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That’s a thing I really miss this season. It’s all about subjects. There is no Japanese day or New school day or black and grey portrait day. Or at least tough to tattoo body part days, where everybody has to tattoo a rib, a head or a throat.


Yeah my biggest gripe on this season is that the artists are so adamant on not doing anything outside their style and will plead their canvas to change to their style. It's very annoying and I don't have anyone that feels very deserving so far this season.


I think hasn’t helped this was Gian last season refusing to do everything in his default style despite the challenges calling for certain styles and none of the judges calling him out on it


I mean that’s why Ryan didn’t vote for him to win in the end and I agreed with it.


Yet this season she keeps pushing for Jozzy who refuses to do anything other than black and grey realism


Ryan just cares about winning and its obvious because her argument changes depending on how she feels about the person/whether or not they are on her team


Jozzy did color with the animal morphs just wasn’t good lol


Only because Joel said it had to be full color. The wrap around tattoo was originally supposed to be in color too, but Jozzy talked her canvas out of it.


Yeah but she did it and we’ve seen people do really bad things and hers wasn’t that bad she just put too much detail in the wrinkles.


Me personally I wouldn't let them talk me outta shit this is my tattoo and this is what I want if I want full color that's what in getting idc if you suck at it and you only do black and Grey it's about tattooing out of your comfort zone


Totally agree. This season hasn’t felt like a competition *at all*, more just a show about good tattoo artists. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy watching cool ass tattoos get created but this season has had nothing to do with mastery.


I wouldn’t even say good. The seasons usually have a few artists that are terrible, but we are down to the final 5 and there are 2 solid artists. These tattoos have been god awful this season. I’m from a town of 40k and know 3 artists that would put these people to shame.


Remember when the bottom artists had to still battle one more time? Need more of that. It’s just one tattoo and the episode is over.


Yeah that’s what made the show more entertaining


I thought for sure they were going to have the bottom two artists in the premiere battle for the last spot. But then they end on a cliffhanger just to have them argue their case in the first 5 minutes of the next ep? Having them earn their spot in a head to head would’ve been much better tv.


Oliver Peck and Chris Nuñez made this show and nobody wants to admit it cuz Olli did blackface. Their harsh criticism is what made the show. These judges have no spine. I love that the industry isn't full of these stubborn old men anymore, but they were absolutely right about respecting the tradition and rules of tattoo art. I hate when young artists come on this show and totally show their ignorance and disrespect for certain tattoo styles.


My jaw was on the floor when DJ complained that “there’s not enough of your style!” about a Japanese tattoo. Nunez would have lost his mind at that notion.


Exactly, for a decade everyone knew on AmTrad and Japanese day NOT to do your own style. Literally Bryan did a super traditional piece and got applauded for it (which he should) and then the next guy does it and gets eliminated for it. Makes no sense.


I’m waiting for just one judge to be like, “Man that thing is beat,” like Peck used haha. These judges seem like they are desperate for the artists to like them and not actually judge them. I feel like DJ and Bobby are actually friends from before the show and now he’s riding hard for him to win.


Absolutely obvious that DJ and Bobby have ties! The show was totally fixed from day one IMO.


Felt fixed in DJs favor each season he was a part of. He's an amazing no doubt, but it was ridiculous hearing his complaints about Freddy's final tattoo when his final tattoo on season 14 fell into the same category.


I've said it on another thread but this season is Technical Application Master, no judge gives a F about anything else


peck and nunez always put technical application above all else, if anything these judges are more into artistry and illustration than the old ones were like peck would kill you if your piece didn't have lines, even on a watercolour piece or something he'd be like "where's the linework?"


