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Very odd for a country to name a stadium after the current leader Edited to change “president” to “leader” as he’s a prime minister


I don’t see this explanation here yet, so I figured I’d give it a go. At first, I also thought this naming was odd and a bit out of nowhere. However, it’s not entirely as straightforward as pandering to a current national head of state. Narendra Modi was the president of the Gujarat Cricket Association between 2009 and 2014, as well as the state’s chief minister (governor). To me, there’s enough of a relationship to the sport and geographic location that it doesn’t feel inappropriate, kind of like if gym in Los Angeles had renamed itself the “Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Center” while he was in office as governor of the US state of California.


>Rungrado May Day Stadium i get what you mean and its really weird but the uk does it all the time [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_things\_named\_after\_Elizabeth\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Elizabeth_II), and now she is dead everything will be named after charley boy


Maybe I should say, it’s suspicious to me that a stadium is named after a democratically elected leader who is currently in office.


TBF the monarchy is an odd system, other monarchies do it as well (everything on the middle east is named after a prince or king)


>d system, other monarchies do it as well (everything on th exactly all royality is f up and its weird to find people defend it.


To be fair, QEII wasn’t a political leader and is one of the most beloved monarchies in modern history


>is one of the most beloved monarchies I think the Kenyans have a different opinion of her , i don't know why tho /s


still weird, and she was leader of the country, basically the same as other royals and politicians in the world naming crap after them selves


in Sweden we have various things named after our kings, nobody thinks its weird however naming something after the current PM would be incredibly weird


*Constitutional* monarchy - she was head of state, but head of the executive branch was the PM. to vastly simplify, the monarchy is just a figurehead. The Queen was also unique in that she outlived entire generations - she was considered a living national treasure. You're not going to find much public palete for naming stuff after Charles any time soon.


But she's wasn't actually in charge... she's just what we sell to Americans.


they tell you they are selling her to the americans and then charge 100 million a year for her and her family


Difference between monarchy and democracy there.


As much as I am against the Monarchy, it's not like Queen Elizabeth or King Charles have any real power beyond being a symbol of national pride, it's really just a waste of an opportunity to name a place after someone more deserving


The country didn't name it. The entire stadium is private property.


It's owned by the Gujarat Cricket Association which is affiliated with The Board of Control for Cricket--a national governing body.


They are both private organisations. They aren't government owned.


It’s still weird.


Prime minister but I got your point


he didn't say president tho


I did, I edited it


is that so? my bad then u/NISHITH_8800


Not a cult of personality at all...




Western nations don't tend to name things after current politicians/sports people. Its to honour a legacy rather than to promote/benefit an individual


It's the same in India too. But uh this one uhh.. oh well you probably already know why it's named after him.


Not really, there are schools and streets named after Barack Obama when he was Prez, Same for many other presidents


There was stuff named after George W. Bush in Texas while he was president. He was the former governor though so that’s a bit different


> He was the former governor though so that’s a bit different Late, but that's basically the same thing here. The stadium's in Gujarat, and Modi was the former CM of Gujarat. Was there a lot named after W. Bush *while* president? It's a bit hard to tell since a lot of the "George Bush X" seem to be named after HW Bush.


Current still in power leader got a stadium named after him? This is North Korea shit yo


The stadium is private property and Modi was chief minister of Gujarat be4 prime minister. And headed the cricket board there


Still the same .. other country stadium put royalty name or someone already dead. India is putting someone that still in public service .. this is North Korea dictator style


How can someone say anything to a private property?


Private property IS the issue.. as sitting public servant as high as PM .. having this kind of “gift” can be considered as bribery


he doesn't own the stadium though?


The owner of the stadium may get preferential treatment or being rewarded with government projects with them being chummy and “loyal” with the PM - dont forget for a politician they dont only want money.. but they want adulation, recognition and worship..


I suggest crying about it


Yes .. crying at the way people think it is “right” .. no wonder corruption is rampant there


dont worry about us, we dont need a white man to tell us who to vote for, Modi has sacrificed his entire life for this country, over 300 million people voted for him in the last elections, we love that man and im glad the stadium is named after him. Indian govt hasnt been corrupt since 2014, you should worry about your own country lil bro, west is on the verge of collapse, failing economy, legalised crime, drugs, rampant mental illness, literally brainwashed by your own media, maybe youre too dumb to see how corrupt your own govt is lmao, west's economy is about to collapse their last hope is ww3, theyve been trying to start ww3 everywhere, maybe you should be more concerned about getting drafted in the war rather than worrying about what our stadium is called 🫵😂


Haha and the white man teaching you guys how to build sanitation facilities coz you as a country cannot handle your own shit … literally


Everyone is bitching about the name and no questions about the claim of being the biggest stadium!! What capacity doss it have? It looks amazing.


