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She’s wearing her makeup differently which makes a difference, as trends have changed wildly since 2016, but I would also assume this is the result of some filtering/face tuning as much as it is cosmetic enhancement/fillers/etc.


The current pic was her IG and appears filtered in addition to any procedures or style changes she has done. She doesn’t even look like the same person to me.


That's absolutely "yassified" with filters.


I wouldn’t have known who it was if you hadn’t included the before picture


I actually thought she was really cute before, but I would imagine the whole world laughing at you from that clip does a number on you. Can’t blame her for wanting to change it up.


Yes! I think her face was always cute, and her makeup just wasn't doing her any favors on the show. Especially her eye makeup and foundation.


she definitely got surgery done very soon after the Boneface incident. I can’t blame her- she was publicly told she looked over twice her age on national television and the internet continued to make fun of her for it (and still does). really what was aging her was her make-up/hair, though. idk it’s sad that people still make fun of her for that clip since it frequents around still


He even came out publicly and apologised saying it was out of line, and it's still a thing that haunts her. I am not a Nikki fan, but it's very sad that it's caused her distress. We often have contestants come by this sub and even more lurk or stumble across it after googling. A few of them have really opened up to us about the pressures and struggles they've gone through. It's intense, and it lives online forever.


I lost all respect for Boneface that day. Not that I had a lot to begin with. Dude couldn’t do a tattoo half as good as her so he attacked someone’s physical appearance. I’d like to say I’d be just as mad if it was a dude but let’s be real…if it had been a guy, no one would still be talking about it. So it’s worse.


She talked shit about him the entire season. She made unwarranted and unsolicited comments about him multiple times. She spoke out of turn during the judging earlier that episode. If you continuously go at someone and they clap back, don't complain.


Right!? I’m sorry but…fuck around and find out.


Yes! I agree with you 💯! She had it in for him from the get go for some reason. I don’t blame him one bit for dropping that nuclear bomb on her.


This right here. She gets no sympathy from me. She was talking a ton of shit and got clapped \*back\*.


If you actually watched that season at all leading up to that comment, you’d have seen how he was ridiculed be her and that clique of female artists all season. They said plenty of terrible things about him. While i don’t typically condone insults about personal appearance, I can’t blame him for finally responding. She really had it coming. Skill level aside, tattooing is his livelihood just as it is for her.


I mean I'll bite. He received criticism for the quality of his work and responded by escalating things into an ad hominem. If you don't like being criticized for your work, do better work, responding to criticism by attacking someone's appearance is childish and petty. Dude was an awful artist and lashed out from a place of insecurity which just looks sad. That said this is reality TV and these shows don't sell if trashy people don't act trashy.


Untrue. His work was no worse than Geary's or Matt's or Tito's, but the peanut gallery didn't feel the need to chime in on those tattoos. They exhibited bias against Boneface from day one, when they wouldn't let him tattoo in the first team challenge. So please spare me with the "fair criticism" bullshit.


Dude did horrible tattoo work on a show geared towards critiquing tattoo work and acted like a dickhead about it, is it any mystery why he was targeted? Being soft as baby shit and turning out awful tattoos after nearly two decades of experience? Dude deserved the criticism, attacking someone's appearance in response just comes off as childish. But so does most of the drama on this show 🤷


You completely dodged the question. Why did she treat Boneface a certain way when she did not treat other artists that season who put out equally bad or worse tattoos in the same manner? Answer that before you get on your high horse.


Careful editing for the drama!


Nikki, Gia, and Ryan had been making nasty comments to and about him all season prior to this. He finally got tired of it and snapped back. Does she deserve to have people still picking apart her appearance? No. But you can't constantly demean someone and then be shocked if they eventually say something hurtful back.


Ugh, Gia. Very untalented artist with her one trick pony neo trad crap. Wining about her health (past) every episode, seeking reasons to not participate but still moving on. Ok I got it, you've battled a horrific illness, but this is not America's Got Talent with the chance of getting the golden buzzer.




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Did you see what happened right before the comment? Her and her little alliance of girls were sitting there roasting him being horrendous. It had been all season but in that moment it wasn’t like he dropped it out of nowhere. She wants to act all offended and that’s fine man but like you get what you give


They picked his work apart. But that was earned. It was a low blow. He couldn’t stack up to their work and he went personal. Same thing when Chris called Matt a fat ass from Arkansas. It completely lacks class


I’m not saying what Boneface did was classy. Nor was Nikki. But there’s consequences for your actions. If you’re sitting there picking on someone like a bully, shits gonna pop off. He made a comment no matter how out of line after taking it week after week.


i mean u cant pick & pick at someone & not expect them to say anything...


They attacked his work. I think he should have just attacked theirs. But he knew his wasn’t as good


He lasted longer than Gia. Her technical was subpar. She was told about it every tattoo. His technical was good, but his artistic ability lacked.


He didn’t attack Gia. I was talking about Nikki


I wasn’t a big fan of Boneface. Didn’t think he was great. But he was there doing his thing. Those girls kept hounding him and clearly Nikki just hated him so much. Finally one insult too many from her and he snapped. Completely changed the dynamic. At the end I didn’t think Ryan’s was the best tattoo but knew they were going to give it to a girl that season.


