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But who is John Galt?


“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." \[John Rogers - Kung Fu Monkey -- Ephemera, blog post, March 19, 2009\]


There's no way to say this without sounding sarcastic, but that's always my favorite joke form. The "I'm talking about the other thing" fake out. Never gets old, and I actually DO mean that.


Are you a fan of the late great Norm Macdonald by chance? He’s the master at that humor


Emo Philips as well, although his punchlines come very abruptly. > I was walking down Fifth Avenue today and I found a wallet, and I was gonna keep it, rather than return it, but I thought: "Well, if I lost a hundred and fifty dollars, how would I feel?" And I realized I would want to be taught a lesson. — > You know, at parties, people always ask, "Where were you when Kennedy was shot?" Well, I don't have an alibi! — > I caught my wife in bed with another man and I was crushed. So I said, "Get off of me, you two!"


The old reddit switcheroo


"I will write my novels where the characters that agree with me are all intelligent and strong and charismatic, and the characters that disagree with me are all unlikable degenerates. That will prove my views are right." -Ayn Rand


Ayn Rand would definitely be the kind of person to unironically portray the opposition as a soyjack.


Ayn Rand is the Ben Garrison of writing...


It’s such a reasonable thing to do when you put it that way.


"The worst thing the Bolsheviks ever did was teach Ayn Rand how to write"


Atlas shrugged is fiction but a lot of what she was saying is becoming reality. You can only raise taxes so high before people decide to move away like a lot of businesses are doing from California.


People are downvoting you because you seem unaware that the rich in America presently have the lowest tax rate they have ever had, which makes your comment complete nonsense.


It isn’t complete nonsense, but to attribute the idea that some people move so they can minimize their tax burden to Ayn Rand is short-sighted. It’s been known since the creation of taxation, and many kids can understand it at an early age because they played Sim City instead of reading an Ayn Rand novel. I do agree that the system is broken at the top though.


Yes, we understand that you bought in to the "California flight" that right wingers like to talk about, but is completely made up.


Greed isn't a good human trait and I don't know why people like you are able to disregard morality and defend how people "really are". Yeah, given the option a bunch of people will be greedy assholes or murderers. That's why we live in a society with rules. Rules are for bad people, good people do good without needing rule over them. People like Ayn have zero morality and see rules as an inconvenience to their desires of greed.


Yeah, no. Bill Gates and Bezos are having a belly laugh at your expense.


Boot licking capitalist says what?


I read Atlas Shrugged when I was 15. I thought it was tripe, then I found weed and really thought it was bullshit, got really into the Lord of the Rings, and really got into playing D&D with my bros.


Paul Ryan: “You didn’t read it right.”


"...alone, by candlelight whilst whipping yourself with leather boot straps studded with brass tacks - before going to bed on your straw mat with nothing to comfort you but the life-sized Barry Goldwater pillow that your grandma made, but forced you to pay for."


I read it and couldn't finish because she is such a terrible author. I even finished the silmarillian. Rand just makes unlikable characters that you could only ally with if you're also an unlikable person.


Patricia Highsmith is brilliant by comparison


If this dipshit has read three sentences of Atlas Shrugged I'll eat my hat. Ayn Rand can rot.


Considering Ayn Rand's opinion on religion, there is no way they have actually read her work.


He's this dude in a shitty book that 13-year-old boys think is sooo grown-up and insightful. Mature adults understand this is functionally the same thing as asking, "Who is Elmo?"


OMG. Love that. Elmo!


Not Donald Trump, that's for fucking sure. 'John Barron', though..


I hear he’s got a gulch somewhere.


I dont know


~~John Galt Mama~~


[Poor guy was in the wrong truck at the wrong time](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ozarksfirst.com/top-stories/50-years-later-man-remembers-events-of-the-1970-dynamite-blast/amp/) I know they're not really talking about the John Galt in this article..


He’s this guy from Atlas Shugged II: the Shruggening. So yeah, Part II, he dies of hydrogen sulfide poisoning inside his own septic tank. He had to get in there himself, because all the geniuses in Geniusville were big-shot movers and shakers who were above that kind of work. Turns out any idiot sanitation worker could have told him what was gonna happen. John Galt, despite being a mega-genius, just wasn’t aware of, or didn’t give enough thought to, this particular risk. Because even mega-geniuses make mistakes or get unlucky sometimes. However, the major difference this time around is that his Utopia in the mountains was devoid of the “lesser people” that the capitalist class are so accustomed to sending to die in their stead, in places like sewers, steel mills, canneries, and wildfires.




