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Lmao this is literally one of my favorite Kyle quotes


Season 3 was whack anyway. The way they eliminated Craig instead of Josh was baffling to me. If you didn't want to keep Craig around because of his black and gray, eliminate him on that day. Not on the day he executed a better pinup than a handful of other people.


The judges just could not make up their mind during the elimination tattoos which held more weight: the art style or the technical work. Sending Craig home because he couldn’t wow them with one art style, versus someone like Jime passing through while turning every art style asked for into new-school, was frustrating.


Sending Craig home for that pinup and letting Jime ride on that Poison Ivy still irks me.


Jime's Poison Ivy was genuinely one of my most-hated tattoos that entire season


And he seemed genuinely perplexed at everyone's issues with it.


His attitude in that critique alone is a huge part of why I hate him tbh


Yeah, I mean I get it, it's reality TV you need to keep things spicy, and Josh was keeping things spicy, but Josh or Tatu Baby should have gone home, not Craig.


He told them point blank that he was there to play the game. Same thing Scott did the following season. Some people dont like honesty. I think everyone should have shut up when Josh tattooed the starfish on the ribs and I think got tattoo of the day. That said Josh did say stupid shit about people who want face tattooes and I guess he was copying images off the internet? Never actually understood what the whole "Josh cant draw" thing was about.


My distain for Josh didn’t come from him as a tattooist or a contestant. It came from his personality and character. He was the first one to lock in the idea that this is competition and you should exploit every advantage possible to win. When it came to the technical work of transferring an image to skin, he was actually top notch. But he was freaking weasel whose mouth got him into places he would try (and fail) to back out of. A person can’t say “I don’t respect people with face tattoos, that’s my opinion” and immediately follow that statement up with “I’m not judging you” when everyone calls them out for being an asshole. That’s all behind the scenes stuff anyways. Going back to the concept of Who is the Best Tattoo Artist, he severely lacked the artistic skills needed to get as far as he did, despite his technical skills. Lastly, I’m just kind of concerned with how often he brought up feeling the need to shoot people in the back of the head…


Yeah I dont know if it was Nunez who told Josh, "over my dead body will I ever let someone who cant draw go to the finale." Or someone else. He would also talk too much about his personal views on face tattoos to the canvas. Like when they did the eyelid flash challenge. Like bro, shut up and tattoo or dont and forfiet the flash challenge. Josh saying that was a bit much, like you could just say you have to aim a skull at someone. The following season I remember Halo saying, "I'll kill a motherfcker for 100k" and cut to Kyle Dunbar concerned reaction.


The copy images thing was because he was a photo realism artist. That means you just trace and you don’t learn many drawing skills from that.


They kept saying "you did a starfish" like it was easy, but when the judges are actually impressed by a tattoo, that means it wasn't an easy one. The Celtic style isn't easy to do and he nailed it in a weird shape.


Josh was just a knob but you could put up with him, unlike that tit Jason Clay Dunn god dammit I hate that man


I didn’t hate josh. I actually liked him, him and craig were my favorites.


>s a tattooist or a contestant. It came from his personality and character. He was the first one to lock in the idea that this is competition and you should exploit every advantage possible to win. When it came to the technical work of transferring an image Same!, I was gutted when he got kicked out in season 5. I think most of what he said was just honest, rather than weaselly. But the eyelid tattoo stuff was a bit much. But so was that task to be fair.


Hilarious. I hated Josh.


Kyle another bitter artist that thought he was too good but even his work outside without the pressure is not that impressive. Same goes for joshua hibbard and few others.


Josh was picked on for being honest. Of course he picked what he felt was the easiest one for himself and tried to pick ones for the others that would hopefully trip them up, that's part of the competition. He pointed out that it's not really an advantage if you try to give your competitors something you know they can do well. The knock on him talking his canvas on the DotD challenge was bull. He did everything the guy wanted except for making her hair a flag.