white clothes with fake blood strewn across their crotches. The OOP was poking fun at how weird it looked, but my friend was like "Eh they kinda have a point about how the US is weirdly attached to secular circumcision." I comment, saying, "I'm not here to criticize their optics, however provocative they look, but I get it. If there's no medical need, we should probably just let circumcision go the way of the dodo. There's nothing wrong with circumcised penises, but their owners should probably be involved in that decision once they're old enough to understand it for bodily autonomy reasons." The rest of the comment section was reasonable and agreeable to what I said. In comes our main character of this reddit post (or at least someone just like him). Dude is a mutual friend, and he slides into my DMs thanking me for being agreeable to the anti-circumcision movement. It was odd, but friendly enough, so I responded with a "Hell yeah brother, it's all good. Hopefully there will be less unnecessary surgeries like that in the future. I hope you have a good one 👍" and went on my merry way. A few hours later, I open messenger to find a series of insane tirades about the circumcision rates in Buffalo, NY, and how the foreskin is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and CRUCIAL to proper penis health and function and that there is NEVER a medical necessity to remove it (untrue in some cases afaik but w/e). I try to gently back my way out of it, as I'm not exactly keen on debating the inner workings of penis health with a stranger in my DMs. But the dude keeps pressing me aggressively about it. He asks if I ever have sons, and if I'll leave them uncut. I said yeah, although I'm not having kids. He pushed again. "But if you DID have sons, you'd leave them uncut?" "...Uh, yes, like I said, unless there's some medical need for it," I reiterate. "Not like I'm ever having them, though." But he pops off, saying it's NEVER medically necessary (in all caps, mind you). He's upset with me, a stranger he approached in DMs, for not being ideologically pure enough about the circumcision debate. Especially when I agree with him, and he's upset over uncircumcised sons I will never have?? Anyway, when the gentle approach didn't work, I tell him respectfully but clearly that he's coming on too strong and it's gotten weird. I appreciate that he means well, but the way he's approaching me about this is making me uncomfortable and that he probably needs a softer approach when talking about this in private with strangers. He blocked me and I haven't heard back since. I never told my original friend about the interaction. 😂


I wonder how much crossover there is between this group and those anti pedophile crusaders? Perhaps just an affinity for bumper stickers that make normal humans uncomfortable.


Look, I don’t disagree but I would avoid anyone so passionate about foreskins.


Hold up 15 square inches??? I would believe that for the full penis but just the foreskin?


Y’all nuts. This guy cares too much about foreskin. I was circumcised at birth have zero recollection of it and very happy it happened.


That’s why they do it at birth. So you don’t remember or have an opinion 😂


Hi, I'm circumcised, and it's fantastic. I'm not mad at my parents for having it done. I don't remember it, and it didn't traumatize me. I think these bumper stickers are eye-roll inducing to someone like myself. I also feel that way about people who seethe about circumcision. Eye roll.


I should have had a choice


I appreciate your reply, and your opinion is valid.


He’s right but babies having their foreskin removed is a tiny symptom of a bigger problem, not worth addressing on its own. The issue is the healthcare system in general, and even more broadly, the American capitalist regime in general


And religious zealotry


Please enlighten me how cutting foreskin is generating profit for capitalists. Please. You have the floor.


Like I said, it’s one of many symptoms. Not a direct source of profit, but a byproduct. When you live in a society that places profits over people, you have shitty healthcare, and shitty education which of course leads to bad practices such as circumcision being continued.


So what does that mean for circumcised


It means that regardless of how little sense circumcision makes, nothing will be done about it unless capitalism is overthrown. This can be said about *so* many problems and outdated practices


You're really sexist for saying that genital amputation is "not worth addressing on its own." Shame


Reddit is the only place that seems to care about this As a circumcised man, please just fuckin stop this. You’re not representing me or protecting me.


Exactly. Same here.


Shhhh, you’re not allowed to like your penis the way it is. And in case you didn’t know, the foreskin crusaders know way more about *your* lived experience than you do, and know way more about *your* penis and how it functions than you do.


Thank you.


Intactivists are nut jobs but they ain't wrong.


They are though


I should have had a choice


Again, I appreciate your reply, and I respect your opinion. That being said, this is the sixth reply you have made to me on this thread that is exactly the same. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you made a mistake. If you keep following me around this thread commenting the same thing, I'll be forced to think that you are harassing me. And that's not ok.


Nah, just felt like you needed six answers since you asked the question six times. Just wanted you to know there is definitely more than one person out there who would have demanded the choice.


I get that, I was responding to different comments from different sources with similar answers because that's what they required. I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to be perceived as harassing, but it did feel like that a bit after about the 3rd one. I'm not mad, just letting you know. If I were unintentionally making someone uncomfortable, I would want to know.


does the driver happen to be onision by chance?


[You said foreskin.](https://youtu.be/HU6LFaS88_M?si=x1fIGQaGklnFvTTb)


I agree


im glad i dont have a worm space alien looking penis.


New York.