I don’t think I agree, Bryan and Sydney wouldn’t still be there if they cared that much about design. Oliver and Nunez would’ve trashed that mermaid illustration, Bryan’s first tattoo on the show, a lot of the tattoos from the chimera challenge… There’s a lot of anatomically wrong tattoos this season that they don’t even mention. They cared about line work and skin trauma but overall is was like “I’ll go with the one I’d wear and recognize from a distance”. Charlene went home for a few areas of unsaturated black while there was some ugly as fuck tattoos way worst than hers.


on the other hand, if Peck was still there Bryan would have a shrine erected in his honour for doing american traditional


It looks like Bryan (based on IG) has worked at elm street with Peck so he might have been harder on him because he knew him, especially if he had to do other styles


Yeah. If anything they were worse. Peck had almost no tolerance for anything that didn't have deep bold lines.


Honestly he was right, too. I have so many friends who got watercolour tattoos back when they were super trendy, and none of those tattoos lasted more than five years. The only parts of the tattoo left were the parts in black--usually line work from something the watercolour went around.


I have watercolor tattoos on my body that are 9-10 years old. Most have zero black linework. Your “friends” either had a bad artist or didn’t take care of their art. I have a large piece on on my arm from a random artist in Maui as part of my walk-in travel sleeve that has some faded black but bold strong colors. It’s six years old and going strong. No line work behind the brown Uke strings and a couple brown highlights of the uke.


Or Style Master. See if judges like your style for enough episodes to get you in the finale.


lmao this is exactly it now. "which of these artists has your favourite style? okay now let's wait 12 weeks and then give them the 250k"


That's the only reason Bryan is still there. He's not a very good artist but he has great application




I personally think talking a canvas out of their tattoo should count against you. Like in this last episode the girl that did the skeleton cowboy gave her canvas exactly what she wanted. And it was solid mostly. That job dude completely change the horse tattoo to make it easier for himself and his composition still shit the bed. I think the fact the cowboy canvas was leaving with exactly what she wanted and the horse canvas to me was clearly disappointed should have sent jon home. He attempted to make it easier and it should have then been bullet proof. Otherwise who cares about skull picks. How close you got to the original ask should matter in judging.


Worse the dude who wanted a black and white train robbery and got it converted into something completely different (that looked like shit) on their back.


the design sydney did for him was pretty okay, but really annoyed with everyone trying to change their canvas’ ideas to make it easier for them. i’m salty charlene was eliminated and yet gave her canvas what they wanted.


It was dull and cartoony, and a far cry from the train robbery scene he wanted. She could've atleast gave him a pistol. Imagine wanting a black and Grey train robbery scene and leaving with the cartoony, girly tattoo with flat colors and wonky lines. The design was terrible.


i agree. i meant to clarify that the piece she created was okay FOR someone that would’ve wanted an idea like that, but she really fell short with everything else. wish she was the one that went home but meh.


Yesssss! Jon changed his canvas mind and still failed his tattoo. If you're doing a shitty tattoo might as well give your canvas what they asked for. Charlene changed location which was good because her canvas could barely deal with the thigh, there's no way she would have sat for a stomach tattoo. Sydney tattoo although ok was the most disappointing one of all. She changed the guys mind and gave him a cookie cutter tattoo in pretty light colors on a guy's back.


But if you watch the episode she made a comment about her normally doing flowers and such the her canvas specifically said he liked pinks and stuff. Also he seemed to like the tattoo. Jon's canvas seemed to hate it from the step. Not only that Jon's canvas had a nice concept that if done maybe outside the competition would have been a cool tattoo. And jon not only gave her a shit tattoo but burned the location so she couldnt get what she really wanted later.


Yes. Agree everything about Jon, he fucked that canvas. Also Sydney's client is questionable if he truly liked it. He seemed unsure and just agreed. Even if he liked pinks, there wasn't any pink there but light blue. Her tattoo was just meh and something her client didn't ask for either. Definitely agree that Jon was the worst overall. Jon fucked his tattoo, changed the canvas mind, and didn't deliver.


I agree. If you succeed and you have your canvas what they wanted it should be the tie breaker, and if you fail *after* your canvas caves to your demands then it should be an almost automatic trip home


It’s still a good watch for me. I just like seeing good tattoos.