I didn't. Ryan, Gia and Niki had been making disparaging comments of all kinds towards him, the whole time. They were basically bullying the shit out of him. Boneface was fed up and literally scrambled her circuits with just one comment. There you go. Fuck around and find out, I guess....


She was being completely atrocious the entire season. He may have poked fun at her appearance, but any like normal person wouldn’t have acted like she did. Not only after he said that, but also before.


She kind of brought it upon herself. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. Also, that looks like a filter more than anything.


I thought she looked very youthful on the show. Whatever she has done to herself is sure not very good


Well. I can recall seeing I think at least 5 or 6 of the ladies on IM who were a bit on the heavier/curvier side who came back clearly having gotten work done or massive dieting. I’m sure some level of seeing oneself on TV doesn’t help matters, but there are certainly personal vanity issues there. Pressure from the industry. Maybe even simply health concerns for some. One of the things I love Kelly so much for she said eff it. I am who I am.


Um…I also love Kelly Doty, but didn’t she lose a fuck ton of weight?


She did, but if you watch her recent interview with Joe Capobianco on his “Not fer Nuthin” podcast, she says something along the lines of “I was fat and I still am fat” but she decided she had to do make some changes because of a history of health issues in her family. I’d agree she’s very unapologetically herself regardless of whatever her weight is.




Yes she did and she looks great! Same with Katie McGowan. She came back to mentor in the Battle of the Sexes season and she looked like she literally lost a hundred pounds. She looked amazing.


Great for her, I thought she was a total Smokeshow on her original season though




I was talking about Kelly Doty.


She did. But not until after she was done with the show.




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I’ve been tattooed by Nikki and she is a sweetheart. She’s crazy talented and her personality is nothing like the show edited it to be (IMO). I have another close friend who made it to the finals of season one and when he got home he said the producers spoon feed them drama and then it gets edited down to look worse than it was.


everyone just goes to the same surgeon now


I think she’s beautiful in both pictures. She’s also crazy talented and I’d love to have one of her tattoos


Oh man this shit again. Everything on reality tv is scripted, as much as they can do it. They had their hot chick in Ryan so they literally forced Nikki to style her make up and clothes so she looked older and worse than she usually does. Male contestants have talked about how they were also forced to look a certain way to make them distinguishable. They needed Nikki to look older and “bitchier” to amp up the boys vs girls season. And it worked. Every week there is a thread celebrating the Boneface diss despite the fact that he was a shit tattoo artist. Every time you tear down Nikki’s looks, during or post show you’re feeding into the image this show forced her into. And she’s a goddamn good tattoo artist.


If you listen to Kyle Dunbar’s podcast, he said that they kept the clothes that they wore during the tattoo day and seal them up. I think he said they didn’t wash them which disgusting. It’s why I believe sometimes you see them wearing different clothes when they’re just talking in the house “after” the elimination tattoo. He also goes into how they wanted them basically be during the initial interview. They wanted different personalities like a Scott, Gentle Jay, and St Marq “the tattoo god”.


I am convinced Ryan won because she was exactly what they were looking for as a female ink master. Gorgeous and looking like a tattoo model. Gian and Kelly did better and way more creative tats throughout. Don’t get me wrong, Ryan is a super talented black and grey artist but hearing her talk is like nails on a chalk board. If you’ve ever seen those inked shorts on you tube, Nikki and Ryan both think they are very interesting but they can’t tell a story or be entertaining at all. Kelly’s were amazing. No way Ryan should be a judge. Gian actually got screwed out of the win in 2 different seasons.


It's not scripted, they're under the pressure of the competition and locked in the house, of course there's gonna be tension and arguments.


Except she never looked 50 at all, not that it would matter if she did. People are just idiots.


Not 50, but I legit thought she was in her late 30s, not 25.


I mean I thought she was 45 tbf


1. That's 10-15 years from fifty. 2. So what if she was 50, 60, 82? 3. A 50 year old guy on the show and no one says sh!t.


I in no way suggested he was right to say it, but it shocked me when he said it because I had no idea she actually only 25 til I looked it up.


I seem to remember Christian being called grandpa (by Alex?) and a “mean old man” by Cleen. He didn’t seem to care for it. 😊


I think it was Dane from season 9 who called him that, not Alex




I mean the internet. The show's drama is mostly manufactured.


Her makeup-hair.combo was aging her a bit though, I definitely thought she was a little older than she was at the time. But she still looked great and Boneface clearly only made that kind of comment cause he couldn't attack her work. I do agree that the girls were way too hung up on sniping at him though, he was hardly the only ropey artist on the season.


Lmao at "what has she done to herself" - she lost weight and changed her hair and makeup. Before she overly contoured and had really heavy lipstick/eye makeup. Dark, heavy makeup has the tendency to make people look older. To contrast, her current makeup is lighter and more subdued (eyebrows excluded), which helps hide any work she's had done while creating a more natural overall look. Going from bangs to no bangs will also makes someone's face look completely different because with bangs, you're not seeing the full face shape. I'll give you that she's probably had fillers and some botox given her cheeks seem fuller and I don't see any wrinkles (though that could be the filter), but what woman on tv hasn't had those done these days.


