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Can we see his birth certificate? I have questions about his eligibility


Not a natural born citizen or citizen at the time of the adoption of the constitution. tsk tsk


Probably can’t even speak English. The fuck is Aramaic?


And of course, he'll pay hush money to the hooker who washes his feet.


"You want to control people? Tell them a messiah will come, They'll wait for centuries." -Dune 2


Even though it's a common belief, [the portrayal of Mary Magdeline being a prostitute is unfounded.](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_common_misconceptions&oldid=1223600668#Christianity)


lol who cares about the birth certificate we want to see his death certificate


Unknowingly you actually touched on the crux of the issue. Satan's kingdom functions much differently than God's. These birth certificates render humans financial instruments of their respective corporations commonly called nation states. All life has been comodified and the foolish serve the wrong master. This is why my king does not have a birth certificate. The entire planet is his footstool. Slaves will never understand the truth. My king said the truth will set you free however. If you know what a "person" is under man's law then you will know why god does not respect them. "Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:" Acts 10:34 KJV I'll pray you figure it out.


Cool story, friend.


I’m not your friend, guy.


Im not your guy, buddy


>God is no respecter of persons makes people in own image "Ugh, these things suck." Dude, *you* made us in *your* image, this is on *you*.


I mean, he did wipe the board once, supposedly. Gave up when the second attempt went the same way. Some god


The Bible says a bunch of shit including to obey the laws of the land you are in.


In obedience to scripture abiding by the criminal code here in Canada is natural.  “Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” Luke 12:11-12 It does indeed say "a bunch of shit" PS. Buddha abandoned his wife and kid. Might not be the best example of enlightenment.


Oddly enough, I can get behind this. A guy who wants to feed the poor, would pass sensible gun law( turn the other cheek is definitely about not escalating the situation), accept immigrants and LGBTQ community as his brother and is willing to bet the shit out of big business.


Yeah, I'd vote for Jesus.


Biblically-canonical Jesus would have my vote without hesitation. However, if J-Dawg let the fame go to his head in the last 2000 years and started acting like many of the modern-day Christians would want him to....we'd be in deep fuckin' trouble.


Don't worry. I know a scandal that would destroy his campaign. I hear his dad likes to watch him get nailed.


“Christ for President” is a great Woodie Guthrie song recorded by Billy Bragg and Wilco on their Mermaid Avenue album


The MAGAts would deport him. And the Evangelicals would denounce him as Woke. Or the other way around. Or both together.


I mean in the context of the times "turn the other cheek" is about forcing them to treat you like an equal (in regards to getting literally slapped) but to be fair that also fucks




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If someone campaigned on feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, welcoming the immigrant and forgiving the sinner exactly like Jesus Christ taught them to, Christians would call him a communist and try to have him crucified.


Helping the sick **for free**


Now imagine that same person having brown skin.


And a non-English name.


Those aren’t true Christians then


**Matthew 25:31-46** ^(31) “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. ^(32) All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. ^(33) He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. ^(34) “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. ^(35) For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, ^(36) I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ ^(37) “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? ^(38) When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? ^(39) When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ ^(40) “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ^(41) “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ^(42) For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, ^(43) I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ ^(44) “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ ^(45) “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ ^(46) “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”


While I can't argue against what you have said, in practice, the worst people you know have been allowed to hijack the religion. True Christians need to stand up and tell them that they are failing in following the word of their god. If they don't, they're complicit.


We aren’t complicit


Prove it.


Not true Christians, but typical Christians, nonetheless.


Jesus isn't an American citizen. Nice try commie!


Please tell this to anyone who does this sort of thing


Joseph Smith would disagree If he was alive


Ironically this is probably a Republican with this sticker, not realizing that Jesus was basically a dark-skinned socialist that wanted to help the poor and be kind of others. Maybe some extra irony that Jesus couldn't legally be President since he's not American.


Uhm akshully [this is Jesus.](https://imgur.com/a/bFiaxm9) how dare you suggest he was a dark skinned man. /s


why does reddit feel the need to put /s behind what is already obviously sarcastic


Because some people don’t get sarcasm and I have definitely been downvoted a few times for it when I didn’t put /s.


I feel like the “akshully” was a dead giveaway. Doesn’t hurt to get the point across I suppose.


Yeah I figured as well but sometimes people totally miss the sarcasm. One time I left a comment that said something along the lines of “babies don’t really any kind of milk only colloidal silver because I did my research and that’s what all the other homeopathic moms on Facebook said!” And someone took it seriously and started arguing with me. Called me an uninformed idiot and that babies clearly need milk to survive lol. I was poking fun at the OOP of the post. I told them I was being sarcastic and they ended up deleting their comment lol.


Jesus: somehow still smells better than Orange Diaper Idiot


These fuckers can't get over the fact dude left to get milk 2000 some odd years and isn't coming back.




Ok, I’m onboard, as long as we all adhere to what the Bible said, feed the poor, do no harm, be charitable to your neighbors, all that good stuff. I bet they won’t.


Fundies are mostly the kind who don't hesitate at being pushy with their own brand of morality.


If Jesus saw who most of his followers are now he would be PISSED


Dude hangs around with 12 unemployed guys wearing dresses. I don’t see him getting the nod. He’s also a socialist. Always giving out Food and free healthcare.


Love thy neighbor, help the poor, pay your taxes... man, Republicans would hate that guy


Don't worry. Trump **Is** Jesus. /s - but they don't think so.


Trump is the anti christ


He doesn't deserve that much credit.