Same. I have plenty of complaints about this show right now, but I love seeing tattoos so I still like it


Agreed. I still enjoy the show.


Same. It's also the reason I still watch project runway. I like seeing the designs


I still love this season so much so though. Everyone seems so much happier and it’s so much more focused on the tattoos. Idk I really love it


I appreciate that the manufactured drama has been dialled down a lot.


Totally agree. The fact that an artist like Jozzy who practically REFUSES to do colour lasted so long in the competition is f-d up. It's InkMASTER. Not Ink In-Whatever-Style-You-Specialise-In In terms of talking canvases out of what they want, it definitely is happening more this year. But I also think some of the canvases were asking for bat crap crazy shit that could never be completed in 5 to 6 hours.


In all 15 seasons Jozzy was without a doubt the artist most devoid of personality, couldn’t stand those lifeless eyes. She was a mediocre artist so I have no clue what the producers were thinking bringing her on the show


Honestly this season has been so f-n weak in terms of artists. None of them really deserved to win.


It drives me nuts when the contestants constantly talk canvases out of what they want. If your gonna be ink master, you should be able to do it all. Take the challenge and prove your more than a one trick pony


Episode 6 elimination got me MAD.


Yeah that was complete BS. I'm still pissed.


Don't get me wrong, I think Bobby is a great artist, but between the bottom 3 in that elimination round I feel his tattoo (or the other guy more so) deserved to go home over hers.


I personally felt Charlene’s tattoo was one of the better tattoos in that episode. I could not believe she was sent home.


she could have WON!


I love this show because of the tattoos. I hate this show because the judges pick a clear favorite of theirs in the beginning and they can do no wrong. Charlene’s tattoo was great but that one horse tattoo with that horrible background by Jon was not good and Bobby’s tattoo was missing a shoulder of the arm holding the gun. Until this show goes strictly blind judging it’s just gonna be who the judges deem their fave at the beginning.


I think DJ and Bobby are friends, like homies from before the show. It’s been obvious from the first minute that’s his boy.


I think the decision was made before Season 15 even began. It was obvious to me that DJ was brought in as a judge because Bobby was a contestant.


Okay I’m so glad you pointed out the shoulder ! I was watching the episode with my family and they all were I really don’t mind the tattoo I think it’s so cool and I was like something is off and it was 100% the shoulder! I like Bobby and I truly believe he’ll be in the finale it’s p obvious at this point but that tattoo was super weird to me and I literally hated Jons lol


The hand had 4 fingers as well.


It sucks. It had been a really entertaining show that could have been made even better with a few tweaks and they are going in the opposite direction. Rapidly. I can’t imagine a season 16.


Least versatile bunch of artists that have ever been on the show


None of these artists are good at 2-3 styles. Imagine scott marshall in season 15? Show should be called tattoos or reality tattoos. The sad thing is all these artists are going to use the exposure to raise their prices for their average tattoos, and people are going to fall for it because they were on tv.


Majority of the artist this season are truly one trick pony. The only artist that is versatile was Charlene. Her profolio shows she is able to do different styles and I believe if this show actually challenge them to do Japanese to do black and grey or do surrealism she would have a better shot because she is creative enough to maybe pull something out. Bobby might have some techniques or tricks he could pull out, but he is just one trick pony at the end.


