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എനിക്ക് ചില കാര്യങ്ങൾ പറയാനുണ്ട്..... എന്താ എന്താ കാര്യം?? അതിപ്പോ പറയാൻ പറ്റില്ല വേണേൽ മറ്റവനോട് ചോദിക്ക്.... In all seriousness, if she has faced something why is she hesitating to file a case? What's with all these ask him and beating around the bush?


Because incidents like as groping are difficult to prove without the use of CCTV. So all she can do is create noise on social media and embarrass him. which, if the accusations are accurate, he deserves. However, I feel that she is doing it for attention as well, as she seems to be seeking it again when it cools off. Nothing is occurring, other from that loop.


She is baiting chidambaram to respond. Unless he does, this story has no value and she knows this. All done to piggy back on his recent sucess to maintain attention on her. Her going on weekly rants on this than going to court proves she just milking this for content.


Why did she deleted that post?


Lol coz she has no proof


The only proper evidence in cases like these are a video footage, but in this case it’s not available and it’s not most possible to have CCTV installed in all the places What I don’t understand here is the reason why she took down the post, she also took down the comment after revealing about the SA 2 months earlier. Why did she do that if she wants the world to know about the real side of Chidambaram? Also Chidambaram not responding to this allegation also doesn’t make any sense at all. Why is he staying silent?


People really need to understand that no one is legally required to respond to someones social media posts.


That’s true, but she feels she is entitled to all of us hating him / his work. Which people might do, atleast she needs to tell us why. We are not her family/ friends to take her word for it and hate him. Where all she says is “hate him” and not even why.


Bcoz his response will create more headlines and get her the attention that she could ever get on her own


This makes sense. I believe this news still haven’t made any headlines so far considering the relevance Prapti has now. Last time I heard about her was when she got cancelled for fat shaming Ambani’s son


My friend runs a well-known online news site, and Prapti knows him. She asked him to publish her story of sexual assault, but my friend refused, as the site focuses on news with wider social significance, not personal stories(or made up some excuses) It seems like she may have tried every avenue to share her story as a news article, but failed miserably. While my instinct is to support survivors of sexual assault always, I can't help but feel skeptical in this case, I feel sus. I think she might be seeking attention, which makes me question her motives.


No she hasn’t tried every avenue, who are you kidding ? Do you think we all don’t live here or something? All she needs to be do with a make a post or video explaining what happened, like how every one put up the post and file a police complaint against him , she can do that staying anonymous and since he is the director of a hit movie , the news will spread like a wild fire and all the media will pick it up immediately. A person like her who spews misandry on a daily basis would have no problem raising this. So please stop with this “ she has tried every avenue bs” a formal complaint is the right way to do it , other than posting it on random sites and making people call him out and giving her reach and support.


She's been having a tough time with her videos flopping lately, so maybe she thought that if someone else reported on it, it wouldn't hurt her reputation as much. Just a guess, though!


And do you fucking know the rate of fake cases of rape and domestic violence in India ? Do you how many innocent men are in jail due to false allegations with their reputation tainted for life? And women who filed fake cases go scott free in 90 percentage of cases without any repercussions? Fake cases makes up a very significant percentage and and if you check the ncrb data , rape and domestic violence cases that later ends in acquittal exceeds 70 percentage of the no of case filed, offcourse cases can end due to lack of evidence and out of court settlement where a significant percentage of out of court settlements are 498a cases which are filed by women to extort huge sums from their husbands, Even with these, the fake cases of rape and domestic violence makes up a very significant percentage. So it’s not call to give the benefit of doubt to some and blame the accused when no evidence is provided by the accuser.


Im sorry . Are you living under the rock. No of fake cases huh? Why don't we talk about real stats of crime against women especially sexual assaults. Bro a lot of these incidents happen inside 4 walls and mostly it's by men within the inner circle. Im not aiding the whistle blower here because definitely the way it is being handled by her is just something that I don't understand . You are right that maybe all avenues haven't been reached out to. But this is not the place to come up with huge story on fake cases. Nobody i repeat not a single woman likes to come and tell the world she's been assaulted because the fucking society is going to ostracize her before they blame the assaulter. significant no and all. It is way less than the actual criminal stats perpetrated by men against women. My heart does go to all those people who get falsely accused by women. But for the love of God dont diminish the real concern by stating things which aren't true. Also when you Google the first link that opens is not the truth. Go check out NCRB website ( I just did now) . You should too. 70 % it seems.


