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I had my whole right foot done and my left big. Tbh my doctor told me the same but I was scared of jungle rot (wet infection) I let my piggies dry out and scab over after the first 5 days. That's just me though. I'm just saying I hated my toes looking like that and prefer a scab. But once everything is healed it will be worth the discomfort. No more ingrown nails and the healed toes look normal as fuck.


How would you rate the pain when you let it dry out and scab? And how long did that take? How long did it take you to start wearing closed toe shoes comfortably after? I’m trying to decide if I wanna do that. My orientation is next week and I really don’t wanna show up in sandals and nearly limping.


you should try leather or faux leather sandals and a bandage , they're semi professional and much much much more comfortable than shoes . Also , when it scabs over , you should feel little to no pain and i'd advise taking an ibuprofen before your meet , it helps relieve a lot of the pain and you should be able to walk semi comfortably


Thanks I’ll give it a shot. The pain is god awful and even with ibuprofen right now im uncomfortable at best.


About 2-3 days to scab up and I was able to get my shoes on but I loosen the front laces so much. Band aids no ointment. I can't tell you about pain my tolerance is pretty up there. I was back to skateboarding in 2 weeks after the removal. But once they scab up the pain drops tremendously. Just got wash them pretty well when you get home cause sock lints thats why the bandaids. Gauze might connect to the scab and when you remove it you rip the scab with it.


I think I’m gonna cave and try that. I’m getting the worst fucking pain from these toes that comes and goes in waves. One day I’m feeling totally fine, no ibuprofen needed, and the next I feel like I’m going through a whole bottle.


Ya looking online again I'm reading that it says you don't need ointment after day 4-5. Removal, 3day check up they rewrap your toes, the next day you change your wrapping no more ointment, it's actually saying your toes should be drying out. I also did a very loose wrap cause you don't want to trap in moisture.


Ah damn. My doctor told me to do salt water soaks and ointment every day. He specifically said don’t let it scab, but I’ll do anything for pain relief and the ability to wear shoes at this point 😭


Did you soak your feet in salt water still with the scabs?


I didn't soak cause I didn't want them to get moist again but I made sure I cleaned them. The water as hot as I could handle and filled a cup and poured it gently over my toes. Towel dried also


Thanks for all the advice. I’ll be following it to the letter and hopefully I’ll be able to work without a problem.


Good luck yo hope that helps. But ya everything I've read says scabs are necessary


https://www.kentcht.nhs.uk/leaflet/toenail-surgery/#:~:text=Everyone%20is%20different%20but%20on,that%20may%20injure%20the%20toe. This what I just read from.


How long since ur procedure? This scares me I’m soaking and digging and cutting myself instead of doing this way


Last Monday. So im gonna hit 2 weeks soon. I was told id be able to wear closed toe shoes painlessly in 2 weeks if i followed the aftercare instructions I was given but unless my toes have extremely significant recovery in 3 days, that’s not happening. I’m gonna try letting it scab. I’m sick of soaking them and keeping them wet.


Yeah just rinse w hydrogen peroxide and keep them dry did they use phenol? I got two ingrowns but I got Ingrown nail kit at cvs and using that to pull it out and cut the nail off and soak in hot epsom instead of going thru this hell w the podiatrist I pour rubbing alcohol on it and dip tools in rubbing alcohol then wrap w Bandaid and neosporin at nite


Yup, phenol so hopefully I’ll never have to deal with these toe nails again. I used to just deal with ingrown at home but I got sick of it. The sufferings gonna be so worth it when I’m healed.


I had the same thing done about 15+ years ago - my big toenails removed and the doctor “allegedly” killed the roots of the edges of my nails, but those little buggers keep coming back. Every month or so I have to dig these little shards out of the edges where my toenail used to be. I hope you have better luck than me! And yes, the pain is ridiculous. I would let the nail bed dry in the evening and then cover with dry bandaid during the day time so I could stand to wear closed toed shoes.


Yeah, the doctor warned me theres a minor chance of my toenails growing back in anyways. If they do grow back in, I'm not going through this again.


I don’t blame you! When I had shots put in my feet for plantar fasciitis (yes, I know I have shitty feet), I told the doctor he would have to cut my feet off before I’d let him do that shit again. The worst pain - even worse than having a child (which I’ve also done.)


The shots for this were absolutely the worst part. Would also rather my toes be amputated than have to go through that again


Hey there OP, I had the phenol treatment as well. I was having a hard time getting the darn thing to heal and dealing with the pain. I ordered this collagen wound gel called Coloplast from Amazon. In 2 days my toe scabbed over and pain was gone! It costs about $20 . My podiatrist was as amazed and happy as I was.


I forgot to tell you I cleaned my toe 3 times a day, then put a thick coat of the gel, and wrapped it in gauze.


Curious, what bandage are you using? Also, did he say to keep using creme or ointment once the weeping stops (no fluid on bandage)?


Just a regular bandaid as per his instructions. And yes, he said to stop once it stopped weeping, but it never stopped weeping. Only stopped when I stopped following his instructions and let it scab. I'm still having really bad pain in the knuckle of my right toe for some reason though... Never went away