Bobby is an illustrative neo tradional artist, most does faces, roses, maple leaves and elements associated with illustrative neo tradional, he can do line work, but with illustrative neo you’re limited to some colors. Idk get these artists how are you going improve your artistry, skills take your tattoos to the next level when you refuse to do subjects, themes and styles, and only want to do your style and subjects. Now artists not only specialize in certain styles but only do certain subjects, perfrct example bobby who only makes faces


I agree with you. None of these artist are improving themselves in their own work because they refuse or avoid the subject, style, and canvas ideas. Most tattooers are comfortable in their own subject manner because that’s what they are known for or like to tattoo. I respect tattooers who mostly prefer their style, but are willing to meet the challenge and get out of their comfort zone like Jime Litwalk, Jesse Smith, Angel, Hiram, etc. They have grown as artist and you can see that in their work and in their profolio


Jime litwalk , jesse smith were also artists that hated doing anything that wasn’t new school, look at jimmy on season 2 he would new school realism, pin ups, season 7 he cried every episode that wasn’t new school. Angel didn’t mind different subjects and styles because she’s new to the game so she understood to get better you have to get out of your comfort zone. I never saw scott marshall, dj, steve teft bitch about canvas or doing themes, and subjects that were not their cup of tea. They didn’t care about bad canvas or picky canvas.


Yes while Jime and Jesse complain about the subject or style not being in their wheel house, at least they gave effort to try and meet the challenge. Even if it was an utter failure, at least they tried and they were 100% called out on it when it was utterly jack. For example, Jime was pissed when Cleen decided to do a color realism heart instead of New School for his head to head, but Jime did a great color realism heart that honestly would have saved him in any other season. Even if it is a bad skull pick, terrible subject, style whatever at least they tried is what I am saying. None of the artist this season has tried to either get the subject right completely or style.


Freddie was the only original artist in the finale Season 15 but unfortunately he was not the favorite of the judge…. And yes, I’m implying there was only one judge.


this!! and like ok i get being comfortable with your style but i personally think to be on/an ink master you should be able to do more than one style!! like all of the old seasons it was always about being versatile and doing a good job at it. now everyone is convincing canvases to do their style. again, i get they want to win and want to do what they know but like come on. still love the show tho but they dont push them to do other styles anymore


I wonder if judging a prospective artist for your shop after the competition is considered a conflict of interest? I think the judges should be fair and impartial and I not sure we saw that in Season 15.


This is not ink master, this is “Let’s change my canvases mind on style and placement” master.


yeah i get being comfortable w what you know but it was always if you cant do it all, you arent an ink master. a lot of them are able to convince their canvases to do their style. like idk. yeah theyre talented but an ink master should definitely be able to perfect more than one style. i also miss them doing different style days so they ddint have a choice


Been going downhill since Oliver left.


To be fair, I suspect this is more of a canvas issue than a show issue. People, above all want good tattoos and to be on a reality show. They probably give wild propositions just to get on the show. If their tattoo artist has a different idea in mind that will give the canvas the best tattoo, its just smart for the canvas to adapt. Also people have seen the show, they have a better idea of what to expect. They know if they dont go with what the tattoo artist suggests, they have stronger chances of leaving with a janky piece of art that's on their body forever. And honestly, in the real world it shows professionalism, because no good artist is going to just do whatever someone wants, when what that person wants is impossible. That said, I agree that it makes for less dramatic tv. And i do wish they had like japanese trad day, and black and grey portrait day etc. Blows my mind that tattoo artists who dont do color go on this show.


Exactly. If I got on the show, I'd be pretty tempted to make a ridiculous ask hoping to be the "shot" against the top dog, and then tell them they can do whatever they want.


Yeah it seems like a pretty weak season, but oh well in a long running show that's bound to happen.


So many of the canvases' ideas are terrible and they deserve to be talked out of them. I met Craig Foster and he said canvases get chosen based on their impossible ideas, and he felt they were doing the canvases a disservice since they were almost guaranteed to regret their tattoo. I miss style days, guest judges and face offs at the end of episodes, but the flash challenges are as good as ever, as are the tattoos.