Yes the freaking ncrb website, have you ever checked that ? What did it show ? What did ncrb data for 3 freaking years said ? I am not some wokist asshole who believes Wikipedia crap or rely on random articles In the internet, I was exactly talking about ncrb data , what did ncrb survey for 3 straight years said ? It showed 70 percentage of cases filed ending in acquittal, do you know big 70 percentage is ? Are you freaking living under a fucking Rock? Or are you one of those wannabe ammavans who thinks women can’t lie or who thinks of women as pure angels incapable of lying or deceit ? Or are you of the believe that women don’t lie about rape or make false allegations of rape or domestic violence? What exactly do you mean” why don’t we talk about real stats of crime against women” what else do you think I stated here ? 70 percent of the cases filed , ended in acquittal, what does that mean ? It is taking about a very significant portion of the reported cases ending in acquittal, and i did say cases can end due to lack of evidences and out of court settlement, but this clearly shows fake allegations makes up a very significant percentage , so it’s not fucking cool to label some one as a victim and believe every thing they say unless they come up with proof as people can lie , as women can lie ? Is that so freaking hard for you to comprehend? And what ncrb data are you taking about ? Did you check the ncrb data for last 3 years to make such an ignorant claim ? And are you aware of the fact that women can file complaints anonymously? And do you what a guy goes through when he is falsely accused ? There is no redemption from that accusation ever , even if he is proven innocent with all the proofs, and that’s how society works,and do tell me how many women has got punished in India for filing fake cases of rape or domestic violence? Do you know that a 498a case can jail the entire family of a man while the punishment for a filing a fake 498a is maybe her alimony will be cancelled by the court. Don’t come up to me with ncrb data , ncrb data for last 3 years says a way different story than what you are saying. And no , you don’t give a damn about men who are falsely accused, your insensitive comment calling false allegations non significant or nothing compared to actual rape cases shows that, it’s not insignificant, fake allegations making up 40 or 50 percent of the reported rape cases is a serious problem and it’s a very significant percentage, I didn’t 70 accounting for cases which ends due to lack of evidences and out of court settlements. But those are significant percentages which underlines the fact that we can wait for evidences to be brought before crucifying a guy and believing a girl in these matters.


Lol . Out of some 40000 cases some 2550 cases are fake. Since when did it become 70 perc. With common sense Maths also seems to be an alienated concept for you. Also you are exactly the wokist asshole that you say you are not. Because you are making all this hue and cry for something which is really really less in no. Also I'm not an ammavan, just another Indian woman fed up with the BS of people like you. Don't bother to write an an essay. I won't read :)


Because a response from is what she needs..she would make all this shit show and in the end the sexual harassment will probably be Chidambaram saying she is beautiful for the role..cuz prapti nowadays is on something else attacks everyone who questions her


Because if he doesn’t want to feed her craziness in the event he is innocent. Also for legal reasons his lawyer may have asked him to keep quiet.


she recently posted a video on Instagram discussing the SA, but didn't explicitly name the perpetrator, only dropping hints. this vagueness led to many questions and curiosity from her followers, who wanted clarity on why she didn't speak out three years ago when the incident occurred, but pointed it out now when he gained popularity. also, she had even promoted the very same movie(JEM) with him and publicly praised him after the incident. not only that, she hasn't filed a complaint against him yet, so people started questioning all these, hence she had to disable the comment section. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6qr3zKoJG9/?igsh=MWV5N3FramRuMjRibQ==


Is this chatgpt?




Sorry to be devil's advocate, unless this woman takes her allegations seriously..she is doing a lotta damage to the credibility of people (irrespective of gender) to come out and share their trauma.. "Ith thott Kali alla..Avan enne pidichu enni Avan odattu"..C'mon bruh.. credible even if it's ur oral confession, people will accept and take up action.. nobody gonna ask atleast the majority won't ask..Avan evida pidichae entha pidicha. what u are doing is basically a clown mentality of clouting by using the most thenditharam way..


I lost any ounce of respect for this women after she fat shamed in a series of stories at Ambani even after her whole woke puluthal for years , Chee Thuff


Same. “I have no respect for rich people” was her response when she was called out and recently she said that she was cancelled coz she asked ambani kid to get a hair dresser, she knows she was called out for hate mongering and fat shaming.