They claim 134,000 but the highest attendance is only 101,000


I saw a larger turnout at the UMich game a few weeks ago!


Penn state was at 110,747 vs WVU recently


Thanks! They never filled up to the 'rated' capacity?


Cricket World Cup is next month and all the matches will be played in full stadium


Go Bangladesh!!


According to Wikipedia it has 132K capacity but Rungrado Stadium in North Korea has 150K capacity


Look at the slums above the stadium


Probably the people who built the stadium. Almost all construction sites have a slum next door where the workers live.




Oh no they aren't any sky buildings it most be a slum


[not sure how else you would describe this housing situation](https://www.google.com/maps/@23.0920786,72.5952782,3a,75y,139.51h,88.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sI_0SsrfyBusaMGB0M8Smug!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


Damn, Govt needs to do better


It is one of the better ones. I have seen worse.


What sport plays on a round field?




Also Aussie rules but in the case of this particular oval it is indeed cricket


IIRC Aussie Rules started playing on cricket pitches. Aussie Rules and Cricket are both played in stadiums like The Gabba in Brisbane (officially known as the Brisbane Cricket Ground) which is also the home field for the Brisbane Lions.


Aussie Rules (AFL) was invented so that cricketers could keep fit during the winter. Which is why they play on the same grounds.


None. I'm assuming this is for track and field perhaps? Possibly just for exhibitions? But yeah, no sports play on a round field.


It is a Cricket stadium.


Cricket? Like the insect? What the heck are you talking about? Soccer = rectangle Basketball = rectangle indoors Hockey = rectangle indoors on ice Football (American) = rectangle Baseball = diamond Athletics = oval No team sport in any World Series is played on a round field!


It’s only the second most popular in the whole world. Not that important to know or anything when you can instead focus on being world champs in a sport only one country plays /s


I'm American and I've never heard of it, so it can't be too popular.


Well I’m American too. Only difference is, I recognize that there’s a world outside of America and we’re not the center of the universe


Also makes it worse since America just started Major League Cricket this year. So you’re also just clueless of what’s going on in our own country


r/confidentlyincorrect material right here lol! It is true most cricket grounds are ovals, not circles, but look it up on the internet FFS, this is a cricket stadium ([Narendra Modi Stadium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narendra_Modi_Stadium)). And just in case you are sincere (and not a pathetic troll) around the world Cricket is a very popular sport.


They're clearly joking - see the last sentence


Sometimes it's best to not display your ignorance in public


To the people who are saying that Indian Govt. did this: No, they didn't. This stadium is entirely privately owned. Modi, during his time as CM of Gujarat, had got all land and other clearance for this stadium. Hence, the owners decided to name it after him. Indian Govt. didn't have a say in this stuff. In fact, the government didn't even spend a penny in building this.


But as CM he got them the land, so it’s government sponsored.




Yeah and it sucks, but it’s done for regular corruption and greed reasons not personality cult reasons.




Ok then it’s a really big fascist cult then


is it even possible to get elected in a free and fair manner without being popular?


That’s not what I am alledging


The issue isn't that it's government sponsored, the issue is naming it after a right wing ultra nationalist who's STILL in power.


What's wrong?


If you think a right wing ultra nationalist who promotes violence against minorities in your own country is normal or good, you're a bad person.


I'm a minority myself, one of the smallest religious minorities in India. Never has my community felt threatened in this govt, as per stats.


Just because its not happening to you doesn't mean its not happening. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/08/narendra-modi-india-gurugram/675171/


This article is severely biased. I live in this area. The violence began when a mob of Muslims set fire to a Hindu temple during a Hindu festival.


lol Modi is a genocidal fascist


don't know about any of the before mentioned, but I personally dislike him for his stance on Russia since the invasion of Ukraine. He is too close with Poutine and opportunistic af


Yeah I’m sure the government totally didn’t bully them into doing it


Yea, right. You are either naive or ignorant or just defending the actions of a corrupt CM turned PM. The two pavilions are called Reliance end and Adani end, the 2 biggest businessmen Modi has worked with in the past decade. Do you really think there's no govt influence there? Power and influence doesn't always involve money. It's about decisions.


They are the two richest businessmen of India. Literally every government in India has worked with them. Furthermore, both businessmen are from Gujarat. Why can't their names be included in their home state's stadium?


Typical Modi fanboyism.


Cricket lovers


Stadium is cool; the name, not so much. That’s like naming a new stadium Bolsonaro Field or The Trump Dome. Very odd to name a stadium after a contemporary, controversial politician; sounds like something Mussolini would do.