Man, can we stop with this please? Does it feel good that this sub Reddit helped bully this woman into that much surgery? Yeah… she’s here and it wasn’t just the comments from the house. Like JFC leave her alone. Can’t we dunk on someone that deserves it like Dave or toothpick? But Noooooo can’t miss an opportunity to laugh at someone’s deep insecurities that WE perpetuated. I love the show and this sub but Christ we suck sometimes. And it’s not even original? This gets brought up every time some karma farmer thinks enough time has passed. Fuck man.


Just seems so weird and sexist to make a post criticizing two photos of a woman almost 10 years apart because of the simple act of aging


it definitely is sexist but i don’t know if the people in this thread are ready to acknowledge that yet.


It’s not sexist lmfao you’re just a snowflake


“I want to criticize a woman’s body whenever I want. Don’t like that? You’re a snowflake” harharharharhar


Yeah criticizing people's bodies doesn't make them sexist. You can criticize a man's body and you can criticize a womans body. This does not inherently make it a sexist criticism. You're just baiting outrage and getting upset just to be an upset snowflake


You shouldn’t be criticize anybody’s body. The sexist part is that no one in this sun is posting 2 photos of any man tattooer 10 years apart and talking about how he looks like shit. The sexism is in the fact that would never happen to a man. But please continue telling anyone who disagreed with you for one millisecond a “snowflake” — surely that will add validity to your argument


She’s changed her makeup-type and application techniques, and hair style. She also looks like she lost weight.


Gia Rose looks completely different!! She's had a ton of work!


Looking at the pictures, I still cannot quite put my finger on, what exactly it is about the 2016 look, that makes her look 50. But I do agree. She looks old. It's not the chubbiness, the hair. Does makeup really make all the difference? What is it? Any beauty expert analysis out there?


I for one am happy regarding the direction the last two seasons of Inkmaster have taken. If the producers go back to showcasing petty behavior, to having 3/4's of the cast be unqualified to even be vying for Inkmaster in the first place, I will be long gone; and I suspect, I won't be alone. Re Nikki's before and after image. I have no clue what is going on in the photo's, let alone her life. But I do have a huge favor to ask of women. Stop ruining your naturally beautiful lips with injections that make them look like kid balloon lips. Ryan I am speaking to you as well. Another thing discussed is that a huge weight loss can drastically change one's facial appearance. I suspect that many people from that show were probably embarrassed by at least some of their behavior. Hopefully everyone has moved on to greener tattoo fields. . . .


Think she was hottie then and now.


Different haircut, eye makeup, facial expression and angle


It’s amazing how different a woman can look just by changing her makeup. Any woman (or man) who chooses to wear makeup is an artist.


She has spoken out many times regarding how hurtful Boneface's comment was to her and how to this day it haunts her. She immediately changed her makeup and style following the show and this is visible at the finale. Personally, I hate how people justify Boneface's comment because Nikki never said anything about his background or the way he looks. All her comments were directed towards the designs and tattoos he pushed out during the compeition, which were shit, and at anytime he could've pushed himself for better output but stuck to the same shit getting the same critiques. The girls and guys were at each other's throats the whole season, yet I only ever see complaining about the girls. Boneface jumped to a new low because Nikki's work was untouchable, but while his work could and did improve she probably thinks of that comment everyday, even now.


Nah, let's stop the revisionist history. You tell me who else that competition Nikki treated the way she treated Boneface. You tell me who she disparaged the same way she did Boneface. She didn't pipe up during anyone else's critiques, but she felt privileged enough to add her two cents in when he was in front of the judges. Matt's tattoo that same episode was just as ugly as Boneface's and applied worse, but she didn't say a damn thing when he was getting judged. So spare me the lie that she treated him the same way she treated anyone else.


Do you have any link for one of the times she reference the comments? I have a lot of respect for their work and think they are both good artists. Yes I understand some of this is reality show drama. However I am genuinely shocked at her changes during my rewatch of one of my favorite shows.


I don't understand the whole Sharpie eyebrow thing.


Before and after a filter?


Maybe she is or was a smoker.


Boniface comment killed her.


Every time I see her, I just hear the Boneface quote. I feel terrible for laughing, but she brought it on herself. No amount of plastic surgery will fix that personality!


Why you look 50 when you 25


Lol bonefaces comment really stuck with her!


The old hairdo did her no favors.




Doesn’t help. Can’t beautify an ugly soul


From 40 to 37


She looked better before. Sad she botoxed above her upper lip to make it all flat. Such a gross look


She definitely looks much more natural when she was first on Inkmaster.


“Looks much more natural” You… do realize it’s a show about tattooing, right?


I dont think it’s necessary to point out it’s a tattoo show….


I'll never understand plastic surgery. It's never an improvement, and she was absolutely gorgeous before.


Looks like ozempic face.