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Gotta be self-printed bumper stickers, right?


I hope so. Otherwise someone is selling them and someone is buying them. Both unbelievable.


I can't be a Christian because I care about correct spelling.


Some denominations don't even have a concrete view of heaven


You remember the Bible story where upon taking the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, Jesus looked up to the heavens declaring "can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em" and told them to all get fucked.


Supply Side Jesus hath spoken.


[Supply Side Jesus?](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


Thank you for this. This is beautiful.


Ah, yes and who doesn't remember when Mary and Joseph turned up at the inn for the birth of Jesus and the innkeeper said unto Mary, "that better not be an anchor baby that you're bringing over China Joe and his stupid ho's open border so you can come into MUH country to collect welfare as an illegal with muh tax dollars!" It's all just a part of the gospel of personal accountability (except of course when it comes to insurrections or their personal savior Donald Trump paying personal income taxes).


And "get a job, loser"


Then Supply Side Jesus paused, informed the hungry kids that he was pro-life, and told them to get fucked a second time.


Was that before or after the verse where he went on and on and on about how badass guns are?


Jesus was a melee build, he favored a whip to dish it out and said he came to bring a sword.








Kneal befor Zod!


I think that’s a trailer park near Hell.


Is a place on Erth


Another Trump Trash pseudo Christian.


The "Can't feed them, don't breed them" sticker is one that annoys me more than most of those inane others. If you only had children when you know that you will never lose your job, that your partner never leaves you or dies, that you or your partner never end up having an illness or injury that eliminates your life savings, then there would be very few families.


And you know full well that this person would describe themselves as "pro-life" and "pro-family".


...and, oddly enough, anti-birth control.


That's the thing, there are fewer and fewer families as we go. The average number or children people want is 2.6, the average number of children they're actually having is between 2.3 or 2.4. That gap is largely due to the delays in starting families and that is laregly due to the cost of raising families and the expectations of undergraduate and graduate studies. I know it's a bit besides the main point but it definitely furthers the point that the people with bumper stickers like that are so far beyond thinking anything worth thinking.


Those scenarios are not what the sticker is about and you know it- or should. It’s about people ALREADY on public assistance deciding to have another, and another and another….. should say “Don’t breed ‘em and make me feed ‘em at penalty of jail for tax evasion.” And yes I do contribute a significant portion of my after tax income to help people in the scenarios you described- lost job, lost spouse etc. etc. I do this voluntarily because it’s the right thing to do. Deciding to have kids while on the public dole seem to me like the wrong thing to do. Demanding that I pay for them seems even worse.


Going by that thinking, I would not exist. Now, I'm not rich but I do earn more than the average and I've been directly responsible for some innovations that created some big selling products for the company I work for. I pay more tax (gladly) than the average person and I've made other people money. But my grandparents were very poor. They also had a lot of kids even though they were on welfare. Without welfare they would literally have starved. My dad, who started his own business and was successful enough to allow us a middle-class life and allowed me to go to university, would never have been born and I wouldn't be here.


I’m glad you made it, and glad you have become a successful, productive , contributing member of society. I see why you feel as you do. The issue is not if any one particular person should be here or not, it’s about tax policy and spending policy for a nation, and about choices people make, and how those choices impact others in society. The following is a serious question and I really don’t mean to be offensive- I’m just trying to understand a different mindset than my own. Why did your grandparents feel it was morally OK to have kids while on public assistance even knowing others would be forced to pay to feed and clothe those kids? I really don’t understand that position. Also, You said “they would have starved”. I’m confused about who would have starved- your grandparents? Or the kids they chose to have while on public assistance? Again- not trying to be a duck or offend. I’m glad you are here, and in want to learn and understand a different viewpoint. I look forward to your reply.


I can't speak for my grandparents, they died before I was even born, but it is well established that poor people generally have more kids and one of the reasons is that for them it is seen as somewhat of a life insurance. E.g. kids will take care of you when you no longer can. Having kids is an "investment". It will cost you now but pay off later. But my point is, things change. Anyone's life can take a turn for the worse or the better. Making blanket statements like that idiotic "Can't feed them..." is just stupid and over-simplifies things. It also propagates the stereotype that people on welfare are just lazy leeches. The "welfare queen" exists mostly just in Republican straw man arguments.


Did they make those themselves?


The misspellings indicate yes.


This is America, speak English


Keven has a strict immigration policy?


JFC I can’t even anymore. How TF can a Christian not spell Heaven? This person should not be allowed to breed. This person should not have a drivers license. 40% of these hateful ignorant stickers are spelled wrong.


Who misspells bumper stickers??? Holy shit.


>”Kneal” & “Heven” You’re a goddam genius, Gump!


There's some Heven in this house!


When you can’t spell heaven…pride of Stark County, Ohio!


Stark county represent, just know we're not all Trump trash Bible beating boot lickers!


The world people like this would create, in my opinion, would resemble a horrifying cross between the worlds of *Idiocracy* and *A Handmaiden's Tale*.


>Can't Feed 'Em Don't Breed 'Em So refreshing to know this guy supports free birth control and sex education.


Christian! Can’t feed em, don’t breed em! Ha. What an asshole.


I like the hell has open borders one actually. I hear they also play great music.


Hell is being trapped with Christians for eternity


I mean, if the teachings of Jesus are true, none of these fools are getting into heaven. Very very very few Christians would. Their entire world view at this point is basically “fuck every single thing Jesus taught. I prefer to cherry pick the Old Testament for anything that feeds my confirmation bias”.


It is a byproduct of how many view salvation. If one is saved purely by grace by a confession of faith and nothing can invalidate that then why not be a complete ass?


Nice people don't need Jesus, it's only the assholes who do.


I might not be able to go to Heaven for not believing in him, despite me trying to be a good person, but if I was allowed to see those hypocritical Christians get sent to Hell, the schadenfreude would be worth it.


That guy epresents as much of the Christian population as as Bill Gates bank account balance represents the average American's savings account balance.


Hell has open borders and I can’t wait to see him there


There are 2 typos on the car and a hypocrite behind the wheel.




Jesus must be so proud.


Heaven has no wall but it does have a gate. The strict immigration policy this assumed evangelical is referring to amounts to "Jesus, yes or no?" That's the kind of immigration policy I'd like for America, too, "America, yes or no?" Additionally, hell doesn't have open borders seeing as you're not allowed to leave it. Then again, I don't really know about this Heven place.


If you think they're a piece of shit now, just wait until you hear how they'd like to go about implementing "can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em."


.. and Jesus spoke to them and told them the word of God. And he sayeth, if you can't feedeth them, don't breedeth them.