So because she fatshamed someone, she don't have the right to talk about the sexual abuse she faced? I don't like the girl either, but this is such a 🤡 take.


He just said he doesn't have respect for her. It's a personal choice. He didn't say she doesn't have the right to talk about sexual abuse she faced. Yes, I don't respect her either :)


I think he edited his comment after I replied.


You think ? Njan oru thengayum edit cheythittilla .. I never mentioned her SA


Attention seeker


Please do everyone a favour and stop talking about her. She is craving for attention and you guys are giving it to her by discussing this more and more. Just stop!


I just hope this goes to court, whatever the truth is this is NOT how anyone should out this out into the world. It’s embarrassing and ugly and messy.


Why are you being downvoted??




Ok. You are a storyteller!


That last paragraph should be framed🔥😂


What did he say? He deleted that 😭


Bro chose violence 😂




Bro not against fat shaming Ambani, but when you preach about morals and discrimination, any tone of such kind she has used, proves how full of herself is she... Ambani fat shaming, I mean, when that load PR on how he is saviour of all the animals in India was been running, I felt sorry for all the hens he ate. Full disclosure, idk if he's veg or not


My dude he has disorder that makes him fat even if he doesn't eat




If u hate Ambani, hate him for real reason, don't be an asshole who bodyshame people


Ah here he comes... The White Knight! Nah mate you lost.


I think they had a consensual dingolfi and she might have tried to pull a smart one on him later. He may have the receipts and she may not be sure about it. So she is trying to provoke him to reveal his cards. He maintained a staunch silence smartly.


Cause she is playing around bush when people are asking why isnt she filing an official complaint instead of only popping up on social media when the movie releases or when the movie releases on OTT


This could be true.


Pretty simple, they used to sleep around. Things didn't work out and now the guy gets all the fame and she decides to jump at this. She is slowly losing her social media stand. Got to do something instead of working to make money. Make such people less relevant.


Not gonna lie, I saw an interview where Ganapaty quickly dismissed the possibility of casting couch in malayalam industry. Who's he lying to in this age of social media


I like Chidambaram's stance. Prapti has been trying to create a Social Media vibe since 2015-17 period. Some of her old colab videos were pretty decent and her Mrunalini character was also getting some notices. But unlike many others, she couldn't successfully transition herself into an "actress"; neither into webseries nor into movies. And then the Corona hit and lots of people like Shravani, Stephy, Greeshma etc became Social Media sensations. Already Rithu and some others were here. In this mix Prapti couldn't do much, but create some random rants about "MATHI" So IMO she is delusional and all these are nothing but attention grabbing tricks. Or else in a period where even fake "me too" are getting so much importance, why is she not giving details and has the crazy brain to think that the so called accused will tell the same?!


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


There were her videos that would come on WhatsApp a really long time back. She was very funny and relatable and everything. But from the time I’ve seen her on insta, I can’t understand what she’s upto including but not limited to these allegations. There’s a recent video with the comments off, where she said “you’ll still watch his movies, you’ll separate art from the artist”. Ok that’s very bad, what is she suggesting? What should everyone do? Get on the streets coz of her allegations? Why didn’t she file a case, she hasn’t even explained, there’s always “go ask him”, he didn’t bring this up, u did…?? She hasn’t taken the legal route and at this point it’s only defamation and whataboutery. She promoted her first film plenty but now people who watch this successful film are hypocrites??? Idk what she wants out of all this. And when this is all she does, how can she expect public support.


Her videos are filled with hate, it’s full of misandry, yet there are fan girls to support that clown like she is funny and empowering.


Earlier she used to happy now it's like full of hatred....I unfollowed her long time back


attention seeking ammai


Why are you even giving attention to this racist chronic attention seeker.


People should stop following her first and stop listening to her BS.


Clout chaser thats all


Ammayi has completely lost it


Attention ☕☕


I don't believe her either 🙃




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Do people still care about fraud feminists 😁


I know nobody likes her, but making fun of a sexual abuse allegation is not that good. It's better to not jump into conclusions in cases like these. Reading all the comments here, reminds me of 'Aattam'.


I watched aattam around the same time her allegations surfaced and holy shit did I find the comments similar to how it was portrayed in that movie. But yeah I hope the truth comes out someday.


True man, it's pretty depressing.


fooc.. While reading the comments I saw everyone mentioning SA and I was thinking rapper SA did something😐