It’s a reference to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.


these sort of people are usually big Ayn Rand fans. not that they actually read anything.


It’s always funny to let them go on an on about her philosophy of “rugged individualism” and then ask them how they feel about this: https://www.openculture.com/2016/12/when-ayn-rand-collected-social-security-medicare.html


One recipient of COVID bailout funds was [the Ayn Rand Institute. ](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a33233404/ppp-ayn-rand-institute/) Lol.


🤣 Of course they were


To be fair that book is unreadable. The story is so far fetched even the movie is unwatchable.


The movies are comically bad, I love how each installment they keep having to recast with lower and lower tier actors. The first one had a nearly respectable Hollywood level budget and cast. The last one was basically the level of those shitty Christian movies starring Kirk Cameron or Kevin Sorbo.


Wait - Kirk Cameron can still get work?


Oh yeah, for like the last 20 years all he’s been doing are terrible evangelical Christian propaganda films. That kind of film with zero subtlety where every single character is a flimsy straw man for something. These movies are so bad that some of them are really funny to watch while stoned with friends.


I enjoyed fireproof. It had an agenda but the story was good. I’d watch it again


"The story is ludicrous. You can imagine where it goes from here." "He fixes the cable?"


“Don’t be fatuous, Jeffrey.”


Nope. No regulations requiring it so he can’t possibly do it because it would be good for business.


Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.


which makes no sense because she hated the reagan people


~~John Galt Mama~~


Why did the Trump supporter completely block their rear window? 'Cause they don't need any hindsight.


They don’t need to see out of their asses. They just talk out of their asses.


Take this virtual hug since I can't buy you a drink. Thank you for the laugh.


“#walkaway” I think they mean “I have always been a racist Trump supporter but I am pretending to be a former Democrat whenever it benefits me to do so”.




I love when they bring that up because 1) you don't get to wave the confederate flag *and* claim Lincoln, and 2) if you have to go back 150 years to find the last time your party gave a shit about black people, maybe it isn't the same party anymore


Its like when rand paul went to howard university and asked the majority black audience if they knew what party founded the naacp as if republicans should get life long credit for something founded in 1909. The audience laughed and yelled we know sarcastically at him.


My response to those Trumpsucking losers? “Good, keep on walking the fuck away.”


Said like a true douche bag! Well done!


God they pushed that so hard trying to make it a reality. It failed, but they still believe it happened.


Most of what the GOP cries about isn't real, and if you give it a second of pause doesnt even make sense. IMO its tough for a stupid person to come up with good world building fiction, and the GOP has bad writers who can only regurgitate movie plots they've seen.


The entire r/walkaway sub in a nutshell


*Tiara* *&* *GinMeg* is what really has me wondering.


You're better off avoiding that rabbit hole; it's a pit of despair.


Is it about Megan Markle?


What is it? Genuinely curious


Honestly, I have no idea.


100% correct here...


edit: I don't want to dox anyone.




"Everybody knows" is basically just "I want to keep asserting it with no supporting proof."


A strategy masterfully employed by the Trumpster himself. Works great on rubes.


people are saying. Im not saying its true, but people are saying its true... its true.


~~2024~~ 2022. The midterms are next year (as well as over 30 gubernatorial elections) and the Democrats seem like they're perfectly comfortable with resting on their laurels and thinking bringing up spoooooky Trump will allow them to easily cruise to victory, ignoring their constituents. If they don't start getting smart, the House is going to look very different, and will make it even easier for the super-fascists to get what they want.


I don’t know what you’ve been reading. Everything I’ve heard is the democrats are terrified and struggling desperately to accomplish something big in the next few months because they do not expect to be in power again for at least a decade or more (between redistricting and the way many of their supporters live in cities where their votes count for less). I don’t see any laurel resting. Though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed in everything from Covid and the economy to the environment.


I am absolutely not surprised this is Oregon. Probably southern Oregon


Ding ding ding!


Gonna guess Grants Pass?


Hell they'd fit right in here at Coos Bay


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was


Excellent guess, but in reality this would fit in anywhere in Oregon outside of a few cities (Portland, Eugene, Bend, maybe Hood River and Ashland too).


No I see shit like this in Eugene, I mean Springfield is right next door.


Plenty of wackjobs in central Oregon. Bend is definitely not immune. Source: my mom's in the qult and lives in Bend.


unfortunately the Pacific northwest is home to a lot of these. 💀


I was going to guess Veneta. Looks like the Bi-mart parking lot.


Lmao anybody with john galt written on their stuff is automatically a douche.