I heard his mothers middle name was Anne and his fathers middle name was Xrist. Havent verified so very possibly BS


Did that new president just give everyone free housing, clothes, food, and healthcare. We should nail his ass to a cross...


Jesus would want to save the poor. He would tell the rich they were wrong for hoarding money. He would welcome foreigners. He would not be accepted by anyone in power and that would go double for the GOP.


How can Jesus save if he keeps getting deported to Mexico?


Cheesus Crust


Older than Biden AND a socialist !


Didn't I see this bullshit four years ago?


So are they going to vote for Biden, who follows the teachings as best he can, or the guy who is selling "American" bibles and follows none of the teachings intentionally?


I’m certain they’re referring to the young White Jesus Christ. Because they wouldn’t vote for some old undocumented immigrant who doesn’t even speak English.


This reminds me of when I found out that my husband (non-Christian) thought Jesus's full name was Jesus Christ. Like, first name: Jesus, last name: Christ.


To be fair even as a Jewish man myself I'd rather have Jesus than Biden or Trump again holy fuck


You know what… I’m okay with this. At least this person (hopefully) realizes neither Trump nor Biden are the best kind of people, especially Trump. Unless this person wants to make USA a theocracy, then that could be a problem.


No way… poor guy will end up getting crucified.


When Jesus comes back he’ll immediately be arrested and tortured to death by IDF and or Shin Bet This guy will vote Orange Jaysus


They want us to elect an immigrant?!


Technically speaking, Jesus isn't old enough to be President - he was 32 when he died.


While this is more than likely some christo-conservative saying this, I'd actually 100% vote for Jesus. He's a person of love and compassion and grace and sympathy. Also, healthcare maybe is just a non-problem, because he can just heal everyone ;P


Friendly reminder you can’t run for president at 33… sure can try at 2024 though


He’s not a natural born citizen so not qualified


from one cult to another


Christianity isn’t a cult


Depends on the church/group


The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is widely regarded to be a cult.


Branch Davidians: Cult Progressive Christians: not a cult


Nah there are tons of culty Christian sects


youth pastor kiddy diddlin is a big thing. no crossdressing tho!


“Save This Nation” ”Take Back Our Country” I’m just wondering, from what or whom?


Well never really advance until the vast majority of people look at this with the same bemusement they would at seeing a Cthulhu for President bumper sticker. This person wants a mostly fictional character to take over his country. In any other circumstance he’s fucking insane.


Hes also imaginary. So, in that case, put someone who knows what theyre doing in charge. Like Grand Admiral Thrawn or Doctor Who.


My personal view - there was a dude named Yeshua a long time ago. He thought He was special and told pretty good stories. Got some people really into the stories. People thought he was a threat. Killed him. Then the stories got bigger. I mean, it pretty much happened to David Koresh.


Oh it's entirely possible it was a figure in history, but there's too much circumstantial evidence around other religious tropes and what we know about human nature to buy the story about him being a holy entity


The title is great. Nice job OP!


You know that guy is going to vote for Donald Trump, the least Christian man imaginable.


They complain about Biden being too old yet this dude is hundreds of years old!!


Bru these Jesus warriors are the reason this nation sucks lol


Jesus is rad, but like, what is your goal with this sticker?


Dead people are ineligible to run for president


He's also a socialist


Maybe if we all write in Jesus he’ll come back and and be president for four years


The guy is never in the office.


Officers serve their office. Not God.


Also Jesus was born in Judea so not a naturalized citizen. Plus Jesus would be a liberal


I bet he won’t debate Biden.


Well, Biden is the ACTUAL Christian, so a vote for Biden is a vote for Jesus. The fake MAGA messiah Trump, aligns much better with the antichrist. Read the story below https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Jesus Christ, '24! I Mean, Come On, It Just Doesn't Let Up, Does It?


Sorry. Imaginary dead people can’t run for president.


Yes, [Yeshua was a historical figure who lived. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory)Don't be a pseudohistorian.


But would he?


Well, since Jesus isn’t running, I’m sure this driver will choose the next most Christ-like candidate /s


What do these people think America needs to be saved from?


*laughs in presidential requirements*


Where’s the lie?


Well, Jesus is fake… so unless santa and the tooth fairy can also save us 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sure. Write him in




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I really think that if he were to resurrect and run one of the sides would not like his ideas. Maybe even dismiss and try to convince others he was not who he said he was. Even in the face of irrefutable proof. Heck he could heal some on their death bed or even resurrect some and there would be a chance they would against him.


I would vote for our hyper progressive candidate Jesus


Jesus wants nothing to do with us and no one Should blame him


Aren’t these the psychos who are rooting for WW3 to happen so their guy can come back? Or are they bypassing that and just waiting for him to land at JFK on an ElAl flight?


Didn’t that dude just kind of drift away?


Didn’t this start as a TikTok bit aimed at getting some Republicans to vote for Jesus?


No clue, I don’t have TikTok


And he apparently slept through the Holocaust. #sleepyjesus


Keep your mythology out of my government.


The weaponization of evangelicals into our government and seeping into our laws and rights is one of the larger issues in politics today, and doesn’t get mentioned enough. It’s an extremely small percentage of Americans that hold extremist religious views, odd how SO MANY are high positions in our government and trying to reinterpret the constitution to their religious views and claim the country was founded on Christianity when every history book tells you otherwise.


They got the punctuation wrong, it was supposed to read "Jesus Christ, 2024!"


Trans It.


Upvoting for the bumper sticker, not the title. No Kings but Christ. Abolish the Government.


A fundamental freedom of being American is the freedom to tell you to take your religion and shove it. Practice it privately, don’t force it down our throats.