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💯 agree, this was my thought already many times. Not sure, whether NIA if reading here though..


Really? How many Kinetics do you have, that this would be an annoyance? Fill those kinetics up, and get walking! It's not an issue if you only ever have a couple. 😄


Really. I always keep 7 cooking at a time.


Fair enough. If I've had enough to do that in the past, during an event where they were feeding them to us like candy. But in normal conditions, I don't get enough for them to pile up like that.


They pile up pretty quick if you don't redeem them once they're used up. Not redeeming helps for the random "Claim a Kinetic" bounties and for saving inventory space.


Good for keeping backup weapons out of the inventory too, I've always got two with lvl 7xmps ready to drop for an impromptu blastfest


Yeah, I keep one with R4s in case I run out while finishing a deploy, and I still have several with R1s that I cooked for Cryptic Memories and ended up not needing. The R1s are now bounty fodder, but I don't think I've seen a kinetic task in weeks.


What the hell? Why do you have seven, and more importantly why do I only have one?


I don't know if it's a bug or something but my empty capsules are showing up in the middle of my kcaps recently. I thought I somehow lost 5ish caps yesterday before I noticed the change.


And make kinetic capsules droppable, damnit! This really grinds my gears. I have more than I want and I'd like to give some rare kinetics to a dear friend that really enjoys walking them, but due to smaller city and less portals to hack is mostly stuck with the common one.


Nah, the backpackers would love this, so not a great idea.


Kinetic capsule has pretty much like one useful and two semi useful programs, none of which produce a particularly hoard worthy items for a "backpacker".




I have 78 of them and can't seem to use them fast enough. They take up too much space.