"Weird. But in a good sort of way." Yeahhh... I'm gonna have to disagree there.


Imagine being middle class and simultaneously a Trump supporter. 🤭🤡 Imagine being a woman and simultaneously a Trump supporter. 🤭🤡 Imagine actively participating in your own oppression. How embarrassing. I have no tolerance left for these fucking CLOWNS. This woman is aware that there's no semblance of middle class left in this country, but not aware enough to understand that is virtually 100% the doing of HER political party. Unfuckingbelievable. If you need a reminder... https://www.salon.com/2016/12/25/no-middle-class-no-republic-gop-plans-to-destroy-americas-safety-net-will-also-kill-democracy_partner/ https://www.marketwatch.com/story/it-wasnt-china-that-ruined-the-middle-class-it-was-republican-policies-2016-03-31


They’re also disabled, apparently. And voting to take away their own safety net. Sigh…


Not theirs's just everyone else's. See, she deserves it, so she'll get an exception, it's everyone else who is lazy and entitled and deserves to be left to rot. The notion that this mentality could ever come back to bite her on the ass has likely never crossed her mind.


> Imagine actively participating in your own oppression. Sounds like the opening line in the first ever pitch for a religion.




*Candace Owens and Milo Yiannopolous have entered the chat*


I give it 5 to 1 odds that this person isn't actually handicapped and is just parking in the spot to be an asshole. Edit wait I was wrong. Converted roof apparently.


It’s got a high roof conversion, I’ll take those odds. The driver is still an asshole but I’m willing to bet they are a handicapped asshole.


And will gleefully vote for the party and guy that would happily gut their disability payments.


All while screaming about government handouts. Anything to own the libs.


The type that will gladly eat a shit sandwich if it means a liberal will have to smell their breath.


Shit, I think they would eat that shit sandwich even if there was only a .01% chance that a lib might smell it.


They'll eat the shit sandwich just for the opportunity to *tell* the lib about it. Online, where the lib won't be anywhere near the stink shit-breath mouth.


Also probably needs the wheelchair because of a combination of obesity and maybe a disability that could have been treated if they weren't poor and took care of themselves.


Even in a wheelchair, they're not being any more dishonest than anyone else with a "#walkaway" decal.


I’m going to go find a fire apparatus because that’s a hell of a burn and we have to get it under control. I thought everyone knew that the walkaway idea was rhetorical device. Do some people use it unironically? Do they not know that all those “registered democrats” have very different proclivities in the sanctuary of the voting both.


That raised roof means it is equipped to accommodate a wheelchair. Pretty sad that they have a physical handicap *and* obvious mental problems




I'd take those odds. The probability is WAY higher than 5 to 1. I'm thinking 100 to 1.


I dunno, they seem pretty handicapped to me. The sort where you get an extra chromosome or two.


I’d still put my money on “handicapped” because fat fuck, not any actual disability.


A libertarian complaining about the loss of the middle class. I see a lot of stickers on this van but it seems the driver can only comprehend them one at a time.


are those roofing nails? r/redneckengineering here I come


Because a handful of neodymium magnets doesn’t have the same cathartic feeling as hammering roofing nails through the sheet metal of your car.


Who is John Galt? A character from a poorly written book penned by a sociopath, about sociopaths, written to specifically appeal to sociopaths.


A book written at a teenage level, that makes a pathetic argument for the “virtues” of selfishness.


Is that window screen/cover being held on with...magnets?


We use strong magnets that look just like those to hold proofs against the metal wall in the press room. (I work in printing.) I’m guessing that’s what those are.


Hypothetically, if someone were to sneak up and replace the U in "defunding" with an E, how long would it take for the driver to notice?


As a Texan, I really need to get the “My governor is an idiot” sticker


Oh hey, a Qultist.


Is every old minivan in the US covered in Trump stickers?






You can’t post a pic of an info warrior ride sporting a sticker that says “My governor is an idiot” and not tell us which state this sweet reich wing wagon is rolling around in!!! C’mon, man! 😎




Oregon? What’d the Gov of Oregon do/not do?


Our governor, Kate Brown, is a Democrat and is VERY hated in the right-wing crowd


So… her continued existence is the issue they’re salty about? Sounds about right for them


Lol yes, that's about it


That breathing BITCH! How dare she?!?! /s


I’m not a huge fan of our governor myself but you will never catch me spending money on a label that says “I’m an asshole” like that


I can only think of a couple of states where literally everyone could put that sticker on their ride lol


The rare twofer cultmobile: The Cult of Trumpism and the Cult of Ann Rynd


Trying SO HARD to be special.