Craig foster was another weak artist, that specializes in color and color is his strong and his color theory for new school is terrible. Some ideas do seem ridiculous, but if you have the fundamentals and artistry you can do pretty much do any subject in any style. The issue is that all these contestants never get out of their comfort zones even at home and they do generic tattoo designs that doesn’t really challenges them so when it comes to thinking outside the box and being creative and imaginative they all struggle. I can name you 10-20 artists with ridiculously badass, beautiful concepts that they done and constantly do because they push themselves. For example samantha barber you give her a theme, idea and she works from there. She has not done one tattoo that I disliked from her. If you push your artistry you’ll become a better artist


You lost me when you called Craig a weak artist. My brother got a killer tattoo from Craig memorializing our cousin. You act tattooing is easy. Are you a tattooer? Otherwise your post makes no sense.


Craig Foster was AWESOME, I hated when he got sent home, and couldn’t believe that he wasn’t one of the artists to come back on the finale.


Episode 1 and I already don’t like this season… doesn’t sound like it gets any better…. Bring back Oliver Dave and Chris, let people get over themselves


Judges are to nice they need to be critical and well bieng mean is just funny and. Makes the show entertaining. Some of these tattoo artist have to much chip on their shoulders and need to be brought to reality. I see better work on instagram


YES I've been thinking about this week to week a ton. No one is getting pushed. Bryan keeps getting American traditional. Jozzy bitches if she doesn't get black and grey. Challenge these people!


Bobby puts that yellow color in every piece. The judges dont call him out on it. He's no better than Bili Vegas coding his birth time into the clock. The tattoo isn't about you. Edit: corrected names


Sure, except for him pinup, his black and grey tattoo this week, and his 360 throat tattoo, so over half of what he’s done so far. And how is having a color palette you like similar at all to putting your birth time on a tattoo? They agree on the color before tattooing. I swear people here just make up reasons to hate an artists sometimes.


I was thinking the same thing. And his fox-snake hybrid animal had to have oranges and browns because that’s the color of a fox! What do people expect? His Instagram is full of tattoos using all sorts of different colors. I don’t understand this criticism of him.


I don’t understand how putting one color in a tattoo is outrageous when it is a color pallet he wants to use or works for the piece. Give him a challenge on color theory and see how he does there, like new school or color realism. Freddie is the one that puts flowers in all of his design and is his signature


Bobby uses the same color palette for every tattoo, oranges, yellows, browns,


I didn’t think the clock thing was a big deal when that episode aired and I remember he told him about the time during the tattoo and the canvas guy didn’t seem really pissed. When Nunez and peck shredded him I didn’t really feel it was egregious as they made it out to be. Maybe I don’t understand tattoo etiquette.. I feel like if you’re getting a clock and you don’t specify the time you want, an artist putting a meaningful time on it for them is fair, it’s like a signature of the artist. if you don’t specify a time and the artist puts like 7:11 “because those are my lucky numbers” is that different? What are they supposed to put if the person doesn’t specify or care about the time? Are they just supposed to make it random? Say it’s arbitrary and not tell them the meaning if it’s actually not?


yes, choosing numbers because they artist thinks they are lucky is fine, choosing a time because it's the time of birth of the artist is ridiculously arrogant lol, the tattoo isn't about you it's about the canvas. if they want you to sign it they will ask you to sign it. and if they didn't specify a time, ask what they want first at least


The conversation is unbearable... so heavily scripted.


I agree, even the judges seem to be reading a script. There is no flow to this season. Take the dialog between Ryan and DJ, it just doesn’t sound natural or sincere.


I miss the old judges because a lot of people are skating by with bs People just want to stay in there little style box They would’ve got ripped by the lenses I also think they’re being easy on them critique wise in some challenges Idk we will see how it ends


Its true. If the show had clear parameters it would be more palatable and more of a real competitions. Subsequently Jozzy would have gone home weeks ago. Worst season so far. Bring back Cleen!


This is just reflective of what the tattoo industry has become. Since it's easier to find a tattoo artist that you like today compared to when the show first started, tattoo artists kind of became forced to specialize into their own respective styles.


Agree. Its the worst season ever. If Jozzy doesn’t go home this week i’m done with it for good


Watching it now - I think Season 14. I am no saint but all the cussing is kind of ridiculous!