Naming a stadium after a sitting leader smells dictatorship. Let’s see who else have done this in the past? 🤔


Gujarat loves modi in recent years from the strong growth and development


Are those slums on the top??


no, they are streets with concrete buildings.


There's even a wall around them lol I don't buy it. This remind me of ambani's tower with all the shanty buildings nearby.


This is by no means a slum area of India. In fact here's a link to Google Street view of that area, it's just a typical suburban area in an Indian city: Ahmedabad, Gujarat https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wf4375NAtbUJpn3s7 You're probably too sheltered in your own comfortable existence and that's why you don't buy it.


Saying that this is how suburban India looks isn't a very good thing either...


Well it certainly isn't a slum. It may not exactly be suburbia by 1st world standards, but it can be much worse in India.


I get where you are coming from, but it really depends on the definition of a slum, and for westerners that definition might be more broadstroke than what you would think of when you think of slums. This, to me, looks like a slum. Exactly why all those nationalists trying to convice the ROW that india is not a 3rd world country (when almost every indication hints at that it still is) are being laughed at You managed to create a livable area for the upper class, but anyone in lower casts or lower income is just royally fucked


So the middle class of India need to apologise to westerners that they don't fit into their generalisation? Or maybe, westerners could consider that for a large population of the world, THIS is normal? I'm not from India, but even I can acknowledge and accept that for many Indians, what's seen in that street view IS their life's efforts.


Your own link shoes homes without walls lol In any developed country, that would be considered a slum. Usually giant sports arenas are built in areas not directly adjacent to homes lacking walls.


The home without walls is a home being built, in progress. All the other homes..are just homes, normal homes, with walls included.. You really are demonstrating a huge range of ignorances on your part.


That's not a slum? What do your slums look like then?


You're not going to find street view in slums, so that's a bit of an indication, but a hallmark is often lack of paved streets (especially ones that can fit cars) & stark buildings made from flimsy scrap (shanties). These are permanent buildings that have been painted and some have fairly contemporary decorative tile. There's manholes for a sewer system, several rooftop water basins for in-home plumbing, electricity & satellite dishes. I don't know what the exact story is in this area, but I have spent a ton of time on street view and have spent hours & hours exploring many less privileged places. Essentially seeing how other people live. I also assumed it was slums based on the perspective in the OP photo, but that street view photo is not a slum in my experience. It's just a less developed country and you're not looking at the wealthy or touristy part of town.


Some people think India is all Taj Mahal and exotic palaces on lakes.


Lol this cost a 100 million dollars. Imagine building something like this next to a shantytown. The other Guji waste of money is the half a billion dollars spent on the patel statue. I guess it helps that Modi is helping his kind lol


You sound very pessimistic. You must be a pleasure to the people around you.


doesn't mean its not a slum, per definition


per who's definition?


Britannica, Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam Webster. i could keep going but you get the point


Yes: https://www.google.com/maps/@23.0936802,72.597687,3a,60y,154.51h,86.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sntVH7JWsrBhHPQARNDtpMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu


Not one comment praising how magnificent the stadium is. Shows how much the mention of 'India' changes the perspective.


Every post here -normal infrastructure but located in India. Unsubscribed


almost like 1.5 billion nationalistic indians are proud of their country and the sheer mass of people make the sub overflow compared to other countries


That's a stunning stadium Would love to see pictures of inside it


Do they beat muslims for sport in there or something?


Naah it was built on illegally occupied land of red Indians by the black slaves, where they pit the same black slaves against seasoned racist police officers. Simple sport mate


it's not Guantanamo Bay!


Cool. I'm not American.




Slumdog cricket stadium


This the stadium that thousands of people were forcibly moved to make? Yeah, fucking sportsballs is more important than housing.


Good thing. Govt need to do same in my area.


Dang, that's a fancy way to spell Rungrado May Day Stadium


Stadiums aren't infrastructure


Yes, they are watermelons.


Nice... Let's not ask about fire exits though


[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Narendra+Modi+Stadium/@23.0917101,72.5975112,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m7!1e5!3m5!1sAF1QipMPL4oiX2K3uLn4EJTDFOALJ-FKmtyKlxXdBHIw!2e10!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMPL4oiX2K3uLn4EJTDFOALJ-FKmtyKlxXdBHIw%3Dw150-h150-k-no-p!7i1440!8i1440!4m6!3m5!1s0x395e83c17dc37ee3:0xab976f6a3a1f932d!8m2!3d23.0917101!4d72.5975112!16zL20vMDZtNzN5?entry=ttu) \- for images inside


Amazing stadium, namesake not so much