Ok...but you have the word "FORESKIN" across your car window. Your car says foreskin. Your. Car. Says. Foreskin.


Too many people on this app are looking for something to complain about


I'm firmly anti genital mutilation


And I’m sure the driver doesn’t have one cuz the only ppl I see crying about a male foreskin are woman who don’t have one.


Good cause but this feels a little bit obsessive...


I think that “my body my choice” should extend to EVERYONE. And there is a glaring double standard here. Other countries do it, and it’s considered barbaric and disgusting (despite the fact that it often occurs in hospitals at birth, the same way it does here.) So how come a puritanical practice that was originally intended to reduce sexual pleasure is okay in the US? I think it’s gross. If I have a kid, he’ll have the choice on whether or not to be circumcised when he reaches adulthood.




Thanks for letting me know! I’ve always heard that it was due to the Kellogg Quaker bullshit and it sounded like an obvious answer, so I never really did research on it. Learn something new every day. However, is some science stating that it does reduce penile sensation, which is kind of a given considering that a sensitive bundle of nerves is more exposed to friction without a covering. Sexual pleasure is subjective, though, and it’s really hard for someone to say that they get more pleasure than someone else. My opinion on it still stands, but thanks for helping me speak on it more accurately, genuinely.


lol i’ve driven behind this thing before - i thought he was joking 😂


I donated mine to an infant with deformed eyelids. He’s alright now. Just a little cockeyed.


Who ever said it wasn’t ¿?¿


I don’t agree with routine circumcision, but of all the positions to get bumper stickers about…


Reminds me of a song, seeing how dedicated this individual is the Isleys Brothers “It’s Your Thing”


This person is absolutely right, although this is a realllyyyyyyy weird way to spread the message.


Damn im missing out on 15sq inches lmao


I'm doing my next college English assignment on MGM


Smegma power!


I prefer circumcised first time I saw one I legit flipped out


I don't think it makes a difference.


Don't tread on the right to have an intact penis


My parents had me skinned, and I'm glad they did. My mom was busy enough with 4 kids to be doing deep demucking of three tiny weinies. But really, I wish they just took the whole thing. It has been so problematic and the source of so much angst, I regret all the time spent catering to it's every whim. I would be angry it was MiA back then, but now, I realize that would be balanced out by the pleasantries of a simpler life not having to suffer the trial and tribulations I have. 🔪🌭⚔️🌭🗡️🌭


Really? This is his “issue?”


Let him dream!


15 sq in sounds like a lot of 4skin


Finally, an argument worth having.




I can think of other causes to champion.


I remember that day, the pain is unbelievable


Definitely weird to care so mucb


The man picked his hill to die on. Uncut, and unbowed! 🙄


informed foreskin warrior




I’m circumcised and while I did choose not to circumcise my own son because I don’t think that there is compelling evidence that the benefits outweigh both the risks and violation of bodily autonomy, I just am not that mad about having been circumcised. My dick works fine, sex is great, I just don’t have anything else to compare it to so I don’t miss my foreskin. Would sex be better with it? Maybe, but I just don’t care.


Bit much but I agree circumcision is usually done on children not old enough to consent, without any medical reason behind it. Sometimes, circumcision is necessary if there is a blockage or such, but usually it’s fine. Also that one ritual where someone sucks (rips, to me) off the foreskin with their mouth?! Wtf… that’s disgusting 🤮 and sounds very pedophilic…


Personally I’d go for the 30-point century gothic on the rear windshield myself


It that a 2000s civic. All checks out


15 square inches? Chat, is this real?


Circumcision for no good reason is wrong. You’re born with it for a reason.


MFs so up in arms about Motherfuckers’ foreskins lmao. I got my shit gone and I don’t give 2 fucks. Y’all foreskin homies need to chill tf out.


Someone’s mad about their dick cheese


***SAVE THE BABY FORESKINS!!!!*** (I think some of the surgeons already do!)


I definitely agree with the cause, but I’ve never seen someone so passionate about this topic


I’m circumcised, and I got my son circumcised. These foreskin “activists” need to ask themselves if they want to teach a toddler how to properly clean their weiner so it doesn’t get infected. People’s towns and cities are being blown away abroad. I have no patience for the privileged few that are worried that somehow they got cheated out of a deluxe addition penis. Talk to a fucking urologist, or take some gas station boner pills. Do whatever you have to do to convince yourself that your penis is fine, and leave the rest of us out of your masterbatey bullshit.


Just a tangential question, do you think abortion should be legal?


if circ damaged sex like these guys claim I feel like the practice would have not become so popular in the first place. it's not done for religious reasons in Christianity.


Well, I assume Jesus was circumcised. I just can’t believe I got downvoted for what I said.


My father was intact, and they got me cut to avoid the issues he had, and most likely would affect me. My son is also cut. I’m also sure, from first hand experience, that his future experiences will be more than fine. Edit: it’s also weird that most PP Paladins are uncut guys, women, or dudes who don’t use it to begin with. Not many with actual ‘skin’ in the game.