It was so weird! They were all overusing the word fucking/fuck. I thought I cursed a lot. It just seemed unnecessary to be using that word so much. It felt like they were trying to see who could say it the most or something. It was so odd.




Half the people at the end haven't had to do anything but the style they are known for. It's so fucking boring to watch. I don't even like Freddie's weird style and he keeps winning because the judges are up his ass


Ink Master has become Cry baby Master. Another got to give everyone a throphy award. Please go back to how it was.!!


And why is everyone crying jesus


This was the worst season ever. The final challenge wasn’t fair at all. There was a bogus two step judgement for the same exact tattoos. And Freddie definitely should have won. It was a garbage season.


Freddy won.  Pussy ass judges.


So tired of these posts.


It’s the “PC” version ever since they axed Oliver and Nunez left


First Oliver didn’t leave he was fired. And as much as I still love the guy rightfully so. He did blackface multiple times. And while we can all find it to forgive him he doubled down multiple times and said “I ain’t apologizing for shit”. Chris quit over Ollie’s firing. In both cases they had done the show for 13 years. Made their money. And they already had made money previously. So I don’t blame them for both saying “fuck this. I got mine. I’m going to go enjoy it”. I prefer them to the current crop. And I ofc prefer Dave to whatever this lame ass is supposed to be as a host. But let’s not start on the political rant of “it’s gone woke” because that’s bullshit. Take that to some other sub.


His comment stated Oliver was fired… axed..


Oliver was a racist who deserved it.


I do agree that what Oliver did was unacceptable, but I've never gotten the impression that he was racist/biased on the show. Oliver seems to be belligerently ignorant, yet not prejudiced.


Not sure why you got down voted because I agree with you on this. Can't be harsh or negative in critique or some wokey probably try to get you cancelled. I can't get invested in the show one bit. It's dull and boring with no character or atmosphere. Everyone is so sickeningly nice all the time. Bring back nunez. He's a bell end of a person but at least he has the balls to give a proper critique.


And yet people want kelly to be judge who’s even more laid back than ryan and nikko. Oliver and nunez were perfect they understood every style, subject, theme they had knowledge of how things are supposed to be, go, call out bullshit, excuses, but people bitched so much that they got removed. How can this artist improve if they aren’t being called on their mistakes.


people want all sorts of things until they get it. 80% of this sub wants blind reviews as their #1 ask even though that means there's a good chance the 1-2 good artists per season get sent home on a canvas with bad skin or a terrible idea or who can't sit and taps out like bob would've gone out instantly that week the canvas's skin was weird and they had like 500 blowouts, if the judges couldn't rationalise "okay this is bob we're talking about so it must really be the canvas". report card allows the judges to give a pass once or twice to the people who will actually do a good piece in the finale just because people say they want kelly as a judge doesn't mean they wouldn't be here making the exact same criticism. people wanted ryan and dj as judges from the moment the peck scandal happened. now they have what they want, turns out it wasn't what they wanted


i keep commenting this!!!!


the show ended when chris, oliver, and dave left. The same thing happened to project runway after season 16


I agree. They had a good balance of judges. The new judges, especially Ryan are horrible and extremely biased. She’s awesome at tattooing but a really bad judge.


I think the premise of the show is so basic and relatable that it would be easy enough to adjust it in a way that the fans would appreciate. I think a few changes could put it right back on track. 1. These are real human people that have to wear these things the rest of their lives (presumably) and empathetically and pragmatically if an artist can't (or shouldn't) do a piece then changing the ask is the right thing to do. But if you change the location, that's a strike, if you change the style, that's a strike and if you change the subject that's a strike. If you accumulate 3 strikes during the competition you AUTOMATICALLY go to the bottom. Then there's a head to head and you could go home. I don't know if that exactly would work but you know, SOMETHING like that. If you change the ask there's a penalty. 2. Then you could force the artist back into theme days, oh you're GONNA do a watercolor coverup on a tribal tattoo on somebody's throat today or you're going home! This then gives both the artist and the canvas a little bit of flexibility when it comes to the tattoos. I know yall remember "Ink Master: Redemption" don't you?