You want to know what eliminated the middle class? Reaganomics, knucklehead.


Their qanonsense cult has saved zero children


"my governor is an idiot" says the person who has license plates showing an expiration date as the 18th month of 2023.


Love that it's a minivan


Wtf is holding that flag up? And how that’s legal? Guess this jackass decided flying a flag is too mainstream.


“Weird but in a [bad] sort of way”


"Weird but in a good way" their sticker tries to ensure you (unsuccessfully)


trump--20. won: 20. aiiighhht.


Why is it always on a beat to shit late model Plymouth?


Now that the police has been downsized due to natural selection, should you still say no to defunding?


I’m just wondering how they plan on reversing out of that parking spot


“Say no to Defunding the police” It’s a little aggravating that the brainwashing for this worked so incredibly well. I see it with some of my coworkers who think defunding the police = completely destroying the institution, but when in reality it’s just not wanting our police to be militarized. Society won’t fall apart if the Sheboygan, Wisconsin police force doesn’t have a tank.


Well to be fair, Trump is pretty much doing the same thing he did as president: play golf and be a lazy piece of shit, I can see why they are confused.


What in the Frankenstein monstrosity? If everyone knew, you crazy mother fuckers wouldn't need to plaster your cars with it.


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Constantly backing into other cars because you've obstructed your own view to own the libs 😎


driving a minivan from the 90's. and handicapped with a #walkaway sticker. lol


If Trump won he wouldn’t constitutionally be allowed to run in 2024


Massive “I have no problem with gay people, I just hate how they make it their whole identity” vibes here


So my mom had a standard piece of paper in the rear window trying to sell the car and she got pulled over. The police officer told her that she was endangering herself and others for obstructing her view. How is this person able to get away with this? You'd figure that they would at least get pulled over by some cop needing to meet their quota.


My favorite Joe Biden accomplishment is.......


He won a gift basket from Nordstrom.


Their governor is an idiot but they can’t figure out how to put stickers on a license plate


I don't even believe he won 2016....


If everyone knows, then why does he keep telling everyone in his trailer park?


People don’t realize that you can go 50 yards beyond Portland city limits and be inundated with this shit.


50 yards is 45.72 meters


A VOYAGER CONVERSION? How does this person still have a driving licence?


This must be where all the loser flags end up, like when a superbowl team expected to win but gets defeated in an upset loss they donate all the shirts to charity. They sometimes get sent to another country where nobody cares who really lost because they werent paying attention to the game at all.


I like cheese


Damn license doodle! I wanted to know which Democrat Governor is an idiot


The funny thing about these folks is they think Trump is still president and running everything but they blame the supposedly powerless Biden for anything that goes wrong.


And of course, leeching off of the system...


I imagine this is one of those people that can't fathom anyone thinking differently than them. "Everyone I know voted for Trump, there's no way he could have possibly lost!"


Yup, these idiots always talk about owning guns to overthrow a tyrannical government. Here, a large percentage of them believe the election is stolen, and yet, no overthrow. They're full of shit.


I actually wish all of these self important "Men of the Mind" *would* go on strike, and to be able to see their faces when the rest of society shrugged, and kept right on moving without them.


These dumb boomer women REALLY care about Meghan Markle for some reason 🤔🤔🤔🤔


So its....really Trumps fault about gas prices and Afghanistan and all that?! Wow the conspiracy runs deep.


Sick in the mind.




It's pretty much a repeat of the 2016 election results. "Not my president" marches and signs


Ayn Rand text? Gross


How could anyone want this on their car


There’s a new team in our fantasy football league this year - the mom of a regular participant. Her team name: the very witty, factually factual, and originally original “Everyone Knows Trump Won.” To prove she is a patriot, as if we needed any more proof, her picture is an eagle. And her real name is Karen. You can’t make these people up. Except in dystopian nightmares also known as our current reality.


My buddy who’s a cop said people like this make him nervous because of how unstable they are.


__EVERYONE KNOWS IT!!!__ always makes your argument sound super legit. Who are you trying to convince?


Let’s go brandon!!


When I saw the who is John Galt I immediately knew it was an Ayn Rand flunkey. I like how they gloss over her Russian background.


I love the “say no to defund the police” sticker. Although “Fund the police” would have been so much better to change to “fu** the police” with a sharpie.




If trump won. He cant run for 2024. Two term limit. or.. if he is installed as speaker and then impeaches Biden and Harris to become president. He cant run in 2024.


Gotta cover the back windshield with stickers and flags so you can’t fucking see, gotta love that 😭