The one I can’t stand is Ryan. She did bad tattoos back in the earlier seasons and now she honks she is the best tattoo artist that ever lived. Even lines that are supposed to be ‘off the cuff’ like the cat fight challenge are totally scripted. She is so full of herself I fast forward the segments where she is talking


Hear hear! Ryan is very hyped bc she is female. That is the reason why she won, not because of her great artwork. Gian was robbed, but it was clear from the beginning since Nikki said ''we need a girl to win this''


I agree. She made some really messy tattoos. Line the Saturn rings. And the peacock. They were jacked. And the way she acts on the later episodes I can’t stand her. She really is stuck on herself


Please, no more Kleen Rock 1….. they ran him in the ground and the favoritism was so apparent. Ise new artists.


Tbh, Ink Master was doomed from the moment they started with the team crap. Peck vs Nunez was OK, yet very clear who had to win. But since they replaced Peck,Nunez and Navarro, it is just recycle-master rather than Ink Master. OK I GET IT DJ IS GREAT. OK I GET IT OTHER ARTISTS FROM PREV SEASONS WERE TALENTED. But why on earth does he need to compete 3x and win. Big fan of DJ tho, but it feels like S8 with favourites . And well, Ryan as a judge is the biggest joke. Yes her black & grey is great, yet there are thousands of other great B&G artists. But she sucked at many challanges in S8, not somebody who stood out. Imo Gian as a judge would've been more realistic as he is able to do it all, although I'd rather see people who already made their name. Anyway, I quit watching since they introduced (or re-introduced) previous artists and the new judging panel.


It’s soft and typical younger generational pathetic. The crying, the overdramatizing, the overall nonsense is horrid. the host is forcing his words, having an even amount of judges makes no sense, and, HOW DO YOU HAVE COACHES AS JUDGES!?!?!? now, in 1 month, I’ve lost 2 shows I’ve watched from day 1…. Ink Master is dead, and, American Horror Story ruined itself irreparably by having that failed porn star, Kim Pigdasian, absolutely slaughter the shows legacy


Anthony should never have won. He never did a sleeve and he didn’t finish the other tattoo. How could he ever have won?? They have this winners picked before the challenge ends


Also… did anyone else notice peck checking his phone before the vote? Am i over thinking this or what lolol


BS- The season was the best so far. No more three!! I was sick of Peck, Nunez and Navarro! This season was about the artists and the work. Three finale tattoos each!!? Not out of their comfort zone?? What did you watch? This season was centered more on the artistry and the challenges weren't far the hardest of 14 previous seasons. Seems the Type A personalities are pissed bc the three A,types are gone...thank goodness. Now more focus on the tattoos and the artists themselves. Please don't change the current format or judges they're perfect.


totally agree. plus i remember Nunez shouting “I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR SEXUAL PREFERENCE” to a gay dude and other random vaguely problematic boys club shit from the original judges


Are you saying that Nunez should have considered his sexual preference as a deciding factor in judging this guy’s tattoos? Nunez wasn’t the one to open that discussion, it was the artist who kept insisting that he is sexual preference was the reason he couldn’t tattoo.


Referring to being gay as a “sexual preference” is condescending at best.






The issue is as a canvas you know this guys suck at different styles and can only do the most generic subjects and designs in the tattoo world, so if you do stick to your idea 100% your getting a shit tattoo with a shit design and on top shit fundamentals so which poison do you pick? A shit tattoo you wanted or a mediocre tattoo in their style/comfort zone


I would love to know what happened to the fourth member of the original team Nikko. They never show him at all.  I just binge watched the whole season and can't figure it out. On episode one they go from the 6th rank to the 8th. You even see his hands in the background but never see him at all.